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2022-08-16 Government Corruption
Trump warns 'terrible things are going to happen' US after 'sneak attack' FBI raid
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Posted by Fred 2022-08-16 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [16 views ]  Top

#1 I don’t believe the classified material allegation, but I don’t get the documents angle even if there was stuff in there. Trump and Melanie did not pack up the WH documents as they shared tearful memories of their favorite classified briefings. Nor will you find an email from Trump instructing someone to save all the nuclear codes because they could be the basis of a really strong password to his Truth Social account. This is just going to crash like all the other times Trump “was painted onto a corner.”
Posted by Super Hose 2022-08-16 09:01||   2022-08-16 09:01|| Front Page Top

#2 As I was taking my evening walk I couldn't help but notice the local police guarding the FBI station in the neighborhood. As far as I know it's a first. Last week the staff were eating lunch at the picnic table.
Posted by Vespasian Ebboting9735 2022-08-16 09:15||   2022-08-16 09:15|| Front Page Top

#3 ^ Who knows? Maybe the FBEye will stage a fake attack on themselves in order to foist the blame on the vast rightwing conservatives. They're actually pretty good at staging fake insurrections.
Posted by Warthog 2022-08-16 09:58||   2022-08-16 09:58|| Front Page Top

#4 Dunno. Seems everything about the Witchmore abduction had everyone going HUH? except the media and those who wanted to believe.

What has me a bit concerned about that, though, is that for some 6 months NYC has been advising what to do if nuked? campaign, media has been banging the nuke gong since this raid, then the deal yesterday about a nuke attack in NYC being a Trump conspiracy.

That is a lot of pump priming which I do not believe is happening in other cities.
Posted by swksvolFF 2022-08-16 10:15||   2022-08-16 10:15|| Front Page Top

#5 As I was taking my evening walk I couldn't help but notice the local police guarding the FBI station in the neighborhood

You think anyone on a jury, outside the 6 counties around DC, are going to believe the testimony of an FBI agent? They've squandered any credibility.
Posted by Procopius2k 2022-08-16 10:23||   2022-08-16 10:23|| Front Page Top

#6 Currently with the judge connected to Epstien I have to wonder if Trump had the client list or something and they were desperate to recover it, even at the cost of a bit of political blow-back.

Either that or the left are power-hungry and stupid. Both seem reasonable explanations.
Posted by ruprecht 2022-08-16 10:27||   2022-08-16 10:27|| Front Page Top

#7 What is to keep the Democrats from looking for a Grassy Knoll? They have political operatives and control in just about every agency and dept.
Posted by   2022-08-16 11:13||   2022-08-16 11:13|| Front Page Top

#8 Why does an FBI office need local police protection?
Posted by Chris 2022-08-16 11:32||   2022-08-16 11:32|| Front Page Top

#9 ..well, the IRS 'agents' are still in training.
Posted by Procopius2k 2022-08-16 11:48||   2022-08-16 11:48|| Front Page Top


A fascinating take on the idea that a civil suit by Trump, in the Florida courts, that could use the seized "classified/declassified" documents that appear to be the focus of the raid to prove culpability for the Russia Hoax and spying against Trump by the Clinton Campaign, Obama Admin et al.
Its a Florida court, and a civil suit, so the jury pool would be Floridians, not DC sympathizers and the verdict majority, not unanimous. Such a trial would be successful if what we have been told about the documents is true, and it would inevitably also lead to many, many criminal referrals against the heart of the Obama/Puppet Show players.
Posted by NoMoreBS 2022-08-16 12:40||   2022-08-16 12:40|| Front Page Top

#11 It seems like this action by the DOJ/FBI violates the 4th Amendment, i.e. an illegal search and seizure. Anything gathered from such a search and seizure probably cannot be used in any court as evidence. It also would seem that that Trump is entitled to a copy of the affidavit which was the basis for the warrant in order to defend himself. Just a layman's common sense view of things. The raid seems more like a fishing (fisting?) expedition.
Posted by JohnQC 2022-08-16 18:37||   2022-08-16 18:37|| Front Page Top

#12 ^ #3 - Anybody else remember the vast right-wing conspiracy" that upset Hillary several years ago?
Posted by Bobby 2022-08-16 23:50||   2022-08-16 23:50|| Front Page Top

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