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2004-11-13 Europe
Dutch Fire Up Another Moskkk
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Posted by .com 2004-11-13 04:09|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [27 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Must be that dread "European Street" we've been hearing so much about. Not to worry, though, Al Reuters knows who to blame:
Police said on Thursday they have already arrested "several dozen" people in connection with a wave of arson attacks, bomb threats, letters containing suspicious powder and far-right vandalism since the murder.
Must have been those far-right vandals who torched the churches, too.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2004-11-13 5:18:40 AM||   2004-11-13 5:18:40 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 It just occurred to me that non-dhimmi neighbors could add insult to the arsonists' injury by using the bonfire to roast a pig.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2004-11-13 6:20:40 AM||   2004-11-13 6:20:40 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 "Must have been those far-right vandals who torched the churches, too."

Would you have preferred the police to have blamed all Christians instead, rather than just the far right? Would that have been sweeter to your ears?

Or are you arguing that it wasn't the far-right, this was a centrist organization that did it, or perhaps a leftist one? What *exactly* are you arguing?
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 3:18:37 PM||   2004-11-13 3:18:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Chill out, Aris! Are you majoring in English? You seem to have that penchant for "finding" deeper meanings that authors never really intended.
Posted by Tom 2004-11-13 3:26:23 PM||   2004-11-13 3:26:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 dumbass - it's sarcasm. In Amerikkka we have that, and irony too, both or which are in short supply in Arisland
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-13 3:27:29 PM||   2004-11-13 3:27:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Aris, no one is arguing anything. It's a sarcasm, but you, as a being of density 5 (very, very dense, top of the scale), would not recognize it if it did bit you into your butt.
Posted by Cornanista 2004-11-13 3:28:38 PM||   2004-11-13 3:28:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Heh, great minds... you know the score. :-)
Posted by Cornanista 2004-11-13 3:30:16 PM||   2004-11-13 3:30:16 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 heh heh
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-13 3:31:40 PM||   2004-11-13 3:31:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Tom and Frank> I understand sarcasm and irony too, and am wondering what exactly Atomic Conspiracy's problem is, with the identification of the far-right as likely suspects.

Other than seeming hypocrisy, ofcourse: As I said, perhaps he hates the fact that Reuters didn't blame the whole of Christianity for the torchings.

It's cute, Frank, when you attempt to "teach" me what you've never learned to get.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 3:32:56 PM||   2004-11-13 3:32:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Ooh, *another* person that didn't get that I sarcastically attacked AC *because* of his usage of sarcasm.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 3:34:38 PM||   2004-11-13 3:34:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 LOL Frank! Don't be mean.
Posted by Shipman 2004-11-13 3:34:52 PM||   2004-11-13 3:34:52 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Damn BroadBand comes to the Acropolis!
Posted by Shipman 2004-11-13 3:35:47 PM||   2004-11-13 3:35:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Well, I just wanted to post a prediction... Heh, like on cue. Marvelousssss.
Posted by Conanista 2004-11-13 3:36:48 PM||   2004-11-13 3:36:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 It is kinda... interesting, dense and transparent at the same time. What can I say? It's Aris.
Posted by Conanista 2004-11-13 3:39:55 PM||   2004-11-13 3:39:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 I note that all of you *yet again* turned the conversation on me, and nobody has yet found a reason why there's a problem with blaming the Far Right, or blaming Reuters for blaming them.

Is this a solidarity thing? Given how they incribed "White Power" and the like, you feel they should be immune from persecution, unlike when it's Koranic verses that are used?

And don't view that as an accusation of racism -- view it as accusation of indifference about racism.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 3:40:54 PM||   2004-11-13 3:40:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 Atleast nine posts by other posters that revolve around my person, none of you caring to actually make a meaningful contribution. Good going, you wanking-each-other circle of idiots.

I'm sure before long it will be me again that will be blamed for increasing the length of this thread.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 3:45:46 PM||   2004-11-13 3:45:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Yes, it's another Ariswarm (tm).
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-11-13 3:50:14 PM||   2004-11-13 3:50:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Hey, go easy on Aris -- he's a little sensitive right now because he's facing a year of military service at a pay rate of about 9 Euros per month. This is going to put a big dent in his lifestyle, especially the masochist liberal intellectual part.
Posted by Tom 2004-11-13 3:52:05 PM||   2004-11-13 3:52:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Joining the jerk-off circle, Mrs Davis?

Still no answer from either AC or his defenders.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 3:52:41 PM||   2004-11-13 3:52:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Saturday's are tough Aris. Think you can get this one to triple digits?
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-11-13 3:55:53 PM||   2004-11-13 3:55:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Stop It!
It's Me You Want!
Save Your Arrows For Me!
I Need Them!
Posted by St Sebastian 2004-11-13 4:02:40 PM||   2004-11-13 4:02:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 Being blamed on length of thread - check. You are right on cue, Mrs. Davis -- see #16. Idiots are getting predictable.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 4:05:38 PM||   2004-11-13 4:05:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 You call an appearance of Saint Sebastian to protect you "predictable"?!
Posted by Tom 2004-11-13 4:07:07 PM||   2004-11-13 4:07:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 My work here is done...
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-13 4:07:43 PM||   2004-11-13 4:07:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 Idiots are getting predictable.

That's the problem I've had with you for months. You're so damned predictable.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-11-13 4:12:33 PM|| []  2004-11-13 4:12:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 AC's comment was the totally gratuitious identification of clearly racist motivations with "far right" politics. I've noticed how those of the left, in order to defame their opponents, make gratuitous connections between the two, when by any objective measure, a fraction of both sides of the political spectrum can be identified as racists: David Duke was a KKK who ran as Republican in Louisiana, and the highest ranking KKK member in politics is Democratic senator Robert C Byrd. It behooves the moderates of both ends of the spectrum to properly denounce the racists in their respective ends of the political specturm and act to neutralize them.

And as best as I can tell, Aris was pointing out that, at least, Reuters wasn't blindly blaming Christians for torching mosques (totally unacceptable), when it's obvious that there are enough secular racists running around in europe to commit crimes like this. You've gotta read him two or three times and be very precise as to what he's saying, because in his mind, he's only responsible for what he says, not what someone else implies he's saying by what he's not saying.

*blinks* ooookay. maybe that didn't make sense...

This is one of those REAL cycles of violence happening, and one can argue when it started and who started it: Did it start with Theo Van Gogh's murder? The Mosque whose door was attacked first after the murder? The making and showing of Van Gogh's "Submission"?

If I recall correctly, The netherlands have a big problem with soccer hooligans, the majority of whom, I daresay, probably haven't ever set foot in a church outside of attending the odd wedding, baptism, or funeral. Makes sense that THEY would attack a mosque, since Christians are SUPPOSED to know that murder is one of those things the State handles, and wouldn't torch a mosque themselves. The muslims, being given permission by their religion to hit back when hit (and I invite Aris or Murat to cite the Koranic equivalent of "turn the other cheek", sura and verse), probably decided that it was safe to hit a church. The hooligans, not exactly caring what the hell happens to ANY place of worship, whether it be mosque, church, or synagogue, must think that their situation is ideal, and continue their evil ways and burn down a school. Muslims hit back at what they THINK is an appropriate symbol of who their attackers are. Voila, Cycle of violence.
Posted by Ptah  2004-11-13 4:46:41 PM|| []  2004-11-13 4:46:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 Quick disclaimer: I'm with the official at the end who's saying this entire cycle of violence is unacceptable. It goes without saying that torching a building or murdering a man for telling the truth, not what he did, is unacceptable in all circumstances.
Posted by Ptah  2004-11-13 4:50:35 PM|| []  2004-11-13 4:50:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#28 You've gotta read him two or three times and be very precise as to what he's saying, because in his mind, he's only responsible for what he says, not what someone else implies he's saying by what he's not saying.

What a pity he never bothers to do this with others.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-11-13 4:50:57 PM|| []  2004-11-13 4:50:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#29 I'm with the official at the end who's saying this entire cycle of violence is unacceptable

Unacceptable, and entirely predictable. The Europeans still do not grasp the basic principle that underlies successful pluralism: respect religious minorities; provide real economic opportunities so you attract the strivers instead of the resenters among those minority groups; and then leave them alone.

Violence in the Netherlands (and, next, probably Jean Marie Le Pen's stomping grounds) will spure thousands of normal, hardworking, tolerant European muslims and Christians (and jews) to do as so many Europeans have done before them and emigrate to a truly tolerant, pluralist society that will leave them in peace: the USA.
Posted by lex 2004-11-13 5:09:29 PM||   2004-11-13 5:09:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#30 This is becoming a meme in the blogosphere. I can't think where I read it before.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-11-13 5:12:06 PM||   2004-11-13 5:12:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#31 Lex - you keep assuming the Euro-muslim population is skilled, educated, and willing to work - that doesn't appear to be the case for the majority. We don't want them if they aren't
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-13 5:13:05 PM||   2004-11-13 5:13:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#32 I'm speaking of the cream, Frank. America tends to attract the smartest and hardworking strivers from any group.
Posted by lex 2004-11-13 5:14:41 PM||   2004-11-13 5:14:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#33 Not fair, I know, and potentially disastrous for the Euros. But we've seen this so many times before. Can't say they haven't had ample warning.

I for one would be delighted if we could attract thousands of tolerant and hardworking scientists, technologists and entrepreneurs, no matter what their faith.
Posted by lex 2004-11-13 5:17:18 PM||   2004-11-13 5:17:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#34 You've gotta read [Aris] two or three times and be very precise as to what he's saying, because in his mind, he's only responsible for what he says, not what someone else implies he's saying by what he's not saying.

That's not true at all. A couple of days back you'll find Aris arguing vehemently that I needed to infer some unstated meaning from his comments rather than merely taking them at face value. Apparently he sees the need for us to find inferential meaning in his statements since he's not particularly good at expressing himself clearly.
Posted by AzCat 2004-11-13 5:31:01 PM||   2004-11-13 5:31:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#35 I thought Lex was talking about the Dutch. Moroccans...fugeddaboudit.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-11-13 5:35:00 PM||   2004-11-13 5:35:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#36 Aris lives in a fantasy world, The Home of Lost Tales.
Posted by Tom 2004-11-13 5:35:10 PM||   2004-11-13 5:35:10 PM|| Front Page Top

#37 Or, maybe Aris is just an asshat who's more interested in picking fights than anything else.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-11-13 5:35:17 PM|| []  2004-11-13 5:35:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#38 RC, You've stumbled on the truth! And he has honed his English also, if he is a Greek.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2004-11-13 5:37:38 PM||   2004-11-13 5:37:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#39 Tom> Are you offended or confused that I don't only write about politics, I also have a fannish side and a fandom-related site that I don't even update anymore? (no time)

I'm also a heavy Wikipedia editor, if you want to know even more sides of me. That one I still have *some* time for.

AzCat> No, AzCat -- if you'll see that thread you are referring to ( ), you'll see it's again about you drawing false implication from what I wrote -- for example when I wrote that pharmacists that don't fulfill prescriptions are unfit for their jobs, you somehow assumed that I was not stating my opinion but rather claiming an undisputable fact -- even though from my second or third post I clearly clarified it to be a difference of opinion.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 5:43:40 PM||   2004-11-13 5:43:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#40 I'm also a heavy Wikipedia editor, if you want to know even more sides of me. That one I still have *some* time for.

Why don't you spend more time there? I understand they have some goofy shits posting election conspiracy theories and refusing to let anyone post the facts.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-11-13 5:46:04 PM|| []  2004-11-13 5:46:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#41 Just remember that these are the actions of a few misguided individuals. There is no reason whatsoever to draw the conclusion that Muslims are in any danger. Europe is the Continent of Peace.
Posted by BH 2004-11-13 5:49:50 PM||   2004-11-13 5:49:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#42 BH -- you forgot the bit about "these are not the droids you're looking for".
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-11-13 5:55:01 PM|| []  2004-11-13 5:55:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#43 Just remember that these are the actions of a few misguided individuals.

Before anyone says that I don't understand sarcam, I know that's again sarcastic. Does anybody object if I respond to it normally?

"Few misguided individuals" rarely exist in an ideological vacuum. Whether Islamofascism or Dutch nationalism or racism or whatever, the ones who actually do the violence ride on the forefront of an ideology that provides them with the justification for it.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 5:56:43 PM||   2004-11-13 5:56:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#44 ...I know that's again sarcastic. Does anybody object if I respond to it normally?

Yes, because that's something that asshats do...

Oh. Well. Made my point, didn't you?
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-11-13 6:07:33 PM|| []  2004-11-13 6:07:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#45 Aris,
You are such a sophist
" When you have to shoot, shoot don't talk"
Who said there is no wisdom in Western's.
Posted by Elder of Zion 2004-11-13 6:13:03 PM||   2004-11-13 6:13:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#46 Sorry Aris, I merely took you at your word. I won't make that mistake again.
Posted by AzCat 2004-11-13 6:19:13 PM||   2004-11-13 6:19:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#47 "Yes, because that's something that asshats do..."

Robert, why are you participating in this thread? Or to put it in another way, why do you still pretend you need to have excuses (based on what I do or don't do) for your attacks on me?

We both know that when you didn't have excuses you still stalked me across threads, either to call me a "cunt" and go away again or to say "I thought you promised to leave".

And you attack *me* for picking fights? Atleast I pick fights for what people actually do or say in the thread in question. The battlefield is that of statements and ideologies, and if Atomic Conspiracy or anyone else wanted to respond to me, that was where they could have fought.

What we get instead is random kindergarten insults, no ideology behind them other than a "we don't like you". I know that *already* and it hardly concerns me because, uh, none of you is a friend -- you are simply fellow participants in a political forum. So repeating it is *wanking*, as I've explained to you already. Liking me, not liking me, if I wanted to date any of you *then* I'd be concerned about it.

You also accuse me of attacking others for what I *infer* they say rather than what they actually say? If that accusation is correct, then the answer is simple: when I question someone about the meaning of their words and accuse them of meaning such-and-such then explain what you *actually* mean. I will accept it. Unlike what AzCat did in the earlier thread in question when he claimed that I didn't actually mean what I said I meant, I must have meant something different instead.

But nobody has explained to me what Atomic Conspiracy meant in this thread, if his implication was different than what I perceived from it. Even though I explicitely asked "What exactly are you arguing?"
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 6:33:18 PM||   2004-11-13 6:33:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#48 Europe is the Continent of Peace

BH, you left out that last part about, "in our time."
Posted by Zenster 2004-11-13 6:48:33 PM||   2004-11-13 6:48:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#49 Nahhhh, Aris - you've been spotted as a dick and given SPECIAL attention - enjoy
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-13 6:54:53 PM||   2004-11-13 6:54:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#50 Aris, the problem is, you take yourself too seriously. As simple as that. Contract that sentence and you get -- asshat.
Posted by Conanista 2004-11-13 6:59:10 PM||   2004-11-13 6:59:10 PM|| Front Page Top

#51 Oy vey. I am still making the mistake of treating you people as sentient.

Ptah, thanks for the support, but you are making the mistake of thinking that most of the other people here care about facts -- like what I said or didn't say, what I meant or didn't mean. That'd be what sentient debaters do.

But I wasn't attacked for anything I stated or didn't state, so that's all irrelevant. It's the issue of entering into another pack's territory. See this was urine-marked by the first post of AC as "sarcastic jeering territory", and I entered giving off a "sarcastic defending" scent. My bad.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 7:06:27 PM||   2004-11-13 7:06:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#52 LOL
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-13 7:10:42 PM||   2004-11-13 7:10:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#53 Yes, Aris, that EU/liberal/Kerry-loving scent of yours is inviting attack even before you rip anyone's words apart and over-analyze them. I Google-searched for you the other night just to confirm my suspicion that that you're a university student, totally cocky and sheltered from the real world. Well, I was right.
Posted by Tom 2004-11-13 7:23:13 PM||   2004-11-13 7:23:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#54 Once again, Tommie -- the answer to *over*analysis is the simple statement of the plain correct meaning, if one exists. If you want to claim false "over"-interpretation of words on my behalf, then better be willing to tell what the correct interpretation is.

If you are not prepared to do that, then your problem is not any misinterpretation or overanalysis -- it's the fact I *do* understand the words spoken as they are meant.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 7:41:07 PM||   2004-11-13 7:41:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#55 One word: asshat. [Don't even try to over-analyze it.]
Posted by Tom 2004-11-13 7:52:55 PM||   2004-11-13 7:52:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#56 No need: the word tells everyone it needs to; and more about the person that speaks it, as all words tend to do.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 7:56:06 PM||   2004-11-13 7:56:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#57 No Aris, the problem is that you are saying you understand the words as they are spoken and meant to mean, which is bullshit because if it were true, we wouldn't be up to 56 posts where you tell people what they really meant with their words.

F*ck. I can't believe I just wrote that. Poor little Aris.
Posted by Asedwich  2004-11-13 8:09:34 PM||   2004-11-13 8:09:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#58 It's absolutely wrong to fire up a mosque because all that stored gunpowder can explode and put people at risk.
/sarcasm off for Aris who might misunderstand
Posted by True German Ally 2004-11-13 8:21:41 PM||   2004-11-13 8:21:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#59 I don't know what came over me!

Yes, Aris, it's all about you:
#5 dumbass
#6 very, very dense
#12 Damn BroadBand comes to the Acropolis!
#14 dense and transparent at the same time
#25 You're so damned predictable.
#34 not particularly good at expressing himself clearly
#37, #44 asshat
#49 a dick
#50 asshat
#57 bullshit

Doesn't that make you proud, Aris? You've presented yourself so, so superbly!
Posted by Tom 2004-11-13 8:24:04 PM||   2004-11-13 8:24:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#60 And yet Asedwich, nobody can still actually state a *different* meaning for AC's words than what I perceived -- namely an attack on Reuters (or the Dutch, or both) for blaming the far right.

You keep on saying that he didn't mean what I understood -- WHAT THE HELL did he mean then? If you can't answer that, then just shut up.

If any of you could actually state a single different meaning for AC's words, then we would be up to 58 posts, all of you badgering me for supposedly having him all misinterpreted and overanalyzed.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 8:26:15 PM||   2004-11-13 8:26:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#61 Tom> People use tongue for communication. You use it to lick your balls.

But thanks for listing again those bits that show the kindergarten level of y'all.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 8:31:11 PM||   2004-11-13 8:31:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#62 Aris, your outstanding performance on this thread deserves to be acknowledged and you are a recipient of the prestigeous Rantburg award. Well done and congrats!

It lasts for 24 hours. I hope that you can continue in the same track and break the record in consecutive award acquisitions.

Posted by Conanista 2004-11-13 8:56:57 PM||   2004-11-13 8:56:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#63 Aris worry about issues in your head , then worry about issues in your country , and finally , when both those are done and cured , come back here and post again . In maybe 5 or 6 years ... If you weren't such a warped fuckhead , I would quite like you :P
Posted by MacNails 2004-11-13 9:17:43 PM||   2004-11-13 9:17:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#64 Aris normal. Aris cleaned up for the award ceremony.
Posted by Tom 2004-11-13 9:17:45 PM||   2004-11-13 9:17:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#65 MacNails> I try to worry about the world first, about my country second. Mainly because if my country went to hell (and it's nearly there) the world would still survive, but if the world went to hell then we are all screwed.

Granted, my innate argumentativeness and inherent optimism brings me back to try and debate with non-sentients, but I assure you I do my fair share of worrying about my own country also. I simply don't tend to post it *here*.

Tom> Tom, don't you have any better things to do than googling up information for me? I'm one of the few people who don't like to use pseudonyms and hold a consistent identity across the net, so the work you are doing is hardly a difficult one. With a little more search you could have found this one as well:
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 9:34:14 PM||   2004-11-13 9:34:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#66 Happy Sunday morning, Aris! Is the sun up yet?
Posted by Tom 2004-11-13 9:44:08 PM||   2004-11-13 9:44:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#67 Not yet. But since I wake up around 1 pm, I still have some time to get my 5 and a half hours of sleep.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 9:47:59 PM||   2004-11-13 9:47:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#68 'my innate argumentativeness' - isnt this the problem with the world anyway ?
'inherent optimism' - point me to a thread or two where you have shown this please . All i have ever seen you post is bitter anti american rhetoric
'country went to hell (and it's nearly there)' . Well .. there you go , some 'inherent optimism' although I tend to agree with you , but its always been a shithole *shrug*
'try and debate with non-sentients' hehe very amusing , and keep trying
Posted by MacNails 2004-11-13 9:48:44 PM||   2004-11-13 9:48:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#69 When I'm talking about inherent optimism, I mean the inherent optimism of Puddleglum.

Namely that was more of a self-sarcastic jab.

But if you want examples of my optimism, focus on the word "nearly" when I said "(it's nearly there)".

'my innate argumentativeness' - isnt this the problem with the world anyway ?

No, the problem with the world is that they take it beyond arguing and into booming and killing.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 9:57:22 PM||   2004-11-13 9:57:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#70 night, Aris! Sleep well
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-13 10:01:35 PM||   2004-11-13 10:01:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#71 But nobody has explained to me what Atomic Conspiracy meant in this thread, if his implication was different than what I perceived from it. Even though I explicitely asked "What exactly are you arguing?"

That's because no one thinks you deserve an answer when the answer is so goddamned fucking obvious a two-year-old could see it without needing to ask the goddamned question in the first place.

Not every goddamned thing in the world needs the special Aris touch of arrogance and obliviousness. AC's comment that set you off certainly didn't.

Aris, I called you a "cunt" because you start fights over things no one else would ever be bothered with. Because you're an annoying twit with an overinflated sense of self-worth, who inexplicably thinks the flatulence you call "arguing" is worth our wasting time on.

But baiting you and watching you go off on a froth over utterly NOTHING, that's worth our time, because it's so amusing. It's like putting a mirror next to a betta and watching it go into its threat display -- amusing, pathetic, and as predictable as the sunrise.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-11-13 10:01:45 PM|| []  2004-11-13 10:01:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#72 I smell smoke
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-13 10:13:59 PM||   2004-11-13 10:13:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#73 That may be the smokescreen we threw up so that we can sneak off to bed before midnight, leaving Aris still awake at 8 a.m.
Posted by Tom 2004-11-13 10:21:14 PM||   2004-11-13 10:21:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#74 Robert, you called me a cunt because you are a troll who kept on trying to troll me into fighting with you even when I had no interest in doing so. There's a list of posters I've completely written off, and this included you and you couldn't stand it. So then you called me "cunt" once (Frank G. laughing ), and when I refused to take the bait and start a fight again, you (and Frank G) followed me to another new thread and called me that again. And since then you've been following me in several threads, alongside Frank G., for no better reason than to amuse yourselves. You've made Rantburg your troll's playground.

And ooh, that *so* very obvious answer nobody could deign to give because I don't "deserve" it. Yeah, that's the exact wimp-out "argument" I'd expect from you. But the story of the Emperor's new clothes that nobody deserved to see is a very old one, Robbie.

You could have been a bit more imaginative than that though -- perhaps God is testing my faith by providing no alternate explanation than the one my understanding provides. When initially you people began by ridiculously arguing that I didn't understand AC had used sarcasm, there went your credibility.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-11-13 10:23:12 PM||   2004-11-13 10:23:12 PM|| Front Page Top

#75 I give up. You win.
Posted by Tom 2004-11-13 10:39:07 PM||   2004-11-13 10:39:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#76 You win, Aris - you've caught me completely
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-13 10:39:52 PM||   2004-11-13 10:39:52 PM|| Front Page Top

#77 That's right, Aris.

Everybody on RB is a troll but you.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-11-13 10:57:01 PM|| []  2004-11-13 10:57:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#78 Why do the most irrelevant threads end up with a 100 postings???
To spill so much virtual ink over a flippant remark...
Posted by True German Ally 2004-11-13 11:03:34 PM||   2004-11-13 11:03:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#79 guess: Aris?
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-13 11:07:18 PM||   2004-11-13 11:07:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#80 pretty obviously, my comments don't deserve that response.....
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-13 11:08:16 PM||   2004-11-13 11:08:16 PM|| Front Page Top

#81 LOL
Posted by True German Ally 2004-11-13 11:18:07 PM||   2004-11-13 11:18:07 PM|| Front Page Top

00:06 True German Ally
00:03 True German Ally
00:02 mojo
00:00 BigEd
23:57 True German Ally
23:48 BigEd
23:45 Frank G
23:44 Frank G
23:43 Beau
23:41 True German Ally
23:36 lex
23:31 lex
23:19 True German Ally
23:18 True German Ally
23:15 Dishman
23:09 Frank G
23:08 Frank G
23:07 Frank G
23:03 True German Ally
22:59 Dave D.
22:59 .com
22:57 Robert Crawford
22:50 Sherry
22:45 .com

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