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2006-06-23 Home Front: Politix
Mineta Resigns As Transportation Secretary
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Posted by Sherry 2006-06-23 12:36|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [17 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Five years too late.
Posted by JSU 2006-06-23 12:51||   2006-06-23 12:51|| Front Page Top

#2 Gott sei dank!!!!!

'Bout damn time.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Norm.

Don't go away mad, just GO AWAY.

[insert other grateful clichés here.... :-D]
Posted by Barbara Skolaut">Barbara Skolaut  2006-06-23 12:53||]">[]  2006-06-23 12:53|| Front Page Top

#3 Man...that is possibly the most boring summation of a career I have ever read...

Norm Mineta, a midge among giants...
Posted by mjh 2006-06-23 12:55||   2006-06-23 12:55|| Front Page Top

#4 good riddance - make him take his shoes off and undergo a body cavity search before leaving
Posted by Frank G 2006-06-23 14:12||   2006-06-23 14:12|| Front Page Top

#5 Not Norm, though... invite Norm's grandma to the going-away party and then wand her and make *her* take off her shoes!
Posted by Seafarious">Seafarious  2006-06-23 14:25||   2006-06-23 14:25|| Front Page Top

#6 Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Posted by DanNY 2006-06-23 14:39||   2006-06-23 14:39|| Front Page Top

#7 Mineta was plagued with back problems during his tenure as transportation secretary but has since recovered.

Yeah, must've helped when you cut back on all that heavy lifting associated with the job, right Norm?
Twenty years in Congress, Commerce Secretary, Transportation Secretary. A hack's Hack.
Posted by tu3031 2006-06-23 14:45||   2006-06-23 14:45|| Front Page Top

#8 When they say he had back problems are they referring to the lack of spine? Just askn' is all.
Posted by GORT 2006-06-23 15:06||   2006-06-23 15:06|| Front Page Top

#9 Flying was bad before 9-11 but Mineta's idiot DOT response made it simply miserable. It's no wonder airline stocks are in the toilet; no one who can avoid flying ever misses the chance to do so. I've had moments in airport security lines where I wasn't sure who I wanted to kill most; Osama or the minimum-wage fascist security screeners. I know this; it's got to be a damned desperate situation before I fly now. I'd rather spend three days driving anyplace in the continental U.S. than spend four hours crammed into a space smaller than a coffin after running the Mineta security gauntlet. Of course, it figures that the DOT response would have been totally wrong. That's what happens when you let a Democrat run anything.
Posted by mac 2006-06-23 16:09||   2006-06-23 16:09|| Front Page Top

#10 That's not how the AP sees it, mac...

Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta, who helped rebuild confidence in U.S. airports and flying after the Sept. 11 attacks...

He did? I must've missed it...
Posted by tu3031 2006-06-23 17:53||   2006-06-23 17:53|| Front Page Top

#11 Do you suppose that some logic might creep into the AIrport security now......I mean can we actually (gasp!!) start profiling and searching likely suspects instead of 10 year old girls in soccer uniforms and little old ladies from Alabama.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom 2006-06-23 18:41||   2006-06-23 18:41|| Front Page Top

#12 Yawls are just damn mean.

Yet oddly funny.
Posted by 6 2006-06-23 19:22||   2006-06-23 19:22|| Front Page Top

#13 As they say at Cheers: NORM! As the flying public adds: A**hole! What a Maroon.
Posted by Inspector Clueso 2006-06-23 20:08||   2006-06-23 20:08|| Front Page Top

#14 Let's find Norm a job that forces him to travel third class by commercial air carrier on a daily basis. This SOB increased our vulnerability tenfold with his horsesh!t profiling laws. Rot in Hell, Norm.
Posted by Zenster 2006-06-23 22:29||   2006-06-23 22:29|| Front Page Top

23:57 BA
23:29 Frank G
23:28 JustAboutEnough
23:26 JustAboutEnough
23:23 Zenster
23:20 JosephMendiola
23:16 Zenster
23:15 Alaska Paul
23:03 trailing wife
22:53 DanNY
22:52 mojo
22:51 Sherry
22:44 GORT
22:41 Gromosh Elminegum5705
22:39 Zenster
22:38 Oldspook
22:34 Crath Choger3081
22:34 JosephMendiola
22:34 Frank G
22:32 Zenster
22:29 Zenster
22:29 phil_b
22:26 Eric Jablow
22:25 Zenster

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