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2006-07-22 Syria-Lebanon-Iran
Do not expect full-scale incursion: Israel
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Posted by anonymous5089 2006-07-22 02:26|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [34 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 heh. Smart chess move. By doing this they decrease the anxiety and prevent desperate measures, don't raise expectations about their capabilities beyond their ability to execute, keep pressure on the rest of the world to put up or shut up .... and can still do a full scale invasion if they feel like it.
Posted by 2b 2006-07-22 06:48||   2006-07-22 06:48|| Front Page Top

#2 They have to do a full scale incusion. Hezbollah has learnt from Iran how to conduct Asymmetric warfare. The weapons and tactics have surprised Israel and other countries. The initial attacks have not been a great success to Israel so far. The underground infrastructure needs to be destroyed and soldiers have to fight from bunker to's going to be tough out there
Posted by Phomons Clomble2131 2006-07-22 07:47||   2006-07-22 07:47|| Front Page Top

#3 "You should not expect a full-scale incursion into Lebanon,"

Riiiight! And the D9's are there for emotional support. Wink Wink.

Don't forget history. In 1982, Ariel Sharon asked Menachem Begin's permission for a small incursion into Lebanon that would last only 48 hours. Oh pretty please, pretty please PM Begin. Begin gave the permission. Sharon and his tanks ended up far north to the outskirts of Beirut. So much for only 48 hours. Beirut was in the verge of being pounded into smithereens. Then Reagan (I mean his Saudi friendly cabinet) stepped in to stop Israel, sent the U.S Marines as a peace keeping force. The result, 241 Marines died by the hands of the terrorists that Reagan and his cabinet saved from being destroyed by Sharon. Soon after, Arafat rose to power and the rest is history.

Fast forward to today. The current generals are asking for the same small incursion from the Leftist Israeli PM Olmert. Olmert has already given his permission. Since Olmert or his defensive minister does NOT have any extensive military experience, I will looking for that "just pumped the neighbor's cat look" on their faces when this becomes a large scale invasion. To Olmert' credit, at least he is giving the permission. I am happy about that.

Needless to say, wars are unpredictable, this small incursion will probably become so huge and full of destruction for Lebanon, that the world body will have that famous Macaulay Culkin look. I say this because the terrorists could lose many wars, but the U.S. and Israel cannot afford to lose one. It will start with a small incursion, then the terrorists will up the ante and so on and so on, until Syria and Iran will have no choice but OPENLY step in.

Israel just put in a request for more BB's and possibly JDAM's. Thanks to Bush, the request have been already granted. Israel wouldn't have to order more in the first place if they didn't turn down the original US offer. The Leftist Olmert simply thought that giving up acre after acre of Israeli land will turn Hamas and Hizballah into trainable little puppy dogs. Here is an unbelievably scary quote from World Tribune " Indeed, the air force did not even deem the purchase of deep penetration munitions a priority. Earlier this year, Israel decided against purchasing U.S.-origin bunker-buster weapons regarded as a requirement for any air strike against Iran or Syria."

Here is one excellent explanation of Isaiah 17, that this may end with the complete destruction of Damascus.

Isaiah 17: "1 An oracle concerning Damascus:
"See, Damascus will no longer be a city
but will become a heap of ruins."

Remember, never in history has Damascus ever ceased to be a city. This verse definitely a future event in the Bible. I unequivocally believe in the Bible.

Posted by Poison Reverse 2006-07-22 08:17||   2006-07-22 08:17|| Front Page Top

#4 I'm an athiest, but if Damascus is turned into a pile of rubble, I'll be ullutating from my rooftop. It's called justice.
Posted by phil_b">phil_b  2006-07-22 08:45||]">[]  2006-07-22 08:45|| Front Page Top

#5 Amen
Posted by DarthVader 2006-07-22 09:27||   2006-07-22 09:27|| Front Page Top

#6 It’s good to be happy about Isaiah 17. But if you want to ululate, wait for the future Ezekiel 38. Many years after the destruction of Damascus, there is another one coming. A future federation of Muslim states, where Russia will a take lead tactical role, will come against Israel after recovering from the war that destroyed Damascus. Below is a list of the nations that are listed in Ezekiel 38 Israel's enemies:

Russia or Chief
Ancient Sarmatians known as Rashu, Rasapu, Ros, and Rus or translated as the adjective Chief.

Central Asia
Ancient Scythians - Islamic southern republics of the former Soviet Union with a population of 60 million Muslims. This territory could include modern Afghanistan.

Ancient Muschki and Musku in Cilicia and Cappadocia.

Turkey (also southern Russia and Iran)
Ancient Tubalu in Cappadocia.

Name changed from Persia to Iran in 1935.

6.Ethiopia (Cush)
Ancient Cush, south of Egypt.

Ancient Put, west of Egypt.

Ancient Cimmerians - from the seventh century to first century B.C. in central/western Anatolia.

Til-garimmu - between ancient Carchemish and Haran (southern Turkey).

10.Many peoples with you
Other Islamic nations
Possibly Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt

…and this is what will happen to them.

Ezekiel 38:18 ”This is what will happen in that day: When Gog attacks the land of Israel, my hot anger will be aroused, declares the Sovereign LORD. 19 In my zeal and fiery wrath I declare that at that time there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. 20 The fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the beasts of the field, every creature that moves along the ground, and all the people on the face of the earth will tremble at my presence. The mountains will be overturned, the cliffs will crumble and every wall will fall to the ground. 21 I will summon a sword against Gog on all my mountains, declares the Sovereign LORD. Every man's sword will be against his brother. 22 I will execute judgment upon him with plague and bloodshed; I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur on him and on his troops and on the many nations with him. 23 And so I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the LORD.'

Ezekiel 39:11 "On that day I will give Gog a burial place in Israel, in the valley of those who travel east toward [b] the Sea. 12 ”For seven months the house of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land.”

None of this has happened, yet, in history. Then comes Armageddon where 200 million of Israel’s enemies will die. You will get tired of popcorn by the time this is done.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2006-07-22 09:42||   2006-07-22 09:42|| Front Page Top

#7 "You should not expect a full-scale incursion into Lebanon," "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. Oh, hey look over there - a clown!"
Posted by Hupeasing Clomort3334 2006-07-22 11:03||   2006-07-22 11:03|| Front Page Top

#8 Sit Ubu, Sit.

Changing Prophecy - one nation at a time.
Posted by newc">newc  2006-07-22 11:46||   2006-07-22 11:46|| Front Page Top

#9  "just pumped the neighbor's cat look"

It's wonderfully colourful, Poison Reverse, but I haven't the slightest idea what it means. Please explain, so I don't sound the fool when I use it? Thanks!
Posted by trailing wife 2006-07-22 12:04||   2006-07-22 12:04|| Front Page Top

#10 Don't sound like a fool, TW. Don't use it.
Posted by Nimble Spemble 2006-07-22 12:13||   2006-07-22 12:13|| Front Page Top

#11 Maintain this status quo; sit tight and use special ops. Use air superiority in support of the operators. No sense rushing into a long series of ambushes.
Posted by Huponter Thaling4526 2006-07-22 12:41||   2006-07-22 12:41|| Front Page Top

#12 tw- shot the cat with a bb gun. Bravo - very descriptive.

If you step back and look at where this is all headed right now, it is very depressing. Bible prophecy aside - it's not hard to imagine a russian led federation as you mention. Don't think so? Look at their history. The fact that it is not in Russia's long term interest doesn't mean that they won't do it. In fact they seem to be drawn to that type of short-term self-destructive behavior. Nor is it hard to imagine damascus being reduced to rubble. And the people with their heads in the sand are proposing that we should put an army, headed the UN body which is openly hostile to Israel and manned by people from countries openly hostile to Israel is just plain stupid. Every man's sword will be against his brother seems a certain result! I don't understand why people don't grasp that the UN has grown beyond our ability to control it.

This is the first time in the history of mankind where the prophecies of utter destruction are capable of coming true. Man didn't have the capacity to do it before now, but today he does. What's worse is that they are likely to come true. Nukes will be used we can count on that.

Sigh. I'm not going to carry around a placard that says "the end is near" because I may be long dead in my grave before all hell breaks loose. But the capacity for it to happen exists now unlike it has ever existed before.

And really - when you look at it, how can this not happen? It's not going to go away or suddenly get better. We're headed down a road where a conflict between Israel and the west will indeed have to happen. Maybe soon, maybe not - but it's not going to resolve itself with happy talk or wishing it away. It is the certain result of events that are happening today.
Posted by 2b 2006-07-22 13:24||   2006-07-22 13:24|| Front Page Top

#13 oops...I said Israel and the west - what I meant was, in a nutshell, West v/s East.
Posted by 2b 2006-07-22 13:26||   2006-07-22 13:26|| Front Page Top

#14 tw,

Don't use it. I shouldn't have used it myself. It's just my fustration at the Olmert Govt.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2006-07-22 13:49||   2006-07-22 13:49|| Front Page Top

#15 2b,

Good run down. What makes this different from anything else is that the 12th Imam prophecy is in the middle, driving all this. The Islamic prophecy have never played a central figure before. The Islamic religion have always been at the forefront.

BTW, the League of Nations couldn't stop Hitler, or Lenin. What makes anyone think the UN can stop present or future wars with deadlier weapons.

The League of Nations was the brain child of the Democrat Woodrow Wilson. Here is an Interview with Jim Powell author of Wilson's War: How Woodrow Wilson's Great Blunder Led to Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and World War II. He is a great historian and he gives it to straight. If handling the truth is a problem then I don't recommend anyone reading the interview.

If one studies what happend during the League of Nations, one can easily realize that the present UN is a deadlier mirror image.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2006-07-22 14:34||   2006-07-22 14:34|| Front Page Top

#16 thanks pr. You've really put some things into foucus for me. That said, I'm not sure I like being able to see where this is headed.
Posted by 2b 2006-07-22 15:12||   2006-07-22 15:12|| Front Page Top

#17 focus.
Posted by 2b 2006-07-22 15:12||   2006-07-22 15:12|| Front Page Top

#18 foucus, focus

I just read the first bit with a French accent, 2b, and it made perfect sense. ;-) And as I am eminently not qualified to use gun similies, I won't mention Poison Reverse's pumped cat, the poor thing.

Separately, I have enough trouble reading the tea leaves of the present without delving into Biblical prophesy. God helps those who help themselves, and all that. My bat mitzvah portion was Isaiah's hills skipping like lambs and mountains like rams, and beyond that I took seriously Maimonedes' instruction that a person ought not study the mysteries until after the children are grown. So I've a while yet to go. ;-)
Posted by trailing wife 2006-07-22 23:25||   2006-07-22 23:25|| Front Page Top

#19 tw,

"Pumped cat" is not a gun simili. If you can, point your eyes to the gutter.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2006-07-22 23:42||   2006-07-22 23:42|| Front Page Top

#20 Then you'd probably better not define it for me, PR. I guess 2b was being gentle with my hopeless ignorance.
Posted by trailing wife 2006-07-22 23:57||   2006-07-22 23:57|| Front Page Top

23:57 trailing wife
23:52 RWV
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23:50 john
23:46 trailing wife
23:42 crosspatch
23:42 Poison Reverse
23:41 trailing wife
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23:37 Sherry
23:32 Unoling Hupinens1262
23:28 trailing wife
23:28 Zhang Fei
23:25 trailing wife
23:24 twobyfour
23:22 Classical_Liberal
23:13 Anonymoose
23:08 Wholuling Shiter7169
23:07 cruiser
23:05 Idiom Police
22:56 Zhang Fei
22:55 john
22:54 john
22:50 Alaska Paul

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