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2005-05-19 Home Front: Culture Wars
Saudi Academy Disputes Radical Reputation
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Posted by ed 2005-05-19 08:59|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [32 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 The Sphincter of Allan in action.
Posted by .com 2005-05-19 11:18||   2005-05-19 11:18|| Front Page Top

#2 Isn't it time for LH to tack a Moderate Muslim Watch label on? :)
Posted by Pappy 2005-05-19 11:28||   2005-05-19 11:28|| Front Page Top

#3 Nah, just a verbal statement that Islam was hijacked on 9/11 isnt enough. There are enough examples in the muslim world of much braver actions than that.
Posted by Liberalhawk 2005-05-19 11:40||   2005-05-19 11:40|| Front Page Top

#4 Interestingly, a girlfriend of mine was assisting in the classroom at the local Jewish private school (that would be "public", of course, to you British speakers) a few days ago, when into her classroom strode eleven Saudi men in black suits and long beards. They spoke not a word to my friend or to the teacher, nor even to the principal (female) who was showing them around, but silently snapped photos for the better part of an hour (it was a Kindergarten art class).

They then demanded to be taken to the place of worship and shown the prayer books. "What do your prayers say about Mohammed?" quoth one. "Why nothing," answered the principal politely, "Mohammed was born long after the prayers were written." Suddenly one of the Saudis realized with horror, "You're all ZIONISTS!" he exclaimed accusingly, "You've been lying! What other lies have you told us today?!?"

Honest to Gawd truth. Our State Department, for reasons known only to itself, requested that they be shown over the school... immediately. I wonder if there is a connection?
Posted by trailing wife 2005-05-19 19:26||   2005-05-19 19:26|| Front Page Top

#5 A friend of mine was very friendly with a girl of Jewish origin, but she called it all off because 'he wasn't Jewish'. So Jews and Muslims have something in common then. Rejoice.

Posted by Get Real 2005-05-19 19:42||   2005-05-19 19:42|| Front Page Top

#6 Get Real, my dear, you really must learn the difference between marrying within one's religion, and teaching children that their God, the only True God, requires them to kill all the Jews as soon as possible, and enslave everyone else.

Some girls refuse to marry men with hairy backs. Others prefer Italians. Some men prefer like dumb, voluptuous, bleached blonds. Tell your friend he's lucky he found out early on -- another Jewish girlfriend of mine discovered her fiance's antisemitic streak only after she'd put him through graduate school, money which he refused to pay back because, after all, she was only a Jew. But even that is not the same as training an entire generation to commit genocide if they can find a way to do so.

You'll forgive me if I don't rejoice.
Posted by trailing wife 2005-05-19 21:39||   2005-05-19 21:39|| Front Page Top

#7 But are we not all Children of Abraham ?

Posted by Get Real 2005-05-19 21:49||   2005-05-19 21:49|| Front Page Top

#8 trollery at its' least valuable
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-05-19 22:11||   2005-05-19 22:11|| Front Page Top

#9 No. Only some of us are counted as the Children of Abraham, those who are descended from his wife Sarah or his concubine Hagar, the Egyptian slavegirl. But we all are the Children of Adam and Eve (or Homo sapien sapien, if you prefer the scientific designation). And some of us have hairy backs, or round little tummies, or blond hair. And others of us don't want to marry that.

But not marrying is very different from, "Allah demands that we kill them all," and I am beginning to suspect that the rejected party is your very own self, GR, given how insistent you are on equating the two. Frank has you pegged.

Posted by trailing wife 2005-05-19 22:15||   2005-05-19 22:15|| Front Page Top

#10  Trailing Wife
Some girls refuse to marry men with hairy backs.

aaaahhh.. the wife calls me "silverback"... says I fit the profile.....
Not sure if I should take offense or not at both views...
Of course at 6'4" and 228lbs nobody gives me too much trouble.... iffen they know whats good for em.
Posted by 3dc 2005-05-19 22:26||   2005-05-19 22:26|| Front Page Top

#11 I have read on these pages a lot of hate.

Hate will NOT bring about justice, only more hate.

Anyone thinks otherwise is a fool.

The Jews shoot unarmed Arab children; the Arabs blow unarmed Jewish children up.

I don’t rejoice at religious hatred and bigotry, I despair.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

Is there a hell? Well at least the dead children won’t be going there!
Posted by Get Real 2005-05-19 22:37||   2005-05-19 22:37|| Front Page Top

#12 Don't be a silly, 3dc! I said some girls, and anyway, I suspect your lovely wife doesn't like to share. ;-)
Posted by trailing wife 2005-05-19 22:42||   2005-05-19 22:42|| Front Page Top

#13 The Arab children cluster around the men with RPGs to protect them; the Palestinians target Israeli schoolbuses, 20% of whose riders are Arab Israelis. Not equivalent. But go ahead and despair all you please, since you haven't the brains to distinguish between accident and intent.
Posted by trailing wife 2005-05-19 22:44||   2005-05-19 22:44|| Front Page Top

#14 Get Real, Maybe is because we are tried of all the retreaded NAZI/TRANZI/RACIST bullshit from the Religion of "Death to the Infidel".

The monster in the room that we are all tiptoeing about and not directly addressing is that Islam may not be compatible with existing on the same planet with the rest of us. Using the "walks like a duck quacks like a duck" logic model it doesn't look to promising.... so what do we do? Nobody really wants to go there.... but we know we might have to soon. The idiots (yes they are) need to think about how they can co-exist on the same planet with us not how we can be their slaves.
Posted by 3dc 2005-05-19 22:57||   2005-05-19 22:57|| Front Page Top

#15 I have read on these pages a lot of hate.

Not on this site, you haven't. Targeting data against Islamists who won't drop their weapons and praise God they are alive, but not hatred. Not in Ranburg.

Hate will NOT bring about justice, only more hate.


Anyone thinks otherwise is a fool.


The Jews shoot unarmed Arab children; the Arabs blow unarmed Jewish children up.

Well, you got one element right.

I don’t rejoice at religious hatred and bigotry, I despair.

Who the f*ck needs you then?

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

I recognize shame. I have shame the of same bastards who encouraged spitting on our military 30 years ago are basically doing the same now against some of the finest and bravest folks in the history of the world.

I am ashamed our media, who are supposed to have a responsibility to our nation at war, support the murdering/pedophiliac Muslims in their war against civilization.

Ashamed that d*ckless f*cks like you who log on here prefer to twist words and concepts to their own agenda rather debate openly and honestly, who prefer to jerk off about some nebulous concept of justice that makes Osama bin Laden wish he were Michael Jackson every night he sleeps with a goat.


Guess I was rude, huh?


STFU and I don't do it any more, I promise.
Posted by badanov">badanov  2005-05-19 23:21||]">[]  2005-05-19 23:21|| Front Page Top

#16 Do you really believe that ALL Arabs hate ALL Jews? Come on… Even I know Jews and Arabs who want to earn a buck or two and just enjoy life. Where do you live?

There are ethnic tensions all over the world with killings everyday, you just have to look. And most of the dead are NOT Jewish. Most massacres seem to happen in Africa with guns bought from the US, China, Russia, France, UK etc.

But because its Africa does anyone care? A dead innocent is a dead innocent.

Hatred can twist minds, beware.
Posted by Get Real 2005-05-19 23:22||   2005-05-19 23:22|| Front Page Top

#17 BTW...

I went to the Darth Misha School of Speech and Debate.
Posted by badanov">badanov  2005-05-19 23:26||]">[]  2005-05-19 23:26|| Front Page Top

#18 Well since 1979 (actually earlier) the word from the muslim pulpit has been "DEATH TO AMERICA" "DEATH TO ISRAEL", "DEATH TO THE INFIDEL".
After 9-11 we really have to take these fucktard seriously.
Posted by 3dc 2005-05-19 23:27||   2005-05-19 23:27|| Front Page Top

#19 cute, Get Real, name the Arab-Israeli peace conference and where they last met. Troll
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2005-05-19 23:30||   2005-05-19 23:30|| Front Page Top

#20 Dunno.

You just need to keep extremists on all sides away from any WMDs, there’s that word again.
Posted by Get Real 2005-05-19 23:41||   2005-05-19 23:41|| Front Page Top

00:05 trailing wife
23:56 badanov
23:41 Get Real
23:33 3dc
23:30 Frank G
23:27 3dc
23:26 badanov
23:25 3dc
23:22 Get Real
23:21 badanov
23:01 Joe
22:57 3dc
22:53 Frank G
22:50 3dc
22:44 trailing wife
22:42 trailing wife
22:37 Get Real
22:36 Frank G
22:35 phil_b
22:33 GK
22:33 Alaska Paul
22:31 .com
22:26 3dc
22:25 .com

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