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2019-05-24 Afghanistan
Two air strikes kill 14 Afghan civilians
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Posted by Fred 2019-05-24 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [33 views ]  Top
 File under: Taliban 

#1 This is how we create more terrorists. Every one of these innocents had relatives, and these relatives are now outraged at America's murders.

How would you feel if some foreign government killed your family? Say, Spahn? Well we know already, rage and demands for justice. Hmm, maybe Afghans feel the same?
Posted by Herb McCoy  2019-05-24 00:40||   2019-05-24 00:40|| Front Page Top

#2 Every one of these innocents had relatives, and these relatives are now outraged at America's murders.

Are you sure those were not human shields protecting someone very not innocent, Mr. McCoy? For that matter, are you quite, quite certain that on even days these particular innocents were were not official members of whichever jihadi organization or even just a local warlord’s band rigns over that articular corner of Pashtunistan, while on odd days they went back to being “civilians”?

And finally, the odds are very, very good that those people and their friends and relations already hated us for being unsubmitted unbelievers, needing no prompting from contingent occurrences to reject adoration of Western principles of rule of civil law government chosen by the consent of the governed.
Posted by trailing wife 2019-05-24 01:08||   2019-05-24 01:08|| Front Page Top

#3 i bet they would welcoe you with open arms herb
Posted by chris 2019-05-24 07:08||   2019-05-24 07:08|| Front Page Top

#4 Afghanistan has civilians, who knew?
Posted by g(r)omgoru 2019-05-24 07:45||   2019-05-24 07:45|| Front Page Top

#5 Who was that black mayor that pretty much fire bombed several blocks of Philadelphia back in the 1970's or 80's?
Posted by DooDahMan 2019-05-24 07:48||   2019-05-24 07:48|| Front Page Top

#6 Who was that black mayor that pretty much fire bombed several blocks of Philadelphia back in the 1970's or 80's?


Mayor Frank Rizzo
Posted by Skidmark 2019-05-24 08:17||   2019-05-24 08:17|| Front Page Top

#7 Herb - always willing to further enemy propaganda and believe the worst of America. *spit*

TW in #2 is absolutely correct to assume they were either NOT civilians (til they were dead) or human shields.
Posted by Frank G 2019-05-24 08:41||   2019-05-24 08:41|| Front Page Top

#8 Every news report about fighty stuff nowadays seems to include stats for civilians, women and children as calculated by the UN or some local NGO. I find these numbers totally believable, he said trying to make that serious face.
Posted by SteveS 2019-05-24 09:10||   2019-05-24 09:10|| Front Page Top

#9 I am always reminded that right after 9/11, some muzzist luminary said "there are no civilians..."
Posted by M. Murcek 2019-05-24 09:29||   2019-05-24 09:29|| Front Page Top

#10 In some cases they have been known to take a few out of the mortuary and throw them in with the dead.
Posted by gorb 2019-05-24 09:37||   2019-05-24 09:37|| Front Page Top

#11 they tell the terrorists from the civilians? Not to mention the human shields (willing or unwilling).
Posted by CrazyFool 2019-05-24 09:49||   2019-05-24 09:49|| Front Page Top

#12 "Are you sure those were not human shields protecting someone very not innocent"

Prove that they were.

"believe the worst of America. *spit*"

I'm a proud American who loves America, never gets tired of saluting the flag, and my heart swells with pride when I see the Constitution. But we have some seriously evil people in charge of our political establishment in DC. They don't consider themselves "American", they think Americans are deplorable. They are willing to use torture. They are willing to murder innocents. Are these not the same reasons we condemn terrorists?

End the wars. Stop getting our soldiers killed for no reason. Bring the boys home to a big parade and thank them all.
Posted by Herb McCoy 2019-05-24 10:36||   2019-05-24 10:36|| Front Page Top

#13 if they got blowed up, it was the will of Allan
Posted by Bob Grorong1136 2019-05-24 11:13||   2019-05-24 11:13|| Front Page Top

#14 Don't tickle the troll.
Posted by Skidmark 2019-05-24 11:15||   2019-05-24 11:15|| Front Page Top

#15 The use of human shields by jihadis has long and often been reported, Mr. McCoy. A few examples from our archives:
Posted by trailing wife 2019-05-24 11:46||   2019-05-24 11:46|| Front Page Top

#16 Sorry — Fred’s anti-spam code does not allow a long list of links in a single comment. The above two links were from March of this year. These two take us back to last November out of the first 100 articles that the search for the term “human shield” yielded.
Posted by trailing wife 2019-05-24 11:57||   2019-05-24 11:57|| Front Page Top

#17 I trust the source and reporting of this about as much as I trust Chinese construction companies.
Posted by DarthVader 2019-05-24 12:08||   2019-05-24 12:08|| Front Page Top

#18 I’m trying to give a variety of countries, news sources, and guilty parties from the recent and early ends of the Rantburg archives.
Posted by trailing wife 2019-05-24 12:12||   2019-05-24 12:12|| Front Page Top

#19 Actually, I'm with Herb on this one. End the war!

What we should have done is just bomb the shit out of the Taliban to the point where they will think twice about attacking America again.

We could have used the money on Americans instead, perhaps even (gasp) pay down the national debit!

Give up on nation building, if the Afghan government haven't gotten control by now, they never will. They get the government they desire, we just need to make sure they do not harbor anyone that will do harm to America.

We've given them enough money and tools to keep order in their country. Time for us to withdraw and let them swim or sink.

Frankly, I for one am tire of getting involved in other people messes and wasting money on them. Just bomb the shit out of them.. For those who are whining about the women and kids, well it's on them, not us.
Posted by Seeking Cure For Ignorance 2019-05-24 12:20||   2019-05-24 12:20|| Front Page Top

#20 I said prove they are *in this case*. The fact that you're so easily able to pull up so many cases of the DC establishment killing innocents is horrifying.

So we should kill innocents anyway? What do we call those who kill innocents in the pursuit of others? Villains. Evildoers. Criminals.

The bloodlust of the establishment - in which I include the corporate press - cannot be overstated. It's horrific.

Remember when the media questioned Trump's fitness for office during the debates? He's going to get pissed off at some tweet from China and press the nuclear button? Now they're angry he won't START wars. Invade Venezuela, invade Iran. NOT getting us into another war is being used as a slight against him. By the same people who regarded that as a problem when he was a nominee. The same press that faked us into the Spanish-American War is still around. The same press can't wait to get us into another war.
Posted by Herb McCoy 2019-05-24 12:22||   2019-05-24 12:22|| Front Page Top

#21 Did you read the links, Mr. McCoy? Some of those examples had nothing to do with us. What we’re dealing with is the fact that non-Western cultures do not accept the limitations on wartime behaviours that in the West became the Geneva Conventions. These limitations include not using civilians as human shields. But the Geneva Conventions also point out that those who use civilians as human shields are the ones responsible for what happens to them, not those who have to go through them to get to the enemy.

The villains, the evildoers, the criminals are those who hide behind innocents in the belief that it cleverly allows them to attack with impunity. We are not the ones doing that. Sadly, in the end the only way to protect future generations of innocents in such a culture is to go through the current ones to get the villains/evildoers/criminals, teaching them the hardest way that such behaviour simply does not work.
Posted by trailing wife 2019-05-24 13:05||   2019-05-24 13:05|| Front Page Top

#22 The Geneva Conventions have nothing to do with anything, only apply to those who sign them, and they were routinely violated by the Allies during WWII.

We're at war because Islamists killed innocents to achieve their aims.

We're achieving (actually failing to achieve) our aims by killing innocents.

At what point do you say, "My God, what have I done?" When do you wake up?

The fact that you were able to clog the spam filter with stories of murdering innocents makes me want to vomit. We've been doing this for 17 years. It doesn't work. If it was going to work, it would have worked by now. Your assertion that we're teaching them is false. They haven't "learned" a thing. All we're doing is murdering innocent people who never did anything to us.

"What have I done? Sweet Jesus, what have I done?
Become a thief in the night, become a dog on the run?
Have I fallen so far, and is the hour so late,
That nothing remains but the cry of my hate?"
— Jean Valjean after robbing a priest who had just given him shelter, Les Misérables
Posted by Herb McCoy 2019-05-24 14:12||   2019-05-24 14:12|| Front Page Top

What do we call those who kill innocents in the pursuit of others?

What do we call those who let villains get away with murder by hiding behind civilians?
Posted by Rob Crawford 2019-05-24 14:25||   2019-05-24 14:25|| Front Page Top

#24 When you fight evil with evil, evil always wins.

You really think the USA is on the side of evil? Jesus Christ, how did you people lose your way? This is worse than I ever expected. I never, ever, IN MY LIFE expected to be arguing with - right wingers, of all people - about the idea that it's OK to murder innocent people.
Posted by Herb McCoy 2019-05-24 14:41||   2019-05-24 14:41|| Front Page Top

#25  murder murder murdering murdering murder

"He's good!" gums a weary old whittler
To his cousin, the two-fingered fiddler.
"Yessir," chirps a third,
"That's the second best word
To throw fuel on a fire, besides 'Hitler!'"
Posted by Ebbase Ebbease5214 2019-05-24 15:43||   2019-05-24 15:43|| Front Page Top

#26 Herb's panties are always in twist when he can accuse America. Never when defending corrupt and inhumane opponents
Posted by Frank G 2019-05-24 19:51||   2019-05-24 19:51|| Front Page Top

#27 I suppose the discussion might be interesting if he ever had anything to contribute other than a tantrum every time.
Posted by Skidmark 2019-05-24 20:51||   2019-05-24 20:51|| Front Page Top

#28 We're at war because Islamists killed innocents to achieve their aims.

Huh? Jihadis have been killing innocents for over a millennium on their way to world conquest for the glory of Allah and the increased wealth of His soldiers. They’ve been killing Jewish civilians in Israel since before it was a country. America only started taking the thing seriously when Al Qaeda successfully staged major attacks on targets in our homeland on 9/11, including the Pentagon; we almost completely ignored the related 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, other than to jail a few members of the conspiracy, just as we did little about the attack on the USS Cole and so many others.

I find your sudden lofty moralizing puzzling, Mr. McCoy. You’ve been here a while, and even now you play nicely with others on other pages of this site. The tone here, other than from you, has not changed as long as I’ve been hanging out here, so why are you suddenly so shocked?
Posted by trailing wife 2019-05-24 21:19||   2019-05-24 21:19|| Front Page Top

#29 Posts by Herb McCoy

Why do you come here Herb? Virtually no one here shares your viewpoint, and changing their mind isn’t in the cards.
Posted by Tyranysaurus Clavith3514 2019-05-24 21:24||   2019-05-24 21:24|| Front Page Top

#30 I agree with Herb that long, pointless wars are a waste of people, time and treasure. If you are going to fight, fight to win. Don't treat it as a make-work project for sociology majors. Don't try to make it nice. Like the man said, war is cruelty, you cannot refine it.

Part of the problem is we are still geared up for fighting near-peer enemies and have not quite figured out strategy and tactics for fighting asymmetric, distributed war.
Posted by SteveS 2019-05-24 23:09||   2019-05-24 23:09|| Front Page Top

23:30 Cromert
23:09 SteveS
22:20 Besoeker
22:18 Procopius2k
21:36 Tyranysaurus Clavith3514
21:31 Tyranysaurus Clavith3514
21:27 Skidmark
21:24 Tyranysaurus Clavith3514
21:22 Skidmark
21:22 Creling Pelosi3622
21:19 trailing wife
21:14 Skidmark
21:14 CrazyFool
21:12 Skidmark
21:10 Creling Pelosi3622
21:10 CrazyFool
20:58 Skidmark
20:54 charger
20:52 Skidmark
20:51 Skidmark
20:35 Frank G
20:32 Frank G
20:21 SteveS
20:11 trailing wife

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