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2004-02-04 -Short Attention Span Theater-
Dummycratic underground lampooned!
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Posted by Steve from Relto 2004-02-04 1:44:08 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [36 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Absolutely brilliant..dead on. I haven't laughed this hard in months. Excellent job.
Posted by Smirky McChimp Fan 2004-2-4 2:07:16 PM||   2004-2-4 2:07:16 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 D00dz, that was hilarious!
Posted by Dar  2004-2-4 2:09:25 PM||   2004-2-4 2:09:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Not funny! Can I get my bong back?
Posted by Halffull 2004-2-4 2:53:33 PM||   2004-2-4 2:53:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 You won't be laughing when Haliburton controls all the oil on the moon and Ashcroft shuts down your free speech website, publo.
Posted by Th!nkH3sFunny 2004-2-4 3:03:44 PM||   2004-2-4 3:03:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Bush is a moron and has big ears. ABB (anybody but bush). Bush is Hitler. Selected, not elected.

I'm better than you cause you don't repeat these quotes like a parrot.
Posted by De3pthoughts 2004-2-4 3:11:50 PM||   2004-2-4 3:11:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 "9. Repugs are nazis

This all just goes along with the Bush*’s and the Repugs’ nazi mentality. The only way we can preserve liberty is to round up the Repugs and put them in ovens.


This is dead on. Back in law school, I came across a quote from an animal rights activist. After viewing a documentary about a slaughterhouse, she said "These people are like Nazis. They should be killed."
Posted by Tibor 2004-2-4 3:26:35 PM||   2004-2-4 3:26:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#7  Hey halffull, I'm not shur, but are they making fun of us? If so, this isa not funy.
Posted by muck4doo  2004-2-4 3:40:37 PM||   2004-2-4 3:40:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 If you guys keep this up, I'll have to start wearing Depends just to read Rantburg. ROTFLMAO
or would that be ROTFPIMP?
Posted by Gasse Katze 2004-2-4 3:41:00 PM||   2004-2-4 3:41:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 brilliant satire

but I just had a thought

doesn't the DU string sound a lot like the string on an arabtalk website
Posted by mhw 2004-2-4 4:08:51 PM||   2004-2-4 4:08:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Yes, indeed, mhw - just with more words spelled out... perhaps because they can actually spell, er, for the most part. Got to have something to show for 11 years on Daddy's Dime at DaffySFU.
Posted by .com 2004-2-4 5:00:01 PM||   2004-2-4 5:00:01 PM|| Front Page Top


This is a natural classic!
Posted by Korora  2004-2-4 5:16:56 PM|| []  2004-2-4 5:16:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 muck4doo, nevermind what these neocons think. We are WAY WAY smarter! Heck since I moved into my parents garage I have become my own man! My job at the 'All Nature Pizza Shop' was another victim of the Bush war on the underclass. I am working with some of my gay frineds to open the first ever 'Gay Pizzeria and Bath House.' Where you can munch on a pizza, sausage, or whatever strikes you fancy. Sure to be a money maker in our small town of Podunk, OK. If it doesn't work it's because of the facists policies the repugs have made laws! DEAN IN 04 (or 08, 12, 16, etc.)
Posted by halffull 2004-2-4 5:31:25 PM||   2004-2-4 5:31:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Rantburg strikes back! Two things gave you away.
1.You can spell
2.You know where the shift keys are.
Posted by Gasse Katze 2004-2-4 5:47:44 PM||   2004-2-4 5:47:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Ok you caught me. I love to go over there (DU) and rant the most outside screwball conspiracy and always someone agrees! Sometimes I do just to rile the natives up a bit! Great satire you nailed em!
Posted by Cyber Sarge aka halffull  2004-2-4 7:37:41 PM||   2004-2-4 7:37:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 I love to go over there (DU) and rant the most outside screwball conspiracy ...

It's all part of a conspiracy by you neo-cons to make us liberals look bad. The really weird postings on DU are actually neo-con planted (and I'm sure John Ashcroft is involved too) propaganda designed to make DU look stupid. WELL YOU KNOW WHAT - WE LIBERALS CAN LOOK STUPID WITHOUT YOUR HELP! GO TO HELL!
Posted by Jack A Son 2004-2-4 11:19:31 PM||   2004-2-4 11:19:31 PM|| Front Page Top

08:08 Raptor
01:42 Tony (UK)
00:18 Lucky
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23:33 Anonymous2U
23:23 Anonymous
23:20 badanov
23:19 Jack A Son
23:08 Jarhead
23:00 Jarhead
22:58 Nero
22:56 Dcreeper
22:51 Nero
22:46 4thInfVet
22:43 Jarhead
22:41 Super Hose
22:35 Dcreeper
22:34 CrazyFool
22:31 CrazyFool
22:28 CrazyFool
22:23 Lu Baihu
22:21 Rivrdog

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