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2007-04-03 Home Front: Culture Wars
Judge orders discharge of an anti-war Marine
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Posted by Frank G 2007-04-03 14:16|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [30 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I would let him go and send him a bill for his training.
Posted by Cyber Sarge 2007-04-03 14:33||   2007-04-03 14:33|| Front Page Top

#2 Zabala's grandfather served in Vietnam, his parents and uncles were in the Navy, one cousin is in the Air Force and another cousin is the Marines, according to Collier.

Methinks that Holiday dinners will be very interesting. . .
Posted by GORT 2007-04-03 14:58||   2007-04-03 14:58|| Front Page Top

#3 Good God, most enlistees figure out what the military is all about sometime during basic training.
Marines usually earlier than that.
Posted by Sgt. Mom 2007-04-03 15:01|| www,]">[www,]  2007-04-03 15:01|| Front Page Top

#4 most know what it's about before they sign the papers and get their bonus checks
Posted by sinse 2007-04-03 15:34||   2007-04-03 15:34|| Front Page Top

#5 I think he somehow missed the point of the Marines when he joined. Perhaps he thought it was the Merchant Marines or something.

Sounds more suited to the Coast Guard. I don't mean to diminish the Coasties by saying that, but their job is a service that is not geared so much towards war as the others.
Posted by rjschwarz 2007-04-03 15:50||   2007-04-03 15:50|| Front Page Top

#6 Nice violation of separation of powers. Another nail in the coffin of the Republic. So many kings, so few republicans. Article 1, Section 8 gives Congress and Congress only the law powers governing land and naval forces. It's not this judge or any judge's prerogative to issue fiats just because he desires a specific outcome. The constraint is that the law is followed. So if judges can make it up, why can't Sulla? They make it so easy in the end.
Posted by Procopius2k 2007-04-03 16:54||   2007-04-03 16:54|| Front Page Top

#7 One of Santa Cruz's finest banana slugs. Hope the lawyer cost him a bundle.
Posted by Deadeye Groluting8229 2007-04-03 16:55||   2007-04-03 16:55|| Front Page Top

#8 while other recruits nodded their heads in time with the beat and smiled.

Posted by Shipman">Shipman  2007-04-03 16:59||   2007-04-03 16:59|| Front Page Top

#9 Procopius2k, sounds like grounds for the Marines to appeal. Not so much the failure of the system. Things may not be perfect the first go through but the system is designed to right itself.
Posted by rjschwarz 2007-04-03 17:23||   2007-04-03 17:23|| Front Page Top

#10 WTF did this clown think the Marines were for? Does he speak English? Did he completely ignore every word his recruiter told him or just the ones he didn't want to hear? Hmm... Methinks ima know the answer to that one. What male could possibly have a problem with "blowing shit up and kicking some fucking ass?" I have so many questions about this guy that it makes my head spin.

And WTF was with the recruit that smoked himself?

Those two asshats had to be butt buddies.

Mike N.
Posted by Shinerong the Anonymous9477 2007-04-03 17:24||   2007-04-03 17:24|| Front Page Top

#11 not only should he pay back the cost of his training, he better have any and all benefits normally given to guys when they get out stopped.
How lame/stupid can one be, I guess pretty damn stupid. Yeah this is the kind of guy I want watching my back.
This isn't the kind of guy I'd want working for me either.
Posted by Jan from work 2007-04-03 17:39||   2007-04-03 17:39|| Front Page Top

#12 The big question is will they give him a general discharge or a dd? I assume because the judge ordered him released as a c.o., he will get a general; but if the Corps is aggravated enough, they may change that to a dd.

In turn, that may put it all back before that judge, which would be very interesting indeed, a judge trying to force the military to essentially "discharge with honor". Now, *that* would be a very different kettle of fish altogether.
Posted by Anonymoose 2007-04-03 18:43||   2007-04-03 18:43|| Front Page Top

#13 Proco-2K,

I'm looking for Sulla too. Defund the troops. Bring them home. Set them free in DC to right things at home.
Posted by jds 2007-04-03 18:56||   2007-04-03 18:56|| Front Page Top

#14 Deliberately enlisted so as to make an anti-war case once in uniform?
Posted by occasional observer 2007-04-03 18:58||   2007-04-03 18:58|| Front Page Top

#15 That is of course assuming the Demos defund the troops. If not then Sulla can wait.
Posted by jds 2007-04-03 19:10||   2007-04-03 19:10|| Front Page Top

#16 Jan Yeah this isn't the kind of guy I want watching my back.
This isn't the kind of guy I'd want working for me either.

dittos, the krux of it. and as Frank said who wants a pussy [figuratively speaking Lady Warriors] around in a fight. No coat holders either. ;-)
Posted by Red Dog">Red Dog  2007-04-03 19:12||   2007-04-03 19:12|| Front Page Top

#17 Not sure a federal judge has any jurisdiction here. The scum is subject to the UCMJ, not civil law. A dishonorable discharge is what this cowardly activist needs.
Posted by RWV 2007-04-03 19:25||   2007-04-03 19:25|| Front Page Top

#18  Deliberately enlisted so as to make an anti-war case once in uniform?

that's how I read it too, occasional observer. Mr. Zabala comes from a military family; there is no conceivable way -- to include mental retardation and brain damage -- that he did not know exactly what he signed up for. As for family dinners, while the older generations may be only quietly scornful, I suspect the cousins serving in the Air Force and Marines will make the feelings of their respective forces very clear.
Posted by trailing wife 2007-04-03 21:48||   2007-04-03 21:48|| Front Page Top

#19 "who wants a pussy [figuratively speaking Lady Warriors] around in a fight"

Ain't none of the Lady Warriors here pussies to begin with, #16 Red, so no need to qualify your statement. ;-p

As for family dinners, there shouldn't be a problem. His chosen "family" of traitorous losers should welcome him. The people who share his DNA, however....
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2007-04-03 22:04||]">[]  2007-04-03 22:04|| Front Page Top

#20 I'm not sold on the "signed up to protest" theory.

Very few protesters would have what it takes to go through Marine Boot Camp. How long is it? Like 3 months? It doesn't seem worth it.

Of course, there's always the possibility of this being a liberal miscalculator that crunched some numbers and spit out the answer they wanted.
Posted by Mike N. 2007-04-03 22:06||   2007-04-03 22:06|| Front Page Top

#21 There is no such thing as an anti-war Marine.

God plays his games, and you play tours. But when God wants a legion of Angels, he does not call upon pussies.
Posted by newc">newc  2007-04-03 22:48||   2007-04-03 22:48|| Front Page Top

23:46 Ebbeanter Ulemp4173
23:35 Frank G
23:34 Eric Jablow
23:32 Eric Jablow
23:17 Atomic Conspiracy
23:12 newc
23:10 newc
22:59 Jan
22:58 Frank G
22:56 Frank G
22:55 trailing wife
22:48 Sneaze
22:48 Red Dog
22:48 newc
22:43 Ebbeanter Ulemp4173
22:42 Sneaze
22:39 DMFD
22:37 Sneaze
22:35 DMFD
22:34 trailing wife
22:30 Sneaze
22:25 trailing wife
22:24 trailing wife
22:23 Frank G

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