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2005-05-19 Home Front: Culture Wars
Woman Says Quran Came in Mail Desecrated
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Posted by ed 2005-05-19 08:48|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [25 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 No, honey, that's what the USPS does to ALL books.
Posted by Robert Crawford">Robert Crawford  2005-05-19 09:06||]">[]  2005-05-19 09:06|| Front Page Top

#2 (Actually, am I the only one who gets a whiff of "chili finger" from this story? It'll no doubt show up in the next CAIR report about hate crimes, too.)
Posted by Robert Crawford">Robert Crawford  2005-05-19 09:07||]">[]  2005-05-19 09:07|| Front Page Top

#3 Compare writing samples. For a sense of the magnitude of the cry-wolf charges leveled in this country, read: CAIR's Hate Crimes Nonsense
Posted by ed 2005-05-19 09:23||   2005-05-19 09:23|| Front Page Top

#4 RC -- You beat me to it. I was thinking the same thing. There's probably a copy of Anna "Chili Finger" Ayala's book How to Scam Big Corporations for Fun and Profit in that same order.
Posted by Dar">Dar  2005-05-19 09:32||   2005-05-19 09:32|| Front Page Top

#5 I seriously wonder about this one. Scratching the surface to see what's there will probably reveal a whole different truth.
Posted by Tkat 2005-05-19 09:33||   2005-05-19 09:33|| Front Page Top

#6 On further reflection the timing is pretty coincidental isn't it. Coming on the heals of the Newsweak fiasco.
Posted by Tkat 2005-05-19 09:40||   2005-05-19 09:40|| Front Page Top

#7 Didn't catch that Azza bought a used Koran. She would have had a heart attack if she saw what is written in the margins of many of the used college textbooks.
Posted by ed 2005-05-19 09:42||   2005-05-19 09:42|| Front Page Top

#8 Google our aggreived party. She has an interesting background. This story just screams bullshit.
Posted by tu3031 2005-05-19 09:45||   2005-05-19 09:45|| Front Page Top

#9 You gotta wonder about a women's studies professor who just happens to buy a used copy of the Koran to find all this supposed desecration.

Very unusual for a moonbat: Psycho but easy on the eyes.

Dis bes her pic.
Posted by badanov">badanov  2005-05-19 09:53||]">[]  2005-05-19 09:53|| Front Page Top

#10 A little search on google reveals she's studying the reconciliation of arab and western feminism as well as other aspects of women under islam. Got on the bad americans in iraq kick with an interview of two iraqi women at UCLA. She's from Penang in Malaysia. Why would she be buying a used Koran online at Amazon given her prior academic work (including a trip to Cairo) and religious preferences? It sounds odd.
Posted by Tkat 2005-05-19 10:05||   2005-05-19 10:05|| Front Page Top

#11 When she opened the Quaran, Basarudin said she found profanity and the phrase "Death to all Muslims" written in thick black marker on the otherwise-blank first page.

Must be a typo. All the other korans say "Death to all Jooos".
Posted by BH 2005-05-19 10:07||   2005-05-19 10:07|| Front Page Top

#12 She also fancies herself a Human Rights Activist which in my experience often means an individual not averse to lying for the special cause of the day.
Posted by Tkat 2005-05-19 10:08||   2005-05-19 10:08|| Front Page Top

#13 Somebody should get her on a taped interview in depth and give her enough rope to finish herself off.
Posted by Tkat 2005-05-19 10:10||   2005-05-19 10:10|| Front Page Top

#14 Five small points:

1) Chili. Finger. Wendy's.
2) Just send the damn thing back to Amazon and get a new one.
3) You're "offended"? I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE.
4) Christians have to put up with their religion being trashed all the time. What the fuck makes you so damn special?
5) Get out. Get out while you still can.
Posted by Dave D. 2005-05-19 10:14||   2005-05-19 10:14|| Front Page Top

#15 Good digging everyone!

I think you've nailed down a first-class moonbat-faked hate crime!

(Rule of thumb: Anyone who is a foo-studies anything and reports a hate crime is almost certainly lying.)
Posted by Robert Crawford">Robert Crawford  2005-05-19 10:23||]">[]  2005-05-19 10:23|| Front Page Top

#16 Salam Al-Marayati is an opportunistic player whose involvement in this raises further suspicion.
Posted by Tkat 2005-05-19 10:24||   2005-05-19 10:24|| Front Page Top

#17 so this grad student in women's studies, who has written and spoken on women and islam for years, decides to buy an koran? used? from

what's wrong with this picture?

I'd REALLY like to see an investigation of this hoax situation.

and when it's over, maybe UCLA will reconsider whether she's PhD material.
Posted by PlanetDan">PlanetDan  2005-05-19 11:42||   2005-05-19 11:42|| Front Page Top

#18 I think BH is onto something there. Maybe that particular Koran was recalled. And yes I am smelling chili fingers on this too. I hope they haul this harlet in and stone her (according the the Koran of course).
Posted by Cyber Sarge 2005-05-19 11:44||   2005-05-19 11:44|| Front Page Top

#19 thisn gettin reedickyoolus.

Posted by muck4doo 2005-05-19 12:56||]">[]  2005-05-19 12:56|| Front Page Top

#20 //Must be a typo. All the other korans say "Death to all Jooos".
Posted by BH 2005-05-19 10:07|| Front Page|| Comment Top

Posted by muck4doo 2005-05-19 12:58||]">[]  2005-05-19 12:58|| Front Page Top

#21 Just guessing but what are the odds the marker is a match to those one could requisition from dept. stationary? Still in your top rigt hand desk drawer, honey?

Finger, been there, trashed car, done, desicration, bound to get the attention of a newsweak syncophant. And all those disclaimers at the Amazon site, just lawyers, honey. Pay no attention.
Posted by john">john  2005-05-19 13:02||   2005-05-19 13:02|| Front Page Top

#22 used books division of that allows customers to order directly from third-party sellers approved by the company

Um, I know my expertise in this realm is limited but in the past week I've learned that the most sacred and holy book is not to be touched by infidels. So what the f*** was this dingbat thinking when she ordered a used copy from an infidel?
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-05-19 13:21||   2005-05-19 13:21|| Front Page Top

#23 Mayhaps she was thinking that going to a ma and pa store to buy a used Koran would make it tough for her to cry about receiving a desecrated Koran she didn't page through before the purchase. In the first instance, nobody would really pick up the story under those circumstances and there would be no PR and no attention to receive. The best she could hope for would be a personal apology and a refund. You can hardly demand donations to tolerance groups from a ma and pa store. Now, ordering it online from a big kaffir infidel seller who mails it to you means you were a poor innocent, completely blameless and therefore the parade of horribles about feeling like you did on 9/11 can get some traction. Having a big name seller involved means that they'll be apt to cave in to demands for apologies, donations, and severing of commercial ties because they have alot to lose through negative PR especially coming on the heals of the Newsweak thing. Your activist bona fide credentials get a boost in a big way all over the press and you get additional publicity to help in climbing the academic activist ladder. Just gotta remember where you put the marker and don't let anybody have any writing samples for a few months just to be careful.
Posted by Tkat 2005-05-19 13:40||   2005-05-19 13:40|| Front Page Top

#24 Azza babe, you may be able to fool the a discerning AP reporter or even the skeptical editors at Newsweak, but the denizens of Rantburg see right through your finger-in-the-chili-bowl scam.
BTW, does anyone know if there's anything to the rumor that Wendy's is renaming their 'Chili Dog'to 'Wendy's Famous Chili Finger on a Bun'?
Posted by GK 2005-05-19 13:51||   2005-05-19 13:51|| Front Page Top

#25 Perhaps we should institute a prestigious Flying Fickle Dismembered Finger of Fate award?
Posted by Fred 2005-05-19 15:22||   2005-05-19 15:22|| Front Page Top

#26 She dropped the Koran. Doesn't that merit a few lashes someplace where Americans are and where she doesn't want them?
Posted by Ptah">Ptah  2005-05-19 15:28||]">[]  2005-05-19 15:28|| Front Page Top

#27 3) You're "offended"? I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE

And believe me, you ain't the only one, brother.
Posted by docob 2005-05-19 15:51||   2005-05-19 15:51|| Front Page Top

#28 Change Dismembered to Fallen, Felled (or some other F-word) and you got a deal.
Posted by ed 2005-05-19 15:56||   2005-05-19 15:56|| Front Page Top

#29 Did she order a Koran, a Quran, or a Qu'ran? What the hell is wrong with the centuries old English accepted spelling with a K? Idiots. I agree this whole thing smells fishy to me as well.

It also sounds stinky that such a Holy Book would even be sold. The word of God should have no price. People shouldnt' make dirty profits on the word of Allah. You should get the Koran for free form the local Mosque. Cheapskate religion.
Posted by RJ Schwarz 2005-05-19 16:03||   2005-05-19 16:03|| Front Page Top

#30 A little search on google reveals she's studying the reconciliation of arab and western feminism as well as other aspects of women under islam.

Got your work cut out for ya there, babe.

Oops! I meant to say honey.
Posted by jules 187 2005-05-19 16:12||   2005-05-19 16:12|| Front Page Top

#31 Grr--The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review states that the bookseller and Amazon both have issued apologies.
Posted by Dar">Dar  2005-05-19 16:21||   2005-05-19 16:21|| Front Page Top

#32 Grr--The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review states that the bookseller and Amazon both have issued apologies.
Posted by Dar">Dar  2005-05-19 16:21||   2005-05-19 16:21|| Front Page Top

#33 Is there a mail order market for pre-desecrated korans?

Can we sell them on e-bay?
Posted by 3dc 2005-05-19 23:33||   2005-05-19 23:33|| Front Page Top

#34 Can you imagine the online order forms for pre-desecrated Korans?

I want (Select Integer between 1 and 10,000)

copies of the Koran.

I want (Select One of the Following)

1) "Death to Mohammed"
2) "Islam sux"
3) "Jesus rox"

scribbed in it

(Select Integer between 1 and 10,000)
Posted by badanov">badanov  2005-05-19 23:56||]">[]  2005-05-19 23:56|| Front Page Top

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23:41 Get Real
23:33 3dc
23:30 Frank G
23:27 3dc
23:26 badanov
23:25 3dc
23:22 Get Real
23:21 badanov
23:01 Joe
22:57 3dc
22:53 Frank G
22:50 3dc
22:44 trailing wife
22:42 trailing wife
22:37 Get Real
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22:35 phil_b
22:33 GK
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