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2006-08-11 Israel-Palestine-Jordan
Israeli PM has accepted cease-fire deal
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Posted by ed 2006-08-11 18:07|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [37 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Been sayin it all day...and he couldn't wait. This was his end goal all along and FUBAR'd this beyond belief. Only hope is that his govt. shoots it down. What a crock.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2006-08-11 18:18||   2006-08-11 18:18|| Front Page Top

#2 What I want to know is why Bush is covering for him damn we had the shot oh well back to the drawing board.
Posted by djohn66 2006-08-11 18:23||   2006-08-11 18:23|| Front Page Top

#3 I'm stumped. Flabbergasted. Gobsmacked.

What the bloody Hell are we doing?????

Is this some kind of American-Israeli rope-a-dope con game being played on the Hizzies, Syria and Iran to convince them we're hopelessly Stuck On Stupid™ in hopes that they'll get overconfident and make some fatal blunder, and then we'll spring the Super-Secret Trap™ on them and blow them to Kingdom Come??

Or is it that we're just Stuck On Stupid, period?

Posted by Dave D.">Dave D.  2006-08-11 18:24||   2006-08-11 18:24|| Front Page Top

#4 Olmert thought he could finesse everybody, Hez-B, UN and US. Screw him.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2006-08-11 18:25||   2006-08-11 18:25|| Front Page Top

#5 This is the Europeasation of Israel. A cultural shift that is happening in top politicians,journalists etc It is also happening in USA
Posted by Clerert Uneamp2772 2006-08-11 18:29||   2006-08-11 18:29|| Front Page Top

#6 FoxNews is reporting that the Israeli troops are PISSED and hate him and Peretz. HATE.
Posted by 3dc 2006-08-11 18:32||   2006-08-11 18:32|| Front Page Top

#7 "It is also happening in USA"

Yeah, I noticed that... :-(

Posted by Dave D.">Dave D.  2006-08-11 18:33||   2006-08-11 18:33|| Front Page Top

#8 Is a military coup possible in Israel?

Posted by kelly 2006-08-11 18:36||   2006-08-11 18:36|| Front Page Top

#9 Clerert nailed it.
We ran interference for Israel for a month. Even the freakin Egyptians and the Soddies gave them the green light to eliminate an direct threat to their country. Still, despite this unprecedented opportunity to do what is just, the Olmert government showed no interest in doing so. Given this 'Europeanization' the UN deal is the best we can do.

If I were Israeli, I'd think about moving to the US before they are overrun. Israel can only afford one strategic defeat. This may be it.
Posted by JAB 2006-08-11 18:36||   2006-08-11 18:36|| Front Page Top

#10 I am so bummed, GWB is really starting to piss me off...I got pictures of the dood hanging on my walls and I am wonder now why they are there!!

I am begging him to take the gloves off. I can't believe we are being pushed around by a midget dictator and a bunch of people living in the 3rd century...

Let's just get this over with!! If it goes to nukes then fuck it!! Let's just get this shit over!! I am so tired of trying to be nice to these fucking cock sucking MOOOSLIMS!!
Fuck it!!
Posted by long hair republican">long hair republican  2006-08-11 18:36||   2006-08-11 18:36|| Front Page Top

#11 Hold yer horses, everybody.

IDF: It'll take week to reach Litani

We all know how long it takes to implement a UN cease-fire, don't we?
Posted by Parabellum 2006-08-11 18:37||   2006-08-11 18:37|| Front Page Top

#12 This isn't Bush's fault...Olmert's had a month, and the world's backing and he pissed it away. Arrest him for dereliction of duty.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2006-08-11 18:41||   2006-08-11 18:41|| Front Page Top

#13 Maybe.

But I'm thinking moving to the States might be a bit like climbing higher up the Titanic's mast.
Posted by kelly 2006-08-11 18:42||   2006-08-11 18:42|| Front Page Top

#14 That's a good point Parabellum...but will the IDF keep fighting for Olmert?
Posted by Rex Mundi 2006-08-11 18:43||   2006-08-11 18:43|| Front Page Top

#15 Hey, Hezbos ... Olmert for kidnapped IDF boys. Deal?
Posted by Kirk 2006-08-11 18:55||   2006-08-11 18:55|| Front Page Top

#16 Yikes!

Hopefully they were never fighting for Olmert, but for God & country.
Posted by RJB in JC MO 2006-08-11 18:56||   2006-08-11 18:56|| Front Page Top

#17 Fighting continues, resupply is still denied and getting Lebonen forces mobilized will take weeks.
Kofi says to "stop hitting" but the guns are still pumping out rounds.
It ain't over till thay start talking about swapping prisoners...
Posted by Capsu 78 2006-08-11 19:09||   2006-08-11 19:09|| Front Page Top

#18 I'm just as disappointed as everyone else in regards to the weakness showed but I'm wondering if any of our capitulation to the Euro-weenies viewpoint has to do with Iran and its date with the UN at the end of August.
Posted by Danking70 2006-08-11 19:14||   2006-08-11 19:14|| Front Page Top

#19 I'm making a mental note about the value of Lefties during wartime, even in Israel.
Posted by Iblis">Iblis  2006-08-11 19:16||   2006-08-11 19:16|| Front Page Top

#20 This is the first defeat that Israel has suffered since 1948.It's not a military defeat, but a defeat of will. From now on it can expect to be subjected to the "death of a thousand cuts", as attacks on it by non-state actors escalate, with the full backing of regional players. These backers lived in fear during the present conflict that Israel might bring them to account. Nothing happened to them, so they will be emboldened to escalate conflicts in the region, and will expect Israel, and by definition the US, to seek a political solution. Expect interesting times in the Middle East if the US tries to lean too hard on Iran over their nuclear ambitions.
Posted by tipper 2006-08-11 19:24||   2006-08-11 19:24|| Front Page Top

#21 I'm just as disappointed as everyone else in regards to the weakness showed but I'm wondering if any of our capitulation to the Euro-weenies viewpoint has to do with Iran and its date with the UN at the end of August.

If we don't have the collective balls in the West to deal with the Hezzie scum, do we have the will to deal with a growing Iranian nuclear threat? It is going to take a great deal more sense of purpose and will to defeat this scourge to mankind.

What the hell is going to happen to the Israeli soldiers who were kidnapped? Are they just going to be left hanging out in the breeze?

What are the Iraqians going to think about the
West's determination to win the WOT.

We are going to be plagued by this agreement forever. It is going to lead to a very serious war soon.

Who in the hell is vying for an Arafat Nobel Peace Prize?
Posted by JohnQC 2006-08-11 19:54||   2006-08-11 19:54|| Front Page Top

#22 Yep. The Rumsfeld game plan in action, and Condi sitting there pushing it onward. Welcome to PC war, ready your burqas, ain't it grand no ones feelings will get hurt.

Make do with as little as possible, and ensure the enemy a fair fight. They will love us now.
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 20:14||   2006-08-11 20:14|| Front Page Top

#23 This is the first defeat that Israel has suffered since 1948.It's not a military defeat, but a defeat of will.

We are all now heroes in the brown peoples eyes. The Tranzi dream moves along. Nothing to see here, move along folks.
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 20:16||   2006-08-11 20:16|| Front Page Top

#24 Disgusted. Gut-wrenching feeling going on in my stomach. Olmert is going to be the worst PM of Isreal for a long time. If he lasts, I have the feeling he will resign when public opinion goes down lower than Bush's numbers.
Posted by Charles 2006-08-11 20:17||   2006-08-11 20:17|| Front Page Top

#25 Tie it to Rumsfeld - I'd tie you to Michael Moore. Same Dif
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-08-11 20:17||   2006-08-11 20:17|| Front Page Top

#26 "Olmert will recommend that his government approve the deal in its meeting on Sunday"

This is the only moron that I know that would agree to a deal before it's even drawn up. If an investment banker did this, he would canned in two seconds.

"U.N. Security Council vote on the cease-fire deal later Friday"

I would surprised if this wasn't a black tie event. This way, the hard working diplomat's wouldn't take a chance on missing the 8pm dinner reservations. Who cares about Jews, when there's lobster on the menu?
Posted by Poison Reverse 2006-08-11 20:18||   2006-08-11 20:18|| Front Page Top

#27 No Frank. This make-do with as small of a force bullshiat and fighting a PC war is tied directly to Rumsfeld whether you like it or not. Look where it's gotten us in Iraq, and now look what the same attitude and approach has gotten the Israelis. I am pissed off as fuck, and I can't believe these clowns have learnt nothing from Vietnam.
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 20:21||   2006-08-11 20:21|| Front Page Top

#28 If you go to war, you fight it like it's a goddamned war and finish it! No mercy, no PC shenanigans! If you're not ready to do that, you don't fight it at all!
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 20:23||   2006-08-11 20:23|| Front Page Top

#29 you think Rumsfeld fought a PC losing war in Afghanistan or Iraq? Ask the Taliban (hiding in Pakland) who were supposedly invincibleĀ™. Ask Saddam or Qusay or Uday? You can't, can you? Meh
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-08-11 20:25||   2006-08-11 20:25|| Front Page Top

#30 "One survey, by the independent Dahaf Institute, said Olmert's personal approval rating dropped from 73 percent to 66 percent."

Oooh! A staggering 7 point drop. I haven't seen this much forgiveness even among Christians. Boy, the Jews really know how to make their politicians pay for wrong decisions. Maybe, Olmert will stay in power due to the re-redistricting plan coordinated by Delay.

Bush is fighting a WoT and his approval rating is inside the 40's. Imagine what would happen if Bush fought the WoT like Olmert.

Posted by Poison Reverse 2006-08-11 20:27||   2006-08-11 20:27|| Front Page Top

#31 We didn't fight a PC war in Afghanistan, and we employed people who were probably not our best friends, but they got the job done. We bombed who needed to be bombed, and didn't give a rats ass to what any media would say.

That changed in Iraq. Rumsfeld brought along the idea of "we can make do with less" approach to warfare, and it has not proven to be the wise choice. Not only that, the PC bullshiat has led to our own military charging our own boys with war crimes to "show fairness" to the goddamned bloodthirsty Iraqis that we will prosecute our own. And who brought about these allegations? Oh, gee, "freedom fighters". All in the name of showing our PC side and showing our "fairness". Bullshiat!

Israel has taken the same approach to this war. The same old PC bullshiat. Leaflet them before they attack, give the damn Hezbollitos time to move on, and leave bodies for propoganda purposes. Meanwhile, after the media criticizes and hates Israel(WHICH THEY WOULD DO ANYWAYS), say that you are going to run an investigation into what happened, and , OH WE SO SORRY! in the meantime.

No, feh, Israel knows how to fight fucking wars, the problem is they listened to the bullshiat ideas coming from over here.

Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 20:37||   2006-08-11 20:37|| Front Page Top

#32 Thoth,

"No mercy, no PC shenanigans! If you're not ready to do that, you don't fight it at all!"

Whose fault do you think it is? Not Rumsfeld. I have another question for you. If Kennedy, Schumer, and Biden wrote a letter to Rumsfeld to do whatever it takes to defeat the terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan, do you think Rumsfeld will wait 1 second or 2 seconds to give the order to wipe out entire towns in the Sunni Triangle?

Get off Rumsfeld. Blame the bleeding hearts or as Fred would say "....or is that chili?"
Posted by Poison Reverse 2006-08-11 20:39||   2006-08-11 20:39|| Front Page Top

#33 PR?? thank you.
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-08-11 20:47||   2006-08-11 20:47|| Front Page Top

#34 Is Rumsfeld in charge, or is Kennedy, Schumer, and Biden? No. If you are in charge of fighting a war and winning it, you do what it takes REGARDLESS of what your political opponents have to say. The very fact that you bring up that those morons are controlling what's happening, tells me that Rummy isn't as in control of the situation as he should be. I'll bring it up again, you can't fight a PC war, and if Rummy has let those assholes take charge, then Rummy is an appeaser, isn't he?
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 20:51||   2006-08-11 20:51|| Front Page Top

#35 The buck has to stop somewhere. I should hope that it stops with the people who were voted in charge of running this country! Not the dipshiat senators from Massachusettes or New Yorkistan.
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 20:54||   2006-08-11 20:54|| Front Page Top

#36 Rumsfeld maybe in charge of DoD, but the Senate can haul him in and make a public spectacle of him, anytime they want. Unfortunately, that's political reality. Anyone who has been around Reagan as long as Rumsfeld, could never be an appeaser.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2006-08-11 20:58||   2006-08-11 20:58|| Front Page Top

#37 Rumsfeld just does what he wants without approval he loses his war funding that how the congress critters control it, no funding no bullets.
Posted by djohn66 2006-08-11 21:06||   2006-08-11 21:06|| Front Page Top

#38 I understand where you are coming from PR, and I know the dipshiat opposition. If Rummy can't handle it though, maybe it's time for him to pass the reigns in to someone else. Someone who won't be afraid of the scrutiny, and letting these gasbag senators from the east coast run things. If he can't handle it, then it is time for him to get off the pot. I want to see someone there who will do whatever it takes, and kick people like Biden and Kennedy to the curb if they don't like it.

The sad thing is this has spread now to Israel, and they should be mad as fuck.
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 21:07||   2006-08-11 21:07|| Front Page Top

#39 like WHO? suggestions? or just bitching? I'm all ears
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-08-11 21:09||   2006-08-11 21:09|| Front Page Top

#40 btw - I DO believe in fighting to win. I lay this on Olmert first, second, Condi's lack of "buck the fuck up, you spineless wimp" AKA Churchill/Thatcher backbone
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-08-11 21:13||   2006-08-11 21:13|| Front Page Top

#41 Mainly just bitching Frank, to be honest.

I would just like to see someone with balls take over this crap, and do what needs to be done.

And let the Israelis do what they need to do!
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 21:17||   2006-08-11 21:17|| Front Page Top

#42 Watch and learn, boys a girls. This is what we will get if the dhimmiecrats win in 2006 and 2008.
Posted by SR-71 2006-08-11 21:19||   2006-08-11 21:19|| Front Page Top

#43 That is the problem Thoth Olmert had a month an he wasted it. The Israeli blogs are saying that Olmert is toast.
Posted by djohn66 2006-08-11 21:21||   2006-08-11 21:21|| Front Page Top

#44 no disagreement, Thoth :-) We want the same end result
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-08-11 21:24||   2006-08-11 21:24|| Front Page Top

#45 apparently W thinks Olmert is roadkill...
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-08-11 21:25||   2006-08-11 21:25|| Front Page Top

#46 The "too few troops" argument does have one thing going for it: the Sunnis first and now the Shiites do not feel well and truly beaten. Wars end when one side gives up.

We have fought a PC war, but I do not blame Rumsfeld for this. We will lose the PC, or we will lose our lives. There is not a third way.
Posted by SR-71 2006-08-11 21:47||   2006-08-11 21:47|| Front Page Top

#47 Only 2 people to blame Olmert and G.W. Bush. The Buck does stop there.

It sure wasn't the fault of the war figheters it is a failure of leadership. GW. Bush is not doin the job to the best of his ability. Time for him to quite acting like Goofy and get his ass in gear.

This is what it looks like when the Left wins. Hizb'allah and Iran declare victory.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom 2006-08-11 21:53||]">[]  2006-08-11 21:53|| Front Page Top

#48 I hear ya Frank. It's just getting frustrating. That's all.
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 21:53||   2006-08-11 21:53|| Front Page Top

#49 Yeah SPOD, but where I'm stumped is who to take charge now.
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 21:54||   2006-08-11 21:54|| Front Page Top

#50 Understood - and I don't know who in Israel's the answer. Bibi? Someone else? Where are the Dayan's and Meir's?
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-08-11 21:55||   2006-08-11 21:55|| Front Page Top

#51 Bibi is a good speecher. Nothing more for him i am afraid. I think you are getting the past rose tinted glasses syndrom while Dayan was great in 67 he wasnt in 73 and Meir Gov felt because of war. But it's true the gamble was much bigger.

Our society doesnt educate for those able to reach leadership or maybe there are too many good firms to go, good money and no public exposition and media arrest .
Posted by Clerert Uneamp2772 2006-08-11 22:22||   2006-08-11 22:22|| Front Page Top

#52 someone needs to be the Churchill of Israel. Time is now. Who?
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-08-11 22:25||   2006-08-11 22:25|| Front Page Top

#53 IMO the US-Israel are trying to verify iff Syria and Lebanon want to stay democratic and sovereign or against Iran while trying to make it look like they aren't. Ditto for North Korea wid its missles. Syria = Lebanon = North Korea > the WOT may be their only chance to break free pf control-domination by another power [ChiComs = Radical Iran]. 9-11 + WOT > America's enemies want to destabilize + implode America so America has to destabilize + implode back, wid out resort to mutually destructive global nuke war [2015-202].Dubya correcrly interpreted 9-11 as either America rules the world, or its enemies will destroy America.
Posted by JosephMendiola 2006-08-11 22:25||   2006-08-11 22:25|| Front Page Top

#54 My bet is in a general maybe Shaul Mofaz.
Posted by Clerert Uneamp2772 2006-08-11 22:37||   2006-08-11 22:37|| Front Page Top

#55 Just to clarify, i dont think he will be a Churchill
Posted by Clerert Uneamp2772 2006-08-11 22:38||   2006-08-11 22:38|| Front Page Top

#56 Joe GWB sure his standing on his pecker a lot for what he read from 9/11 then from your take on it.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom 2006-08-11 22:40||]">[]  2006-08-11 22:40|| Front Page Top

#57 My beef is either we're gonna go all out on this or no. If no, then don't take our boys there. If you're not going to back em up 100%, then don't send them "over there". And sure as hell if you are not going to back up our allies(Israel) 100%, then bugger the frick out of it, and don't play part in ceasefire agreements that are just going to hurt them even more.
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 22:46||   2006-08-11 22:46|| Front Page Top

#58 True enough Joe, but GW isn't operating to his interpretation. The problem is not enough have died in the west for the folks to push this to total war. It is no different than before WWII. The public didn't have the stomach for it, and if the public doesn't then the leadership won't. Neither we nor the Israelis are going to go native on our enemies until the stakes become real in an absolutely visceral sense. When the Israelis can just go to Tel Aviv and party or go to the beach to get away from the war, Olmert can do a peace treaty. Likewise if the US population does not feel really threatened, we are not going to go all out as we should. Sucks, but there it is. Many of us will die before we end this thing.
Posted by Remoteman 2006-08-11 22:50||   2006-08-11 22:50|| Front Page Top

#59 The buck has to stop somewhere. I should hope that it stops with the people who were voted in charge of running this country! Not the dipshiat senators from Massachusettes or New Yorkistan.

I hate to tell you this, but under our current system of government the dipshit senators from Massachussetts and New Yorkistan have enough authority to keep shit from getting done. And in the field of energy policy, they _have_ done so, and the result has been expensive gas and lots of increaced profits for the people funding terrorism.

(And voters bitching about Dick Chainey's Evil Plots, so guess what? The guys who actually stop drilling off of Florida or wind farms off of Connecticut never have to face the music...)
Posted by Phil 2006-08-11 22:55||   2006-08-11 22:55|| Front Page Top

#60 thoth - I feel the same - my son enters the Army in Sept and if they aren't going to use him/defend him/plan for him 100% then WTF? Why should I support this admin in any way, shape, or form. Believe me, I've let them know, while I withheld all the $ I gave before
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-08-11 22:59||   2006-08-11 22:59|| Front Page Top

#61 Phil, who has the majority of both houses? Who has control of the executive branch? Who now has control of the judicial branch? Who has control of the government? If the Republicans don't at this time, then there is something either very seriously wrong with this country, or we've allowed a bunch of patsies take over the place.

To keep blaming everything wrong as to why this administration doesn't take the bull by the horns and fight this like a freaking war on the douchebag senators in Massachussettes and New Yorkistan tells me one of either 2 things.

1) Our systemn is a total failure

2) GWB and crew are a gang of nutless leaders who talk a good game but will bend in the face of their minority opponents.

I believe #2 to be true.
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 23:04||   2006-08-11 23:04|| Front Page Top

#62 Frank,

My oldest son is less than 2 years from graduation, and he wants to join the military and fight for our country(He wants to be a Marine, I'm trying to convince him "go Navy!"). I support him 100%, but I want to know damned well that the people in charge are going to support him as well. So far I saw that early on, but it looks like this administration caves in more and more all the time. I was glad to see Bush finally say what needed to be said. It's a war against Islamofascism. I was getting really tired of the "war on terra" crap. That isn't what it is, and if our leader couldn't say it, why should my son or anyone elses go to follow this prick until he says what the war is, get's serious about, and gives our troops everything they need to do to accomplish their mission, and make sure these Izlamofascists are bombed into such oblivian that they need 10 years to learn how to grow squash.

I get it. I know what's going on. I wish Rumsfeld and crew would also learn to know that the majority of America would support them in what they need to do, instead of playing patty cake political games with people who will never see it their way anyhow.
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 23:13||   2006-08-11 23:13|| Front Page Top

#63 I think we're both coming from the same boat Frank, and my prayers will be with your son. Let him know we are all proud of him.
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 23:17||   2006-08-11 23:17|| Front Page Top

#64 Wow. The best and thanks to your sons, Frank and Thoth.

I'm really concerned that people don't really understand the message this sends to the Hezbos. This is VICTORY, in their playbook, and will further embolden them and gain support of other "moderate" Moslems watching from the sidelines. Basically, if it looks like a certain group of Moslems are winning, you will have "defections" from the non-participants. It happened overnight in Iran--partiers became Mullah, hardline supporters. When the "victimized" underdog sees he has a chance, he goes all out. If this isn't poker, GWB style, we're in a lot of trouble.
Posted by ex-lib 2006-08-11 23:29||   2006-08-11 23:29|| Front Page Top

#65 exactly the same here - either use them with the best tools to protect and utilize for their mission or quit. We should accept no less. Our allies (hellloooo Israel?) should do the same...
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-08-11 23:35||   2006-08-11 23:35|| Front Page Top

#66 Thoth, take (for instance) Energy Policy. Theory says the Republicans won and the Republicans should control everything. But the last time there was actually a vote on drilling on the continental shelf, 75% of Republicans voted for it, 100% of Democrats and 25% of Republicans voted against it. The 100% of Dems and 25% of Republicans carried the day, because they had a "working majority."

It's been like this for about the past five years. During that time period the vast majority of my sales have wound up being overseas. I go home knowing both that and knowing who created that situation and log onto the internet, and see people blaming Dick Cheney for high oil prices.

High oil prices _they_ helped put up. Not Cheney, and ultimately not even the senators from Mass. and NY. The ELECTORATE.

Our system is fucked up because _we_ put these people into office with a lot more economic power than they were originally supposed to have, and tell ourselves we're doing OK as long as they manage the division of the spoils in what feels like a fair manner. And we're not paying attention to what they're doing.

I mentioned wind power earlier. That's a good example. Did you know that Texas has passed California in the amount of wind power connected to the grid, in both absolute and per-capita measurements? In spite of CA having big state tax subsidies for wind power going back to the 80's?

I'd say that it's because the government of CA is a bunch of assholes, but the truth is more complex: the people who elect the government of CA are assholes. They want to judge windpower based on the environmental impact in one particular spot (Altamont Valley) of a windmill design that hasn't been produced in about twenty years because it's too much of a pain to work with. And they also want to blame Enron when the power supply gets tight.

Well, the power supply there got really tight again this year. Too bad it didn't get really tight, it would have been interesting to watch them try to blame Enron when the company no longer exists any more.

(I know, I'm mentioning Energy and Oil a lot because that's what I work in and can see a lot of what's happening instead of what gets reported in the general press. According to the conventional wisdom, this would make me biased and not to be trusted on the subject, which IMHO is just more proof that the conventional wisdom is fucked up along with the rest of our system. As an aside about the incomplete stories... people have read about the need to protect the Caribou, and they may have read that BP hadn't been inspecting their pipeline enough, but did they ever _notice_ that some of the rigs that used to be on the North Slope are now in other countries across the Pacific Rim? I know because I do support for one of the ones that had to move. And the Big Bad Oil Company that decided to move the rig in question from Alaska to ________ ______, ______ wasn't Enron, or Shell, or Halliburton. It was the American electorate. And they don't even notice.)
Posted by Phil 2006-08-11 23:39||   2006-08-11 23:39|| Front Page Top

#67 So you're saying the system is messed up, right?

Phil, I love you man, but I don't see how any of what you're saying ties into how this war is being run. I've been known to be slow at times, I might need a better explanation. I trust you, and I'm listening.
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 23:51||   2006-08-11 23:51|| Front Page Top

#68 My son is already in and just recently re-upped. I hate that we're tying their hands behind their backs. When did being PC overtake our will to do what's right.
I have been very angry over how all of this has been shaking out.
The direction that our country has been taking is really screwed up.
Not just with energy and oil, as told by Phil, but with my daughter going for mechanical engineering, I'm told that around 66% of the students at her college are foreigners for this program. Hell she'll probably be able to get a scholarship for being an american citizen.
We need to make more than a strong cup of coffee, no one's smelling the coffee and waking up around here.
I email cousins in Haifa and it's frightening how they are living each day there.
Posted by Jan 2006-08-12 00:13||   2006-08-12 00:13|| Front Page Top

#69 earlier you said:

To keep blaming everything wrong as to why this administration doesn't take the bull by the horns and fight this like a freaking war on the douchebag senators in Massachussettes and New Yorkistan tells me one of either 2 things.

1) Our systemn is a total failure

2) GWB and crew are a gang of nutless leaders who talk a good game but will bend in the face of their minority opponents.

I was arguing that option 1) is probably more likely to be the case.

We elect a lot of people with a lot of authority to the House and Senate but never hold them responsible for what they do with that authority. This screws us up in a lot of areas going from defense funding through energy resource management and independence (which ties into where the other side gets _its_ funding) and the conduct of the war.

(I could also mention the budgetary fallacy of saving money on weapons systems by handbuilding everything instead of running production lines but I'm already low on time).

Right now we're screwed up in fighting the war in Iraq without dealing with the life support systems keeping the terrorists in Iraq running in Syria and Iran. Israel (to give another example) appears to want to deal with Hezbollah in Lebanon without doing anything in Syria (gee, that country's name is starting to sound familiar).

The reason we are fighting Syria in Iraq (and via Israel in Lebanon) rather than Syria (which Syria would not be able to stand very well) is because of the accepted "division of power" between Congress and the Presidency. The only way the President can expand the war to another theater would be a) if those countries I mentioned attacked with troops in uniform rather than irregulars pretending to be insurgents, which they're unlikely to do unless they think they have a really good trump card (see the speculation about whether or not they have the bomb already), or b) if Congress gave him permission and funding to do so. In order to do that he virtually has to make the question an issue in the midterm election. Which I suspect either he or Iran is going to do.

Now let me see if this'll post or I'm too late.
Posted by Phil 2006-08-12 00:16||   2006-08-12 00:16|| Front Page Top

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