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2005-04-18 Iraq-Jordan
Iraq Car Bomb Kills American Human Shield Activist
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Posted by Steve 2005-04-18 10:45:15 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [30 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 "It's a terrible tragedy and a tragic irony that somebody who devoted her life to helping the victims of war would herself become a victim of war,"

Think that makes you immune to it, Medea?
Too bad, so sad...
Posted by tu3031 2005-04-18 11:19:13 AM||   2005-04-18 11:19:13 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 once the bombs started falling, people would be hurt and she needed to help them get their lives back together

Far more Iraqi civilians have been killed by the fascists' bombs planted at roadsides, or in cars, or in marketplaces and near schools and hospitals.

Did our heroine also help the victims of those bombs get their lives back together?
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 11:24:10 AM||   2005-04-18 11:24:10 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Damn shame, kinda.
Posted by BH 2005-04-18 11:24:32 AM||   2005-04-18 11:24:32 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 If she set out to minister to the needs of ALL victims of the war-- victims of our accidental bombings and the fascists' deliberate bombings of civilians-- then she can legitimately be called a "humanitarian." If not, then she's a partisan "activist", working to enable the fascist cause.
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 11:37:41 AM||   2005-04-18 11:37:41 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 At least Caterpillar's off the hook on this one :-)
Posted by Frank G  2005-04-18 11:49:06 AM||   2005-04-18 11:49:06 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Hey guys,
I'm no fan of some of these anti-war activists, and it is ironic that she was killed by a hate-inspired terrorist act.

I request that we don't make any jokes about a victim of a terrorist action. Thanks.
Posted by JackAssFestival 2005-04-18 12:14:56 PM||   2005-04-18 12:14:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 At least Caterpillar's off the hook on this one :-)

Nope. They built the equipment who allowed to extract the minerals used for the explosives.
Posted by JFM  2005-04-18 12:19:15 PM||   2005-04-18 12:19:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Why wasn't she in prison for her trip to Cuba?

I request that we don't make any jokes about a victim of a terrorist action.

She wasn't one of their victims; in her case it was "friendly fire" that did her in.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2005-04-18 12:21:47 PM|| []  2005-04-18 12:21:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 JAF, the enemy of my enemy may not be my friend, but the friend of my enemy is definitely my enemy. For her affiliation with Code Pink and other associations, I'd say she qualifies.
Posted by BH 2005-04-18 12:21:50 PM||   2005-04-18 12:21:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 I request that we don't make any jokes about a victim of a terrorist action.

Considering who the victim is in this case, I'm not feeling too guilty about it.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2005-04-18 12:26:59 PM||   2005-04-18 12:26:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 In the Rachel Corrie redux vein, did you see this blog item from Steven Plaut (h/t LGF) regards making the Moonbats get a grip? It is a very powerful rebuff to the idiots.
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 12:32:18 PM||   2005-04-18 12:32:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 I understand where you guys are coming from. Admittedly, if Michael Moore ate the bomb sandwhich maybe I would feel some satisfaction at the irony. But the beating christian heart inside of me won't let me have any of it in this case.

I don't know, maybe my crustiness is wearing off. Don't think any less of me, alright.
Posted by JackAssFestival 2005-04-18 12:33:13 PM||   2005-04-18 12:33:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 An additional note. I hope her death will give a clue to the moonbats that there are people who hate us, no matter what our politics are and the seriousness of the evil poised against us needs to be dealt with.

(won't hold my breath though)
Posted by JackAssFestival 2005-04-18 12:38:22 PM||   2005-04-18 12:38:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 If you laid all her lifetime efforts out to the perpetrators of the attack, they would still celebrate the death of an infidel. Nuff said
Posted by Frank G  2005-04-18 12:53:46 PM||   2005-04-18 12:53:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Sorry but anyone who sets out to help only the "victims of American bombs" in a war zone is a partisan, not a humanitarian. I have zero sympathy for the partisans of the fascist cause.
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 1:10:38 PM||   2005-04-18 1:10:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 Bomb Kills American Idiot
Posted by legolas 2005-04-18 1:27:44 PM||   2005-04-18 1:27:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 This was Marla in Afghanistan, 2002...
"Smart bombs are only as smart as people on the ground," Ms. Ruzicka said. "Before you bomb, you should be 100 percent certain of who you are bombing."
Words to live by, Marla. Or die by, in your case.
Wonder what her opinion was on the smarts of her "freedom fighter" friends? Wonder what they are now?
Posted by tu3031 2005-04-18 1:43:27 PM||   2005-04-18 1:43:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 What is strange about this, is that I heard it this morning on NPR. In their story they quietly mentioned that this woman had just announced that she was collecting data on civilian deaths caused by the insurgents.

strange that NPR did not question that coincidence with her sudden death. Had it been the other way around I doubt NPR would have missed it.
Posted by Jimbo19 2005-04-18 3:20:23 PM||   2005-04-18 3:20:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 You're onto something, Jimbo. If she was indeed collecting such data, then of course she would have been targeted for slaughter. Given that any foreigner in Iraq, let alone an American woman freelancer, would have fairly high chance of being killed by the, um, insurgents, what are the chances that an American woman freelancer who was and "collecting data on civilian deaths caused by the insurgents" was not targeted for slaughter by them?

How do say, zip, nil, nada in Arabic?
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 3:43:43 PM||   2005-04-18 3:43:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 I dunno... one asshat American activist in Iraq would be pretty easy to kill. All you'd have to do is promise her pictures of US troops killing children, and she'd follow you anywhere. As they like to say in Compton, "She was in the wrong place at the wrong time".
Posted by BH 2005-04-18 4:02:02 PM||   2005-04-18 4:02:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 JAF, This lady and others are cloaking themselves with the humanitarian title all the time aiding the terrorists and detractors in Iraq. The counts and recounts of the Iraqi 'victims' never satisfies the left hunger to paint Bush in a bad light and lend aid and comfort to OUR enemies. I feel for her parents but I bet they applauded and probably encouraged her activism. Sometimes when you play with fire you are going to get burned and she got burned. Not gleeful for any death, but it boderlines funny-ironic for me.
Posted by Cyber Sarge  2005-04-18 4:39:43 PM||   2005-04-18 4:39:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 I, too, am disinclined to pile on here. James Taranto, in today's "Best of the Web," explains why better than I could:

From what we'd read when we wrote about her almost three years ago, Ruzicka sounded like a typical Angry Left prima donna. But an August 2004 report in the Washington Post persuades us that either we judged her too harshly or she matured in the last few years of her life . . .

. . . The AP quotes Medea Benjamin, head of the far-left Global Exchange: "It's a terrible tragedy and a tragic irony that somebody who devoted her life to helping the victims of war would herself become a victim of war." This, of course, is untrue. That someone who chose to spend time in a war zone ended up the victim of war is not ironic in the least.

What is perhaps ironic, though not tragic, is that the cause Ruzicka embraced for antiwar reasons is probably helpful to the American war effort. Compensating the innocent victims of war helps to prove that America is in Afghanistan and Iraq as a liberator, not a conqueror. By contrast, Marla Ruzicka's survivors will never receive so much as a word of regret from the anti-American terrorists who struck her down.
Posted by Mike  2005-04-18 5:16:15 PM||   2005-04-18 5:16:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 From what I've seen she was not a rabid anti American type. Not a flag burner like Rachel Corrie. She was doing work for Code Pink but for some reason she strikes me as about as real a "humanitarian activist" as a Rantburger will find these days.

She was naive. Now she's gone in a place she was trying to do some good. She was coming from a good place even if misguided. Which doesn't make her beyond reproach but.....
Posted by sea cruise 2005-04-18 5:59:38 PM||   2005-04-18 5:59:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 She may have gone to Iraq as a Rabid Lefty but started to get a clue when she saw what was actually happening there.
Posted by phil_b 2005-04-18 6:24:40 PM||   2005-04-18 6:24:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 By the way, Wretchard wrote something about this incident:
Posted by JackAssFestival 2005-04-18 6:45:42 PM||   2005-04-18 6:45:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 I agree, phil_b. She was enlightened as to what was really going on in Iraq and paid the price for her convictions. She may have started out as a real naive Moonbat but I don't think she was when she was killed. Also the reports don't tend to give credence to an assaination. She was caught up in the extreme evil of the religion of death. I think she, as with a lot of other people who expierience war first hand, changed when she was confronted with the truth about what was going on in Iraq. Other "human shields" showed their true stripes by running when the war started. She went their to help and had the guts to stay. Just my take.
Posted by Deacon Blues  2005-04-18 7:00:47 PM||   2005-04-18 7:00:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 Point of Order ladies and gents. You are falling for their rhetoric (the lefts), that they are truely humanitarian and really care about the people. Don't believe it for a minute, just vist any of their websites and review the articles. They would have loved it if that bomb had struck some troops that continue an "Illegal occupation" after and "Illegal War" angaist people of Iraq. No talk of liberation, terrorist, or democratic voting. I may not be sharpest knife in the drawer but I know a dog when I see a dog. She was counting (oh they are always counting) the number of Iraqi civilians that were killed during the liberation of that country. There have been many counts, but the numbers are too LOW for the lefties to acknowlege. Just like the elections they are always wanting a recount. I am not happy that another person died in iraq but I still hold that it is very Ironic/Funny that it was someone from one of the lefts groups. JAF, props for the Mike Moore eating a bomb joke, that would be extremly funny!
Posted by Cyber Sarge  2005-04-18 7:36:40 PM||   2005-04-18 7:36:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#28 sorry, no sympathy here. This is not a sport. She did great damage by seeking to make the fascists' PR points for them.

A little perspective: imagine she were a foreigner intervening to make her case for one side in another war-- let's say she went to Belgrade ten years ago solely to document NATO's civilian serb victims. In other words, to help spread the message of Milosevic and Karadzic and their ilk. Why would any decent person consider this an admirable and "humanitarian" act? How is it different from publicizing the Coalition's civilian Iraqi victims?

Don't go soft, folks. This is a war against a fascist death cult that is determined to slaughter as many innocents-- muslim, christian, agnostic, whatever so long as they oppose the death cult-- as it possibly can. Those who aid the fascists deserve not one second of mercy. Good riddance to this little fellow traveler.

Harsh? Yes, because our enemy's harsh. She aided Zarqawi. Unforgiveable. And no, I'm not a Christian.
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 10:47:34 PM||   2005-04-18 10:47:34 PM|| Front Page Top

08:46 sea cruise
08:46 sea cruise
08:45 sea cruise
08:45 sea cruise
23:33 .com
23:26 Stf*b
23:09 Frank G
23:06 JackAssFestival
22:57 .com
22:49 Frank G
22:47 thibaud (aka lex)
22:33 .com
22:23 Frank G
22:20 .com
22:05 Shut the f*cking borders
21:56 Whutch Threth6418
21:34 DMFD
21:31 DMFD
21:29 DMFD
21:26 DMFD
21:10 Frank G
21:02 .com
21:00 .com
20:59 Captain Kirk

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