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2003-12-16 Home Front
Gimli is smart!
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Posted by Korora 2003-12-16 11:55:59 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [17 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Curses, beaten to the post by a first timer! Woe unto you as you face the Wrath of Steve's!
Posted by Steve  2003-12-16 12:05:47 PM||   2003-12-16 12:05:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Rhys-Davies for the democratic candidacy for president!!!!

Shoot, that won't happen. He believes that Western civilization is something to grateful for, not something to apologize for.
Posted by alaskasoldier 2003-12-16 12:24:41 PM||   2003-12-16 12:24:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 You could only be here in this room with these strange men for immoral purposes.

Holy Shit! This guy is fantastic! I especially like his pointing out the hypocrisies of supporting islamofascism to the idiot reporters. I wonder what they had to say about it.
Posted by 4thInfVet 2003-12-16 12:27:26 PM||   2003-12-16 12:27:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Ooh, yeah, I'll bet he and that schmuck mortenson got along real well, huh?
Posted by 4thInfVet 2003-12-16 12:29:04 PM||   2003-12-16 12:29:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 I never read the trilogy books but have eagerly watched the movies. The warning about Islamofascism by Tolkien is very apparent.

The Age of Reason white male culture though not perfect is being invaded by ignorance and subverted by moral relativism.

Posted by Lucky 2003-12-16 12:41:25 PM||   2003-12-16 12:41:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 One can be against Islamofascism and dishonest plutocrats at the same time.
Posted by Hiryu 2003-12-16 12:44:19 PM||   2003-12-16 12:44:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 I can see the Academy Awards now:
"The Oscar for best picture goes to Return of the King....except for Rhys-Davies!"
Posted by Frank G  2003-12-16 12:59:48 PM||   2003-12-16 12:59:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 duh - and the blood of Numenor is fading and high elves are dying out - Tolkein didnt seem to think this was a big deal as rhohirrim, lesser men, hobbits, dwarves, and wood elves could take their places, as long as they absorbed the VALUES of the older civ. Who cares whos dying out? Here in the USA, while our Pres is an evangelical of old stock New England origin, VP is old stock (?) and Sec Def is German-American, our Sec of State and NSA are African Americans, our Sec Transport and outgoing Sec Army are Japanese-Americans, #2 at Defense is Jewish, commander of Centcom is (christian) arab-american, head of forces in Iraq is hispanic, and ambassador to afghanistan, who has had lead role in both afghanistan and Iraq stragies, is a muslim afghan-american. Our diversity is OUR STRENGTH. This obsession with muslim birthrates is a European obsession - the natural obsession of nations without the genius for absorbing immigrants that we have. Replacing genetic stocks is more than something you wish for - its based on a mindset about change that Europe does not have, and that America does.
Posted by liberalhawk 2003-12-16 1:35:42 PM||   2003-12-16 1:35:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 The issue that Gimli brings up is that the Muslim masses arriving do not assimilate into the mainstream culture. You can have a diversity of cultures, that makes the US strong. Out of many, one. But our mainstream culture is based upon fundamental principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. In Europe, the Muslim masses do not in general want to assimilate, so they will have a house divided.

Rhys-Davies must have been reading Den Beste and other blogs on European demographics, or has been using deductive reasoning and common sense. He has pretty much hit it on the head.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2003-12-16 2:09:23 PM||   2003-12-16 2:09:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 I think Herodotus touched on this idea of dying blood in the Histories, when he was discussing the Persians. Getting rich and fat tends to make civilizations soft and risk-averse. America's strength comes from immigration, constantly replenishing our people with tough, ambitious (often unscrupulous) folk willing to do the hard work to get ahead. The descendants of the Knickerbockers and the Olde Virginia families major in modern dance or womyn's studies, the Jews and Italians see their kids becoming lawyers, while the kids of the Hmong and the Indos and the Ghanians are taking engineering courses.

Societies that don't replenish themselves one way or another whither and die. Reality seems to be kind of the opposite of the "pure Aryan blood" approach. The only society I can think of that breaks the mold is Japan, which overcame it by instituting a society that specifically bred for aggression, competition, even ferocity.

Europe's got a great opportunity, if they can manage to keep their civilization from being overwhelmed. It's competition that can build sharpness of ideas and the will to achieve. If the Euros don't roll over, both societies will be the better for it.
Posted by Fred  2003-12-16 2:16:21 PM||   2003-12-16 2:16:21 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 AP - yeah, but why do US muslims tend to assimilate and Euro muslims dont - is it the luck of who we've drawn - more pakistanis here, mainly north africans there (at least in France and Benelux)? But we also assimilate IRaqis, pals, etc. Greece and Italy choke on Albanians and Germany chokes on Turks. Is it that we have the geographic luck to mix muslims in with hispanics, east asians etc? But they get black africans, Roma, ukrainians - have they done much better with them? Is it just something in the

No I think its something in the culture.

Posted by liberalhawk 2003-12-16 3:28:30 PM||   2003-12-16 3:28:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Liberalhawk, Germany formed as the grouping of German tribes. The borders may move around but that definition is still fairly well planted. There are third generation immigrants in Germany that have very little chance of becoming citizens. I think this is true throughout most of the world.

The US and a handful of ex-English colonies were created by immigrants.Thus immigration and assimilation is in our blood.
Posted by ruprecht 2003-12-16 3:51:29 PM||   2003-12-16 3:51:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Would like to see Gimi give instruction to these fools under the loving caresses of his axe.....
Posted by CrazyFool  2003-12-16 4:20:13 PM||   2003-12-16 4:20:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Forges warm friends! Vote Dwarven in 2004!
Posted by Secret Master  2003-12-16 4:22:33 PM|| []  2003-12-16 4:22:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Yes, liberalhawk, it is in our culture. Robert Burns had something to say about inbred royalty that got him in trouble with the Crown. Heh heh. I think that the secret to our success is that we assimillate at a pace that allows for this integration into the culture. This is one of the reasons that illegal immigration is so dangerous of an issue. It overwhelms the system's ability to absorb in an orderly fashion, and it reinforces distain for the law.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2003-12-16 4:48:09 PM||   2003-12-16 4:48:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 The warning about Islamofascism by Tolkien is very apparent.

LOL! Dude, at the time Tolkien started writing the story he'd be much more concerned about the German threat and the war that his own son had to eventually fight in, not some Islamofascist threat.

And Tolkien wasn't writing allegory about WW2 either, so he certainly wouldn't be writing an allegory about Islam.

Applicability rests on the reader's own choices on the other hand -- take from him what you will, as long as you don't assume it's what the *author* had in mind...
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2003-12-16 6:21:51 PM||   2003-12-16 6:21:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Look at all these third world dumps!
It's not there government that keeps them from reaching great hights!
Or drugs!
Or there religion!
Or there cultures!

Race, race is the reason.
It's there right in front of your faces!
Divershitty is weakness. If you do nothing but let non white hordes flock to any White nation from there third world dumps, they will turn that White nation into, guess what, A THIRD WORLD DUMP!
They don't have the genes to reach great hights.
All divershitty does is weaken White nations and most importantly the White Race!

Non white hordes when they first arrive to any new soil(White nation) ,because the nations leaders don't care about race and only for money, will quickly take the jobs that require the least amount of education, leaf blowers, gardeners, fast food, cooks, waiters, those shitty little marts on every corner. Then once they dominate most of small commercial buisness's, then they move up the ranks in government, and before you know it the host race (White race) is left in the dust for that easy dollar, integrated and forced to be occupied by non white third world parisites, with out the White working class back bone holding the nation togther, these muds would have nothing.
Divershitty is the White Race's downfall
If you as a race do not take the bottom step, the FIRST steps in creating a civilization,
you have nothing, and you are just feeding of the host race. What have these not whites created, if it wasn't for the White Race these people would have no clue. With out our interaction they are nothing but savages with bones in there noses.
You can take the Groid, the towel head, the rice eater, the Red, out of the jungle, out of the desert, out from the bamboo, and off the plains, but you CAN NOT take the genetic inferiority out of these mud races. Plain and simple.


Brainwashed and weak is the way our enemies like us.

United and striving for purity in all aspects, we are a feared force to be reaconed with.

Its our fault we let it get to this.
Its our self and racial responsibilty to correct our mistakes forged by our weak leaders, and restore our racial hygiene, and reclaim our nations.

Re instill morals that are shit upon by this
occupied government, getting rich off of filth, drugs, and third world labor, and keeping you quite by keeping you fed and stupid. What do you have to lose? Not your house, or car or freedom.
But the very thing that makes us whole, one, apart of the soul of the universe, our ways and our customs, WHAT WE ARE, OUR RACE OUR BLOOD.
The beauty of our children will be our reward.

Hail, Hail the White Race.
Posted by Anonymous4944 2004-05-19 10:41:41 PM||   2004-05-19 10:41:41 PM|| Front Page Top

22:41 Anonymous4944
18:36 liberalhawk
00:13 CrazyFool
00:11 Old Patriot
23:56 CrazyFool
23:55 Old Patriot
23:46 Old Patriot
23:37 spiffo
23:34 alaskasoldier
23:24 Steve White
23:21 4thInfVet
23:15 4thInfVet
22:57 Glenn (not Reynolds)
22:49 Fred
22:41 4thInfVet
22:39 Rafael
22:33 Chuck
22:24 4thInfVet
22:21 Raj Reagan
22:18 Raj
22:10 Anonymous
21:41 Glenn (not Reynolds)
21:36 eyeyeye
21:36 Glenn (not Reynolds)

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