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2006-07-18 Home Front: WoT
Senator Clinton: All Americans are standing behind Israel
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Posted by Steve White 2006-07-18 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [26 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I look forward to your flip-flop quotes after November elections, biiiatch!!
Posted by Poison Reverse 2006-07-18 01:59||   2006-07-18 01:59|| Front Page Top

#2 I think she, and others such as Bayh, have finally figured out that the nutroots morons are:

a) few in number, just louder than everyone else

b) don't actually vote or have any influence over those who do

Posted by flyover 2006-07-18 02:14||   2006-07-18 02:14|| Front Page Top

#3 oh - you mean the demonstration that I would not have heard about if I did not read the internet. And I also don't think we'll be seeing/hearing any of those clips of Hillary being booed either.
Posted by 2b 2006-07-18 02:14||   2006-07-18 02:14|| Front Page Top

#4 Supporting the troops + good fight, while demanding [the GOP-Right.] to be attacked, and "occupied" America = Amerikka "liberated' ala Mother Cindy.
Posted by JosephMendiola 2006-07-18 03:21||   2006-07-18 03:21|| Front Page Top

#5 commended President George Bush


That's acary!
Posted by Bobby 2006-07-18 06:48||   2006-07-18 06:48|| Front Page Top

#6 except a lot of Americans are either:

- ANSWER type jihad apologists
- real Jihadists
- deranged leftists of the Chomsky variety
- empty headed moonbats of the Sheehan variety
- sophisticated jihad enablers of the Juan Cole variety
Posted by mhw 2006-07-18 08:14||]">[]  2006-07-18 08:14|| Front Page Top

#7 Pandering. To. The. (BLANK). Vote????

She could give a rat's ass about Israel.
Posted by Lancasters Over Dresden 2006-07-18 08:31||]">[]  2006-07-18 08:31|| Front Page Top

#8 Hillary was elected in good part with the support of the large, tight Chasidic Jewish community at Kiryas Joel, plus the secular jewish community in NYC. She's quite sincere in her support of whatever they want to reelect her.
Posted by NYer 2006-07-18 08:36||   2006-07-18 08:36|| Front Page Top

#9 Many of the moonbats over at DU are not happy with Hillary or any one else supporting Israel:

"Why defend Israels actions? Completely disproportionate response...this is the beginning of a back-door war against Syria and Iran, and ANYONE that stands up and defends this bullshit had better be prepared to get called to account when it all goes pear-shaped..."

"I'm sick to death of the undying support our government has given the Israeli goverment. A terrorist organization with the same resume as Hezbollah and Hamas. Only a higher body count."

"I bitched about Feingold and I'll bitch about her. Holding Israel blameless is as asinine as holding the repugs blameless for the war. I won't go to the poles for her."

"I will never vote for Hillary,I had to hold my nose when voting for Kerry,it will not happen again."

"Hillary's so full of it. It's all about triangulation with Hillary--everything that comes out of her mouth. I can't believe people fall for the crap Hillary spews."

"So, what is her reward? Jewish voters to vote for her in her bid for the presidency? Or the reasonable assumption that she is allied with the neo-cons and fully believes the US is on the right course outlined by the PNAC? I believe she is fully on course with the notion that the United States of America is so powerful that invading and occupying and killing and slaughtering children and other innocents, is the way for the US to go. I fully believe she is on the side of the neo-cons and is so because her politics are indiciative of her beliefs that pre-emption, war and killing is a way to establish and empire. She has been playing this game, beginning with her war vote. She will NOT listen to her base, but instead hires Peter Daou to tell her how to seduce the base. She has turned her coat or at the least in this stage of the game, revealed the lining of her coat.

I will never ever vote for Hillary Clinton should she run. Hear that Peter? You will lose one vote and I am not alone."
Posted by Steve">Steve  2006-07-18 09:07||   2006-07-18 09:07|| Front Page Top

#10 Steve, you *did* shower before you came back here, right?
Posted by Seafarious">Seafarious  2006-07-18 09:29||   2006-07-18 09:29|| Front Page Top

#11 I think shes sincere, as much about this as about anything.

The dilemma is for the nutroots movement. Somebody as smart as Markos Zuniga is, knows that going hard against Israel is a losing proposition, if his goal is to take the commanding heights of the Democratic party. But enough of his base is pure moonbat, to them support for Israel is as bad as support for the war in Iraq. His best bet is too lie low till this blows over, I suspect.
Posted by liberalhawk 2006-07-18 10:12||   2006-07-18 10:12|| Front Page Top

#12 liberalhawk: I don't think that "sincerity" is ever at issue with Hillary. It goes against her utter pragmatism, to hold *anything* as a sincere belief.

It is a bizarre concept, that the purpose of power is to get power and to keep power; but at the same time, indifference to what should be done with that power, except to strive to keep it. Call it "The General Zod" paradox.

Bill was the same way, he never stopped campaigning for office, even after elected. But he loathed paperwork and the actual duties of the office. That is why his accomplishments rate at zero, yet why he still ranks as the guy everyone wants at parties.

But Hillary lacks Bill's joy and elan with campaigning. She does want power, but only so she can force through what she wants. Not with discussion or debate--those are the tools of her enemies. She wants to order, and to have those orders carried out.
Posted by Anonymoose 2006-07-18 10:39||   2006-07-18 10:39|| Front Page Top

#13 But Hillary lacks Bill's joy and elan with campaigning. She does want power, Posted by: Anonymoose 2006-07-18 10:39

Dat ole Joy and Elan (black majic) of meeting new wimin on the road, and boinking as many of them as humanly possible.
Posted by Besoeker 2006-07-18 11:09||   2006-07-18 11:09|| Front Page Top

#14 Moose has her well painted.
To me, she is the icon of the end of the donk party.
Posted by wxjames 2006-07-18 11:31||   2006-07-18 11:31|| Front Page Top

#15 wxj - I agree, but which end, the front or the back?
Posted by Rambler">Rambler  2006-07-18 12:03||   2006-07-18 12:03|| Front Page Top

#16 Israel - "To all of you standing behind us, thanks for the support. As for Mrs. Clinton, out in front and keep your hands where we can see them..."
Posted by M. Murcek">M. Murcek  2006-07-18 12:07||   2006-07-18 12:07|| Front Page Top

#17 Israel - count the silverware after she's gone
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-07-18 12:20||   2006-07-18 12:20|| Front Page Top

#18 "All Americans"? What a laughable statement. The vast amjority on the left are silent right now, because their feelings are hurt by big bad Isreal. Once they get their bearings, story after story of the poor suffering Lebanese will bombard us, just as they have been already on CNN. Hillary, are you that unaware of your own party?
Posted by mcsegeek1 2006-07-18 13:18||   2006-07-18 13:18|| Front Page Top

#19 Support is a good start. I'd like to see SUPPORT in terms of a carrier group lending a hand. I suspect there are reasons why we don't want to get involved on that level. The Israeli public is at least in some part upset by the fact that we aren't more visibly at their side. Why don't we get involved more?
Posted by gorb 2006-07-18 14:31||   2006-07-18 14:31|| Front Page Top

#20 because Israel is doing fine, contrary to NS's "quagmire". We have sold them the F16I and F15I and sold them the howitzers currently in use as well as the bunker busters they are using on Hezb bunkers. Our entrance would cause the donk caucus to squeal like stuck pigs, and require enforcement of ROE that Israel doesn't want to/have to obey
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-07-18 14:58||   2006-07-18 14:58|| Front Page Top

#21 Quagmire? I don't think so, Frank. I just think it will take boots on the ground to finish the job. Not to occupy, just to make sure all the i's are dotted and the t's crossed then get out.
Posted by Nimble Spemble 2006-07-18 15:01||   2006-07-18 15:01|| Front Page Top

#22 What, she took a poll and decided this is her best policy stance? (This week.)
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2006-07-18 15:13||]">[]  2006-07-18 15:13|| Front Page Top

#23 I don't disagree, I just think the current ops are for encirclement, punishment. disrupt resupply and killing before th ebround ops ever begin. Israel knows they won't be able to do this war on the cheap ($ or lives) and appears to have decided the cost is acceptable when the other alternative is slower death by rockets and infiltration. Give them the time to do the op in the least costly/most successful manner.
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-07-18 15:22||   2006-07-18 15:22|| Front Page Top

#24 Israel seems to be giving civilians plenty of time to bug out while they prepare the battlespace. That will probably help keep civilian casualties minimized, and give them a freer hand to shoot in self-defense when the situation warrants it. Anybody hanging out just to watch the proceedings probably deserves to be removed from the gene pool, anyway.
Posted by gorb 2006-07-18 16:14||   2006-07-18 16:14|| Front Page Top

#25 In another article, we're told Hizb'Allah has blockaded the villagers in, not even allowing the UN troops to evacuate them. Such heros! Such Lions of Islam!
Posted by trailing wife 2006-07-18 17:31||   2006-07-18 17:31|| Front Page Top

#26 Simple: Bomb the blockades.
Posted by gorb 2006-07-18 19:58||   2006-07-18 19:58|| Front Page Top

#27 "Somebody as smart as Markos Zuniga is, knows that going hard against Israel is a losing proposition, if his goal is to take the commanding heights of the Democratic party."

Au contraire. Markos Moulitsas lumps both Israel and Hezb'Allah together:

I grew up in a war zone. And there was one clear lesson I learned — there will never be peace unless both sides get tired of the fighting and start seeking an alternative...considering that they obviously have no interest in “getting over them”, we’re stuck with a war that will not end in any forseable future... And I, for one, sure as heck have no desire to get sucked into that no-win situation. I just hope that war-fatigue sets in at some point.
Posted by Fordesque 2006-07-18 22:59||   2006-07-18 22:59|| Front Page Top

11:16 Muzakki
23:56 trailing wife
23:37 ed
23:33 gorb
23:32 ed
23:32 trailing wife
23:32 Poison Reverse
23:25 Frank G
23:23 anymouse
23:22 anymouse
23:22 phil_b
23:17 Manolo
23:14 Frank G
23:14 Frank G
23:12 Anginens Threreng8133
23:09 mac
23:02 Lone Ranger
23:02 Jerert Creng3084
22:59 Fordesque
22:55 Frank G
22:50 john
22:48 Poison Reverse
22:45 Lone Ranger
22:45 DanNY

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