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2003-12-16 Fifth Column
"Peace" Activists Vandalize Enola Gay
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Posted by Robert Crawford 2003-12-16 2:10:53 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [19 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Missed this bit before I posted, showing that not all Americans have forgotten:

But their act of remembrance beside the plane was too much for some museum visitors, who angrily chanted "Remember Pearl Harbour" and "What about the Nanjing massacre?", referring to actions of imperial Japanese forces.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2003-12-16 2:12:09 PM|| []  2003-12-16 2:12:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 I knew this was just a matter of time once they put it out there. They might as well put a fur coat on it to attract the rest of the moonbats with red paint.

Wonder how many of these "peace activists" would have lost ancestors or relatives in the invasion of Japan if the Enola Gay didn't drop that bomb? There would have been a lot more dead Japanese than Hiroshima and Nagasaki saw, too. Ignorant sh*ts.
Posted by Dar  2003-12-16 2:19:00 PM||   2003-12-16 2:19:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 What appalling nerve, for these a$$holes to come here and complain about the death toll in a war THEY started. I've said it before: Don't start sh*t you can't finish.
Posted by BH  2003-12-16 2:27:29 PM||   2003-12-16 2:27:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Two men were arrested after a bottle of red paint, meant to symbolise blood, was thrown,..

A good caning for these two out back would be appropriate punishment...
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2003-12-16 2:43:28 PM||   2003-12-16 2:43:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 There's a good chance Nagasaki and Hiroshima would have been levelled anyway along with every other major Japanese city in a conventional invasion if the A-bomb didn't end the war. And these six survivors would have been killed A.) by firebombing, or B.) by artillery, or C.) by strapping explosives on their backs and throwing themselves under Allied tank treads, or D.) by throwing themselves off cliffs a la Okinawa, or E.) by some other hideous death.

The senile old farts should be thankful they and millions of their countrymen survived an even worse fate that would have cut their pathetic lives short by about 57 years.
Posted by Dar  2003-12-16 2:55:49 PM||   2003-12-16 2:55:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 It's important to blacklist history that you don't approve of. Wouldn't want people to learn what happened would we, they might discuss it and come up with a different viewpoint.

Posted by ruprecht 2003-12-16 3:34:00 PM||   2003-12-16 3:34:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 In the very same museum is a V-2,built with slave labor by concentration camp victims and set to be aimed at cities filled with civilians. Funny how they always seem to walk right past that to get to the big scary "amerikan" airplane. I wonder if the residents of Antwerp and London feel they should protest the V-2, that lovely little ballistic weapon, built by a tryant for the destruction of civilization.

Fact is, we killed far more in white europeans in Dresden with B-17/b-24 and Lancaster Bombers, it just took three days and 1000 bombers a day to do it. The fact is these little wetnoses dont give a damn about the 'poor japanese victims' they care about their own ass. The "bomb" threatens them, the fact that Japanese were killed once upon a time is of no consequence to them.

Is it the weapon itself or the yield of the weapon that they are upset with? if its the weapon, then perhaps they should protest the local mall, where they sell knock off samurai swords, similar to the ones that killed women and children by the thousands,slowly, one by one in Nanking China. If its the yield, then perhaps Tokyo, Hamburg and Dresden is also a candidates for martydom. The Tokyo fire raids killed more civilians and destryed more sqaure miles directly than did the hiroshima bombing, but again, I ask, is this only valid according to an accountants sense of the bottom line? that 16,999 dead is a not a tragedy, but 17,000 is?

Thank god for the crew of the Enola Gay. Thank God for the bomb. Thank God we got it first.
Posted by Frank Martin  2003-12-16 3:42:36 PM||   2003-12-16 3:42:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Wonder how many of these "peace activists" would have lost ancestors or relatives in the invasion of Japan if the Enola Gay didn't drop that bomb?
My uncle was in a division training to invade the Japanese main islands. To this day he credits Truman with saving his life by ordering the A-bomb drops.
FM, good post. But I don't think you'll ever reach these idiots using logic.
Posted by Gasse Katze 2003-12-16 4:04:33 PM||   2003-12-16 4:04:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 FM - Sorry, but the European theater was white people killing white people (and, especially Jewish white people), so they aren't deserving of our sympathy.
Posted by Dar  2003-12-16 4:49:51 PM||   2003-12-16 4:49:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 I knew this was just a matter of time once they put it out there. They might as well put a fur coat on it to attract the rest of the moonbats with red paint.

We forgot to announce that the exhibit is being serviced and maintained through a no bid Haliburton contract...
Posted by Capsu78 2003-12-16 5:44:43 PM||   2003-12-16 5:44:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Wonder if they'd have the nerve to do something like that if we had several dozen second- or third-generation Marines, whose parents/grandparents/greats were at Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Okinawa, Iwo Jima, or some of the other bloody spots, guarding it.
Posted by Old Patriot  2003-12-16 6:09:05 PM|| []  2003-12-16 6:09:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 I said it before: A bomb, is a bomb, is a bomb. A nuke is just a MORE efficient one. Frank good point on the Dresdan fire bombing. We won't mention the bombing of Shanghai or the raping of Nanking. If we really subscribed to their rantings, Baghdad, Kabul, and Damascus would be smoking holes in the ground today.
Posted by Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter)  2003-12-16 6:26:28 PM||   2003-12-16 6:26:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 The B-29s killed more Japaneese with mines than they did with bombs.
Posted by Shipman 2003-12-16 6:36:18 PM||   2003-12-16 6:36:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Let's remember that the Japanese Army killed an average of 300,000 Chinese and Filipinos a month. In other words even if we account for cancer deaths and even if we forget the people who would have been killed in an invasion the A bomb SAVED lives. At least one million of Chinese or Filipinos. Perhaps several millions.
Posted by JFM  2003-12-16 6:37:33 PM||   2003-12-16 6:37:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Let's remember that people who do this kind of stuff are generally clueless and are acting out of ignorance and motivated by "feel-good"
Posted by Michael  2003-12-16 7:15:50 PM||   2003-12-16 7:15:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 Is there any end to the anarchist's stupidity and hypocrisy?

"Truth? You can't handle the truth!"
Posted by alaskasoldier 2003-12-16 7:33:53 PM||   2003-12-16 7:33:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 OK-just paint a red paint can on the side, and rename the plane "Flak Bait." Oops, can't do already taken.

People ought to get a clue. The Enola Gay, as well as Bock's Car(Nagasaki) is part of history. Learn to live with it.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2003-12-16 8:02:26 PM||   2003-12-16 8:02:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Excuse me for being selfish, but I'm probably alive because they dropped those things. Dad had been through Okinawa, was headed for Japan, and figured his luck was up.
How villified would Truman be if ,when we have the bombs, we don't use them, and get about 2 or 3 or 4 million people killed conquering Japan?
Posted by tu3031 2003-12-16 8:34:19 PM||   2003-12-16 8:34:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Peace activists committing an act of foolish violence? Please say it ain't so! F*ck those *ssholes. Yeah, they got two big ones and it could of been a third time if that's what it took. The more violent and cruel war is, the quicker its over, and ultimately saves more lives. Wish I'd been there to see them pull that shit. I'd be in jail right now for handling business on some peace pansie, but fairly happy I'm sure.
Posted by Jarhead 2003-12-16 9:25:59 PM||   2003-12-16 9:25:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Jarhead, I'd mortgage the family farm to pay your bail, brother! Semper Fi!
Posted by Old Patriot  2003-12-16 11:55:59 PM|| []  2003-12-16 11:55:59 PM|| Front Page Top

22:41 Anonymous4944
18:36 liberalhawk
00:13 CrazyFool
00:11 Old Patriot
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23:37 spiffo
23:34 alaskasoldier
23:24 Steve White
23:21 4thInfVet
23:15 4thInfVet
22:57 Glenn (not Reynolds)
22:49 Fred
22:41 4thInfVet
22:39 Rafael
22:33 Chuck
22:24 4thInfVet
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21:36 eyeyeye
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