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2006-07-18 Israel-Palestine-Jordan
MIT paper on possible Israel takedown of Iran Nuke Infrastructure (April 2006)
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Posted by 3dc 2006-07-18 17:52|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [28 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Basically, Israel can do it if and when they decide to.
Posted by Iblis">Iblis  2006-07-18 20:18||   2006-07-18 20:18|| Front Page Top

#2 Iblis,

I agree. I believe the U.S. don't want Israel to do it because if Israel takes out Hizballah, Hamas, PLO, Syria and Iran, Israel will get all the glory. Israel will look more competent at fighting terror because Israel is not into spreading Democracy, winning hearts and minds, or nation building. Just destroying the terrorists. I don't think the egos at the U.S. Govt. could handle someone else getting that kind of glory.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2006-07-18 22:03||   2006-07-18 22:03|| Front Page Top

#3 Wow. I'd say that case of heartburn is terminal, Poison Reverse. You don't actually BELIEVE your shit, do you?

Are you really this poisoned against everyone in the US Government?

That's just fucking stupid.

Godammit, you've just hit a nerve with your blanket bullshit. WHO the fuck are you?

There are millions of Americans who work hard to keep us safe, who work overtime without thanks, who serve in the military, who aren't the egotistical morons you've just painted them ALL to be. They're not perfect and they're not infallible, they're no different from most of us, in fact. Hell, they ARE us. I have ZERO doubt they, and I, would happily bitchslap you into another time zone for that blatantly stupid statement.

Again, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? You're the one with the ego problem. Grow up. Then apologize and beg them, and us, for forgiveness. Then fuck off. You've negated other posts which (maybe) contained good sense. Asshole. You've regressed to Poison Retard, again. Yeah, I know about your early days here. Fuck you.
Posted by flyover 2006-07-18 22:21||   2006-07-18 22:21|| Front Page Top

#4 No, tell us what you really think, flyover! Good thing you didn't include a graphic.

Poison, maybe you should figure out what your "kernel of truth" is and restate it more diplomatically, keeping in mind that we are supposed to avoid going nuclear because of all the political and radioactive fallout!
Posted by Jerert Creng3084 2006-07-18 23:02||   2006-07-18 23:02|| Front Page Top

#5 PR - get that knee jerk looked at
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-07-18 23:14||   2006-07-18 23:14|| Front Page Top

#6 Of course they could also launch from somewehere closer. Armenia is only 500 Ks away.
Posted by phil_b">phil_b  2006-07-18 23:22||]">[]  2006-07-18 23:22|| Front Page Top

#7 fly,

When I say that "Israel will look more competent", it was not a knock at the best military in the world (U.S.) When I say U.S. Govt. I don't mean the U.S. Military. My problem is that the U.S Military is not given enough freedom to fight the war on terror. I blame the Leftists, MSM and Democrats for the restraint. I never was into nation building or winning hearts and minds, or spreading Democracy in the Islamic world, just the destruction of the terrorists, decisively. I am very familiar with the Islamic mind set, and flowers and candy won't work, only absolute fear. I hope that explains things, if not, sounds like a personal problem. You are more than welcome to go ballistic, burst a vessel, nuclear, plagarize .com or what ever makes you happy.

BTW, what was it that I exactly posted in the past that was EVER anti-US Military. Trust me, I know who's military keeps me safe.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2006-07-18 23:32||   2006-07-18 23:32|| Front Page Top

#8 Poison Reverse, perhaps it would help if you explained whence came your understanding. Everyone knows that my husband travelled and worked around the world, and that the I lived for five years with him in Germany and Belgium, that .com spent the better part of two decades working in Saudi Arabia, that 49Pan and Jarhead are active military, that Oldspook is retired Special Forces now doing things to support the guys Over There, that JFM and dear anonymous5089 are French, etc. Where have you been and what have you done to shape your understanding? Some bits of that kind of information will allow others to better understand the information and postions you bring to the table.

Thanks much!
Posted by trailing wife 2006-07-18 23:56||   2006-07-18 23:56|| Front Page Top

11:16 Muzakki
23:56 trailing wife
23:37 ed
23:33 gorb
23:32 ed
23:32 trailing wife
23:32 Poison Reverse
23:25 Frank G
23:23 anymouse
23:22 anymouse
23:22 phil_b
23:17 Manolo
23:14 Frank G
23:14 Frank G
23:12 Anginens Threreng8133
23:09 mac
23:02 Lone Ranger
23:02 Jerert Creng3084
22:59 Fordesque
22:55 Frank G
22:50 john
22:48 Poison Reverse
22:45 Lone Ranger
22:45 DanNY

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