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2006-07-22 Fifth Column
CIA Contractor-Blogger Canned For Criticizing Policy
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Posted by Anonymoose 2006-07-22 17:36|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [31 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 She's not very smart, so I don't see her departure as a loss. Since people seldom actually learn from their mistakes, altering behavior by (Duh!) thinking before acting, I would watch her closely for awhile -- that lack of circumspection and discretion will probably be repeated.
Posted by cruiser 2006-07-22 18:13||   2006-07-22 18:13|| Front Page Top

#2 much to do about nothing. She was blogging on company time and they fired her. Anyone who blogs knows how time consuming it is. Maybe they got ticked with what she wrote, maybe not, but she's an idiot to think they'd be so enthralled by her posts that they would consider her time on her blog to be money well spent.
Posted by 2b 2006-07-22 20:01||   2006-07-22 20:01|| Front Page Top

#3 It was not the blogging. If one reads the article, it says "The CIA says blogs and other electronic tools are used by people working on the same issue to exchange information and ideas". It was the content of her web-log.

"I thought it would be okay" to write about the Geneva Conventions, she said, "because it's the policy."

The problem was that Ms Axsmith decided both promulgate her policy and derogate the official one.

She likely would have been fired as well, had she blogged derogatively on specific individuals.
Posted by Fordesque 2006-07-22 20:38||   2006-07-22 20:38|| Front Page Top

#4 Dumbass.

Question and verify facts and reasoning. Policy is left to the politicians so as to keep the machinery that delivers said facts to the decision makers honest and unbiased. Or at least thats how it was supposed to work. You worked for the nation, not for your political faction.

Why cant's the f**king lefties realize that the rules are there for a reason - and they apply to ALL? Especially on Intelink, and other internal restricted/classifed systems.

Good riddance - I hope they yanked her ticket and marked her non-clearable, and untrustworhty.

Buhbye Christine. Lotsa luck getting employed - and don't be surprised if there is a polygraph or 3 in your future as to leaks.

Posted by Oldspook 2006-07-22 20:42||   2006-07-22 20:42|| Front Page Top

#5 "I love the CIA. I love the mission"

They why didn't you follow the f**king rules bitch?

A God Damned software tester CONTRACTOR spouting her uninformed opinion straight from what she *should* know are completely biased and factually incomplete slanted MS reports.

We're busting our balls out here and her cheap little lefty ass is scrawling on the virtual Walls dicking around instead of doing her job.

Toss her ass out on the street and fine her company for hiring dolts. Fine her for all the legal stuff you can and put her immediately into collections and throw a lien on her hosue to ruin her credit. Arrest her and hold her for 72 hours on suspicion of fraud.

Lets see her try to find a job with a ruined credit history and an arrest record - and a felony charge pending. Have a nice time living under a bridge bitch.

Yes, I'm mad as hell about this kind of crap.

Screw them - either join the team or be considered an opponent - an enemy, foreign or domestic and expect proper treatment.

The next lefty that gets in my way gets hit. Hard. They're pissing away all the work we're trying to do then acting surprised when they get bagged for it. F**king termites on the body politic of the Nation.

Posted by Oldspook 2006-07-22 20:51||   2006-07-22 20:51|| Front Page Top

Yes, I'm mad as hell about this kind of crap.

Yeah? And just a little unhinged as well. She posted an opinion, on a secure site, she didn't leak sensitive information to the NYT.

Get some perspective. Pull her ticket, fire her, but leave the ladies credit alone. Crap like that is why some folks would like to have an open season on government workers for certain agencies.

Posted by Idiom Police 2006-07-22 22:37||   2006-07-22 22:37|| Front Page Top

#7 Idiom Police -- you forgot an apostrophe and the correct spelling on that "but leave the ladies credit alone."

That just has to be, "but leave the lady's credit alone."

Sorry -- but Rantburg University -- has lots of different kinds of professors.
Posted by Sherry">Sherry  2006-07-22 22:42||   2006-07-22 22:42|| Front Page Top

Sorry -- but Rantburg University -- has lots of different kinds of professors.

No worries! Thanks! There are others here that could benefit from your spelling and grammatical expertise.
Posted by Idiom Police 2006-07-22 23:05||   2006-07-22 23:05|| Front Page Top

#9 Noo their's knoyt.
Posted by Wholuling Shiter7169 2006-07-22 23:08||   2006-07-22 23:08|| Front Page Top

#10 Idiom Police -- actually -- I'm a first class bad speller! Use to do lots of teachers' workshops, that entailed my writing stuff on a blackboard. Some teachers would totally lose control of the topic, till, I did something about that misspelled word on the board.

And that became my time to let them know, during my first six years of schooling, including a spelling test every Friday, I always aced the test, got the pennys, the nickels, the candy (Snickers were a real favorite for scoring 100) got the gold stars. And would hammer them, on their teaching methods of teaching spelling! I was a product of their enlightenment of methods of teaching spelling.

But, as now, even then -- I'm still the worst speller around. My Dad, on Thursday nights, would come up with some tricks, and lots of tears in studying these words, for me to memorize the spellings. Those W words of what when where why, almost cost the love of a father and daughter.

Anyway... then, WordPerfect entered the world. That thrill of using an apostrophe in letter places to begin to guess at the spelling, became my life-long friend. See, this idea of looking it up in the dictionary, never made sense, because I didn't have the vaguest ideal of how to spell the word! The dictionary served me only to define the word after I found out how to spell it.

Sorry -- not the correct forum for this kind of Rant! Just wanted to "pook" a little fun at you.

And things are kinda "tense" around the world, and thus, around Rantburg U. Hoping a little humor would help.
Posted by Sherry">Sherry  2006-07-22 23:37||   2006-07-22 23:37|| Front Page Top

#11 It's just that with a nym like Idiom Police, you are rather setting yourself up for it. You can change it if you'd like, although it would be helpful, for me at least, if for a few days you would be newnym (formerly Idiom Police) -- a kindness to my creeping senility. ;-)
Posted by trailing wife 2006-07-22 23:46||   2006-07-22 23:46|| Front Page Top

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23:05 Idiom Police
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