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2005-02-15 Fifth Column
"National Day of Outrage" for Lynne Stewart
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Posted by Steve 2005-02-15 4:46:19 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [30 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 ...And a hush falls over the crowd....
Posted by Mark E. 2005-02-15 4:52:19 PM||   2005-02-15 4:52:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Large group of lefty lawyers? Sounds like a target rich environment to me. Break out the urine balloons!
Posted by Raj 2005-02-15 4:54:25 PM||   2005-02-15 4:54:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Wow! Upraised, clenched fists in their logo. How sixties! If the Day of Outrage doesn't work, will there be a Day of Rage? A Day of Really Pissed Off? A Day of Really Indignant?
And if none of that works, will they break out...THE BIG GIANT PUPPETS!
Posted by tu3031 2005-02-15 4:58:38 PM||   2005-02-15 4:58:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 These people just do not get it. The jury looked at the evidence and took 13 days of deliberation, then voted GUILTY. They did their duty. The NLG and other leftist outfits can go nuts all they want. People are on to them and they think that they can go to their MSM propaganda organs and get things their way. Well, the tide is turning and people are getting turned off by the leftist BS. One thing for sure, the LLL will not go down with a wimper.

The only thing is that you can bet your hammer and sickle that the NLG moonbats will appeal Stewart's case with a full court press. I hope that the prosecuters are vigilant. They still need the 1st string players in this game.
Posted by Alaska Paul  2005-02-15 5:07:40 PM||   2005-02-15 5:07:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 doesn't strike me as surprising nor beneficial to the image of lawyers to keep reminding us how many times they end up on the wrong side of the citizenry...
Posted by Frank G  2005-02-15 5:08:34 PM||   2005-02-15 5:08:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Gee, the PaleoCommie NLG? Really?

What a surprise! (NOT!)

Birds of a feather, y'know...
Posted by mojo  2005-02-15 5:17:41 PM||   2005-02-15 5:17:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 I don't suppose it ever occured to the NLG that she just may have been guilty -- which she was. No suprise that NLG has "outrage" that the courts convicted someone who aided a known terrorist -- who's side are they really on anyway?
Posted by H8_UBL 2005-02-15 5:21:33 PM||   2005-02-15 5:21:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Anyone up for making some giant Glenn Reynolds puppets? Heh.
Posted by Seafarious  2005-02-15 5:25:03 PM||   2005-02-15 5:25:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 They have effin' audio tapes of her doing it....what more do you want????
Posted by Mark E. 2005-02-15 5:25:41 PM||   2005-02-15 5:25:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 After visiting their website I doubt that is the all marched on Washington they would cause much in the way of a traffic jam. I only hope they DO cause something that require the police to use their batans. And I agree that she should have been taken out and shot (treason is treason).
Posted by Cyber Sarge  2005-02-15 5:33:28 PM||   2005-02-15 5:33:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 NLG is a hard core commie outfit, created originally for the purpose of defending indicted soviet agents and useful idiots. Guilt or innocence does not enter into their equation.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2005-02-15 5:47:43 PM||   2005-02-15 5:47:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 "Dude. It's all about the justice, man."
Posted by Seafarious  2005-02-15 5:50:04 PM||   2005-02-15 5:50:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 ALERT...warning ..ALERT...according to trusted Intel source, "National Day of Outrage" protesters will exchange ASSHATS mid-march to throw off NSA tracking. Be Advised updates are pending...
Posted by ALERT 2005-02-15 6:03:50 PM||   2005-02-15 6:03:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Get the skank a razor.

Olajuwan - the flat-feet ball stuffing, Muslimutt has-been - says he was not aware that he was donating to terror charities. Okay, you don't know nothing about me, ergo: send me $80,000.
If you disagree with me, then you are a racist.
Posted by IToldYouSo 2005-02-15 6:23:41 PM||   2005-02-15 6:23:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 NLG??? DOn't make me laugh...

Prominent Guild member and Rutgers University School of Law Professor Arthur Kinoy argued that the role of the radical lawyer was to facilitate the coming anti-capitalist revolution by weakening the law’s ability to function effectively against law-breaking radicals.

Weather Underground founder and former NLG staffer Bernadine Dohrn stated in 1998 that the Guild "continues to thrive by embracing a huge array of social issues. From immigration and labor, ecology, international law, women’s rights, children’s rights and so on. It is very much in the tradition of the 1960’s grassroots organization, where local chapters work away on their own priorities but are a part of a broader network and coalition." Luckily for the Guild, the organization was given new purpose by the various anti-globalization/anti-capitalist/anti-imperialist movements that gained steam in the mid-to-late 1990s, came of age in Seattle 1999, and transitioned without pause into the anti-war/anti-America/anti-capitalist movement of the post-9/11 era.

The Guild’s current modus operandi borrows much from its earlier history: attack laws and institutions that uphold order; promote mass civil disorder; support selected anti-American governments and terrorist movements abroad; and help violent "revolutionaries" operate domestically.

Ann Fagan Ginger and Eugene M. Tobin, eds., The National Lawyers Guild: From Roosevelt through Reagan (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988)

Stewart should b sebtenced and disappear into the depths of her real fear -- IRRELEVANT OBSCURITY
Posted by epaminondas 2005-02-15 6:35:47 PM||   2005-02-15 6:35:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 ...Is it just me, or does she really look like Michael Moore in drag?...

Posted by Mike Kozlowski 2005-02-15 7:15:34 PM||   2005-02-15 7:15:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Interesting tidbits from
Radical organization of lawyers, founded in 1936 by the Communist Party USA
Active affiliate of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, which served as a Soviet front group during the Cold War
In the post-Communist era has continued to embrace its Communist heritage
Has sought to legally represent individuals and groups that have attacked the U.S.
Is at the forefront of efforts to weaken the nation’s intelligence-gathering agencies
Advocates open borders and mass immigration.
Posted by Anonymoose 2005-02-15 7:57:12 PM||   2005-02-15 7:57:12 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 "...formation of a 'Coalition to Defend the Right to Counsel'..."

But after the Committee got done amending, it ended up the 'Coalition to Defend the Right to Counsel to Aid and Abet the Furtherance of Violent Felonies'...
Posted by mojo  2005-02-15 8:05:08 PM||   2005-02-15 8:05:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Yuck, the Michael Moore in drag reference....uncalled for!
Posted by Snump Huperesing6112  2005-02-15 8:25:07 PM||   2005-02-15 8:25:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 "National Day of Outrage"...
Is that anything like "Two minutes of hate"?
Posted by Dishman  2005-02-15 8:33:18 PM||   2005-02-15 8:33:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 What do you call a terrorist-sympathizing commie moonbat lawyer in prison?

A good start.
Posted by BH 2005-02-15 9:00:13 PM||   2005-02-15 9:00:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 oh goodie! Another moonbat parade.
Posted by 2b 2005-02-15 10:49:26 PM||   2005-02-15 10:49:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 If they decide to have a "National Day of Outrage" against Lynne Stewart, count me in. ;-p
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2005-02-15 10:58:05 PM||   2005-02-15 10:58:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 Did we let the German-American Bund continue to operate after December 10, 1941? If not, why is the NLG any different?
Posted by jackal  2005-02-15 11:54:10 PM|| []  2005-02-15 11:54:10 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 Two questions for the lawyers.
1) Why?
2) Why not litigate something citizens care about like outsourcing?
Posted by 3dc 2005-02-15 11:59:02 PM||   2005-02-15 11:59:02 PM|| Front Page Top

18:02 trailing wife
18:02 trailing wife
23:59 3dc
23:54 3dc
23:54 jackal
23:10 Mark Z.
23:09 Barbara Skolaut
23:05 .com
23:04 Barbara Skolaut
23:02 Barbara Skolaut
23:00 Alaska Paul
22:59 Barbara Skolaut
22:58 Barbara Skolaut
22:54 .com
22:53 AJackson
22:51 DMFD
22:50 IToldYouSo
22:49 2b
22:48 DMFD
22:47 Frank G
22:45 Doc8404
22:43 CrazyFool
22:26 Grunter
22:25 Ray

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