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2005-12-01 Home Front: Politix
The CIA War on Bush: Leaking At All Costs
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Posted by .com 2005-12-01 00:58|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [16 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 It futher fuels my suspisions that V Flame and Hubby are just part of an overall coup op against POTUS.

I hope Porter stings some of these leaking traitors with tailored intel, ASAP.
Posted by Red Dog 2005-12-01 02:55||   2005-12-01 02:55|| Front Page Top

#2 So lets presume that Valerie Palomino/Flamonino, Zarkey-babe, and the OKC "Missing Man No. 2", etal. all ate from the same Penn State Sub Shop and Fed FBI-CIA-NSA, etc. PYWAR/Undercover cafeterias as Joe Paterno, and Mama Cindy and her Commie Airborne Army from NOLA - the question behind Door No. 3 is why would elements of the United States Government and collusory US-State Agencies, Academia, and the MIC wilfully and deliberately kill 3000 American citizens on 9-11, and before-after like a Global Oliver STone movie!?
Posted by JosephMendiola 2005-12-01 04:23||   2005-12-01 04:23|| Front Page Top

#3 DOOR #3, It's called in SYNC Joe!!

btw, is Kat Katcher Kommissar still open in your administration 2008?
Posted by Red Dog 2005-12-01 05:08||   2005-12-01 05:08|| Front Page Top

#4 Gawd Amighty! Short and packed with goodness.

JOE 2008
Posted by Shipman 2005-12-01 06:59||   2005-12-01 06:59|| Front Page Top

#5 The bottom line is that CIA is packed with "corporate cancer" schoolboys from Yale and Harvard. It is the same "honorable schoolboy" problem that Britain had in the Cold War.

In this case, once you let in Ivy Leaguers, they are more concerned with setting up their little empires and cabals then they are at doing their job. They are the most unethical group of schemers short of an equal number of racetrack touts.

The only salvation would be following a gigantic purge of these foul ones from the ranks, to have the equivalent of ROTC to bring in new blood. By going to the red state universities, instead of relying on overrated Ivy League cesspits, they will get ten times the number they do now, and of superior quality.

Posted by Anonymoose 2005-12-01 07:50||   2005-12-01 07:50|| Front Page Top

#6 purge of these foul ones from the ranks

As you purge, please send a bus for those slugs in the Silver Bullet.
Posted by Besoeker 2005-12-01 09:58||   2005-12-01 09:58|| Front Page Top

#7 First off let me tell that I am dead serious with my comment that there need to be some arrests, trials, and probably some sentences handed out over at the CIA and State. I forget which LLL said it but he called the current administration a “cabal” for wanting to forward “their” agenda through the State Department. Excuse me but Bush is the duly elected leader of this country and the job of State (and the CIA) is to carry out the policies of the government (i.e. Bush). I have never worked there but I am positive that the President fits somewhere into their management structure. The same goes for the CIA. Only the CIA is MUCH worse off because they directly put us in danger when they don’t do their Job. Lets face it they really dropped the ball when it came to Islamofacists, but that was the end of a string of miscues that somehow got overlooked by the MSM. Nobody saw the collapse of the Soviet Union, its satellites, or the rise of state sponsored terrorism. Fact is they would be hard pressed to point to a single success in the intelligence realm in the past 25 years. The only way to fix this is to ask some people to retire/leave and DEMAND that others leave. Those that can be found culpable in usurping official U.S. policy should be tried for treason. I would note about Ms. Plame being a member of the Middle East WMD analysis team (sic), which for some reason NEVER published a single document that questioned Iraq’s WMDs capability, but then that seem too obvious for the MSM to no cover.
Posted by Cyber Sarge">Cyber Sarge  2005-12-01 10:37||   2005-12-01 10:37|| Front Page Top

#8 People (rightfully so) are hung up on the CIA leaks re: Plame.

They seem to be forgetting something much bigger, and much more damaging. The leaks from the CIA to the hack Seymour Hersh. Some of his hit pieces:

"The Stovepipe" — How conflicts between the Bush Administration and the intelligence community marred the reporting on Iraq’s weapons. The New Yorker, October 27 2003

"Torture at Abu Ghraib", The New Yorker, May 10 2004 issue (posted April 30)

"The Coming Wars" — What the Pentagon can now do in secret, The New Yorker, January 24 2005

"Get Out the Vote" — Did Washington try to manipulate Iraq's Elections?, The New Yorker, July 25 2005
Posted by growler 2005-12-01 10:39||   2005-12-01 10:39|| Front Page Top

#9 1 - identify those sections which do constructive work and can be validated as apolitical.

2 - cut them out and move them to other intell agencies, like DIA.

3 - call everyone else in and announce the place and agency are going out of business.

4 - close the doors.

I'm sure there is one or two corporate raiders left over from the 80s-90s who have the skills to carry this out.
Posted by Glurt Jimp1057 2005-12-01 11:13||   2005-12-01 11:13|| Front Page Top

#10 The only way to clean out the CIA is to make some major changes in the way the United States does business, and that's going to take shooting some people.

The CIA, the State Department, and every other US agengy uses Civil Service rules. You cannot fire a civil servant, and you really can't make him or her do their job. The Civil Service Union will see to that. We need another Ron Reagan shutdown of government, clean out the civil service ivory tower, shut down the IRS, and THEN, maybe, with the help of the military, we can regain some small portion of control over the Bureaucracy that is self-perpetuating and self-serving. I'm in the midst of writing an article for my blog about the need for a second revolution - for pretty much the same reason we had the first: the government we have doen't represent US, it represents the government.
Posted by Old Patriot">Old Patriot  2005-12-01 18:43||]">[]  2005-12-01 18:43|| Front Page Top

#11 You cannot fire a civil servant, and you really can't make him or her do their job.

Like a busted Saturday Night special, it won't work and you can't fire it. Totally useless.
Posted by Besoeker 2005-12-01 18:59||   2005-12-01 18:59|| Front Page Top

#12 Guys, I've been telling you all about the corrupt old-boy network for how many years here on Rantburg?

The problem is that so much has be obfuscated that you really cannot tell who is the deadwood, and who is keeping the tree alive. It will take some time to clean out all the sh*tbirds. Especially from non-ops people, like managers and analysts.

If nothing else, I do have great admiration for all those desk pilots in terms of the incredible level of asscovering, budget protecting, and buck-passing skills they developed under Bush I and Clinton, while those in the field withered away.

If we had that much effort, resourcefulness, doggedness and dedication applied to real intelligence ops instead of political infighting and cronyism, OBL would have been a greasy spot in Somalia a decade ago, and Saddam would have been buried with the remains of a .50 cal in his noggin shortly thereafter.

Give Goss time and support - and pray that he doesnt run out of energy.
Posted by OldSpook 2005-12-01 19:04||   2005-12-01 19:04|| Front Page Top

#13 You cannot fire a civil servant, and you really can't make him or her do their job.

Bullshit. I've personally supervised teh termination of two engineering employees in my 20+ yrs. You just have to do it by the rules, document, and persevere. In the case of the CIA - announce 10% budget cuts and selectively apply them. The bad apples will get the message and leave/retire...then you hire better replacements
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-12-01 20:06||   2005-12-01 20:06|| Front Page Top

#14 You've got to be creative. You do away with the office or division. The 'displaced' employees get an opportunity to apply for jobs elsewhere in the government, unless of course the President has directed a 'hiring freeze' to limit growth, meet budget, etc. Yep, you can certainly dump civil servants. You just have to employ other means. With Rummey's approach to outsource work, I don't expect the guilty parties will be able to shift over to DoD very well, since most of it is desk work rather than field work.
Posted by Grinelet Slotle5800 2005-12-01 20:20||   2005-12-01 20:20|| Front Page Top

#15 Frank, 2 in 20 many more employees than those two needed firing at your workplace?

The CIA has 30,000 thousand +/- employees.

2% would be 600 employees.

a good friend and ex biz partner was the shop steward for the Park Service SF Presidio. He grieved every single case for good and bad employees alike, but mostly bad employees the Park mangement had problems with and won those cases anyway. Whether a Park Police officer was caught with drugs or failed a UA. or a painter stole property it didn't matter, there are way more examples but my point is it's too damn diffulcult to fire the poor performing, unethical, or just plain rotten apples in government.
Posted by Red Dog 2005-12-01 21:31||   2005-12-01 21:31|| Front Page Top

#16 only those two - the rest understood what "unacceptable" meant, and either shaped up or found another place to f*&k off
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-12-01 22:17||   2005-12-01 22:17|| Front Page Top

23:51 JosephMendiola
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23:40 Barbara Skolaut
23:39 Barbara Skolaut
23:32 Bomb-a-rama
23:09 RG
23:07 Silentbrick
22:47 Cyber Sarge
22:46 RG
22:40 Frank G
22:26 Redneck Jim
22:23 RG
22:19 Frank G
22:17 Frank G
22:17 49 pan
22:16 DMFD
22:11 Bobby
22:10 SR-71
22:09 Frank G
22:07 Red Dog
22:01 Cyber Sarge
21:55 RG
21:54 macofromoc
21:51 CaptainHook

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