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2005-02-22 Home Front: WoT
Abu Ali Charged With Plot to Assassinate Bush
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Posted by Sherry 2005-02-22 10:45:19 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [35 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 According to the indictment, Abu Ali obtained a religious blessing from another unidentified co-conspirator to assassinate the president.

More than 100 supporters of Abu Ali crowded the courtroom and laughed when the charge was read aloud alleging that he conspired to assassinate Bush.

All I can add is, "Pay attention America. Pay *very* close attention."
Posted by AzCat 2005-02-22 11:09:35 AM||   2005-02-22 11:09:35 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 80 years sounds about right if there's no chance of parole.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2005-02-22 11:12:50 AM||   2005-02-22 11:12:50 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 100 "supporters", eh?

Somebody there taking their pictures? Be sure to make the burka-clad oncover their faces; not all of them are women.

I especially love the bit about his plan getting a religious blessing. From an Aztec priest, no doubt.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2005-02-22 11:17:07 AM|| []  2005-02-22 11:17:07 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 A former high school valedictorian

obtained a religious blessing from another unidentified co-conspirator

Hmmm- Anyone check the roster of High School Principals in Virginia for someone converting to Wahabism. Particularly his? Or at least one of his teachers who may have been very adamant about his "selection"???

Remember? That Poison Pen Principal up in New Jersey was doing his level best to demoralize troops according to yesterdays article in the NY Post :

RB Yesterday

So, there coiuld be a traitor amongst the Virginia School Principals or school administrators if this animal was a valedictorian.
Posted by BigEd 2005-02-22 12:06:13 PM||   2005-02-22 12:06:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Zero factor still in play. The political world will change as drastic as 9/11, if it happens. To parapharse someone else - if you strike me down, you will only make me more powerful.
Posted by Grort Shotle5111 2005-02-22 1:02:51 PM||   2005-02-22 1:02:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 "Offered . . . to show the judge his scars". Such an offer might play with the press, but it is nearly meaningless as a legal matter: First, the mere fact of scars does not prove the cause for the scars. Second, even if he did receive the scars in detention, it could be for any number of reasons (sadistic prison guard, etc). Third, being beaten by X does not mean you did not plan to kill Y. Here, being beaten by Saudis might a cause of desire to kill a US figure: The US supports the Saudis, the Saudis beat me up, therefore, I take revenge on the US. Et cetera.

Posted by Kalchas 2005-02-22 1:13:22 PM||   2005-02-22 1:13:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Yet another Jewish terrorist
Posted by Chuck Simmins  2005-02-22 1:15:11 PM|| []  2005-02-22 1:15:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 doubt this kid was capable however, you have to take this seriously (depending on the evidence). The crowd of supporters might've been laughing because they knew the defendant didn't intend to assasinate the President. Virginia's no stranger to terror (radical Muslim snipers) so they'll probably throw the book at him. He can show his scars to his cellmate.
Posted by shellback 2005-02-22 2:01:30 PM||   2005-02-22 2:01:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 My thoughts, exactly, Chuck (/sarcasm off/)!
Posted by Whetch Jaish3889 2005-02-22 3:31:32 PM||   2005-02-22 3:31:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 What happens in Saudi, stays in Saudi.
Posted by BH 2005-02-22 3:34:02 PM||   2005-02-22 3:34:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 President Cheney The Pissed.
Some people don't understand Bush's life assurance policy.
Posted by Dishman  2005-02-22 4:13:55 PM||   2005-02-22 4:13:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 agree with #1 comments from AZCat.

start by closing all wahabi islam mosques in the US and deporting their clerics and inner circle.
Posted by abdul 2005-02-22 7:27:05 PM||   2005-02-22 7:27:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Dina Araz and her husband, Navi Araz, sat in the courtroom and wept tears of pride as their son, Behrooz (aka Abu Ali), was formerly charged with plotting to assassinate the POTUS. Navi Araz was heard to mutter "Today my son is finally a man."

OT reference to 24/

Posted by Slomorong Chaviter7997 2005-02-22 7:32:57 PM||   2005-02-22 7:32:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Hope he gets a hot date with seventy two virgins (or was that seventy two Virginians?).
Posted by DMFD 2005-02-22 7:50:27 PM||   2005-02-22 7:50:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 From My Pet Jawa (thanx Google News!), here's some info on Ali's high school:

According to the Washington Post and reprinted in the NY Times, he attended the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria Virginia. While family and friends feign that he is the victim of anti-Muslim discrimination, the Jawa Report can reveal that the school in question follows the radical Wahhabi curriculum of the Saudi Ministry of Education. Until recent protest by the US goverment, this curriculum has included anti-Semetic and anti-Christian bigotry and overt calls to jihad.

Read the whole thing.
Posted by Seafarious  2005-02-22 7:58:41 PM||   2005-02-22 7:58:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 Careful Abu Ali, the 72 VirginiANS are coming!
Posted by SwissTex  2005-02-22 8:03:47 PM||   2005-02-22 8:03:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Emily,

It sounds like half the kids at that school are Americans. How can that be? It's certainly not accreditted. Is this a matter of discussion in DC right now?
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2005-02-22 8:15:01 PM||   2005-02-22 8:15:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 They are not Americans. They are American passport carriers.
They can be born here. They can live here for most of their lives but their loyalties will always lie with the islamic world.
My neighbors in Saudi, a palestinian married to an egyptian, lived in Orange County, California for 20 years. Both became Americans while living here and on Sept 11th they both walked around with big smiles on their fu*** faces. They have four potential terrorists...all Americans!
Posted by TMH 2005-02-22 9:14:14 PM||   2005-02-22 9:14:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 A face only a mother could love.

Posted by Poison Reverse 2005-02-22 9:45:36 PM||   2005-02-22 9:45:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Looks like perfectly good material for a death shroud to me Poison Reverse.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom 2005-02-22 10:07:37 PM|| []  2005-02-22 10:07:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 No, the local teevee here has interviews with the usual RoP apologist crowd and his weeping mommy...
Posted by Seafarious  2005-02-22 11:11:34 PM||   2005-02-22 11:11:34 PM|| Front Page Top

14:55 Robert Crawford
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22:07 Sock Puppet of Doom
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