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2022-08-16 -Short Attention Span Theater-
Biden's $20 million South Carolina retreat plagued by mold
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Posted by Fred 2022-08-16 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [30 views ]  Top

#1 See what happens when you invite the Bidens?
Posted by CrazyFool 2022-08-16 00:07||   2022-08-16 00:07|| Front Page Top

#2 heh
Posted by The Walking Unvaxed 2022-08-16 00:29||   2022-08-16 00:29|| Front Page Top

#3 Dear Walking Unvaxxed,

I apologize for not answering you very useful question here, but I only saw it just after the rollover, too late to respond there. You wrote

#30 TW,
Please forgive my ignorance.
By your own numbers, views, this site is pretty small.
Why would you urge caution?
This topic, article, has had 358 views. Probably a quarter of them are mine.
Should we not speak freely here?
Not sarcasm, just don't get it.
Posted by The Walking Unvaxed 2022-08-15 23:47|

My dear, you are ever the gentleman, and I never thought to suspect you of being otherwise.

My concern was for the other site, the one where Sloluse Slutle9788 reported conversing with the angry young vets, that perhaps some there were actually outside agitators aiming to get him and his friends in trouble. We know agitators/trolls come here, too, though at the moment I haven’t noticed anything more exciting than Communist Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian boiler room trolls trying to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt or bring us over to their side. In the past there was young JUSTICE, among others, a Saudi lad whose father was a connected Saudi air force pilot; J. couldn’t handle our — particularly my — lack of respect for his Saudi Muslim awesomeness, and applied his newly learnt programming skillz in an attempt to overload and crash the site. He failed and eventually was banned, but for a while several of us moderators had to be tapped in nearly full time to stay on top of his nonsense. A number of Rantburg’s anti-spam subroutines were written in response to his nonsense.

But also, while Rantburg is not the kind of big site that gets 10,000 hits a day, we have almost from the beginning had the quiet attention of the Pentagon, Langley, and Foggy Bottom, just as our articles and discussions became part of the raw intel streams for Jamestown, Strategy Page, and Long War Journal... and possibly others. The audience for our words is larger than just one another, though many of our articles get twenty or thirty views, and only the most rambunctious get a shocking 358 views and 32 comments. This is also why we do not allow threats of violence to American citizens here— though Fred does not object, we need to ensure we do not cause him trouble with his peer group when he so generously provides us this wonderful place to play.
Posted by trailing wife 2022-08-16 01:22||   2022-08-16 01:22|| Front Page Top

Posted by Dron66046 2022-08-16 03:39||   2022-08-16 03:39|| Front Page Top

#5 I’d like to leave your comment up for today to trigger discussion, Dron, then spamcop it after the midnight rollover so it doesn’t get archived. Is that an acceptable compromise?

Otherwise until dear Walking Unvaxxed responds, so we know that communication occurred.
Posted by trailing wife 2022-08-16 10:28||   2022-08-16 10:28|| Front Page Top

#6 As you wish, TW. Gawd knows we give you enough of a headache. 😀

But there ain't quite no place
that brings this smirk to yer face,
[yes this one] other than the 'Burg.
Posted by Dron66046 2022-08-16 10:40||   2022-08-16 10:40|| Front Page Top

#7 We live in SC very near Charlotte, NC, where mold is fairly prevalent (warm, humid climate and all that.)

There was huge hysteria in Charlotte and the Carolinas over mold just a few years ago, and I don't know if it's abated or not. But mold is both very common and hysterically feared (an odd combination, I know) here in the Carolinas.
Posted by Tom 2022-08-16 11:27||   2022-08-16 11:27|| Front Page Top

#8 I guess I fit into the category of old angry vet who uses my keyboard during lunch. I am not sure why there would be an assumption that the folks who come to Rantburg for information and interaction don't do anything else to move forward the cause when we are not typing. My issue is not with action, I am against random violence and destruction of property.

For instance, I don't believe that the guy who crashed his car into the capitol barrier an immolated himself moved the cause forward substantively, but I do believe that the trucker and farm protests are effective, so I am not against physical action.

I am unable to assimilate tossing Molotov's with the oath I took as a young man to support and defend the Constitution. I am old enough to not really care if that annoys the "storm the Bastille" crowd.
Posted by Super Hose 2022-08-16 13:20||   2022-08-16 13:20|| Front Page Top

#9 the folks who come to Rantburg for information and interaction don't do anything else to move forward the cause

Of course I didn't mean that, SH. I mean everybody here is ... uhh, of the same opinion essentially as you. About their oaths and molotovs, I mean. And I don't expect this crowd to do that. But thankfully you do have a fringe. There's just not much in the way of coordination and strategy. Or leaders who can effectively use them. I have seen the value a fringe can add to a party. I think, for example, that there's a credible threat to DJT's life. How many LSD's lives are threatened? I shall just shut up now.
Posted by Dron66046 2022-08-16 14:12||   2022-08-16 14:12|| Front Page Top

#10  For instance, I don't believe that the guy who crashed his car into the capitol barrier an immolated himself moved the cause forward substantively,

The Guardian reports he had a degenerative brain condition and was not political, my dear, which would explain it:

The mother of a Delaware man who shot himself to death after driving into a US Capitol barricade over the weekend says she believes he was struggling with brain trauma from growing up playing football.

Richard Aaron York III’s mother, Tamara Cunningham, said she suspects his past as a high school football player left him with chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a brain condition colloquially known as CTE. Some football players develop CTE because of repeated head blows that are common to the sport.

“Something was going on for a while,” Cunningham told the Guardian in an interview Tuesday. “And it was progressively getting worse.”

A CTE diagnosis can only be definitively made with a postmortem brain autopsy. Cunningham said she had requested one from a private doctor as well as the local coroner’s office but had not immediately been able to schedule the procedure.

Nonetheless, in prior cases where CTE was ultimately confirmed in late football players and athletes in other violent sports, families suspected their loved ones had the condition beforehand because of behavior they considered erratic or aggressive.

Cunningham spoke out on her thoughts about her son as police continued investigating what may have motivated York to aim his car at a barricade outside the Capitol in Washington DC early on Sunday.

And York’s mother on Tuesday said she didn’t know her son to be that closely attuned to politics or to support Trump – in fact, she believed his voter registration listed him as a Democrat.

“We’re just not that kind of family,” Cunningham said when asked if anything politically motivated her son on Sunday.

Posted by trailing wife 2022-08-16 15:29||   2022-08-16 15:29|| Front Page Top

#11 ^ Won't stop the media as portraying it as "Trump backed white supremaciss, rayciss, insurrectionist extremizm. And gullible lefties will lap it up.
Posted by M. Murcek 2022-08-16 15:38||   2022-08-16 15:38|| Front Page Top

#12 No need to shut-up. Rantburg is the fringe. How many Americans know who Joseph Kony is? Thomas Paine's ideas were also on the fringe.

Recognize the chess board. Biden is currently being held over on "vacation," because the raid went so badly for his side. Putting him in back of a podium for questions cannot be done.

If they take further steps forward, Trump will be inaugurated before January 2023. Jim Jordan already has whistleblowers.
Posted by Super Hose 2022-08-16 15:53||   2022-08-16 15:53|| Front Page Top

#13 Off topic [or back on topic]
How does Black Mold mix with Covid?
Posted by Skidmark 2022-08-16 16:24||   2022-08-16 16:24|| Front Page Top

#14 ^ Don't give Fauxi any ideas...
Posted by M. Murcek 2022-08-16 16:25||   2022-08-16 16:25|| Front Page Top

#15 But the house isn't moled, even though Brandon is a mould.
Posted by swksvolFF 2022-08-16 16:26||   2022-08-16 16:26|| Front Page Top

#16 Black Mould! Anybody read Brian Lumley's short story called Fruiting Bodies? It's about a 'orrible fungus that gestates inside everything, even dead and living bodies, and takes them over.
Posted by Dron66046 2022-08-16 16:34||   2022-08-16 16:34|| Front Page Top

#17 I'll reply later. A lot of good stuff. Good call TW, spamcop him please (but I do prefer Smokey the bear, spambear?).
Posted by The Walking Unvaxed 2022-08-16 18:06||   2022-08-16 18:06|| Front Page Top

#18 Smokeyed per request, as communication has been accomplished. :-) The article has 205 views directly, plus however many readers scrolled down from the top of the page, which is enough communication for going on with.

How does Black Mold mix with Covid?

Poorly, I’d imagine, as both debilitate the lungs, and fungal pneumonia is less often tested for — and therefore less often treated — than the bacterial variety.
Posted by trailing wife 2022-08-16 20:57||   2022-08-16 20:57|| Front Page Top

#19 I feel I've achieved a new level of delinquency my grandpa would be proud of.
Posted by Dron66046 2022-08-16 22:58||   2022-08-16 22:58|| Front Page Top

#20 Was your grandpa in the same line of business?
Posted by Xyz 2022-08-16 23:02||   2022-08-16 23:02|| Front Page Top

#21 Nope. He retired from working for the Brits a cynic.
Posted by Dron66046 2022-08-16 23:58||   2022-08-16 23:58|| Front Page Top

23:58 Dron66046
23:54 Otto Clunk7563
23:50 Bobby
23:25 CrazyFool
23:07 Xyz
23:02 Xyz
22:58 Dron66046
21:21 trailing wife
20:59 trailing wife
20:57 trailing wife
20:50 Besoeker
20:18 Airandee
20:14 Gromble Dribble4342
20:13 Gromble Dribble4342
20:09 Gromble Dribble4342
20:06 Gromble Dribble4342
20:04 Gromble Dribble4342
20:00 Gromble Dribble4342
19:57 Gromble Dribble4342
19:54 Gromble Dribble4342
18:56 Anomalous Sources
18:49 ruprecht
18:47 ruprecht
18:37 JohnQC

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