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2005-04-18 Caribbean-Latin America
Mexico Leftists Target Fox Ranch as Anger Simmers
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Posted by Fred 2005-04-18 00:00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [40 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Mexico's a basket case, and their toxic mix of corruption, economic incompetence, narco-politics and oligarchy will sooner or later cause that country to blow up.

In the meantime, our southern border provides the perfect opportunity for Al Qaeda to infiltrate the US and pull off a series of mass slaughters in public places such as malls, schools, sporting events etc.

It's long past time we got serious about protecting the border. Mark my words: AQ will hit us on our home ground within the next 12-18 months using infiltrators hidden among the many thousands of illegals crossing the border each week. This isssue is huge and it may well determine the outcome of the 2008 election.
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 12:10:43 AM||   2005-04-18 12:10:43 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 This isssue is huge and it may well determine the outcome of the 2008 election.

It's a huge issue all right, but none of our politicians is taking it seriously. The only way that action might, MIGHT, be taken is if a number of Americans killed on home soil can be clearly attributed to terrorist activity.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2005-04-18 1:17:22 AM||   2005-04-18 1:17:22 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 OK, it's really early here. I read that as some kind of PETA raid on a fur farm.

President of Mexico != little red animal.
Posted by Jackal  2005-04-18 9:01:06 AM|| []  2005-04-18 9:01:06 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 We ned to work out some sort of land for people deal with Mexico. If they want to send us their people, we get some of their land. Within 10 years we will have annexed the place.
Posted by Mrs. Davis 2005-04-18 9:51:33 AM||   2005-04-18 9:51:33 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 The only solution, long-term, is the one that Mexico's corrupt and incompetent political class will never achieve: give Mexican workers decent skills and real opportunities in a liberalized, growing economy.

Fox is simply exporting his economic and political failure. Bush surely knows the game but is apparently too wary of leaning on pro-Republican business owners who welcome cheap, easily exploitable labor. The biggest victims of this corrupt bargain are working class families in Mexican towns that have lost all their able-bodied males to shitty, illegal jobs in El Norte, and working class families in the US that see downward pressure on wages due to illegal competition.

This is a spectacular failure of our political class. Sooner or later, the voters will demand an end to the farce.
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 10:51:55 AM||   2005-04-18 10:51:55 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Timeout. Let's get one thing clear: Immigration is not a Pub or Donk game - both are equally complicit in stonewalling enforcement of the law. It's not pro-Republicans who are doing it - it's BOTH. Stop dropping this bag of turds on the Pub doorstep.

I'll bet a shitload of money that the Democraps own just as many businesses and employ just as many illegals as the Pubs.

The failure here is human greed - and knows no party bounds. I'll bet you could count the number of Senators who actually want what you want (simple enforcement of immigration law) on one hand - and congress member on you fingers and toes.

Money talks and bullshit walks is what's going on here.
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 11:06:53 AM||   2005-04-18 11:06:53 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 Calma te, .com. I don't let either party off the hook. Obviously, our political class is eager for hispanic votes in those battleground southwestern states that in all likelihood will determine the outcome in 2008. Neither party shows any real focus, let alone intelligence and courage, on this issue, partly because almost no one outside the southwestern region bothers to notice it or try to understand hispanics and their anglo neighbors on their own terms.

But of course I focus on Bush first because he of all politicians should understand this issue. When he was elected, everyone thought that this spanish-speaking (mas o meno) Texas governor would at least address the issue, if not come up with some kind of workable solution. Bush used this perception to increase his party's share of the hispanic vote very substantially in south Texas and elsewhere in the region.

What are the results? Bush the Mexico Hand has let the issue languish. Fox is running rampant. The problem is arguably worse than before Bush took office, if only because Mexican instability is worsening and AQ is starting to figure out the opportunity.

Do the Dems bear some blame? Of course. But the buck stops with the president. Sorry, but the burden of solving this rests with the man in the Oval Office, not Teddy K or Byrd or Pelosi or the other dwarves on the hill.
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 11:17:23 AM||   2005-04-18 11:17:23 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 SOME blame? Why not HALF?

Fuck. NO US Preident has enforced the law in my lifetime, but you slam Bush. Okay. Fine. I hear you. You're playing the meme of evil Pub Business. You should know better.
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 11:25:30 AM||   2005-04-18 11:25:30 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 Lex, you're off-base. In my personal experience, businesses are generally apolitical: they will support any politican that will help them, and hedge their bets as well.

Another comment based on experience: 'immigration' in Texas is viewed differently than in the rest of the Southwest. Then again, they've long had a mixed culture, plus they're drawing from a different part of Mexico as well.
Posted by Pappy 2005-04-18 11:25:57 AM||   2005-04-18 11:25:57 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 If a Democratic candidate were willing to tighten the borders and crack down on illegals, why would he or she not deserve an Arizona minuteman's vote instead of a Republican who will not address the problem?

Why are you so eager to let Bush off the hook on this? It was Bush who told us that his relationship with Fox and his knowledge of Mexico would bring results. Of course the WOT intervened, but my point here is that this is indeed a front in the war. Bush needs to get serious about it, and fast.
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 11:31:11 AM||   2005-04-18 11:31:11 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 Pappy, I live in Texas. It seems like half the male adult population of Guanajuato lives in my city. I can imagine the devastation that this sham solution has wrought on that beautiful, now depopulated, Mexican hill town.

As for my fellow Texans, the biggest hostility to the illegals comes from legal Mexican immigrants whose wages are being crushed by the illegals. The status quo is a failure.
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 11:34:53 AM||   2005-04-18 11:34:53 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 Can we dispense with the political blame game BS? Remember two things: 1)The problem exists far beyond border states; and 2) The failure of our govenment to act affirmatively crosses all party and jurisdictional lines. The issue should be be high on the national agenda for a variety of reasons. To date, it is not. People who enjoy the benefits of the status quo could care less, those of us who experience the multiple problems of uncontrolled illegal immigration are po'd. The simple truth is that this problem is huge and being largely ignored by our government. Whether it be the "pubs" or "donks" somebody has to deal with this sooner rather than later.
Posted by Tkat 2005-04-18 11:40:17 AM||   2005-04-18 11:40:17 AM|| Front Page Top

#13 Go ahead and "dispense with blame" if it makes you feel better. But if you care about preserving Republican control of the White House in 2008, then you'd better tell your party leaders to get serious about this issue, and fast, because it's far more likely than not that the Dems will grab it and tip Colorado, NM, NV and maybe even Arizona into their column. They've already shown their strength in Colorado, and if they get the lion's share of the anti-illegal immigration vote, then they'll have a lock in that state and its 9 electoral college votes in 2008.

If Texas comes into play, then the Republican candidate in 2008 will have an uphill battle, to say the least. Do you really think that Hillary and her advisers won't figure this out?
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 11:45:43 AM||   2005-04-18 11:45:43 AM|| Front Page Top

#14 lex - I am not eager to let anyone off the hook. Don't be disingenuous - you picked Bush out as Pres and laid at his feet quoting Harry. You ignored our 535 legislators and everyone else who has ever served as Pres or in the US Congress and then ,in a fit of meme blindness, you specifically said:

"pro-Republican business owners who welcome cheap, easily exploitable labor"

That's a meme. A BULSHIT meme. And beneath your analytical bent.

BTW, I'm a native Texan and know the place well. I was a poor boy and grew up in a "Mexican" neighborhood where the knife was King.

I know Bush knows what all of the border state Governors know: the citrus, fruit, and vegetable industries, just as an example, would fail overnight were it not for illegals. There would have to be a transition of some sort if you wanted your OJ or your salad - or any number of other goodies on your dinner table. We could import food, of course. We haven't even touched on the hundreds of other businesses which would suffer.

I know and understand the danger our open borders represent as well as you do. I know it has to be done for our security. How is the magic. Knee-jerking won't work. I know you know all this. Why, pray-tell are you being self-righteous about your view, as if none of what I've just said is true? Let's reason. First, be reasonable.

Credit where due. Blame where due.

How far back would you like to go to start this? Did it all just spring up out of the ground on 9/11? No. So where do we begin, since blame appears to be all you're interested in?
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 11:49:51 AM||   2005-04-18 11:49:51 AM|| Front Page Top

#15 I'm interested in my nation's security, period.

I want to see our leaders get serious about addressing this national security problem and finding a solution to it.

I do not see evidence that the president is willing to address the problem and try to develop a solution to the problem.
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 11:59:17 AM||   2005-04-18 11:59:17 AM|| Front Page Top

#16 Well, we have no difference then, we're just pissed about the same facts: our Govt is moving too damned slow on a critical issue of national security.

And yes - we should beat the crap out of the lot of them for it.
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 12:01:46 PM||   2005-04-18 12:01:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 cool. peace, love, understanding, and
Bring It On
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 12:15:30 PM||   2005-04-18 12:15:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Lol - I think The Minutemen are making the case for us very effectively, at the moment...
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 12:22:59 PM||   2005-04-18 12:22:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 I do think that this issue will explode on the national political scene by 2008, based on my reading of the electoral equation: Colorado is already a large swing state; new Mexico is a small swing state. Nevada may be in play, as well as Arizona. All of these states are growing rapidly and will have even more EC votes in 2008 than they had in 2004 (9 for CO and 5 each for AZ, NM, NV).

The swing voters are the hispanics and the minutemen, and neither party seems to understand or appreciate these groups' concerns.
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 12:32:00 PM||   2005-04-18 12:32:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Either this get de-politicized - and I don't know how to do that, or we find ways to provide cover for our politicians so they will get with it.

To remove the political concerns, and put some backbone in our politicians... on the combative side I see two:

1) Publicizing the way that legalized ex-Mexicans, now Americans (I refuse to hyphenate, lol!), feel about these queue-jumpers who've tainted their hard-won legal efforts would be a good start. I'm sure funding for rational immigration can be found to put their message out there.

2) Publicly excoriating the idiot orgs, such as La Raza, who have agendas that would scare the living shit out of Joe Average - if he knew what they were espousing and brow-beating the Pols with.

These might give them some of the coverage they "need" to come out from under the rocks and start doing something.

Bush did have some sort of transitional plan - which was ripped to shreds by the two extremes before I even knew the details and could work out the ramifications. As far as I know, it's dead - and no one else has had the balls to even whisper anything but extreme positions, according to whichever position pleases their base of support.

Other ideas? Critique of the two I gave? Folks?
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 12:44:45 PM||   2005-04-18 12:44:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Reform in Mexico?
Just google the Mexican Constitution. There is no way to reform within that system. Oh, and note well the xenophobic declarations in it. The whole dirty house has to come down, before any real reform occurs. That means you either sit on your ass and let the powers to be in Mexico virtually annex great sections of the US or you annex Mexico .
Posted by Chomose Spomoger7331 2005-04-18 1:03:46 PM||   2005-04-18 1:03:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 .com, the way to start a rational solution is first to handle the existing situation - i.e.: shut the border down. Then negotiate what is best for America, not Mexico. If workers are needed, and they promise to return home, then institute a secure worker program, but stop the flood now, then work on a solution
Posted by Frank G  2005-04-18 1:11:48 PM||   2005-04-18 1:11:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 I agree totally that the legal immigrants who have been harmed by illegal competitors should be the spokesmen for reform. Great idea.
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 1:14:15 PM||   2005-04-18 1:14:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 Frank - I refer you to #14. You're talking suicide for the economies of all border states - and I'm only barely exaggerating. It has to be a planned process that leads to satisfying both requirements.
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 1:16:04 PM||   2005-04-18 1:16:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 I strongly disagree, PD - you think if the next wave didn't arrive that all would fail? You have to start from scratch IMNSHO, and if Mexico won't quit encouraging the flood, then you're not negotiating, you're simply asking to get a reacharound.
Posted by Frank G  2005-04-18 1:19:56 PM||   2005-04-18 1:19:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 Lol... Okay. Jump, if ya gotta. :-)
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 1:23:17 PM||   2005-04-18 1:23:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 Close the border and figure out a solution. Meanwhile to calm .com fears of economic hardship, we don't let the current illegals out, until the crops in.
Posted by Shipman 2005-04-18 1:40:14 PM||   2005-04-18 1:40:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#28 Effectively police the border but don't forget the other end of the equation - US citizens who have no qualms about hiring illegals. We need to make it too risky for people and businesses to knowingly employ illegals in the US. If enforcement is effective and the penalties for violating the law are high enough to deter, the various players involved will have some sort of incentive to work through a planned process. As things stand they really don't. It would be difficult and painful perhaps, but the sky won't fall because of it.
Posted by Tkat 2005-04-18 1:41:42 PM||   2005-04-18 1:41:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#29 Polipundit has a breakdown of Jon Kyl's policy paper called “Necessary Conditions for Immigration Reforms (R-AZ) (from the Senate Republican Policy Committee)
see the Polipundit link for the executive summary and the link to the paper. Kyl gets it
Posted by Frank G  2005-04-18 1:48:15 PM||   2005-04-18 1:48:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#30 So far, no one, including Kyl "gets it" about the economic ramifications - that is at the heart of the matter for the businesses who donate to the politicians.

a quickie imaginary scenario...

Okay, so the border is closed, aliens are deported by the trainload and Fornicalia, which relies very heavily upon illegals, has its produce rot in the fields - you're not going to give up your civil engineer job to pick it, are you? No one else, in sufficient numbers, will either. It rots. And it won't be replanted if there's no work force come next cycle - the farmer lives by the skin of his teeth, already.

Initially, it saves a ton of tax money that used to go for social services the illegals used.

Would Willy Brown up in Sacramento cut your taxes? Lol!

Would you have food to eat? How about Minnesota and Wisconsin and the Dakotas, not known for growing enough food locally to feed their fly populations, much less the humans?

Wouldn't the people in the agri-business, legal people, be devastated and suddenly require more social services to survive?

I haven't even begun to tally what's on the other side of the equation, but this is a start.

BTW, never needed a reach around cuz no one's ever had my ass, lol!
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 2:02:14 PM||   2005-04-18 2:02:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#31 BTW, I'm not sure how I got stuck playing LH on this thread, lol! I'm done. The facts are hardcore and a knee-jerk would be a disaster - and in this case, the politicians get it. It's their cowardice for not working us out of this fix that's criminal, and I'm including Fox and his fuckwit predecessors.

Posted by .com 2005-04-18 2:15:27 PM||   2005-04-18 2:15:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#32 #19: Arizona does not have five EVs; we have ten, about as many as WI, TN, or IN. We have always voted R in presidential elections (unless a 3-way split like in 1996), but that could change (a Democrat is Governor right now, and the Legislature was split a few years back). A Democrat that was serious about border control (and was not lying: i.e., had a voting record to back it up) could indeed beat an open-borders Republican. You win AZ and CO and you don't need Ohio.

#30: "How about Minnesota and Wisconsin and the Dakotas, not known for growing enough food locally..."

Huh? I'm not sure about the Dakotas, but MN and WI are huge farming states. Not citrus, of course, but wheat, corn, dairy...

But that's a minor point. I would agree with your major point that timing would be important. However, making the border impermeable would not get rid of the millions of illegals alreay here. If we said that in 2005 the border will be shut, in 2006 illegals are not eligible for any benefits, then in 2007, we fine employers who hire them, that gives a little time to adjust. Yes, food prices would go up and food stamp expendiatures would increase, but welfare and (espeically) medical expenses would drop. Social Security and Medicare would receive more revenue. Those business that rely on illegals would have incentives to automate more. Teen unemployment would drop (especially summer), and maybe we could get Black 16-21 unemployment down a tad.
Posted by Jackal  2005-04-18 4:16:48 PM|| []  2005-04-18 4:16:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#33 It would not be difficult at all for a Democrat to reconcile border control with support for working people. In fact, the two go hand in hand: it's contractors, carpenters, journeymen etc who are crushed by cheap illegal labor. Arizona, NM and Colorado are there for the taking by any intelligent national politician who cares about this issue.
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 4:21:40 PM||   2005-04-18 4:21:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#34 Utah will never go blue but there's a good chance that a border-control Dem could sweep the other southwest mountain states. Assuming Texas and Calif remain red and blue respectively, a sweep of CO-NM-AZ-NV would give at least-- assuming the EV totals are not increased prior to 2008-- 29 electoral votes to the border-control candidate.

That's a large enough prize for any ambitious pol. Someone will figure it out.
Posted by thibaud (aka lex) 2005-04-18 4:51:15 PM||   2005-04-18 4:51:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#35 My exceedingly lovely wife is of Hispanic heritage, though her family has lived here in Texas for 200 years.
Her cousin Luis, a highly skilled tile-layer with 20 years experience, is now doing yard work for $7/hour instead of three times that in his chosen trade. The reason? Illegals will do the skilled (and back-breaking) tile work for even less than Luis gets for raking leaves and mowing grass. He refers to illegals as "comancheros" btw.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-04-18 7:01:29 PM||   2005-04-18 7:01:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#36 .com, sorry it doesn't wash. Excluding illegals will not cause the economy to collapse or fields to lie fallow.
If there is insufficient labor for these tasks, the demand can be met by a legal, coherent, responsible process of immigration. Why isn't this happening now? The reason is that illegals are not just taking jobs that Americans don't want. If they were, the legal green card process would be adequate to meet the demand. OTOH, the voters would not stand for a legal process that brings in cheap labor to put Americans out of work. Illegal labor is a way to have cheap labor without the political consequences, until someone wises up what is really happening.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-04-18 7:11:32 PM||   2005-04-18 7:11:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#37 The end result of this will be a huge resurgence of union membership in this country, as unions drop their multi-cult propaganda stance and begin fighting illegal immigration. We may even see this in hard-core right-to-work states like Texas. The political left would seem to be doomed as the current war progresses, but the short-sighted and ruthless Republican policy of flooding the country with cheap labor could save the Dhimmicrats from the oblivion they have done so much to deserve.

Another result, as Fox and his corrupt gang lose their safety valve, will be a revolution in Mexico. Just who might come out on top is anyone's guess, but a giant-sized version of Castroism is not impossible.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-04-18 7:18:15 PM||   2005-04-18 7:18:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#38 C'mon - are you saying the entire US Congress doesn't know what's going on? Sure they do. WE know, why wouldn't they? They just won't budge until they have ample ass coverage.

The Third Rail of politics isn't Social Security, it's JOBS. When the pols figure out how to take this on without losing jobs, then they will be ready. I used to know many TexMex guys, from truck drivers to programmers - and they do indeed suffer greater that whites when the job market's tight. Cheap labor would certainly be another cause in certain market segments.

Hmmm. Odd that, up there in Lubbock - after having written before regards temporary / day laborers IIRC, you would say that it wouldn't be a devastating blow to many businesses if done wholesale and suddenly. The number of different businesses that would be hit, from agriculture to construction, would very suddenly convulse... and I believe your reference to this had to do with construction. It was a long time ago, so I could be mistaken. The new houses, pre-sold at X price, with cheap labor built into the price, would put some / many builders out of business. The crops would, indeed, rot in the fields.

There are magnifiers in the economy - which work in reverse when the money flow slows due to job losses... I'm afraid the hit would be bigger than anyone wants to admit, and I can't figure out why no one's willing to admit it.

S'okay. We can differ. We know why the changes aren't coming without some kind of political cover. I've given a couple of ideas - one of which you confirmed, to a degree. The Minutemen will provide a third: shame.

Shit will happen, I have no doubt.
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 7:27:30 PM||   2005-04-18 7:27:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#39 Congress is certainly aware of this.
I didn't say otherwise. My point was that nobody needs illegals to fill the jobs that Americans won't take, so that is not the reason for this surrender of national sovereignty.
It is the voters who do not seem to understand the real nature of the problem.
Incidentally, a very high percentage of the agricultural field workers in this area are citizens or legal aliens. The illegals are taking the construction and light industrial jobs that used to go exclusively to those with a right to be here.

Businesses that cannot survive without cheap labor will take the hits, no doubt about it. Why shouldn't they? They are breaking the law, unenforced though it is, and undermining national security. Losing profitability is the very least that should happen to them.
As some businesses lose, others will take up the slack if the demand exists---and it will. Costs will rise in some areas, and fall in others. Some businesses will benefit as more Americans get back to work at higher wages, and fewer billions are sent or carried back to Mexico. The housing market is a prime examples, costs are lower with illegal labor, but illegals do not buy homes here.
That is the nature of free enterprise.

I am also afraid of a political disaster if the Dhims and the McCainists come out swinging on this issue in '08. Right now, the left-conformist mantra is that all opposition to immigration, legal and otherwise, is "racism" and therefore comprehensively proscribed. Union propagandists have the skill and the incentive to reverse this, however, and the lefty masses will unquestioningly accept the voice of authority even if it contradicts decades of indoctrination.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-04-18 8:14:27 PM||   2005-04-18 8:14:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#40 One thing the Minutemen have done is make it much harder for the libs to hijack this issue completely during the next few years.
The MSM have unwittingly helped this by going out of their way to reflexively characterize the Minutemen as gun-crazed wing-nut vigilante types, thereby ensuring some awareness that this is a cause of the political right.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-04-18 8:20:03 PM||   2005-04-18 8:20:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#41 A resurgence of the Democratic Party would first require a massive purge of left-wing ideologues and their media allies. Illegal immigration could well be the issue that brings this about, driving a wedge between labor and classical liberals on the one hand, and grievance group multi-cultists and foreign influenced subversives on the other.

The latter will never accept restrictions on immigration, even if they are convinced that the hated Republicans actually profit from it. What they want is the greatest power for themselves and, like their role models Hitler and Stalin, they will do literally anything to advance that purpose. They have already struck a de facto alliance with terrorists and Castroites to accomplish this, a similar alliance with the Bush wing of the GOP is not unthinkable.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-04-18 8:31:28 PM||   2005-04-18 8:31:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#42 The coming civil war among the Democrats

The Whites:
Organized labor (except public employees)
Residual Dem moderates (Scoop Jackson/Sam Rayburn diehards)
Consumer products corporations (major Dem supporters in recent years)
Classical liberals (John Glenn, etc.)

The Reds:
Multi-cult academics
Public employee unions
Media conformists and celebrity authorities
Peace hypocrites
Religious left
Terrorist sympathizers (CAIR etc.)
Single issue pressure groups (gay marriage, etc.)
Grievance group collectivists and shake-down artists.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2005-04-18 8:40:51 PM||   2005-04-18 8:40:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#43 Shut the f*cking borders.
Posted by Shut the f*cking borders 2005-04-18 10:05:50 PM||   2005-04-18 10:05:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#44 The big company-owned businesses will survive, no sweat, but the little guys, from the lumber yards to the farms, will take the hit.

Not only that, but yeah -- they're evil criminals. Grandpappy started them on the road to ruin when he opened up that lower 40 back in the 30's coming out of the depression, but fuck 'em - send 'em all to Leavenworth. No, wait, just line 'em up and shoot 'em.

Hell yeah, shut the fucking borders. Tight. Tonight. And crush everyone who ever hired an illegal like a bug. Fucking traitors. It's the least that should happen to 'em.
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 10:20:17 PM||   2005-04-18 10:20:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#45 lol PD - hyperbole contest? We had another Suburban full of illegals crash 3 other innocent vehicles in BP pursuit this the suburban was stolen too... happens too f*&king often on highways 8 and 5
Posted by Frank G  2005-04-18 10:23:26 PM||   2005-04-18 10:23:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#46 Hey - no one's interested in doing it a planned or phased way, so fuck it -- and them. Kill 'em all. Pretty obvious that Farmer Brown's worse than the dope dealer and utterly responsible for the economic whirlpool that now, after about 200 fucking years of lax legislation and enforcement, becomes politically hot, front burner, a big deal. It's his fault he didn't see it coming, right?

Off with 'is head!
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 10:33:06 PM||   2005-04-18 10:33:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#47 we agree to disagree and reassess in...say, one year?
Posted by Frank G  2005-04-18 10:49:00 PM||   2005-04-18 10:49:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#48 I'd like to light a fire under 537 asses - all equally negligent: The Leg, Prez, & VP - to come up with a real solution, make it law, and execute it, without exceptions. I just think it should involve some common sense and proportion. BTW, fuck Fox with a pitchfork - he deserves no say or influence whatsoever - nor do the insane Socialist orgs that pander to illegals.

A year? Hmmm. If the Minuteman thing continues and spreads, and I hope it does - like wildfire, and one or two other things come into play when the press jumps on the blame game bandwagon (which they will), then you're probably about right on the money in timeframe.

Y'know, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this Well Reasoned Discourse shit, heh.
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 10:57:51 PM||   2005-04-18 10:57:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#49 :-)
Posted by Frank G  2005-04-18 11:09:13 PM||   2005-04-18 11:09:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#50 My long and reasoned discourse took a bite and dumped when I tried to post it.

Oh well.... no harm no foul.
Posted by Stf*b 2005-04-18 11:26:28 PM||   2005-04-18 11:26:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#51 Stf*b - Yep - I encounter that often enough to make me scream out loud. Neighbors haven't complained, yet, but that's not saying they don't have a right to. Happens with both IE and Firefox.

I now copy everything into the paste buffer before hitting Submit. Drives me crazy. BTW, if you use IE and need / want a spell checker, go here - it's free, heh. Just right-click in the textbox and choose Check Spelling. Saves to a custom dictionary and the whole 9 yards. Way cool.

Sorry about your post. You've got 22 minutes (by my clock, anyway) if you want to try again, heh.
Posted by .com 2005-04-18 11:33:19 PM||   2005-04-18 11:33:19 PM|| Front Page Top

08:46 sea cruise
08:46 sea cruise
08:45 sea cruise
08:45 sea cruise
23:33 .com
23:26 Stf*b
23:09 Frank G
23:06 JackAssFestival
22:57 .com
22:49 Frank G
22:47 thibaud (aka lex)
22:33 .com
22:23 Frank G
22:20 .com
22:05 Shut the f*cking borders
21:56 Whutch Threth6418
21:34 DMFD
21:31 DMFD
21:29 DMFD
21:26 DMFD
21:10 Frank G
21:02 .com
21:00 .com
20:59 Captain Kirk

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