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2005-02-22 Home Front: Culture Wars
Blast from the Past: Scientists Advocate Drastic Measures to Combat Global Cooling
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Posted by phil_b 2005-02-22 3:07:35 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [36 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Hmm, so: 1) The atmospheric explosion of nuclear weapons contributes to global cooling; 2) The eco-nuts believe we're experiencing global warming; and 3) We need to off the regimes in Syria, Iran, & North Korea. Anybody besides me se a win/win/win situation in the making here?
Posted by AzCat 2005-02-22 9:35:18 AM||   2005-02-22 9:35:18 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 This provides a wonderful perspective on the Tranzi 'solution looking for a problem'.
Posted by Dishman  2005-02-22 11:05:13 AM||   2005-02-22 11:05:13 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 If anyone cares to take it further...
It occurs to me that a Solar Shield would run about $15T/K, or substantially less than Kyoto. I don't think it was really looked at, which means that Kyoto was the motive, rather than global warming.
Posted by Dishman  2005-02-22 1:08:48 PM||   2005-02-22 1:08:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 When you have an agenda, any theory will do.
Posted by phil_b 2005-02-22 1:44:36 PM||   2005-02-22 1:44:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Global cooling? Get your woolies!

Rainfall Los Angeles 2004-2005, through Feb 21 : 32.51 inches,
Normal 9.89,
Yeah teah yeah - You Seattle-ites are laughing at a mere 32 inches. But our ground is saturated. My back-yard has standing water...

Increase 22.62 - 229%
Yikes - Flooding, Tornadoes, and Blizzards Nearby!
No snow in LA yet - Last measured snow in Downtown LA : 1949...

Record (1883-1884) 38.18 inches,
Normal 15.06
Increase 23.12 - 154% for the old record.

Oh Temp was 58 yesterday. Normal 70. But that difference is mostly rain induced...

However RB-ers know Martin, "The Granite Lion", my cat. He sits on the window sill swishes his tail and meows constantly, complaining about the H2O. He is probably saying, "All those mice are drowning. They need to die a more dignified death. Be caught by me!"

Posted by BigEd 2005-02-22 2:27:12 PM||   2005-02-22 2:27:12 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Well, looking out my office window in Pasadena, California, I see rain & clouds. That might be normal for some, but here in LA it is pretty odd. Granted, individual instances mean nothing, and one year is not a trend, but . . . .
Posted by Kalchas 2005-02-22 2:52:10 PM||   2005-02-22 2:52:10 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 I'm concerned about global (as in: my region) wetting. I need a grant to study it
Posted by Frank G  2005-02-22 2:54:28 PM||   2005-02-22 2:54:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Dude, I not only need a grant to study this, I think we ALL need a conference to consume beer discuss this important matter. Say... Tahiti?
Posted by Laurence of the Rats  2005-02-22 3:28:39 PM|| []  2005-02-22 3:28:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Yes Lawrence! Plenty of good microbrewerys around LA. We need a committee to study the fesabilty of a committee to study the record rainfall in Los Angeles!

He he he

Pure bureauctatese!
Posted by BigEd 2005-02-22 3:43:02 PM||   2005-02-22 3:43:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 just to be contrary I'll write the minority dissent - regardless of what position the majority takes...
Posted by Frank G  2005-02-22 3:48:54 PM||   2005-02-22 3:48:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Frank, that would be contrary to the "spirit of cooperation". Your only true option is to scrape lower in your subservience.
Posted by Dishman  2005-02-22 4:40:37 PM||   2005-02-22 4:40:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Phil_b: Where and when was this unrecorded volcanic eruption you're looking for?
Posted by Phil Fraering 2005-02-22 4:46:11 PM|| []  2005-02-22 4:46:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 I dunno about you but a tornado watch has been issued until 6:00PM here in the LA Area. Everyone is looking out the windows and looking up...Radar L A

Global Warming - Global Cooling?

I await to say the immortal words of Ray Bolger in the "Wizard of Oz", Itsa Twista Itsa Twista!
Posted by BigEd 2005-02-22 5:44:09 PM||   2005-02-22 5:44:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Itn always good to see Martin Whiteshoes.
Posted by Shipman 2005-02-22 6:39:54 PM||   2005-02-22 6:39:54 PM|| Front Page Top


If anything happens...will let you know...Don't have digital camera with me...

Close to landing for John Wayne Airport. Seems they may be diverting traffic???

Saw spectacular lighting strike abt 6 mi away...

Temp not issue high 50s F / 15+/- C
Posted by BigEd 2005-02-22 6:40:07 PM||   2005-02-22 6:40:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 still raining down south - just got home in Santee (next to El Cajon on your map)....1 hr commute for 20 mile drive - yikes
Posted by Frank G  2005-02-22 7:02:42 PM||   2005-02-22 7:02:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Tornado warning? Get away from any trailer parks as they act like magnets to twisters. If you're interviewed after the tornado be sure to take your shirt off before the cameras start.
Posted by whitecollar redneck 2005-02-22 8:23:48 PM||   2005-02-22 8:23:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Gee, Tijuana's safe... ;p
Posted by Pappy 2005-02-22 8:36:04 PM||   2005-02-22 8:36:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 WR - Having lived in the midwest most of my life, I'd say you have the protocol for the post-twister interview nailed. And of course the attraction for tornadoes by trailer parks is well-documented.

I did live in L.A. for a few years though, and what I was wondering is, has anyone ever done a study to determine why earthquake epicenters are always located under liquor stores?
Posted by Darth VAda  2005-02-22 8:51:32 PM||   2005-02-22 8:51:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 It's probably the same physical law that makes my toast fall butter and jelly side down.
Posted by whitecollar redneck 2005-02-22 9:13:32 PM||   2005-02-22 9:13:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Phil F, in 1740 there was a famine across Europe, some Irish sources suggest it was worse than the Great (Potato) Famine. There was also a great freeze in England. Contemporary accounts say it was so cold that water poured out of a container froze before it hit the ground. It seems to have affected N. America as Florida recorded a snowstorm in that year. This strongly indicates a major volcanic eruption in 1739/40 yet the historical record contains nothing.
Posted by phil_b 2005-02-22 11:05:55 PM||   2005-02-22 11:05:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 Phil, 1680-1720 was a period of decreased solar activity and occurence of sun spots in larger amount than recorded previously (Little Ice Age). In 1730's, the temperatures have risen to a level of 1990's and the precipitation levels dropped down substantially towards the end of the decade. That may explain the famine in 1739/40.
Posted by Sobiesky 2005-02-22 11:28:29 PM||   2005-02-22 11:28:29 PM|| Front Page Top

14:55 Robert Crawford
14:55 Robert Crawford
23:28 Sobiesky
23:27 Asedwich
23:18 Dcreeper
23:17 2b
23:13 Sobiesky
23:11 Seafarious
23:08 Dcreeper
23:05 phil_b
23:02 crazyhorse
22:55 gromky
22:45 Dcreeper
22:27 trailing wife
22:12 Bomb-a-rama
22:07 Sock Puppet of Doom
21:55 ITolYouSoLucy
21:52 Jonathan
21:52 ITolYouSoLucy
21:50 gromky
21:46 AzCat
21:45 Poison Reverse
21:44 gromky
21:43 gromky

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