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2007-04-03 Syria-Lebanon-Iran
All British sailors confess to illegal trespassing
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Posted by Fred 2007-04-03 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [39 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Poster > ONLY RUSSIA-CHINA NOW CAN SAVE THE WORLD FROM US IMPERIALISM. Moud vz Dubya = Castro vz JFK. New9-11's/Amer Hiroshima will occur iff Moud = Radical Islam choose to refuse to give up their ambitions. ONCE THE DIE/GAUNTLET OF AMER HISROSHIMA HAS BEEN CAST, THE KEY FOR MOUD WILL BE TO PREVENT A FULL-SCALE, NO HOLDS BARRED, FULL-STRENGTH AMER MIL RESPONSE vv Russia-China + US MSM-DemoLeft. Something must happen in America to cause the USA [read - USG-NPE] to leave the ME so that Iran andor Radical islam can rule or dominate the region. Dubya has over 1-1/2 yarns left to go as POTUS, which is a'plenty of time for the USA-Allies to strengthen their position in the ME, and he Dubya taint gonna pull the USA out, ergo for Amer's enemies the burden must go to Dubya's formal, IDEALLY ISLAMIST-DESIRED ANTI-US DEMOLEFT, successor as POTUS. TIME IS NOT ON MOUD = RADICAL ISLAM'S SIDE, AND DUBYA ISN'T GONNA LEAVE BEFORE 2008 = JAN 2009 IFF BY CHOICE, and MOUD KNOWS IT. MARCH 2008 is ALSO PLENTY OF TIME FOR THE USDOD + CENTCOM TO DEFEAT THE INSURGENCY.
Posted by JosephMendiola 2007-04-03 00:49||   2007-04-03 00:49|| Front Page Top

#2 Bad
Posted by Bartlett,Johnnie 2007-04-03 01:34||   2007-04-03 01:34|| Front Page Top

#3 Since the USS Pueblo incident, in which the NKs seized a US military ship in international waters, officers have been trained to issue prompt phony "confessions." Why? To eliminate the Show Trial option.

Reminder: there would be no Ayatollahs in power in Iran, if Jimmy Carter had not pressured the Shah to allow France based exiles like the Khomeini to return. A senior Carter advisor - Andrew Young - called the bearded tyrant a "saint." Carter did everything in his power to eliminate the Iran monarchy. Under pressure to do something about US diplomatic hostages held by Ahmadinejad, et al, Carter approved a rescue mission that would have incurred 50% military and hostage losses. However, the plan ended when 2 heliocopters collided at a staging area within Iran. Carter did nothing for pro-US elements in Iran, and nothing against clerics who still conduct "Death to America" choruses. Under the pretext of advancing "human rights," Carter indulged communist takeovers in Central America and Africa. Fortunately, Reagan reversed course by 180 degrees. Unfortunately, Clinton shielded terrorists in Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Kosovo, Bosnia, Chechnya, Eritrea, Sudan, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.
Posted by Sneaze 2007-04-03 08:18||   2007-04-03 08:18|| Front Page Top

#4 I would suggest hanging them for treason but then we would have to hang their captain, various officials at the Ministry of Defense and half the Cabinet too. It is difficult to describe what these sailors and marines have betrayed when it seems their fellow countrymen no longer give a toss about their sovereignty or personal dignity. By all means, let all men start to grow beards and all women wear tea-towels on their heads. Let us bow and scrape to the Orc holy cube and spit on own history.
Posted by Excalibur 2007-04-03 10:11||   2007-04-03 10:11|| Front Page Top

#5 “I would suggest hanging them for treason…”

Gosh…Excalibur , do tell about your time as a prisoner in a foreign country. And don’t forget the part of how your counter-interrogation training taught you how to be belligerent to your captors risking the safety of both you and your fellow inmates. Just thinking about your bravery makes me gush like a little school girl. Do you have any other thoughts for them on how they should react from 10 thousand miles away?
Posted by DepotGuy 2007-04-03 11:41||   2007-04-03 11:41|| Front Page Top

#6 I certainly can't imagine what it feels like being a PoW, but what about the classic "name, rank, and serial number" being the extent of information offered to the enemy? We've had flyers in Vietnam who, under duress, provided "confessions"--but only after imprisonment and torture over several months or even years!

I am shocked and disappointed that all 15 personnel have "confessed" after a mere 10 days. I only hope that there were extenuating circumstances that led to this and we'll find out about them eventually.
Posted by Dar">Dar  2007-04-03 12:32||   2007-04-03 12:32|| Front Page Top

#7 There was an article in PROCEEDINGS that argued that when taken POW the captives should be allowed to say anything. The rational is nothing they say can be used legally, taken seriously by anyone with half a mind*, and is unlikely to be useful intelligence. The advantage is that removing the limitation of "Name, Rank, Serial Number" could elminate a lot of long term mental health issues related to torture.

I'm not sure I agree or not but I find it interesting.

*That's the negative as many of our enemies both foreign and domestic have only half a mind.
Posted by rjschwarz 2007-04-03 13:36||   2007-04-03 13:36|| Front Page Top

#8 Depot get a gutless clue yourself.

I went through the same fricking thing in Pakistan and I didn't say shit. They could only kill me once and I sure the hell wasn't going to tell the Pakis who else was with me.

Rather than bellowing about other posters pointing out these sailor's shameful sell out actions how about you telling us about your overseas detention and how you handled it? From the sounds of it you would be the first person to sign z papers.

Dar is spot on. Name, rank and serial number. It's that simple. No one but cowards aids the enemy that is killing your fellow countrymen. No one. Our brave airmen in Vietnam proved that point time and time again. A leason clearly lost on you and the pussy 15 burka bunnies.
Posted by Icerigger">Icerigger  2007-04-03 13:38||   2007-04-03 13:38|| Front Page Top

#9 Icerigger. This board is about debate, trying to shutdown debate because not everyone has been captured and interogated is the libs chickenhawk arguement in new clothes. It's unworthy as a debate tactic.
Posted by rjschwarz 2007-04-03 14:26||   2007-04-03 14:26|| Front Page Top

#10 Icerigger,
Assuming your Pak account is truthful, I have no problem with you commenting on how you behaved compared to others in similar situations. However, I refuse to give the same latitude to those that pass judgment that haven’t experienced a comparable event. Furthermore, I have nothing but respect and gratitude for your service. However, your personal recollection is not the same as calling out others that didn’t react according to your personal vision of heroics. And personally I think it sullies the dignity of your history by doing so. I’ve had the honor of knowing a PoW. Like you he didn’t divulge any information that would compromise any future missions. Like many others he was forced to make certain concessions under duress. To do otherwise would have put both his and his comrades lives in jeopardy. Sadly, even though he knew he did EXACTLY what he was trained to do under those conditions he lived with what he considered as “shame”. He was never able to reconcile those events. Maybe it’s not my place but I’ll continue to defend his honor every time I hear someone who thinks others should behave in captivity like it’s a fucking Rambo movie.
Posted by DepotGuy 2007-04-03 15:10||   2007-04-03 15:10|| Front Page Top

#11 Assuming your Pak account is truthful, I have no problem with you commenting on how you behaved compared to others in similar situations.

I do.
I call asshole.
Posted by Shipman">Shipman  2007-04-03 17:50||   2007-04-03 17:50|| Front Page Top

#12 LOL Ship. I'd offer my own NSHO - the Brits didn't do well. "Name, Rank, Serial Number" is useful in that it establishes a baseline of what is acceptable to offer, and there is no need to go further, when dealing with a rational state. Anything past that, and you're on your own, allowing us and others to criticize them, especially, inasmuch as they haven't suffered torture (that we can see, of course) for theextent and duration that others have withstood.
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2007-04-03 19:10||   2007-04-03 19:10|| Front Page Top

#13 "Name, Rank, Serial Service Number"
Posted by Bigfoot Jairong7790 2007-04-03 19:57||   2007-04-03 19:57|| Front Page Top

#14 Aloha, I think you may have Misunderstand me Frank.

I can't believe we have another Kiplingestk adventurer in our midst. What are the odds? I call bullshit.
Posted by Shipman">Shipman  2007-04-03 20:52||   2007-04-03 20:52|| Front Page Top

#15 I understood perfectly. At least there was no description of the abduction and subsequent anal probe...Ima skeptical
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2007-04-03 20:54||   2007-04-03 20:54|| Front Page Top

#16 I wouldn't debate with anyone who sees nothing wrong with the extortionist rule of Iran's Ayatollah's. If they can't perceive evil in clerics who became billionaires by non-competitive bidding - in Shiite terms, the "khums" tax by khaliphates - then they are too fanatic to argue of the facts. My opinion on the Ayatollahs: crush them by ANY necessary means.
Posted by Sneaze 2007-04-03 22:37||   2007-04-03 22:37|| Front Page Top

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