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2006-08-11 Home Front: WoT
Muslims bristle at Bush term "Islamic fascists"
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Posted by Fred 2006-08-11 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [45 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 So start calling it the "Crusade Against Islamic Fascism". That'll drive them nuts...
Posted by tu3031 2006-08-11 00:09||   2006-08-11 00:09|| Front Page Top

#2 Here I am on the Left Coast, and I finally see a day change.

Anyway, Bush got it right enough. Islamic facists is close enough for me.
Posted by Whiskey Mike 2006-08-11 00:14||   2006-08-11 00:14|| Front Page Top

#3 If he got their panties in a bunch, Bush must be saying something right. (Though he really shouldn't diss the fascists that way.)

If they don't like "Islamic fascists" I can suggest a different term or three:


Islamonutz (also Islamowingnutz)

Murdering moslem bastards

Think they'd prefer any of those?
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2006-08-11 00:28||]">[]  2006-08-11 00:28|| Front Page Top

#4 Barbara -

Islamonutz is my choice....
Posted by BigEd 2006-08-11 00:32||   2006-08-11 00:32|| Front Page Top

#5 I'd say GWB picked up "Islamic Fascists" from reading blogs. Wonder if ever drops by the Burg?
Posted by phil_b">phil_b  2006-08-11 00:37||]">[]  2006-08-11 00:37|| Front Page Top

#6 I dunno, phil, but just in case:

Hi, George Mr. President! :-D
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2006-08-11 00:40||]">[]  2006-08-11 00:40|| Front Page Top

#7 At the very first we picked up on the blind hatred of the West, Nihad. It took a bit more study to realize we were dealing with Nazis, only without the natty uniforms and the marching songs. The Jew hating's there. So's the accrual of rights to the state — in this case the ummah — rather than to the individual, who's reduced to being nothing but cannon fodder since jihad's a requirement on the devout. We've read the words of the new Streichers and Goebbels and Dr. Neys in the Arab and Muslim press. We've watched Hezbollah and the Marching Mullahs of Iran doing their funny imitation goose steps and just a-Hitlergrüssing to beat the band. You've got Supreme Councils™ and Supreme Leaders™ and Global Councils™ and aspiring Fearless Leaders™ and you've got holy men just as corrupt and just as merciless as any Gauleiter was. There's always a beturbanned SA ready to march and bust things up, whether it's in Lahore or Gay Paree. The TNSM's out in force in Peshawar in today's news; nobody there owns any books but the Koran, so they're burning TV sets instead of books. So where's the inaccuracy in referring to them as fascists? From our angle the curly-toed slipper's a pretty good fit.

olde Rantburgese literary piece, joins the classic library section in private collection.

The streets of Milpetas remain quiet, despite the ravings of the loons in Terrorhan and Peshawar and Cairo.

Posted by RD 2006-08-11 00:52||   2006-08-11 00:52|| Front Page Top

#8 Islamic supremacy also describes the phenomenon. The One True Religion plays the role of Aryanism in Nazism or the proleteriat under Communism. One group is destined by nature, history, or Divine Will to rule all the others and true believers have few scruples about the unpleasantries necessary along the way. Unity of purpose will overcome all opposition; free thought threatens that unity and must be ruthlessly suppressed for the cause.

Historically, of course, there's ample basis for Bush's remark. The progenitors of today's Islamic revival were supporters of the Third Reich in its day. Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, is only the most prominent example, going so far as to raise of Muslim brigade to fight for Germany in the Balkins.
Posted by Baba Tutu 2006-08-11 01:16||   2006-08-11 01:16|| Front Page Top

#9 Can we please get a graphic for Elibiary's "hate meter"?

I bet it would look spiffy next to the sympathy meter!
Posted by Scooter McGruder 2006-08-11 01:39||   2006-08-11 01:39|| Front Page Top

#10 Bristling already ? I hope this doesn't mean spittle and slobber all over the floor again. Really, you f**kin' Muzzies ain't seen nothin" yet. We're just starting to pay you some attention. And we don't like what we see. You better pack your asses up and drag them out of here while you can.
Posted by SOP35/Rat 2006-08-11 01:49||   2006-08-11 01:49|| Front Page Top

#11 Prediction: over 100 posts on this topic. I heard widespread support for the President on talk radio.

Fascism? Ask Mussolini: "...Fascism reasserts the right of the State as expressing the real essence of the individual. And if liberty is to be the attribute of living men and not of abstract dummies invented by individualistic liberalism, then Fascism stands for liberty, and for the only liberty worth having, the liberty of the State and of the individual within the State. The Fascist conception of the State is all-embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. Thus understood, Fascism is totalitarian, and the Fascist State - a synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values - interprets, develops, and potentiates the whole life of a is the purest form of democracy if the nation be considered -as it should be - from the point of view of quality rather than quantity, as an idea...expressing itself in a people, as the conscience and will of the few, if not, indeed, of one..." Benito Mussolini, 1932.
Posted by Snease Shaiting3550 2006-08-11 02:01||   2006-08-11 02:01|| Front Page Top

#12 Boy they don't like that term they should here what me and my neighbors call them. :)
Posted by djohn66 2006-08-11 02:07||   2006-08-11 02:07|| Front Page Top

#13 Well I bristle at the thought of people being vaporized in airplanes in the name of any religion. As it just happens Mahmood, it's yours so STFU.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2006-08-11 02:31||   2006-08-11 02:31|| Front Page Top

#14 Ace has it right: The alternative term? Plain old "Muslims".
Posted by JSU 2006-08-11 02:31||   2006-08-11 02:31|| Front Page Top

#15 I object to this is well. Islamic fascists is like wet water or hot flame.
Posted by gromgoru 2006-08-11 02:42||   2006-08-11 02:42|| Front Page Top

#16 News Update!

Denver International Airport:

An airline passange was stopped at Airport security due to smoke rising from his turban.

Authorities were relieved to find it was simply CAIR representative Mohammed Mohammed Bin Fumin's brain smoldering after hearing President Bush call a spade a spade.
Posted by Hyper 2006-08-11 02:50||   2006-08-11 02:50|| Front Page Top

#17 If they don't like hearing that their religion is a fascist cult, they may consider adhering to something other than Islam.

I'm waiting for a US President to declare "Give up yer Jihad, or ELSE..." There is no other way out.
Posted by Kalle (kafir forever) 2006-08-11 03:18||   2006-08-11 03:18|| Front Page Top

#18 I would like to gice a little testimony about "Islamic fascists" in Paris...

I live in the center of this city, in a very old street. 20 meters right of my house, there is a muslim bookshop, selling Korans, books in arabic, and a few in french; I had bought there a translation of Omar Khayyam's wonderful poems some time ago (before 9/11); one year ago, I noticed in the window a negationnist book and an antisemitic book, both of which had been forbidden by the French justice; and some time later, I heard on radio that the owner of this bookstore had personally published those 2 new editions, and had been convicted after a trial.

On the opposite way, 50 meters left of my house, there is a grocery, whose owner is a nice Tunisian immigrant 50 years old; two months ago, I heard his 20 years old son speak with another Arab of his age, and say that "9/11 wasn't done by the Muslims, but by the Jews"; I objected to this, but he was totally convinced it was the Jews; then, I noticed he had always at his side a small book in arabic, probably a pocket Koran.

That's the life in islamo-Paris...
Posted by leroidavid">leroidavid  2006-08-11 03:40||   2006-08-11 03:40|| Front Page Top

#19 leroidavid (king david):
When I was last in Paris - 1976 - the parks were safe 24-7. I hear that they are now Arab rape and rob zones. There is a Resistance movement against savage islamization.

Posted by Snease Shaiting3550 2006-08-11 03:56||   2006-08-11 03:56|| Front Page Top

#20 This definition by Columbia University professor Robert O. Paxton seems to fit the Islamists:

"Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victim-hood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion."
Posted by GK 2006-08-11 03:58||   2006-08-11 03:58|| Front Page Top

#21 "“We believe this is an ill-advised term and we believe that it is counterproductive to associate Islam or Muslims with fascism”"

I feel the risk of my family being destroyed at 40,000 feet, is counterproductive to me.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2006-08-11 04:11||   2006-08-11 04:11|| Front Page Top

#22 Snease Shaiting, thanks for the clue.

Central Paris is still safe: the government doesn't want the tourists to leave our country...

Nevertheless, there is a high rise of Muslim crime (for the moment, French Muslims commit 30 times more offenses and crimes per person than non-Muslims).

And the situation in the suburbs is very bad, but you all know that, thanks to our famous riots... White people living there can't go out at night, and are carefully planning their travels...

However, recently, in the center of Paris, I had to use for the first time my paralysing spray against 2 Arabs, and knock the third. They attacked me 'for the fun', as it seems (and it's easier to attack one single man when you are three - that's the courage of the Lions of Allah). The police came fast, but we were unable to arrest those heroes.
Posted by leroidavid">leroidavid  2006-08-11 04:22||   2006-08-11 04:22|| Front Page Top

#23 Nihad, it's counterproductive to hide jihadism behind "sensitivities". That makes you a bigger narcissistic liar. Your "sensitivities" or our health.
Posted by Duh! 2006-08-11 04:33||   2006-08-11 04:33|| Front Page Top

#24 The term "Islamofacism" (my favorite, and which I invented) is better IMO, because is suggests a "flavor" of Islam when connected with facist terrorism, rather than "impugning" the religion as a whole--so it keeps the aspect of denigrating religion out of the debate, at least technically. But it wouldn't matter. They'd be upset anyway. I think Bush was smart to put it on the table and quit dancing around the PC noose.
Posted by ex-lib 2006-08-11 05:31||   2006-08-11 05:31|| Front Page Top

#25 How about "Islamostalinist"? Is that not a more apt description?
Posted by no mo uro 2006-08-11 06:05||   2006-08-11 06:05|| Front Page Top

#26 I'll stick to using islamofascism. It an apt combine of words.

Anyone as easily offended as the islamofascists are will never be pleased anyhow.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom 2006-08-11 06:07||]">[]  2006-08-11 06:07|| Front Page Top

#27 Karl Popper coined the term 'Historicism' to describe all the ideologies that claim they are historically inevitable, and wrote arguably the most important book of the twentieth century - The Poverty of Historicism.

If you haven't read the book, you should.
Posted by phil_b">phil_b  2006-08-11 06:19||]">[]  2006-08-11 06:19|| Front Page Top

#28 The terrorists are Martyrs® fighting Jihad® against Infidels® to convert them to Dhimmis® for Allah®. In other words, they are fascists killing people in the name of Islam.

Which part of "Islamic fascists" did Bush get wrong?

Instead of criticising, clean up your own house. You've got a lot of work to do there.
Posted by PlanetDan">PlanetDan  2006-08-11 06:26||   2006-08-11 06:26|| Front Page Top

#29 *I* invented Islamic Crusader and introduced it here a few days ago. That's also what they're doing - crusading - and since they seem to hate that word as well....
Posted by Bobby 2006-08-11 06:48||   2006-08-11 06:48|| Front Page Top

#30 I'm getting tired of hearing American Muslims whine about "descrimination." If they don't like it here, get out. Go somewhere else. Leave.

Posted by Dave D.">Dave D.  2006-08-11 07:06||   2006-08-11 07:06|| Front Page Top

#31 Hey, Nihad, you know what? I really don't give a rat's ass what offends you any more.

I have yet to see you poor, victimized Muslims do a damn thing about the crazies "hijacking" your religion. (An interesting choice of words, Mohammed, considering that your co-religionists pretty much pioneered that concept in the 70's.)

I have yet to see you clowns enlist to fight against said "hijackers", either. I'm not expecting the Muslim equivalent of the Japanese-American 442nd Regimental Combat Team, or the Navajo Codetalkers, for that matter. But we certainly could do without the "contributions" of Sgt Hasan Akbar, among others, who have signed up only to disgrace the uniform and fight against us from within.

We have shown incredible restraint so far. Sorry if I don't equate a few funny looks and being delayed at the airport with rounding up citizens and putting them in internment camps or reservations. And, no, arresting Abdul for assembling an interesting collection of books, explosives, and pen pals based in Pakistan does not equate.

If you don't want the funny looks, tell your women to take off their "traditional" hijab (dating back, oh, about 30 years ago to Lebanon, modeled after a nun's habit and meant to say to one of your out of control, seething young men "don't rape me, O mighty Lion of Islam, rape that other girl over there instead").

Until you do something, anything, constructive to fight against said religious "hijackers", and reply to them with the alacrity you do for every "offense" the rest of the world commits against Islam, sit down and STFU.
Posted by Swamp Blondie 2006-08-11 07:58||]">[]  2006-08-11 07:58|| Front Page Top

#32 Ya know, I'm with CAIR. Terms like "Islamofascist" aren't helpful.

Let's be clear, honest, and inclusive. The most accurate term is "Muslim".
Posted by Rob Crawford">Rob Crawford  2006-08-11 08:00||]">[]  2006-08-11 08:00|| Front Page Top

#33 I don't think they yet understand what's coming if there's another attack on American soil by muzzies. Good and innocent people (and yes, there are some in any group) are gonna pay hard for this BS. The Ummah's gonna look back on these days as "the good old days". The loony left isn't gonna save your ass, and the Supreme Court/ACLU/CAIR won't stop violence in the streets against muzzies. It'll be a real black mark on American history when we destroy Islam and it's adherents who're our enemies, but we'll get over it
Posted by Frank G 2006-08-11 09:24||   2006-08-11 09:24|| Front Page Top

#34 Must be getting close to the truth. Who gives a shit what they think. Methinks that maybe islamofacism and islam may be one and the same.
Posted by JohnQC 2006-08-11 09:41||   2006-08-11 09:41|| Front Page Top

#35 Truth hurts, don't it CAIR?
Posted by DarthVader 2006-08-11 09:44||   2006-08-11 09:44|| Front Page Top

#36 Yellow vs red flags but certainly shades of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Ami El Hussenini's Waffen-SS Handsar (semitar) Division of WWII.
Posted by Besoeker 2006-08-11 09:46||   2006-08-11 09:46|| Front Page Top

#37 "a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation."

There. Fixed it for you Nihad. Everyone should be happy now.
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 10:03||   2006-08-11 10:03|| Front Page Top

#38 I'm glad he called it like it is. This "war on terror" needs to be changed to war on Islamo-Fascism.

An added bonus is that it will shup up the "but...but...Timothy McVeigh" and the "but...but...abortion clinics!" arguements.
Posted by Thoth 2006-08-11 10:10||   2006-08-11 10:10|| Front Page Top

#39 Fritz Kuhn, Nihad. Read up on him. Absorb what you read...
Posted by tu3031 2006-08-11 10:17||   2006-08-11 10:17|| Front Page Top

#40 The problem is that Bush hasnt explained the analytic necessity of the term Islamic Fascism.

Saying Islamic Fascism doesnt imply Islam is inherently fascist, any more than saying "european Fascism" implies Europe is inherent fascist, or "christian fundamentalism" implies all christians are fundamentalist. Its necessary to mention Islamic fascism, because European fascism was centered on the nation state and was not connected with premodern religious loyalties (with the arguable exception of Spain) while in Islam, where the nation state is weak, fascism takes on a different form.

This is explained best by Paul Berman in "Liberalism and Terror"

Y'all might not want to read it though, as Berman is a socialist :)
Posted by liberalhawk 2006-08-11 10:25||   2006-08-11 10:25|| Front Page Top

#41 Religion of Peace proves not to be particularly apt even for Bush.
Posted by SamAdamsky 2006-08-11 10:52||   2006-08-11 10:52|| Front Page Top

#42 Nihad Awad doesn't like Islamic Fascists term?

Okay, how about Wahhabi-Islamo-Fascists?

I nailed it *cough* of course under the influence of much learned men (Daniel Pipes, Christopher Hitchens, Stephen Schwartz) nearly five years ago by calling it nihilistic Islamic absolutism (NIA). But that's a bit of a mouthful, so I'll stick with Islamic Fascists.
Posted by Lancasters Over Dresden 2006-08-11 11:31||]">[]  2006-08-11 11:31|| Front Page Top

#43 Check List on How Do We Discern If You're An Islamo-Fascist:

1. You call for the murder of all non-Wahhabis, including Jews, Christians, Shiites, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, B'hais, Sufis, etc.

2. You hate music, dance, art, and anything remotely and humanly sensual. Goats and under-age children are okay (See depressing movie OSAMA).

3. You glorify death, often wear black uniforms, and pledge your loyalty to cultiish-like leaders.

4. Goose-stepping and stiff arm salutes kinda gives away the game.

5. You hate democracy and yearn to impose by force of arms and terror, the latter directed entirely at unsuspecting, innocent civilians, your dark, Medieval vision of Shar'ia.

These are more than sufficient though several additional examples can be added.
Posted by Lancasters Over Dresden 2006-08-11 11:39||]">[]  2006-08-11 11:39|| Front Page Top

#44 #24 & 29 - OK, but I'm copyrighting Islamonutz.©
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2006-08-11 11:57||]">[]  2006-08-11 11:57|| Front Page Top

#45 Bristling over Islamic Fascists? If the truth hurts, too bad!
Posted by 49 Pan">49 Pan  2006-08-11 12:15||   2006-08-11 12:15|| Front Page Top

#46 #8 Baba Tutu Historically and politically accurate analysis, sir. May the innocent among them be protected. Ideas can be smashed if not completely destroyed or rendered controllable.
Posted by SamAdamsky 2006-08-11 12:51||   2006-08-11 12:51|| Front Page Top

#47 I prefer "ass-backward 7th century lovin' half-literate camel f*cking sand clowns" but that's just me.
Posted by Broadhead6 2006-08-11 13:31||   2006-08-11 13:31|| Front Page Top

#48 They are right in a way. We are not at war with islamic fascists.

We are at war with islam. No modifer is required.

And the only thing that "inflames anti-muslin tensions" are the muz themselves because all things being equal no sane person would ever give them a second thought to them.
Posted by kelly 2006-08-11 15:06||   2006-08-11 15:06|| Front Page Top

#49 Good grief, it didn't even take 12 hours before CAIR was offended? How are those trials/detentions going for all your leadership, there CAIR? Finally, the Prez calls our war what it is.

Again, why Islam must undergo a "modernization" as Judaism and Christianity have. Except that big Mo' himself wouldn't allow for it. By that, I mean, I'd call myself a believer of a "Only Way" religion (Christianity), but it's been tempered with Christ's teachings, the Magna Carta and the US Constitution (Separation of Church and State). Yes, I believe Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven, but I'ma not gonna strap a bomb on or hide liquid explosives in a sports drink bottle to prove my point. Unfortunately, I don't believe Islam can modernize without doing away with Big Mo and his crazy "religion." And, they won't go for that, so Mr. Prez, carry on.
Posted by BA 2006-08-11 15:42||   2006-08-11 15:42|| Front Page Top

#50 "We believe this is an ill-advised term and we believe that it is counterproductive to associate Islam or Muslims with fascism,"

"Ill-advised"? For who? Those that promote increasing awareness of exactly how serious a threat Islam (not "Islamism", not "Islamofacism", not "Islamists" ab nauseum) is to civilized society. "Ill-advised"? In what way? Was that a threat on your part at those of us who oppose sharia law to avoid using such a precise description of what your so-called "faith" entails?

Rather, I'd say, Islam is "ill-advised" to continue on its current course. Nothing other than radioactive glass awaits all Muslim countries if they are unable to authentically and genuinely reform their religion.
Posted by Zenster 2006-08-11 15:54||   2006-08-11 15:54|| Front Page Top

#51 Hmmmm. Lets see. You muzzies 'bristle' at the term "Islamic Fascism". OK. Ummm, don't get all pissed, but there's a few things about you that make me 'bristle' too. Bet my list is longer.
Posted by mcsegeeek1 2006-08-11 15:54||   2006-08-11 15:54|| Front Page Top

#52 CAIR and every single Muslim public figure needs to be ridiculed at mocked at every opportunity. That's how ideologies eventually get defeated--the folks on the sidelines begin to notice that its *ok* for them to voice the things they had already noticed but feared to comment upon.
Posted by Crusader 2006-08-11 18:20||   2006-08-11 18:20|| Front Page Top

#53 Well, not to play devil's advocate (besides, Aminahajib already has that role), bu we're dealing with weird brain-washed, brain-numbed cultist Muslims, and if you say Muslim Facists, rather than Islamic Facists, then it leaves room for alternate personal definitions: i.e., some Muslims are facists and others aren't (which of course is arguable--but you get the drift). On the other hand if you say "Islamic" Facists, then you damn the entire religion itself along with them (again, arguable, but to be avoided in the real world where perception is 9/10ths of reality). "Islamofacist" would mean that they are "informed" or at least think they are by Islam, and leaves the same room for differentiation, although again, I don't think it matters much in this fight. It's bad monkeys against good monkeys, for all you evolutionists, and for the Christians, it's written, so we're not surprised, but we better do what's right and fight them (which is what's right), and for Jews, fight now or fight more later, and for the Buddhists . . . well, I'm not sure. Blondie--great comment.
Posted by ex-lib 2006-08-11 18:32||   2006-08-11 18:32|| Front Page Top

#54 damn perceptions. They've lost the opportunity to be "surprised" and "disappointed" when the shit hits the Islamic fan. The entire religion is based on disgusting premises. The religious "must see" sites are in a country which tolerates no other religion. Their "good book" expresses no tolerance of other religions, instead they are to be killed or enslaved, lied to, and at best, to be taxed just for being dhimmis. I say, F*&K em. I've had enough of their outrage and seething, I've had enough of being discomforted by the acts of their true believers, and I've had enough of them. Adopt the customs and tolerances of your adopted states or get the fuck out. Attacks on US soil will cause innocent (and non-practicing muslims) to die. I suppose the hard core Islamists don't care. I've seen them send their children and women out as human shields, splodeydopes, and cannon fodder. Truly a disgusting and cowardly belief system - our Saudi and Paki friends along with the conniving Iranians and Syrian cowards are targets. Get the coordinates
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2006-08-11 19:42||   2006-08-11 19:42|| Front Page Top

#55 The police came fast, but we were unable to arrest those heroes.

UUmmmm, Why?
Posted by Redneck Jim 2006-08-11 21:53||   2006-08-11 21:53|| Front Page Top

#56 Couldn't agree more Frank. Well said. I was musing on the political problems, and the fact of lumping everyone together, which will make them all more willing to lump. Of course, my belief is that they'd do it anyway, so it don't really matter.
Posted by ex-lib 2006-08-11 23:39||   2006-08-11 23:39|| Front Page Top

00:16 Phil
00:13 Jan
23:59 ex-lib
23:52 FOTSGreg
23:51 Thoth
23:47 ex-lib
23:39 ex-lib
23:39 Phil
23:35 Frank G
23:35 ex-lib
23:29 JosephMendiola
23:29 ex-lib
23:23 djohn66
23:21 JosephMendiola
23:18 ex-lib
23:17 Thoth
23:15 Barbara Skolaut
23:13 Angomoting Shong7365
23:13 Thoth
23:13 Frank G
23:04 Thoth
22:59 Frank G
22:58 Remoteman
22:56 Zhang Fei

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