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2004-11-13 Fifth Column
CNN's Brown Snidely Hints Purple Hearts in Iraq Will Be Suspect
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Posted by Anonymoose 2004-11-13 9:20:33 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [38 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 What an asshole!
Posted by Conanista 2004-11-13 9:53:10 PM||   2004-11-13 9:53:10 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 What he said. Have the left lost all sense of civility? How the F' do they expect to regain power with this mindless lashing out?

Posted by Trub 2004-11-13 10:10:19 PM||   2004-11-13 10:10:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 How the F' do they expect to regain power with this mindless lashing out?

Well, no doubt they believe we'll all forget it in a year or two. After all, we're all just a bunch of rednecks and morons. No where near as sophisticated as the likes of Aaron Brown, who would probably swear that everything the Swifties said was a lie but be completely at a loss to actually cite any refutations of their claims. Or, for that matter, their claims themselves.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-11-13 10:13:49 PM|| []  2004-11-13 10:13:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Maybe he needs a visit from a NYPD broomstick? But then again, he might like that. Just be sure to share these things with your friends and families. Make the 2006 and 2008 elections an even bigger buttstomping for the Dhimmies.
Posted by Silentbrick  2004-11-13 10:43:56 PM||   2004-11-13 10:43:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Brown's like all the other LLL poseurs who pretend to care about the troops - when they'd rather seem them piled high for political gain... the farce dissolves when it suits them.

These kids go back on-line when they're ripped by real schrapnel - not rice.
Posted by .com 2004-11-13 10:45:22 PM||   2004-11-13 10:45:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 My favorite Purple Heart comment. Bush Prez 41, "If Barbara ever gets her hands on Kerry, he will get another Purple Heart!"
Posted by Sherry  2004-11-13 10:50:54 PM||   2004-11-13 10:50:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 "Some day, one of them will run for President and someone will say they didn’t earn the Purple Heart. Welcome to America..."

Aaron Brown wins the Daily Dolt Award, as he misses a much, MUCH bigger point altogether: in the not-too-distant future there are going to be a *LOT* of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans who will go into politics, both local and national.

And I don't think very many of them are going to run as Democrats-- not after what they've seen in this election.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-11-13 10:59:54 PM||   2004-11-13 10:59:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Aaron Brown is one of the stupidest members of the TV journo-moron brigade. If the broadcast networks were to take any of the 20 most popular bloggers at random-- even the lefty bloggers like Kos or Marshall-- they would get an individual who's at least twice as intelligent as any of the well-groomed shitheads they serve up.

Why do we tolerate such idiocy?
Posted by lex 2004-11-13 11:36:45 PM||   2004-11-13 11:36:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Why do we tolerate such idiocy?

Is CNN still on?
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-13 11:45:45 PM||   2004-11-13 11:45:45 PM|| Front Page Top

00:06 True German Ally
00:03 True German Ally
00:02 mojo
00:00 BigEd
23:57 True German Ally
23:48 BigEd
23:45 Frank G
23:44 Frank G
23:43 Beau
23:41 True German Ally
23:36 lex
23:31 lex
23:19 True German Ally
23:18 True German Ally
23:15 Dishman
23:09 Frank G
23:08 Frank G
23:07 Frank G
23:03 True German Ally
22:59 Dave D.
22:59 .com
22:57 Robert Crawford
22:50 Sherry
22:45 .com

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