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2004-02-04 Middle East
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Posted by Rob Ramage 2004-02-04 8:54:51 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [36 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I was struck by an article by the Nobel Peace laureate and Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble who called such human rights organisations as Amnesty International, B’tselem, and Human Rights Watch a "great
curse" yesterday and accused them of complicity in terrorist killings.

"One of the great curses of this world is the human rights industry,.........................They justify terrorist acts and end up being complicit in the murder of innocent victims."

I agree with him that its about time that we stand for the defence of human rights, to make a commitment to defend victims of terrorism and to
identify terrorist acts for what they are murder, without trying to make this illogical conparsion between victims and executioners as this fruit cake above does.
Posted by Bernardz 2004-2-4 9:02:53 AM||   2004-2-4 9:02:53 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 That's because the Israeli casualties are generally riding the bus, and eating lunch. The Palestinian "casualties" are usually armed, and firing at checkpoints and civilians.
Small distinction I know, but it's the crux of the issue. I'd say self defense doesn't necessarily equate to terrorism. But it's only my opinion. Feel free to remain deluded.
Posted by Brainiac 2004-2-4 9:05:04 AM||   2004-2-4 9:05:04 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 And the troll-fest starts!
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-2-4 9:09:17 AM|| []  2004-2-4 9:09:17 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 What is the correlation between Dean getting his ass handed to him and trollage 12 hours later? Is it some Vast Left Wing Conspiracy?.
Posted by whitecollar redneck 2004-2-4 9:14:22 AM||   2004-2-4 9:14:22 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Dean was supported largely by whiny college kids with too much time on their hands and massive chips on their shoulders. When Dean gets his butt whipped, those brats take it personally and take it out on the "evil Zionist oppressors who keep Howard out of power".
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-2-4 9:22:20 AM|| []  2004-2-4 9:22:20 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 What's with kids these days? When I was in college I wouldn't even be getting out of bed yet because it snowed every day and I had to walk 12 miles to get there after milking the cows.....oh excuse me, I just starting talking Old Fartian.
Posted by whitecollar redneck 2004-2-4 9:27:39 AM||   2004-2-4 9:27:39 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 If a troll comes out on Feb 4 and see his shadow, does that mean there are four more years of Bush? Any comment refuting this idiocy is futile to the troll. DON'T FEED THE TROLL!
Posted by Cyber Sarge  2004-2-4 9:40:48 AM||   2004-2-4 9:40:48 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 Hey Rob Ramage the Liar: ,,|,,
Posted by Steve from Relto 2004-2-4 9:43:17 AM||   2004-2-4 9:43:17 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 I only clicked on this because the title made it sound like a Scrappleface posting.
Posted by Matt 2004-2-4 10:55:54 AM||   2004-2-4 10:55:54 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 It's a zero-sum game. The Deanies gotta go somewhere. It is like a bubble moving around under linoleum.....
Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-2-4 11:07:14 AM||   2004-2-4 11:07:14 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 It is like a bubble moving around under linoleum.....

Somebody get a pin.
Posted by Laurence of the Rats  2004-2-4 11:23:20 AM||   2004-2-4 11:23:20 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 This total bozo should have posted this days earlier to celebrate Ground Hog days. This is assinine story that keeps on giving as new and different morons repost it.
I wish Rob Ramage had provided an address for the use of serial assaulters and rapists. To follow Rob's thinking down the toilet to its logical end, the response of a homeowner to being violently perpetrated upon should be to hold the door for the villian and provide him with a tooth-pick, mint and a hearty "good night, sir" as the guy leaves.

Note - I just read the title and inferred the rest. Did I nail the main theme of this journalistic master-piece of @#$%.
Posted by Super Hose  2004-2-4 11:23:34 AM||   2004-2-4 11:23:34 AM|| Front Page Top

#13 Yo Rob - Troll Boy, we don't do Op pieces. Now, get back under that bridge.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2004-2-4 11:41:51 AM||   2004-2-4 11:41:51 AM|| Front Page Top

#14 Hey troll! Look what I'm about to shine on you!

*activates sunlamp*
Posted by Steve from Relto 2004-2-4 11:52:10 AM||   2004-2-4 11:52:10 AM|| Front Page Top

#15 I'd like Rob the Troll to provide what proof he has of even ONE Jewish massacre of Palestinians or anyone else. This sh$$ keeps getting posted, but nobody will EVER give even a single link, a single reference, to the supporting material. Guess that's because there isn't any, eh? Kinda like the Deir Yassin massacre that supposedly happened April 9, 1948. Here is a different account, with some telling "evidence tampering" by people with a mission other than truth. I've read over 20 other accounts, all of which indicate Deir Yassin wasn't so much a massacre as a typical use of civilians by Arab armies to gain a political victory to offset the military defeat.
Posted by Old Patriot  2004-2-4 12:20:50 PM|| []  2004-2-4 12:20:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 The difference is the Paleos blow up people minding their own business, while the Israelis kill murdering terrorist pieces of shiite.

P.S. - Rob Ramage was a pretty good hockey player once. Too bad he's turned into a troll.
Posted by Tibor 2004-2-4 3:45:38 PM||   2004-2-4 3:45:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Old Patriot - What about the Holocaust - Hitler was a Jew, who hated his own kind.
Posted by Rob Ramage  2004-2-4 3:58:04 PM||   2004-2-4 3:58:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Furthermore, Hitlers grandson Sharon is now following his grandfathers steps and massacring Paleos.
Posted by Rob Ramage  2004-2-4 4:00:29 PM||   2004-2-4 4:00:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Interesting, notice the typical Troll behavior: the stomping about, the usual Bush/Sharon = Hitler, a complete and utter lack of argumentative logic / critical thinking. Also, take note of the tell-tale spittle which gathers at the corners of the oral cavity, suggesting that this is one of the more primitive species of Troll.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2004-2-4 4:19:46 PM||   2004-2-4 4:19:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Rex: "Bush/Sharon = Hitler". I beg to differ, Bush is the illegitimate child of the devil.
Posted by Rob Ramage 2004-2-4 5:08:53 PM||   2004-2-4 5:08:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Yeehaa, reel'em in slow Rex! You snagged a big one this time.
Posted by whitecollar redneck 2004-2-4 5:19:51 PM||   2004-2-4 5:19:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 Rob! Nuss Ratchett sez we're having popcorn with special salt again tonight!
Posted by Napoleon VII 2004-2-4 5:20:44 PM||   2004-2-4 5:20:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Rex I believe the latin name for this one is: "Trollios Smallpenious Stupidious Headuprectumious" A very unique species indeed. They make up less than 10% of liberals today according to the most recent poll results.
Posted by Cyber Sarge  2004-2-4 5:37:57 PM||   2004-2-4 5:37:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 They make up less than 10% of liberals today according to the most recent poll results.
Yep, that's the right kind, Sarge. I've also read they provide 90% of the spittle and 0.000002% of the intelligence. One wonders how they continue to reproduce, unless it's the spittle that does it...
Posted by Old Patriot  2004-2-4 6:12:08 PM|| []  2004-2-4 6:12:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 At least while Rob is at the keyboard we know that there is one less serial dog raper loose on the streets - longingly staring mesmorized at the gait of a poodle or on the corner stalking that beagle thang he has been after.
Posted by Super Hose  2004-2-4 7:25:19 PM||   2004-2-4 7:25:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 ... am I gunna be as vicious as you fellas when I'm yer age ? heh funny stuff though..
Posted by Dcreeper 2004-2-4 10:56:17 PM||   2004-2-4 10:56:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 Rob Ramage......YOU COCK-SUCKING LIAR!

Everyone here knows I'M THE ILLEGITIMATE SON OF THE DEVIL! (BTW - My mom was an M-16) Get your facts straight maggot.
Posted by Jarhead 2004-2-4 11:08:13 PM||   2004-2-4 11:08:13 PM|| Front Page Top

08:08 Raptor
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23:20 badanov
23:19 Jack A Son
23:08 Jarhead
23:00 Jarhead
22:58 Nero
22:56 Dcreeper
22:51 Nero
22:46 4thInfVet
22:43 Jarhead
22:41 Super Hose
22:35 Dcreeper
22:34 CrazyFool
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