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2006-06-23 Home Front: Politix
The Tancredo Republicans
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Posted by ryuge 2006-06-23 06:30|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [17 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Wow. Talk about demogoguery, this unsigned, thus representing the entire DJ Opionion Journal's Editorial Staff's position, "opinion" article is a primer on the art.

DJOJ just fell off the ladder.

Kiss my legal American ass, chuckles.
Posted by Glomogum Shogum2997 2006-06-23 08:09||   2006-06-23 08:09|| Front Page Top

#2 1. Enforce the border.
2. Deport those you do catch.
3. Actively pursue those who employ illegals.
4. Agressively expedite the process of admitting legal immigrants and radically improve the process of monitoring them (requires tamper-resistant documents and computerized tracking.)
5. Require proof of legal status for reciept of public services (this is the trickiest, since to be effective it would also require such proof of citizens - "Papers, please!")
6. Eliminate the 'anchor baby' citizenship status; change the law (Constitution?) such that birth citizenship only applies to babies born to mothers legally in the country.

Don't worry about chasing down the millions of illegals already here; make them 'self deport' by making it easier and better to enter legally and less beneficial to stay illegally.

Does this make me an evil Tancredo Republican? Demand the Tom-Tom ticket in 2008 (Coburn & Tancredo, in either order.)
Posted by glenmore">glenmore  2006-06-23 09:06||   2006-06-23 09:06|| Front Page Top

#3 The smarter Republicans--President Bush, Karl Rove, Senator John McCain, Colorado Governor Bill Owens and Florida Governor Jeb Bush--understand that the GOP can't sustain its majority

The day that the GOP places party majority over principles is the day they lose their base...based upon this editorial it seems that day is fast approaching
Posted by mjh 2006-06-23 09:13||   2006-06-23 09:13|| Front Page Top

#4 When the press can't control the will of the people, then the politicians who would do anything to be re-elected are (fill in the negative adjectives). The press can eat a snake's ass for all I care.

We've got our congressmen on the ropes, so call them or email them and make your desires known. Today, the people control the people's House more than ever before. The spending bills are being debated now, and the democrats all want to increase spending, while the republican majority will not allow it. Urge them to hold the line and not give in to the Senate on the border issue. Democracy rules.
Posted by wxjames 2006-06-23 09:33||   2006-06-23 09:33|| Front Page Top

#5 The only reason the GOP hasn't lost the moderate part of it's base is that the alternitive is soooooo much worse.
Posted by DarthVader 2006-06-23 09:34||   2006-06-23 09:34|| Front Page Top

#6 This article supposes, does it not, that we the voting base are too stupid to see these things for ourselves.
Posted by bigjim-ky 2006-06-23 10:49||   2006-06-23 10:49|| Front Page Top

#7 what a funny article. Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth. Yada, yada. Not only was it MEGO material, but it makes no meaningful point.

We don't want amnesty, we want reform. It's really that simple.
Posted by 2b 2006-06-23 11:26||   2006-06-23 11:26|| Front Page Top

#8 "And immigrants will keep coming illegally in search of a better life unless there is some legal way they can apply for and find work.'

It is a serious misreading of American voters to believe that they accept a widespread guest worker program as part of "comprehensive" immigration reform. Most aren't thinking that far ahead or thinking of how such legislation could affect their lives, but I dare the Republicans to do it. Were such a guest worker program legislated, the financial effects would turn mild-mannered Clark Kents into a pissed off, superhuman American electorate right quick.

Good distinction made about letting illegals pay their penalties and stay and work legally versus granting citizenship. Sounds like a potential common middle ground between Dems and Pubs.
Posted by Jules 2006-06-23 12:46||   2006-06-23 12:46|| Front Page Top

#9 The mention at all of J.D. Hayworth made me cringe. His district is white and indian. On top of it, Phoenix has some of the most conservative republican Mexican-Americans in the country. The last two democrats to run against Hayworth were human sacrifices. Both, I think, were carpetbaggers, brought in because nobody local wanted to be thrown off a cliff.

The Arizona indian tribes love J.D., not just because he is good for their business, but because they like him personally.
Posted by Anonymoose 2006-06-23 14:15||   2006-06-23 14:15|| Front Page Top

#10 Good heavens! I'm in agreement with Mr. James.
Posted by 6 2006-06-23 16:12||   2006-06-23 16:12|| Front Page Top

#11  "And immigrants will keep coming illegally in search of a better life unless there is some legal way they can apply for and find work.'

Not in any significant numbers if we lock down the borders, and step up internal enforcement.

Thats why Enforcement has to come first. And there's the author's problem: he assumes that there will be NO enforcement like in 1986
Posted by Oldspook 2006-06-23 19:20||   2006-06-23 19:20|| Front Page Top

#12 Amen, Old Spook. If they can get border control through, without "comprehensive" reform, incumbents might stand a chance in November. If it all falls through because reform is not "comprehensive", they're gonna have some serious splaining to do to the folks back home.
Posted by Jules 2006-06-23 21:50||   2006-06-23 21:50|| Front Page Top

#13 After reading one of the best rants recently on the state of the society (GS?) I hesitate to wax verbose, but this has to be said.
It isn't just a commitment to real border enforcement first that is at issue, it has to be the entire issue of immigration itself. We are committing cultural suicide at a rate unparalleled in human history, except perhaps by the Romans in the later parts of the western Imperial period. Who sections of Los Angeles are only marginally American now, Glendale is overwhelming becoming Armenian, and Monterrey Park now has more Chinese lingauage signs than English by a factor of 5-1. Turn on any L.A. am radio and scan the channels. English is the minority language! The LA Unified Schoold District has over 60% dropout rate (Detriot still wins at 80% I'm told). The myth of acculturation and assimilation are debunked! These folks don't want to be American, they just want the goodies! Our country is awash in foreign-born (over 25-30% of all California residents weren't born in this country). Everywhere you look, the systems and structures of society are collapsing. Whore politicians chase the minorities and finagle gifts like in-state tuition for illegals. ... Sorry I digree too far.
Close the border, enforce employer sanctions, conduct immigration sweeps, impliment a real-ID act with biometrics, deport alien prisoners immediately (over 20% of the California state prison system) and stop LEGAL immigration for at least a three year hiatus!
Oh, and by the way, closer scrutiny of all Islamic applicants before even issuing a visa!
Absent these kind of draconia reforms, I too suspect that what comes isn't going to be pretty or safe.....
Posted by JustAboutEnough">JustAboutEnough  2006-06-23 23:26||   2006-06-23 23:26|| Front Page Top

#14 Damn, I really can spell, sorry for the missing letters!
Posted by JustAboutEnough">JustAboutEnough  2006-06-23 23:28||   2006-06-23 23:28|| Front Page Top

23:57 BA
23:29 Frank G
23:28 JustAboutEnough
23:26 JustAboutEnough
23:23 Zenster
23:20 JosephMendiola
23:16 Zenster
23:15 Alaska Paul
23:03 trailing wife
22:53 DanNY
22:52 mojo
22:51 Sherry
22:44 GORT
22:41 Gromosh Elminegum5705
22:39 Zenster
22:38 Oldspook
22:34 Crath Choger3081
22:34 JosephMendiola
22:34 Frank G
22:32 Zenster
22:29 Zenster
22:29 phil_b
22:26 Eric Jablow
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