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2006-07-18 Syria-Lebanon-Iran
Iran's Hizbollah says ready to attack US, Israel
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Posted by Frank G 2006-07-18 16:04|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [40 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 kick me kick me kick me!
Posted by the Twelfth Imami">the Twelfth Imami  2006-07-18 16:11||   2006-07-18 16:11|| Front Page Top

#2 It's obvious that Iran is trying desperately to draw us into this war. Let's oblidge them.
Posted by Ebbinelet Shuling5556 2006-07-18 16:13||   2006-07-18 16:13|| Front Page Top

#3 More Brave Jihadi Bitches for me to worry about?
Posted by tu3031 2006-07-18 16:24||   2006-07-18 16:24|| Front Page Top

#4 How many B2s do we possess? The inhibition to use nukes may subside soon, especially if we're hit really hard by the Persians.

Iran and HeadsforAllan are playing with fire. And it is really stupid on their part. Why? Because if they're careful and patient, they would let the American Left undermine this country, await the victory of the Dems in November (a scarey possibility) and then, whalla! The USA is de-balled and primed for the killing! Put the libs and Hildebeast in power and its all over.
Posted by Lancasters Over Dresden 2006-07-18 16:30||]">[]  2006-07-18 16:30|| Front Page Top

#5 2,000 volunteers, most of whom don't speak English, have never been outside Tehran, and fall into the Idiot or Moron IQ range. Yeah, they'll be landing at JFK International wearing their suicide belts any day now.
Posted by Darrell 2006-07-18 16:37||   2006-07-18 16:37|| Front Page Top

#6 #5 2,000 volunteers, most of whom don't speak English, have never been outside Tehran, and fall into the Idiot or Moron IQ range. Yeah, they'll be landing at JFK International wearing their suicide belts any day now.

Yup. Except see what these "morons" did in Argentina a few years back. Plenty of US targets outside of JFK. These Persian pigs can make a mess of things. Tis why the sooner we ... well, I'll wait till they make their first and hopefully, fatal mistake.
Posted by Lancasters Over Dresden 2006-07-18 16:41||]">[]  2006-07-18 16:41|| Front Page Top

#7 All of you have it all wrong. We have to try to win the hearts and minds of them. They don't want to fight, they are just culturally different. Rathern than kill them as our enemies, I say try to truly understand and love them as our friends.
Posted by Yosemite Sam 2006-07-18 16:56||   2006-07-18 16:56|| Front Page Top

#8 ROFL, #7 Yosemite.

Good one. ;-p
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2006-07-18 17:18||]">[]  2006-07-18 17:18|| Front Page Top

#9 Personally, Yosemite Sam, I like them like brothers.
Posted by Cain gromgoru 2006-07-18 17:18||   2006-07-18 17:18|| Front Page Top

#10 Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week - be sure to try the veal and be sure to tip your waitress!
Posted by Yosemite Sam 2006-07-18 17:21||   2006-07-18 17:21|| Front Page Top

#11 BTW, Fred - another killer graphic! :-D
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2006-07-18 17:25||]">[]  2006-07-18 17:25|| Front Page Top

#12 "We are only waiting for the Supreme Leader's green light to take action. If America wants to ignite World War Three ... we welcome it," he said.

Ok, its official. Mullah sez: This is World War III not World War IV.

I hope Supereme Leader gives the green light during the Bush Admin. If the green light is given, then Rep. Murtha have to keep his mouth shut because Bush will do what Murtha wanted, asset re-deployment, on top of Iran.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2006-07-18 18:11||   2006-07-18 18:11|| Front Page Top

#13 Geez, where do I get a pack of them dare "Whoop Ass"
Posted by Captain America 2006-07-18 18:35||   2006-07-18 18:35|| Front Page Top

Well, to win their hearts and minds, I think you have to remove them from the container first, no?
Posted by AlanC">AlanC  2006-07-18 19:33||   2006-07-18 19:33|| Front Page Top

#15 This is another data point proving (to me) that the Islamofascists are an aberration, a fluke of history. It's black comedy, in fact. A Perfect Storm of competing Darwinian paradigms.

Makes me feel like summarizing, more or less, what I've read and learned here at Rantburg. Pardon me while I steal, liberally LOL, from many here... I plagiarize .com in particular. I dare him to drop in and eviscerate me. The big pussy. Or is that pussy-chaser? C'mon big boy, come and get some, LOL.

We have an ancient ideology of hate and subjugation, sharing most of the traits of a virulent disease, masquerading as a religion, which succeeded and prospered through violence, rapid and rabid reproduction, threatening death to apostates, enshrining misogyny, taking by force what they could not create, sucking subjected hosts dry, surviving by parasitism. They are conquerors not inventors, despoilers not producers, barbarians and reprobates not liberals, dogmatic and dictatorial not tolerant, the ultimate hive mind of humanity's worst traits. They are brutality and xenophobia and aggression institutionalized. They occupy, for the most part, the desolate wastelands of the world. A festering cluster of boils on Gaia's ass.

We have an open liberal and prosperous technological West which has based much of its industrial base on hydrocarbons. Domestic sources are plundered. Industry flourishes. Demand rises exponentially. The ever-growing search for fuel sources eventually takes us to the (otherwise) worthless stretches of sand and wasteland. Eureka!


Thus an ideology that was once relegated to the planet's shitholes and cesspools finds itself sitting on an economic bonanza, thanks to the West. And the West has the wealth, thanks to that same industrial base, to make this ancient ideology fabulously wealthy. For hydrocarbons we kow-tow and grovel and cater and flatter and enrich beyond Ali Baba's wildest imagining those who hate us beyond our own wildest imagining. We save that which does not deserve saving. We relieve them of Darwin's death sentence of obscurity and well-earned demise.

Thus that which would have ever remained the most despicable backwater of humanity imaginable now has new life and begins its campaign to resume its spread and subjugation, to destroy and despoil precisely those who empower it.

And the liberal West, living in its PC-saturated self-replicating circle-jerk cocoon of liberalism, has emasculated itself to the point that it now demurs and shrinks from acting to save itself. It has become pussified. It has embraced nihilism. The simple and obvious answer, slap the ancient bitch down so hard it fears its own shadow and take what is needed, is anti-liberal, anti-PC, antithetical, and thus unthinkable.

While it dithers and pontificates, while its elites and intellectuals finger-wag and invent absurd nobility for the long-ignored remaining savages, while its pundits debate and revise history to create legitimacy and grievances, the ancient ideology learns to use the West's own institutions against it, swallows whole all of the technology the West has produced, particularly weaponry, with the clear and obvious intent to kill it from within and without.

Now that's black comedy worthy of Twain or O'Rourke.

YJCMTSU. Fry them up. Fry US up. Let's get it ON. Let's ROLL, already.

Or not.

Posted by flyover 2006-07-18 19:44||   2006-07-18 19:44|| Front Page Top

#16 Goodness, flyover. Well said, indeed. I'm glad you stopped lurking and joined the party. :-)
Posted by trailing wife 2006-07-18 20:07||   2006-07-18 20:07|| Front Page Top

#17 tw - :)

Just lurking, mostly, is fun, too, LOL.

I know my education is incomplete, though. I've spent so much time here lately that I'm seriously neglecting the other sites I used to visit everyday. LOL. Nothing compares to Rantburg and I echo comments I've seen about RB University. Amazing, in fact. But I'm just summarizing you fine people.

All that I read here builds up within me, in a way that no other site generates, and I occasionally can't stop the urge to summarize - and nothing solidifies the mental picture like writing it down and reading it to see if it's coherent and is backed up by the facts. I readily admit it might seem a bit narcissistic to post it, but I don't mean for it to come out that way.

Please point out what I'm missing, LOL. I apologize for the bandwidth and for the blatant plagiarizing - and teasing .com. Please, please, consider it a compliment to all of you, as that is my true intent.

This place is addictive - and yes, Nimble, I'm hooked, LOL.

I'll be MIA for awhile, maybe longer, as I have to let the medicos have their way with me starting tomorrow. If everything goes well, I'll be back to burn more bandwidth telling you what you already know, LOL. I assure you I'll miss reading RB as much as the midnight raids for my beloved Kinbgburgers - especially since the end-game seems to have begun. :)
Posted by flyover 2006-07-18 20:25||   2006-07-18 20:25|| Front Page Top

#18 We'll miss you. We'll pray all goes well with your medico friends.
Posted by Nimble Spemble 2006-07-18 20:36||   2006-07-18 20:36|| Front Page Top

#19 flyover, this place calls for the occasional summation. I've done more than my fair share, in fact. ;-) (I'd point them out to you if I had the slightest idea how to find things in the archives, but I don't.) If you feel guilty enough, feel free to put a little something in Fred's tipjar.
Posted by trailing wife 2006-07-18 20:43||   2006-07-18 20:43|| Front Page Top

#20 Re: tip jar -- I have, tw, but more is called for, LOL.

As for searching, I discovered that when you are within an article page (You'll see 'poparticle,php' in the URL) at the bottom is a Google search link - that searches solely within the domain. That's where I've discovered the old posts by Dave D, Frank G, Alaska Paul, 11A5S, Zenster, Lex, .com, True German Ally, Atomic Conspiracy, and (forgive me for naming everyone) so many others I can't begin to name them all. Even the complete idiots such as Not Mike Moore - and the slapdowns that made .com a favorite search target, LOL. His "You suck so much that sucking objects orbit you." post to NMM was the loudest LOL I've ever had! Every successful search thread reveals more posters who gave quite brilliant insights. I don't use Google, anymore, for anything else - but their search engine seems to be much better for this purpose. Try it and you'll agree, I think.

Thanks, NS. They call it "experimental". That's classic CYA, isn't it? The rich pricks. LOL. We'll see. :)
Posted by flyover 2006-07-18 21:00||   2006-07-18 21:00|| Front Page Top

#21 "(forgive me NOT for naming everyone)"

Sheesh. Another term that RB re-introduced to my vocabulary, LOL.
Posted by flyover 2006-07-18 21:02||   2006-07-18 21:02|| Front Page Top

#22 Results 1 - 10 of about 2,430,000 for trailing wife. (0.19 seconds)

I hadn't realized I was that verbose, darn it!
Posted by trailing wife 2006-07-18 21:11||   2006-07-18 21:11|| Front Page Top

#23 Think "tip jar", LOL.
Posted by flyover 2006-07-18 21:19||   2006-07-18 21:19|| Front Page Top

#24 Tip jars make me nervous, flyover dear. I send Fred folding money in the mail out of my housekeeping.
Posted by trailing wife 2006-07-18 21:22||   2006-07-18 21:22|| Front Page Top

#25 ;-) good luck flyover
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-07-18 22:55||   2006-07-18 22:55|| Front Page Top

#26 Flyover,

Praise from TW is high praise indeed. You've contributed a good deal to RB in your short time here. Good luck with the "experimental" process and come back ASAP. Good adjunct profs are hard to find, even at Rantburg U.
Posted by mac 2006-07-18 23:09||   2006-07-18 23:09|| Front Page Top

#27 The fact that Israel is saving its anti-missile system for strategic rather than tactical use, suggests that only a major attack on Tel Aviv, from north Lebanon will be defended by both missile defenses and disabling counter-attack. As Hizbollah is using mobile missiles, the only effective counter would be by area destruction. Now what could do that? And, if Iranian rhetoric is matchable by deeds, that could happen soon.

Does anyone here care if this conflict escalates? The US has both petroleum reserves and domestic and close neighbor producers who are producing under capacity. Assuming - and this is unlikely - that all Iranian wells were destroyed, if these areas were seized by Anglo-American forces (with others) deep wells could be tapped within days and the crude could pump quickly. (Quicker if we didn't do x-ray testing of pipelines for leaks. Sabotage problems in Iraq were caused by the fact that it is deemed expedient to allow locals to live near the oil patch. No locals; no terror.

Since 9-11 everyone should have learned: Muslims recognize the sovereignty of secular states only on a provisional basis. They don't recognize our sovereignty; why on earth should we recognize their Koran based claims?
Posted by Anginens Threreng8133 2006-07-18 23:12||   2006-07-18 23:12|| Front Page Top

#28 give us a reason to take the oil from Chavez? heh heh
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-07-18 23:25||   2006-07-18 23:25|| Front Page Top

#29 FoxNews was reporting that almost all of the 1000 of the rockets Hizb'Allah shot off in the last few days are hitting empty fields, whereas whatever thingy they showed the Israelis shooting from some sort of ground array thingy (yes, I know nothing of these technical details -- sorry) are hitting their targets well enough to cause the soldiers to dance and sing most picturesquely.
Posted by trailing wife 2006-07-18 23:32||   2006-07-18 23:32|| Front Page Top

11:16 Muzakki
23:56 trailing wife
23:37 ed
23:33 gorb
23:32 ed
23:32 trailing wife
23:32 Poison Reverse
23:25 Frank G
23:23 anymouse
23:22 anymouse
23:22 phil_b
23:17 Manolo
23:14 Frank G
23:14 Frank G
23:12 Anginens Threreng8133
23:09 mac
23:02 Lone Ranger
23:02 Jerert Creng3084
22:59 Fordesque
22:55 Frank G
22:50 john
22:48 Poison Reverse
22:45 Lone Ranger
22:45 DanNY

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