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2019-05-24 Olde Tyme Religion
SPENGLER: There's No Cure for Jihad
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Posted by g(r)omgoru 2019-05-24 08:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [40 views ]  Top

#1 There is MOST definitely a cure. Know muslims, no peace. No muslims, know peace.
Posted by Ebbusoter Phomort9156 2019-05-24 08:23||   2019-05-24 08:23|| Front Page Top

#2 Jihadist like a pedo? No cure?
Posted by JohnQC 2019-05-24 08:26||   2019-05-24 08:26|| Front Page Top

#3 Sure there is. It is called killing those fuckers.
Posted by DarthVader 2019-05-24 09:15||   2019-05-24 09:15|| Front Page Top

#4 Maybe not, but you can bury those that you catch sewn into a pig carcass and watch what happens.

On the other hand, you can do like 0bumhole and bury them at sea with full Muslim honors.
Posted by gorb 2019-05-24 09:51||   2019-05-24 09:51|| Front Page Top

#5 I say enforce the Texas Law:"He deserved killin'!! "
Posted by AlmostAnonymous5839 2019-05-24 10:05||   2019-05-24 10:05|| Front Page Top

#6 This is defeatism talking. The writer just means to say that because the sociological evolution of the cult has been so charged with historic folly and so many western influences have failed to civilize its adherents - there is no point in attempting to control or curb their tendencies.

We don't want to civilize them. We want them to realize that violence is not going to get them anywhere near their ill-defined, ambiguous goals.

Eliminate enough sasquatches and eventually the message will get across, that you may rob, kill, rape or abduct anyone of your own communities, but non-muslims are off limits. This should be enough.
Posted by Dron66046 2019-05-24 10:52||   2019-05-24 10:52|| Front Page Top

#7 You can't kill your way to victory. We've been doing that for 17 years and it Does. Not. Work.

If it was going to work, it would have worked by now.

What do you call someone who pushes theories that don't make accurate predictions?

What do you call someone who is no longer looking at what is actually happening, and just shouting down anyone that disagrees with them?
Posted by Herb McCoy 2019-05-24 10:56||   2019-05-24 10:56|| Front Page Top

#8 i'm all for not killing them anymore, as long as they either go back to or stay in their Dar al-Islam

Posted by Bob Grorong1136 2019-05-24 11:17||   2019-05-24 11:17|| Front Page Top

#9 What do you call someone who pushes theories that don't make accurate predictions?

A Weatherman?
Posted by Skidmark 2019-05-24 11:21||   2019-05-24 11:21|| Front Page Top

#10 You can't kill your way to victory. We've been doing that for 17 years and it Does. Not. Work.

Killing your way to victory looks like the piles of skulls and streets and rivers running red with blood. It looks like Dresden after the firebombing. We have most definitely not been doing that — we’ve been carefully targetting key individuals and groups while trying to win the hearts and minds of the populace, trying to drain the sea in which the bad guys swim, if you will.

And that is manifestly not working in Afghanistan and Somalia, etc. We haven’t even tried as much as that in Pakistan. Perhaps Herb is right — perhaps it’s time to change what we’re doing and do unto them what they did to others: Kill our way to victory, leaving piles of bodies and devastation in our wake.
Posted by trailing wife 2019-05-24 11:37||   2019-05-24 11:37|| Front Page Top

You can't kill your way to victory. We've been doing that for 17 years and it Does. Not. Work.

We have NOT been doing anything of the sort. We've been social-working the problem, lying to ourselves by saying "the jihadis don't have any support". We find that Jihad Group A doesn't have support in Tribe B, and assume that means no one supports them -- despite "womens and orphans" "charities" around the world funneling them cash.

Muslims don't support jihadis who target them. Muslims enthusiastically support jihadis who target non-Muslims.

So long as we keep lying to ourselves, we won't win.
Posted by Rob Crawford 2019-05-24 14:21||   2019-05-24 14:21|| Front Page Top

#12 I seem to remember reading about someone a long time ago who killed his way to victory, I think his name was Ghengis Kahn....or maybe it was Vlad Tepich.

I think we could find some others if we looked.
Posted by AlanC 2019-05-24 14:27||   2019-05-24 14:27|| Front Page Top

#13 You can't kill your way to victory

Like "true" socialism... it hasn't been tried yet
Posted by Mercutio 2019-05-24 16:28||   2019-05-24 16:28|| Front Page Top

#14 You can't kill your way to victory

Oh, yeah?
Japan, 1945
Posted by SteveS 2019-05-24 16:38||   2019-05-24 16:38|| Front Page Top

#15 You can't kill your way to victory

Please do go on.
Posted by Tamerlame 2019-05-24 17:09||   2019-05-24 17:09|| Front Page Top

#16 You can't kill your way to victory

Have you read my book? There must be a copy around here somewhere.
Posted by Gaius Julius Caesar 2019-05-24 17:38||   2019-05-24 17:38|| Front Page Top

#17 Have you read my book? There must be a copy around here somewhere.

Caesar, I believe there is a copy in theCuria Pompeia...come, I shall show you where.
Posted by Gaius Cassius Longinus 2019-05-24 17:42||   2019-05-24 17:42|| Front Page Top

#18 The Japanese surrendered because their worst fear was realized and Russia, their old enemy, declared war on them.

"Kill our way to victory, leaving piles of bodies and devastation in our wake."

My, you're a bloodthirsty one. I had no idea. So they were right about us when they found out about Abu Ghraib. I always thought that was a horrible aberration, and now it seems like a picnic compared to the mountain of skulls you want to make.

How about this for a strategy: instead of bombs, send cargo planes to drop $100 bills on them. It would work better and be cheaper. Plus, no mountain of skulls. Because that just screams "we're the good guys".
Posted by  Herb McCoy 2019-05-24 19:19||   2019-05-24 19:19|| Front Page Top

#19 your continued rewriting of history is part and parcel of Commie Symp 101
Posted by Frank G 2019-05-24 19:52||   2019-05-24 19:52|| Front Page Top

#20 OF COURSE, in Herb's world, it was teh Rooshuns declaring war adding the coup de grace.
Posted by Frank G 2019-05-24 19:59||   2019-05-24 19:59|| Front Page Top

#21 The Japanese imperial command seriously thought the Soviets — with their American Lend/Lease equipment, 20 million casualties, and reliance on General Winter — were a more serious threat than Americas dropping more atomic bombs? No wonder they thought attacking Pearl Harbour was a good idea.
Posted by trailing wife 2019-05-24 20:00||   2019-05-24 20:00|| Front Page Top

#22 Early Herb:
Posted by Frank G 2019-05-24 20:35||   2019-05-24 20:35|| Front Page Top

#23 I prescribe a few onces of lead to be injected directly into the brainpan....
Posted by CrazyFool 2019-05-24 21:10||   2019-05-24 21:10|| Front Page Top

#24 How about this for a strategy: instead of bombs, send cargo planes to drop $100 bills on them.

I remember shipments of bottled water sent to the hill regions to hold them over because someone decided they needed a well.

They dumped out the water and kept the container bottles. Should have sent them Tupperware.

$100 bills would be used to line their slippers or for rectal cleaning.
Posted by Skidmark 2019-05-24 21:12||   2019-05-24 21:12|| Front Page Top

#25 Sorry Skid. Stones are for rectal cleaning. So says Alan in the Wholey Crayon...
Posted by CrazyFool 2019-05-24 21:14||   2019-05-24 21:14|| Front Page Top

#26 You can't kill your way to victory. We've been doing that for 17 years and it Does. Not. Work.

Hundreds of years of Japanese and German militarism was wiped off the face of the earth by '45 and hasn't come back. Though the Chinese seem to be working in making it otherwise in the Pacific.

As for Japan. Please read the Emperor's 'unthinkable' announcement. He mentions a new terrible weapon not the Russians. The bomb provided the rational and means to remove the militarist from further running the war, even with a last minute failed but attempted coup.
Posted by Procopius2k 2019-05-24 22:18||   2019-05-24 22:18|| Front Page Top

23:30 Cromert
23:09 SteveS
22:20 Besoeker
22:18 Procopius2k
21:36 Tyranysaurus Clavith3514
21:31 Tyranysaurus Clavith3514
21:27 Skidmark
21:24 Tyranysaurus Clavith3514
21:22 Skidmark
21:22 Creling Pelosi3622
21:19 trailing wife
21:14 Skidmark
21:14 CrazyFool
21:12 Skidmark
21:10 Creling Pelosi3622
21:10 CrazyFool
20:58 Skidmark
20:54 charger
20:52 Skidmark
20:51 Skidmark
20:35 Frank G
20:32 Frank G
20:21 SteveS
20:11 trailing wife

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