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2004-11-13 Arabia
Saudi cleric blesses Bin Laden's use of nuke against U.S
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Posted by Mark Espinola 2004-11-13 7:02:13 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [29 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I wonder if Scheuer is aware that the Al Qaeda fatwa committee ruled it permissible to use a fissile weapon on the West more that a decade ago? This led to an AQ effort which began in 1993 to purchase material from South Africa.
Posted by Tancred 2004-11-13 9:13:07 AM||   2004-11-13 9:13:07 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Nothing new here, with fatwas being a dime a dozen and muslim logic conveniently able to justify anything involving killing infidels. Just a public reminder of the sort of people we are up against.
Posted by SteveS 2004-11-13 10:00:06 AM||   2004-11-13 10:00:06 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 but until it's on 60 Minutes, it's Oh, wait. Nevermind
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-13 10:00:57 AM||   2004-11-13 10:00:57 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 Find the Imam that issued this, and be sure he is found dead, .22 cal aneurysm in the back part of his brain. Make an example of him. As for others like this? Lather rinse repeat.
Posted by OldSpook 2004-11-13 11:40:18 AM||   2004-11-13 11:40:18 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 ..If this is the level of skill - and credulity - that we are fighting with, God help us. This man is an ass if he believes for one moment that OBL would have restrained his use of a nuclear weapon because he lacked 'religious authority'. There is at least some thought that OBL considers (or considered) himself the Mahdi, and even if he did not, he would have found some line in the Koran, or inscribed on the Kaaba, or on the back of a box of Rice Krispies if necessary to justify it.

Posted by Mike Kozlowski 2004-11-13 11:44:56 AM||   2004-11-13 11:44:56 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Ooooh! New Fruity Fatwas for breakfast. With a different fatwa on every box. Read for entertainment while you eat these tasty moose-limb nuggets.
Posted by Tom 2004-11-13 11:57:37 AM||   2004-11-13 11:57:37 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 OldSpook,
I totaly agree with you.
One of the most fundamental problems of secular democratic regimes is their reluctance to target so called "religious leaders" because they fear the seething Arab street(TM). This is exactly their greatest weakness because they target the mere executioners instead of the real bad guys who incite and use their religious authority to spawn, educate,support, and give moral justification to the killers while at the same time enjoying immunity as "spiritual leaders".
IMHO, every Moslem spiritual leader (including ,but not limited to, Mullahs, Sheiks, Kady's or other Sharia Experts) who issues a Fatwa for killing or otherwise harming any other person should be automatically inserted in a black list for summary treatment by whatever means available (including Army, Police, CIA, FBI, Mossad, etc.). These guys should then be incarcerated and brought to justice before a secular Judge.
After 50% of the shitheads are brought to justice
or put away in prisons, the others will automatically loose their appetites for issuing Fatwas.
Posted by Elder of Zion 2004-11-13 12:01:31 PM||   2004-11-13 12:01:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Where's Atom Ant Al-Jubeir on TV, telling us how the Saooodis are our amigos?
Posted by Frank G  2004-11-13 12:14:13 PM||   2004-11-13 12:14:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 I sent a long email to "" back about two years ago, telling George he needed to go on national television and declare a Baptist fatwa against the use of nukes against US forces or territory. It was a short fatwa: "If a nuclear weapon is detonated within the United States, or against US forces in Iraq or Afghanistan, the following 269 cities will disappear from the face of the earth exactly five hours after such detonation." The top names on the list were Mecca, Medina, Riyadh, Damascus, Cairo, Aswan, Tehran, and down the line, ending in Casablanca and Rabat. No city in any nation under Islamic law was spared.

Even OBL wouldn't want 95% of all Arab muslims wiped out - he'd have no power base to operate from.
Posted by Old Patriot  2004-11-13 3:40:50 PM|| []  2004-11-13 3:40:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 #4 Find the Imam that issued this, and be sure he is found dead, .22 cal aneurysm in the back part of his brain. Make an example of him. As for others like this? Lather rinse repeat.

Well said, Old Spook. All I have to add is that Saudi Arabia should be put on formal notice that if they refuse to prosecute those within their borders who advocate nuclear terrorism, the entire country will become a reprisal target should such an attack be waged ... successful or not.


Again, whichever Imam who sanctified bin Laden's intention of attacking America with nuclear weapons is an enemy of the state. Similarly, countries that allow such conduct to go unpunished are enemies as well.

Sanction with extreme prejudice is the only appropriate solution. Lead for the individuals who promote such evil, untransmuted lead for the countries who engage in same.

This Imam is a prime example of exactly who should be a candidate for America's wetwork roster. Maggots like this must be ground under our boot heel until they squirm no more.

Posted by Zenster 2004-11-13 3:52:29 PM||   2004-11-13 3:52:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 I, JFM, imam of the Rantburg religion, issue a fatwa authorizing George W Bush and his successors to nuke Mecca, Medina, Quom and any other city under Muslim law in case the Islamists use WMDs of any kind on a non-Muslim city.

Clarification: In theory there are no clerics in Sunni Islam (not true in Shia Islam). There are only people who lead the prayer and their special status lasts only for the duration of the prayer. Ie any clown Mahmoud or village idiot Ali can proclaim himself Imam and issue fatwas. Two can play at this game.
Posted by JFM  2004-11-13 4:40:01 PM||   2004-11-13 4:40:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 The biggest threat here is not OBL or a nuke but this guy Scheuer. He is a loose cannon and treasonable in his work as a critic of American (thats what it is when the people elect a President) policy while still at the CIA. Imperial Hubris, indeed. More like Disgruntled Bullshit. Why Bush has let this guy go off like that makes me wonder about how well we are served by the CIA. What has it ever done since Church emaciated it? Did it stop 911. Did it give good G2 to the President on Iraq? Hell no. And this is the idiot with a hard-on who is now talking to 60 minutes as if he is as smart as Richard Clarke. Well if this is the best (Scheuer and Clarke) we could come up with to protect us pre-post 911 then we are really F**ked.
Posted by Jack is Back! 2004-11-13 5:11:39 PM||   2004-11-13 5:11:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Jack - don't forget the CIA's complete failure to spot the collapse of the Soviet Empire. And Baer and Gerecht are scathing about the complete absence of CIA assets in the middle east.
Posted by lex 2004-11-13 5:19:44 PM||   2004-11-13 5:19:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 I prefer load and messy!
Posted by raptor 2004-11-13 6:50:30 PM||   2004-11-13 6:50:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Well, on behalf of the US Strategic Nuclear Forces, I'd like to welcome Saudi Arabia to the targeting matrix.
Posted by mojo  2004-11-14 12:02:33 AM||   2004-11-14 12:02:33 AM|| Front Page Top

#16 "Even if bin Laden had a nuclear weapon, he probably wouldn’t have used it for a lack of proper religious authority"

I think Scheuer is a fruitcake
Posted by True German Ally 2004-11-14 12:06:45 AM||   2004-11-14 12:06:45 AM|| Front Page Top

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