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2005-02-15 Syria-Lebanon-Iran
U.S. Withdraws Ambassador From Syria
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Posted by 11A5S 2005-02-15 2:10:25 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [49 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Syria is serving as a base for Hizb'Allah ops in Lebanon, and eventually into Israel, as Hamas sputters. Iran is really running the show, providing the resources to make this happen. Syria is just Iran's dog doing its duty. Syria needs to be neutralized to further isolate Iran. If this is not done, Iraq will be destabilized and Israel will REALLY be threatened.

So something needs to be done about Syria and Iran.
Posted by Alaska Paul  2005-02-15 2:50:13 PM||   2005-02-15 2:50:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 I think Baby Assad is having great fun playing International Villain but with all the deep laid plots and plans within plans, he doesn't see the Kick Me sign on his back.

Eventually, the grownups will lose patience and a border that is porous is porous in both directions. Should be entertaining! More popcorn, A.P.?
Posted by SteveS 2005-02-15 3:23:44 PM||   2005-02-15 3:23:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 SteveS---Thanks for the popcorn. In some ways, it is entertaining, but Syria and Lebanon are the gateways to stockpiling and implementing mischief and terrorism at the east end of the Med. Lebanon has been a hell hole ever since the PLO set up shop there after Black September. I would sure like to see these guys shut down, or at least neutralized. Syria has caused the Iraqis AND the US military much misery and death by letting themselves be willing gateways of terrorism.
Posted by Alaska Paul  2005-02-15 4:18:30 PM||   2005-02-15 4:18:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Has another box been checked off by this MM / Syrian stupidity?
Posted by .com 2005-02-15 4:23:22 PM||   2005-02-15 4:23:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Regardless of who did it, we're pinning it on Syria. It appears that the Lebanese are too. I think this is smart and appears to be a decision that was made quickly by the national security team. The goal is to build pressure for Syria to get out of Lebanon and stop messing around in Iraq.
Posted by JAB 2005-02-15 4:37:02 PM||   2005-02-15 4:37:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Well done revamped CIA boys. I bet the syrians will be convinced that they did it over the next few days. Of course they very well may have done it. I just can not believe they are that stupid. of course the whack jobs in the middle east continually amaze me.
Posted by Jimbo19 2005-02-15 5:12:25 PM||   2005-02-15 5:12:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 i smell a bombing campaign
Posted by Thraing Hupoluper1864 2005-02-15 5:27:20 PM||   2005-02-15 5:27:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 I smell a campaign of support for an independent Lebanon with Western troops in there to 'stabilize' if need be - France loves to play there, call their bluff -- but no overt bombing campaign.

Quickly recalling the ambassador helps burn in the perception of Syrian blame. Now they'll have to backpedal. This helps as Assad will be seen as retreating, diminishing his prestige which in turn softens him up domestically.

Next, we'll jack up support of Syrian pre-reform dissidents (they actually exist). Bombing would probably be counterproductive, but other covert means of applying pressure may be used (if they have not been already).

A similar approach appears to be directed against baby assad's sugar daddy, Iran.

Just my 2 cents, but at this point I think air strikes in absence of a domestic reform movement to support would be counter productive. We're banking on our new cred as a vector for reform in the middle east as our main source of influence in the next year or 2 not our military capabilities, which are in fact constrained by operations elsewhere.

All that changes with an attack vs. the US or WMD revelation.
Posted by JAB 2005-02-15 6:36:19 PM||   2005-02-15 6:36:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Well, so what EUnuchs have to say...?

Here: EU executive Solana sees not need to change European relations with Syria over murder of Hariri.
Posted by Sobiesky 2005-02-15 7:12:11 PM||   2005-02-15 7:12:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 My only question is, could SOCOM alone conquer Syria, or would they need some random US division to hold their coat for them?
Posted by Anonymoose 2005-02-15 8:12:24 PM||   2005-02-15 8:12:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 My gut instinct is that a military engagement with Syria is on the near horizon. Lots of evidence the hard boyz are coming through Syria to Iraq to kill Americans. Syria was put on notice in January 2002 of the Bush Doctrine. They've chosen not to heed the warning. Lock-n-load.
Posted by Mark Z.  2005-02-15 11:10:25 PM||   2005-02-15 11:10:25 PM|| Front Page Top

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