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2004-02-04 Fifth Column
GRRRR!!! Dubya’s making us pay $1.2bil for U.N. bribes ’renovations’
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Posted by 4thInfVet 2004-02-04 8:04:22 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [30 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I was kinda hoping NYC would declare the builing as unsafe and tear it down. Besides the building is an ugly eyesore.
Posted by phil_b 2004-2-4 8:32:34 PM||   2004-2-4 8:32:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Here's hoping the new place is better 'wired', if you catch my drift. Some investments pay for themselves!
Posted by Raj 2004-2-4 8:55:58 PM|| []  2004-2-4 8:55:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 I agree, Raj. That said, the UN's presence in NYC does help the local economy since those guys spend money like drinken sailors (all those unpaid parking tickets notwithstanding).
Posted by Tibor 2004-2-4 9:10:32 PM||   2004-2-4 9:10:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 This is just good business: we get the interest, we get the remodeling contracts, and we get to do the "wiring." Works for me!
Posted by Tom 2004-2-4 9:31:54 PM||   2004-2-4 9:31:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Of course, they better not miss any payments...
Posted by Tom 2004-2-4 9:32:44 PM||   2004-2-4 9:32:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 As long as they put the France and Germany seats up in the nosebleed section. Couple of folding chairs in the aisle will do.
Posted by Anonymous 2004-2-4 9:48:05 PM||   2004-2-4 9:48:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 I know I know I know. There are all kinds of practical reasons we should do this. But part of me wants to see the UN building condemned and have the lot of them moved next to a landfill. Then they can double park all they want and loot the cafeteria until sated.
Posted by 4thInfVet 2004-2-4 9:54:31 PM||   2004-2-4 9:54:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 If you want to move the UN to Berlin, I'm sure we'll come up with one billion dollars :)
Posted by True German Ally 2004-2-4 10:12:06 PM||   2004-2-4 10:12:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Btw Anonymous, Germany is the second biggest contributor to the UN budget and unlike the biggest one we pay on time.
I doubt it will be aisles for us.
Posted by True German Ally 2004-2-4 10:14:41 PM||   2004-2-4 10:14:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 I say we move the U.N. to the center of one of those large mass-grave sites in Iraq.

This will help the Iraqi economy, and give Iraq some prestige. If we plan it right (i.e. make them walk through the mass-grave site to get to it) we can give them a daily reminder as to what is important.
Posted by CrazyFool  2004-2-4 10:28:51 PM||   2004-2-4 10:28:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 TGA, you convinced me bro'. The UN is all yours my friend. How soon can you all get the moving trucks here?
Posted by Jarhead 2004-2-4 10:43:24 PM||   2004-2-4 10:43:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 unlike the biggest one we pay on time.

Yeah, the kickbacks from the oil-for-palaces program more than makes up for whatever paltry sum de chermans contribute in the name of INTERNATIONAL COMMUNISM world peace. So the ubermenschen have no problem throwing a few reichmarks euros the un's way. Anyway, with that euro going strong and that economy booming why don't the herrenvolk up their share a few billion? Carry some of the burden instead of waiting for Uncle Sam to write checks to those worthless leeches. Didn't saddam's blackmarket oil pay for a little more baksheesh?
Posted by 4thInfVet 2004-2-4 10:46:48 PM||   2004-2-4 10:46:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 I thought Japan was #2. I know they're cutting the budget 20% but still....

And I thought Kofi was going to refigure contributions since more countries can afford to up the ante and he doesn't want to rely on US.

TGA, the only way to get their attention on spending was to hold back the funds.

They need someone to go over their books like a fly over flypaper.
Posted by Anonymous2U 2004-2-4 11:37:54 PM||   2004-2-4 11:37:54 PM|| Front Page Top

08:08 Raptor
01:42 Tony (UK)
00:18 Lucky
23:47 Anonymous2U
23:41 CobraCommander
23:37 Anonymous2U
23:33 Anonymous2U
23:23 Anonymous
23:20 badanov
23:19 Jack A Son
23:08 Jarhead
23:00 Jarhead
22:58 Nero
22:56 Dcreeper
22:51 Nero
22:46 4thInfVet
22:43 Jarhead
22:41 Super Hose
22:35 Dcreeper
22:34 CrazyFool
22:31 CrazyFool
22:28 CrazyFool
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