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2003-12-16 Iraq
Iraqi FM blasts U.N. - accuses eurotrash of "Settling scores with the United States"
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Posted by 4thInfVet 2003-12-16 8:09:00 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [31 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Shit, dupe post. Can you kill it Mr. Fred?
Posted by 4thInfVet 2003-12-16 8:09:46 PM||   2003-12-16 8:09:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 He declared, "The U.N. must not fail the Iraqi people again."


Jeesh. Soooo... there will be a next time. No wonder the NYT is printing it.
Posted by B 2003-12-16 8:24:23 PM||   2003-12-16 8:24:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 No, B, the first failure was the recognition and support of Saddam's government. The again would be if the UN abandons Iraq and treats it as if it's America's sole problem.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2003-12-16 8:36:08 PM|| []  2003-12-16 8:36:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Hoshyar Zebari delivered an excellent spanking to a group that richly deserved one.
Posted by Dave D.  2003-12-16 8:48:12 PM||   2003-12-16 8:48:12 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Methinks we're going to be hearing a lot more from Iraqi's who've been shafted over the years by the UN, NGO's and certain countries.

Good for them!
Posted by Tony (UK) 2003-12-16 8:49:30 PM||   2003-12-16 8:49:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 "Now is not the time...blah, blah, blah." It will never be the right time, will it, Kofi? Anybody know when this idiot's term is up? (I know, I know - we just get a new idiot. But this one's reeeeeeally worn out his welcome.)
Posted by PBMcL 2003-12-16 9:07:13 PM||   2003-12-16 9:07:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Sounds like in Mr. Zebari we've identified the first Iraqi Rantburger. Somebody send him the URL.

" Ambassador Jean-Marc de la Sabliere of France, a critic of the war, turned aside the criticism... saying 'I don't want to comment on the past.'" Good idea, Jean-boy, it's not very pretty from your point of view.
Posted by Matt 2003-12-16 9:33:31 PM||   2003-12-16 9:33:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 I think the IGC should sue the UN (possible?), and Kofi personally, to account for every dime of the "Oil for Palaces" program. Hit 'em where it hurts.
Posted by PBMcL 2003-12-16 9:34:47 PM||   2003-12-16 9:34:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 did ANYONE see this speech on the news ? ANY news ? ANYWHERE ?
Posted by eyeyeye 2003-12-16 9:36:53 PM||   2003-12-16 9:36:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 That would be 'no'...
Posted by Raj 2003-12-16 10:18:38 PM|| []  2003-12-16 10:18:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Well, when is the time to point fingers, dammit?

Exactly. The monster has been dragged from his hole, the recovery of the country is under way (in spite of the idiots with RPGs). When will it be a better time to point some fingers at france and the u.n. than right now? ESPECIALLY considering their duplicity in keeping saddam in charge of the plastic shredders.

ps. thanks for the salt n' vinegar seasoning, FP.
Posted by 4thInfVet 2003-12-16 10:24:36 PM||   2003-12-16 10:24:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Two posts based on two reporters at the same meeting, and I saw yet a third one, about to post until I saw it already posted twice. Now I'm posting a fourth one here. The Beeb quoted no one so they could devote the whole thing to spin: (EFL, but short to begin with)
UN chief demands clear Iraq role
The United Nations role in Iraq needs to be defined much more clearly, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan says. Mr Annan said the capture of Saddam Hussein was an opportunity for a new beginning for Iraqis - and forming a provisional government was a priority. Mr Annan was addressing the UN Security Council during a debate on the future of Iraq. Mr Annan said the UN had not disengaged from Iraq despite appearances and was doing all it could from outside the country. But he said it was still too dangerous for the UN to return to Iraq, following the bombing of its Baghdad headquarters in August that killed UN envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello and 21 others. Mr Annan said the UN was ready to play its full part in helping Iraq from out of mortar range, but "much greater clarity" was needed as to what was expected from it.
Posted by Glenn (not Reynolds) 2003-12-16 10:57:52 PM||   2003-12-16 10:57:52 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Unfortunately, Annan's term isn't up until 2006. This is his second term . . . how did THAT happen?!?
Posted by spiffo 2003-12-16 11:37:25 PM||   2003-12-16 11:37:25 PM|| Front Page Top

22:41 Anonymous4944
18:36 liberalhawk
00:13 CrazyFool
00:11 Old Patriot
23:56 CrazyFool
23:55 Old Patriot
23:46 Old Patriot
23:37 spiffo
23:34 alaskasoldier
23:24 Steve White
23:21 4thInfVet
23:15 4thInfVet
22:57 Glenn (not Reynolds)
22:49 Fred
22:41 4thInfVet
22:39 Rafael
22:33 Chuck
22:24 4thInfVet
22:21 Raj Reagan
22:18 Raj
22:10 Anonymous
21:41 Glenn (not Reynolds)
21:36 eyeyeye
21:36 Glenn (not Reynolds)

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