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2005-02-22 Terror Networks & Islam
Al Jezeera sez "In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity"
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Posted by Anonymous5089 2005-02-22 10:48:10 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [32 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 On the other hand, this could be a tactic on al-Jizz's part to rally the troops - threatening them with extinction if they are not sufficiently faithful and working hard to convert others. 6 mil a year is a lot of conversions, that sort of social change would be visible. Hope there's some truth to it, though, and can't wait until we see some equivalent numbers coming out of Asia.
Posted by BH 2005-02-22 12:20:08 PM||   2005-02-22 12:20:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Apparently they thought 666 was too obvious?
Posted by Robert Crawford  2005-02-22 12:49:03 PM|| []  2005-02-22 12:49:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Ooookay, so exactly how many of those 6 mil are being executed In Accordance to the Islamic Holely Writ?

AFAIAK, the real test of failing Islam is dropping numbers of people dropping on their faces and hoisting their asses in the air when the Muzzin calls for prayer, AND dropping contributions to mosque coffers NOT derived from oil profits.

I'm with BH in calling this BS. I'm so f*cking disgusted with the religion, I'm prepared to spend $3 a roll on toilet paper printed with "...And Mohammed is His Prophet" in Arabic so I can wipe my *ss in comfort with it.

Posted by Ptah  2005-02-22 12:56:46 PM|| []  2005-02-22 12:56:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Where do I put my order for a roll of that paper?

Maybe I'll take several and put them in the bathrooms at the local mosque.
Posted by John 2005-02-22 1:00:42 PM||   2005-02-22 1:00:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 One of the problems with spokesmen for Islam is that they just make stuff up. So the 6 million figure may be made up of vapor.

However, another problem may be based on one of the more curious beliefs of Islam. Based on the theory that the Quran is true and all other sources are corrupted or false from the start, many muslims believe that all children are born muslim at birth and, in non Muslim families, the children are 'converted' to the religions of their parents during childhood.

This belief, btw, allows anyone estimating the total world Muslim population to 'count' all children under a arbitrarily set age as Muslim.
Posted by mhw 2005-02-22 1:17:50 PM||   2005-02-22 1:17:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#6  I'm prepared to spend $3 a roll on toilet paper printed with "...And Mohammed is His Prophet" in Arabic so I can wipe my *ss in comfort with it.

Save yourself $2.50 a day; buy the Boston Globe instead.
Posted by Raj 2005-02-22 2:19:26 PM||   2005-02-22 2:19:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 I don't believe a word of this. Its just more of their 'we are poor persecuted mooselimbs' crap.
Posted by phil_b 2005-02-22 2:32:57 PM||   2005-02-22 2:32:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 My kind of propaganda.....*snicker*
Posted by 2b 2005-02-22 3:17:58 PM||   2005-02-22 3:17:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Not a bad read, for sure, but it's over a year old, published in November 2003 . . .
Posted by The Doctor 2005-02-22 3:54:28 PM||   2005-02-22 3:54:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 John and Raj,
Its not that bad an idea. We keep reading the lengths the tribals will go to in PakLand to save a torn or burned koran.....
A C-17 load of toliet paper with the koran printed on it and dropped from high over the tribal areas could keep 100,000s of tribal land folk busy saving all those holy pages.. And just imagine the scream when it rains....
Posted by 3dc 2005-02-22 6:46:03 PM||   2005-02-22 6:46:03 PM|| Front Page Top

“In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity."
Faster, please.
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2005-02-22 8:00:11 PM||   2005-02-22 8:00:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 # 11 Barbara I think your stat's are incorrect.
Or where are you getting the amount's from?
I am waiting for a response on the detached penis story.

Andrea Jackson
Posted by Andrea  2005-02-22 8:34:39 PM||   2005-02-22 8:34:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 # 11 Barbara I think your stat's are incorrect.
Or where are you getting the amount's from?
I am waiting for a response on the detached penis story.

Andrea Jackson
Posted by Andrea  2005-02-22 8:35:18 PM||   2005-02-22 8:35:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 From the article, Andrea. Do read the article before going after Barb - that's a good luv.
Posted by too true 2005-02-22 8:37:05 PM||   2005-02-22 8:37:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 I thought Goebbels said that, not Hitler.
Posted by gromky  2005-02-22 10:55:54 PM||   2005-02-22 10:55:54 PM|| Front Page Top

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