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2005-12-01 Home Front: WoT
Senator Murtha Tells World - "US Military Broken, Worn Out"
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Posted by RG 2005-12-01 18:32|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [21 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 He's obviously hitting the spiked eggnog early this Holiday Season. Evidentally standing under the Cameltoe with Mother Sheehan.
Posted by Mister Ghost">Mister Ghost  2005-12-01 19:23||]">[]  2005-12-01 19:23|| Front Page Top

#2 The big question is why Murtha was chosen in the first place to be point man. Of course he's from a safe district, and he served in the military. But what "tier" was he from in the democrat leadership?

Before now, he was a nobody. This indicates that they are desparate for anybody to stand up and be recognized as a national class anything.
Posted by Anonymoose 2005-12-01 19:26||   2005-12-01 19:26|| Front Page Top

#3 standing under the Cameltoe

Sir - you have a way with words. Bravo!
Posted by Raj 2005-12-01 19:28||   2005-12-01 19:28|| Front Page Top

#4 I suspect most people recognize what is "broken and worn out" and it isn't our Army Forces. The old senator is beginning to look a bit Fondesque.
Posted by Besoeker 2005-12-01 19:31||   2005-12-01 19:31|| Front Page Top

#5 Well if it was true, we would have already heard it from the e-mails of thousands of GI's and not George Bush's most stalwart Democratic Super Hawk.

I think Murtha's full of it, however the military needs to respond to his "broken", "worn out", "hand to mouth" comments and respectfully tell him that he's full of shit.

Posted by Danking70 2005-12-01 19:38||   2005-12-01 19:38|| Front Page Top

#6 Back in the olden days of the Democrat majority in Congress he was the Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, so I'd call that a pretty high tier.

He is exposing the poverty of the Democrat leadership in the House. This cannot help their candidate recruiting for the few seats in contention in the House. Even if the candidate does win a knock out fight with the Republican, the fruits of victory are to be a junior member in a minority party led by ideologues who live without assistance of contact with reality. Not an attractive prospect.

Without denigrating his prior service to the country in the USMC, my question is, has Murtha

a) been lusting after TV air time in hopes of a run for the Democrat Presidential Nomination,

b) been talking to members of the military about what things were like under Clinton,

c) developed Alzheimers,

d) got the hots for Nancy Pelosi?
Posted by Creting Shanter1229 2005-12-01 19:38||   2005-12-01 19:38|| Front Page Top

#7 I got $20.00 this will be lead article over at Aljizz tommorrow morning. Even if it is true our military being broken the fact that Murtha (supposidly a pro-military Dum even thou he is first one ready to retreat cough redeploy once it gets a little harry not just this war either try every engagement he was present for) the fact he would make a press conference to proclaim it to the world AP is treasonist at worst Sedition at best. Murtha if he really gave a crap and beleived the military was broken he would instead be on the hill demanding a increase in the military budget I think right now we are at what 3.5-3.6 of gdp something like half what is was in the Regan years and previous wars were triple or more. And by the way he would be saying that as discreatley as possible maybe one of those close quarter meetings they wasted on Bush lied crap.
Posted by C-Low 2005-12-01 19:46||   2005-12-01 19:46|| Front Page Top

#8 I recall another distinguished colonel. One who lead the Mississippi Rifles and played a very important part of the victory at the battle of Buena Vista in the Mexican War*. Unfortunately, he choose later that other loyalties were higher than that of to the United States of America. That individual was Jefferson Davis. Old military records can not make up for loyalties to party over country or stabbing its military in the back when it is on the road to victory in the field.

* He led his well disciplined command in a gallant and successful charge at Monterey, September 21, 1846, winning a brilliant victory in the assault on Fort Teneria. For several days afterwards his regiment, united with Tennesseeans, drove the Mexicans from their redoubts with such gallantry that their leader won the admiration and confidence of the entire army. At Buena Vista the riflemen and Indiana volunteers under Davis evidently turned the course of battle into victory for the Americans by a bold charge under heavy fire against a larger body of Mexicans. It was immediately on this brilliant success that a fresh brigade of Mexican lancers advanced against the Mississippi regiment in full gallop and were repulsed by the formation of the line in the shape of the V, the flanks resting on ravines, thus exposing the lancers to a converging fire. Once more on that day the same regiment, now reduced in numbers by death and wounds, attacked and broke the Mexican right. During this last charge Colonel Davis was severely wounded, but remained on the field until the victory was won.
Posted by Grinelet Slotle5800 2005-12-01 20:04||   2005-12-01 20:04|| Front Page Top

#9 And they're complaining about the "Propaganda" our military is putting in some Iraqi newspapers.

Why do I get the feeling some are actively working against us?
Posted by Danking70 2005-12-01 20:07||   2005-12-01 20:07|| Front Page Top

#10 It sure does look that way sometimes, don't it?
Posted by too true 2005-12-01 20:12||   2005-12-01 20:12|| Front Page Top

#11  Unfortunately, he choose later that other loyalties were higher than that of to the United States of America.

I beg your pardon sir. He did not speak alone or for himself as did Senator Murtha. Davis was elected by citizens who's legislatures for better or worse, had already led their states toward a seperate nation. A comparison to Senator Murtha is unfounded. The military historical data on the former president is much appreciated.
Posted by Besoeker 2005-12-01 20:32||   2005-12-01 20:32|| Front Page Top

#12 "We're gonna hang Jeff Davis from a sour apple tree.
We're gonna hang Jeff Davis from a sour apple tree.
We're gonna hang Jeff Davis from a sour apple tree.
Glory, glory hallelujah!"
Posted by Anonymoose 2005-12-01 21:11||   2005-12-01 21:11|| Front Page Top

#13 145 years and little change in behavior.

Copperheads (Peace Democrats)

Although the Democratic party had broken apart in 1860, during the secession crisis Democrats in the North were generally more conciliatory toward the South than were Republicans. They called themselves Peace Democrats; their opponents called them Copperheads because some wore copper pennies as identifying badges.
A majority of Peace Democrats supported war to save the Union, but a strong and active minority asserted that the Republicans had provoked the South into secession; that the Republicans were waging the war in order to establish their own domination, suppress civil and states rights, and impose "racial equality"; and that military means had failed and would never restore the Union.
Peace Democrats were most numerous in the Midwest, a region that had traditionally distrusted the Northeast, where the Republican party was strongest, and that had economic and cultural ties with the South. The Lincoln administration's arbitrary treatment of dissenters caused great bitterness there. Above all, anti-abolitionist Midwesterners feared that emancipation would result in a great migration of blacks into their states.
As was true of the Democratic party as a whole, the influence of Peace Democrats varied with the fortunes of war. When things were going badly for the Union on the battlefield, larger numbers of people were willing to entertain the notion of making peace with the Confederacy. When things were going well, Peace Democrats could more easily be dismissed as defeatists. But no matter how the war progressed, Peace Democrats constantly had to defend themselves against charges of disloyalty. Revelations that a few had ties with secret organizations such as the Knights of the Golden Circle helped smear the rest.
The most prominent Copperhead leader was Clement L. Valladigham of Ohio, who headed the secret antiwar organization known as the Sons of Liberty. At the Democratic convention of 1864, where the influence of Peace Democrats reached its high point, Vallandigham persuaded the party to adopt a platform branding the war a failure, and some extreme Copperheads plotted armed uprisings. However, the Democratic presidential candidate, George B. McClellan, repudiated the Vallandigham platform, victories by Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman and Phillip H. Sheridan assured Lincoln's reelection, and the plots came to nothing.
With the conclusion of the war in 1865 the Peace Democrats were thoroughly discredited. Most Northerners believed, not without reason, that Peace Democrats had prolonged war by encouraging the South to continue fighting in the hope thatthe North would abandon the struggle.
Source: "Historical Times Encyclopedia of the Civil War" Edited by Patricia L. Faust
Posted by Grinelet Slotle5800 2005-12-01 21:20||   2005-12-01 21:20|| Front Page Top

#14 A better comparison than Davis is Benedict Arnold. He had an honored military career until he felt unappreciated by the Contintental Congress.
Posted by Robert Crawford">Robert Crawford  2005-12-01 21:27||]">[]  2005-12-01 21:27|| Front Page Top

#15 "Why do I get the feeling some are actively working against us?"

Because they are.

Nothing-- and I mean NOTHING-- is more terrifying or repellant to the leadership of the Democratic Party than a strong, confident, purposeful, assertive America which uses its power to bring about positive change in the world.

The only America Democrats can truly believe in, and love, is a nation of poor, helpless, whining, pathetic "victims" who cannot so much as wipe their own asses without the "help" provided by the oh-so-caring Democrats and their engine of perpetual dependency, the Federal Government.

To Democrats, our only purpose in life is to be needy supplicants; and for us to not need them, is a betrayal they simply cannot bear.

Hence the proliferation of dismal sad sacks among the Democrats, and also the relentless drumbeat of negativism from their paid propagandists in the press.
Posted by Dave D. 2005-12-01 21:29||   2005-12-01 21:29|| Front Page Top

#16 Is anybosy get that feeling we have been down this "Hero Dem" before? What is the story on this guys service? I realize he got a BS and two PHs but whats the story on these and how where they awarded? Calling John Kerry!
Posted by Cyber Sarge">Cyber Sarge  2005-12-01 21:48||   2005-12-01 21:48|| Front Page Top

#17 This comment by Murtha is no less a comment to attempt to present a broken down military. No doubt it would be a HUGE lift to terrorists. Since Vietnam our society has allowed anit-war on thug types the run of the world with impunity. The consequences are improved moral amongst the enemy resulting in the continued deaths of young men and women in uniform.

Arrest Murtha and Fonda. We are at war for crying out loud.
Posted by RG 2005-12-01 21:55||   2005-12-01 21:55|| Front Page Top

#18 Ok I did some web searches and can find NOTHING that indicates John Murtha ever saw a shot fired in anger. Does anyone have a link to the unit he served in Vietnam? Kind of a black hole when he earned a Bronze Star and Two Purple Nerples. Also on his book couldn't see one military comrade in arms that endorsed it. Does anyone have any further information on John Murtha?
Posted by Cyber Sarge">Cyber Sarge  2005-12-01 22:01||   2005-12-01 22:01|| Front Page Top

#19 Last time I checked I might be a little older but far from worn out. As far as the rest of the troops go, reenlisment is up but the troops are flat F*&king tire of trash like Murtha spewing his hollow retoric. When is he up for reelection?
Posted by 49 pan 2005-12-01 22:17||   2005-12-01 22:17|| Front Page Top

#20 pan

Wikepedia has limited stuff. But I will search his unit in Vietnam.

Owned a car wash before becoming a politician. :-)
Posted by RG 2005-12-01 22:23||   2005-12-01 22:23|| Front Page Top

#21 Encouraging retreat is viewed as aiding the enemy by the Marines and is a violation of Article 104 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which is punishable by death. Currently serving Marines, active duty or reserve, who encourage surrender are in violation of Article 100 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, an offense also punishable by death. Because Murtha is retired, he is virtually assured of not being prosecuted.

A Traitor's Tirade
Posted by RG 2005-12-01 22:46||   2005-12-01 22:46|| Front Page Top

#22 See what I mean? The crux of his creds are glossed over and not expounded. He smells like a poser, sounds like a poser, and looks like a poser. Please prove me wrong here.
Posted by Cyber Sarge">Cyber Sarge  2005-12-01 22:47||   2005-12-01 22:47|| Front Page Top

#23 I just discovered that Murtha has enough dirt on him to be mecilesly yanked around by the Democrats at their liesure. Pelosi's nephew is in on Military Contracts that Murtha has steered his way. In other words, Pelosi and another Democrat hooked him enough to have him say whatever they want him to save his honor.

Was this speech a means to cover up Murtha's brother and Pelosi's nephew? From the Corner on Friday:

Republican lawmakers say that ties between Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) and his brother's lobbying firm, KSA Consulting, may warrant investigation by the House ethics committee...

According to a June 13 article in The Los Angeles Times, the fiscal 2005 defense appropriations bill included more than $20 million in funding for at least 10 companies for whom KSA lobbied. Carmen Scialabba, a longtime Murtha aide, works at KSA as well.

KSA directly lobbied Murtha's office on behalf of seven companies, and a Murtha aide told a defense contractor that it should retain KSA to represent it, according to the LA Times.

In early 2004, Murtha reportedly leaned on U.S. Navy officials to sign a contract to transfer the Hunters Point Shipyard to the city of San Francisco, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. A company called Lennar Inc. had right to the land, and Laurence Pelosi, nephew to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), was an executive with the firm at that time.

Murtha also inserted earmarks in defense bills that steered millions of dollars in federal research funds toward companies owned by children of fellow Pennsylvania Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D). ..
Posted by RG 2005-12-01 23:09||   2005-12-01 23:09|| Front Page Top

#24 Would either Syria or Iran care to verify the accuracy of Murtha's statement?
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2005-12-01 23:32||   2005-12-01 23:32|| Front Page Top

23:51 JosephMendiola
23:43 Seafarious
23:40 Barbara Skolaut
23:39 Barbara Skolaut
23:32 Bomb-a-rama
23:09 RG
23:07 Silentbrick
22:47 Cyber Sarge
22:46 RG
22:40 Frank G
22:26 Redneck Jim
22:23 RG
22:19 Frank G
22:17 Frank G
22:17 49 pan
22:16 DMFD
22:11 Bobby
22:10 SR-71
22:09 Frank G
22:07 Red Dog
22:01 Cyber Sarge
21:55 RG
21:54 macofromoc
21:51 CaptainHook

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