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2005-01-27 Fifth Column
Ward Churchill says 9/11 victims were not innocent people
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Posted by CrazyFool 2005-01-27 12:50:57 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [46 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I think a 2x4 slammed repeated upside Churchill's head could be justified as "chickens coming home to roost".... for starters!
Posted by Scooter McGruder 2005-01-27 1:09:26 PM||   2005-01-27 1:09:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 "The Sept. 11 attacks were in retaliation for the Iraqi children who were killed in a 1991 bombing raid and for economic sanctions imposed on Iraq by the United Nations following the Persian Gulf War."

-so why not run a jet into the UN building then?
-This guy has some interesting intel sources, I thought Iraq had no direct involvement w/9-11?
-And how many of the hijackers were pissed off Iraqis btw?

Hijackers who crashed jets into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11 were "combat teams," not terrorists.

-yeah, we should've known by the uniforms they all wore on the planes.

The people killed inside the Pentagon were "military targets."

-If we were in a declared state of war w/another nation I'd agree.

This should be filed under the "When the 1st Amendment is abused by insufferable morons on tenure" list.

Posted by Jarhead 2005-01-27 1:21:09 PM||   2005-01-27 1:21:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Ah, the rantings of a worthless Indian Commie...

I suppose those Iraqi children had it coming, though, using this logic. After all, the Iraqi army raped and killed a lot of Kuwaitis. Chickens roosting, or something like that.
Posted by Jeff 2005-01-27 1:44:39 PM||   2005-01-27 1:44:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 A more concise citation of self-loathing and nonsensical Western guilt I could not have invented. Bravo, Ward.

BTW-Fitting name. Ward. As in psycho.
Posted by Jules 187 2005-01-27 1:55:18 PM||   2005-01-27 1:55:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 You beat me to it Jarhead. Un and Iraq involvement. One more thing, when he says
The attacks on Sept. 11, he said, were "a natural and inevitable consequence of what happens as a result of business as usual in the United States. Wake up."
does this include Clinton?
Posted by plainslow 2005-01-27 2:02:37 PM||   2005-01-27 2:02:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Me thinkum Big Chief Churchill should lay offum firewater, he speakum with loser tongue.

“Bury my heart at Wounded Liver”
Posted by Big Sarge 2005-01-27 2:05:14 PM||   2005-01-27 2:05:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 This staggeringly STUPID "professor" has garnered an audience...which many people equate with having validity for your position (e.g., Je$$e Jackson).

Bad enough that as an American we have to have traitorous scum like this moron running around loose, but since he is a “professor” at a public institution that means that in one fashion or another AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS pay part of his salary!!

Deport this s.o.b.!!!
Posted by Justrand 2005-01-27 2:06:58 PM||   2005-01-27 2:06:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 A more concise citation of self-loathing and nonsensical Western guilt I could not have invented. Bravo, Ward.

Actually, Jules, there's no self-loathing there. Churchill is one of those embittered Native Americans who is totally and utterly consumed by hatred for everybody and everything White. He's pretty successful, too, having built an entire career off of it.
Posted by Jeff 2005-01-27 2:09:06 PM||   2005-01-27 2:09:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 Is Ward a military target now?
Posted by TKAt 2005-01-27 2:26:43 PM||   2005-01-27 2:26:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Kill 500,000 children? Is it me, or do the loonies double their number every year or two?
Posted by Tom 2005-01-27 2:33:34 PM||   2005-01-27 2:33:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 What kind of numbskull, dhimmi wit, elevator doesn't go to the top floor, asshole, shit-for-brains, son-of-bitchin, weasle bastard is this pig-screwin peckerwood? Did I miss anything?
Posted by John Q. Citizen 2005-01-27 2:40:57 PM||   2005-01-27 2:40:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Yea J.Q.C., soon to be dead.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom 2005-01-27 2:46:44 PM||   2005-01-27 2:46:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 It just shows what little intellect it takes to teach Ethnic studies.
Posted by anymouse  2005-01-27 3:15:15 PM||   2005-01-27 3:15:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Doesn't matter if he's malicious, uninformed, or stupid! He needs beat down or tar/feather!!
Posted by Ulaique Uloluns1664 2005-01-27 3:19:35 PM||   2005-01-27 3:19:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Are you gentlepeople speaking of Mr. Cleaver?
Posted by Eddie Haskell 2005-01-27 3:22:35 PM||   2005-01-27 3:22:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 Jeff-does he consider himself an American? He certainly sounds like a lot of leftie Americans to me. (Thanks for the info, though. I was afraid he might be a descendent of a different Churchill.)

The leftie self-loathing formula seems to hold these statements as self evident and God help the poor soul who disagrees with one of them on these:

Whatever ills others have done, Americans have done more, worse, longer, more painfully, more unjustly than any other people on earth today or in the past. We are the one nationality that is by nature and culture evil. We must atone for our souls.

Verbally self-flagellate in public. Others must see your guilt and your remorse on the six o'clock news in order to consider you worthy of living on the same planet as they.

Accept responsibility for people in the rest of the world getting robbed and killed by their own criminals. If there are corrupt people in those countries, we are the Dr. Frankenstein.

Agree to pay room, board and medical care for all inhabitants of third world countries. If others don't do so it's because they can't afford to, but they care, they really care, unlike Americans who can afford to pay for everyone everywhere but don't, proving that they don't care.

Accept responsibility publicly for all people who die as a result of warfare. If Palestinians die, it's America's fault for not making the Peace Plan work. If Iraqis die, it's America's fault for the pompous act of risking our own lives to try to help people who said that their leader was a mass murderer.

And never never forget, APOLOGIZE FOR BEING AN AMERICAN.
Posted by Jules 187 2005-01-27 3:34:10 PM||   2005-01-27 3:34:10 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 It's sure hard not to vote with #1 Scooter for a major thumpin for this idiot. As satisfying as that would be, what would be much more just would be for UofC to dismiss him as incompetent and everyone else to ignore him as irrelevant and insignificant.
Posted by DO 2005-01-27 3:55:35 PM||   2005-01-27 3:55:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 I was at a party in New Zealand on the 26th of December and heard a guy tell me a similar thing. I said that if you carry that logic out to its end, anybody perceiving some injustice can go ahead and condemn another group of people to death without so much as a by-your-leave. Take this insane attitude to its logical end and Mr. Churchill can be perceived as a threat to someone by advocating for murderers. How long does the American public have to act like sheep and go to the slaughter for our alleged sins, asshat?

Of course, nobody in his circle of friends weeps for murder, torture, disfigurement, or rape victims of Saddam. He gets a pass. This additude of Mr. Churchill's is not just bad, but it seems like more of a mental disease. He views our right of freedom of speech as license. Freedom of speech implies responsibility, and a price to be paid for one's view. He has the right to say it, but cheering for murder should have a steep price to pay. We'll see what happens with this fellow.
Posted by Alaska Paul  2005-01-27 4:02:09 PM||   2005-01-27 4:02:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Hopefully this jackass will be run down and trampled to death by the CU buffalo mascot. What an idiot.
Posted by Remoteman 2005-01-27 4:24:12 PM||   2005-01-27 4:24:12 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Anyone here living in Colorado? Then consider the following: this guy has the right to say such things on his private time (First Amendment) but
it is an entirely different thing if he is using his pulpit for propagating his ideas. Your pay taxes for having him teaching not for sprouting his ideas. In other words he is steling from the tax payer. Start a camapiagn for such people having to refund the state ALL the salaries they perceived in the last ten years and add a substantial interest.
Posted by JFM  2005-01-27 4:32:06 PM||   2005-01-27 4:32:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Jules:

Jeff-does he consider himself an American? He certainly sounds like a lot of leftie Americans to me. (Thanks for the info, though. I was afraid he might be a descendent of a different Churchill.)

I'm not exactly sure, but as the stuff he spouts centers around how the evil, White Americans are to blame for everything, I can only assume he considers himself separate from the USA. There are a lot of Native Americans who feel the same way he does and who celebrated on 9/11.

And, of course, the Native Americans are one of those sacred cows - perhaps the most sacred - of the Left, so it's pretty likely no major liberals will strongly condemn Churchill's (if ever a guy didn't deserve his surname...) words. Most Leftists won't admit it, but they feel exactly the same as Churchill. As you said, they're a sick, self-loathing, and ultimately suicidal bunch. Not too different from the old Trappist monks, really, and I'm sure if you told them that wearing hair shirts and sleeping on rocks would be for the Common Good, you'd get a lot of takers among them. :-)
Posted by Jeff 2005-01-27 4:32:50 PM||   2005-01-27 4:32:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 This son-of-a-bitch is deserving of a 12ga. slug.... right between the eyes.
Posted by Dudley Doright 2005-01-27 5:23:49 PM||   2005-01-27 5:23:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Churchill is so far out on the lunar fringe, I'm not certain even a 12 ga would get his attention. Unfortunately, there are many goofballs like him populating our universities.
Posted by John Q. Citizen 2005-01-27 5:51:20 PM||   2005-01-27 5:51:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 What's with the hyper-violent Canadian? All I've ever seen it post is trollish crap.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2005-01-27 5:59:12 PM|| []  2005-01-27 5:59:12 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 Actually, according to AIM {American Indian Movement}, Ward Churchill is a violent Caucasian mole planted by the FBI in the Indian movement to forment trouble. AIM kicked him out for attacking one of their elderly female board members and injuring her. AIM says that there is no evidence whatsoever that Churchill is descended from any known, recognized, or generally accepted tribe of Indians : just an out-to-lunch Commie troublemaker.
Posted by Uleque Glavise4887 2005-01-27 6:42:09 PM||   2005-01-27 6:42:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 Here are a couple of links describing what AIM thinks of this fraud:

Here's a quote from the second:

The ringleaders of this conspiracy are two wannabees, white men masquerading as Indians, who are very deceitful and treacherous individuals by the name of Ward Churchill and Glen Morris.
Posted by Christopher Johnson  2005-01-27 8:13:32 PM|| []  2005-01-27 8:13:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 Let's have a UN conference about it. I just found a great deal on French Champagne and I already have the fois gras on ice. Whaddya say? Cost plus 150 percent?
Posted by AnnansDiscountCatering  2005-01-27 9:08:51 PM|| []  2005-01-27 9:08:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#28 White man speak forked tongue.
Posted by Chief Wiggums 2005-01-27 9:18:31 PM||   2005-01-27 9:18:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#29 Courtesy of Nation Review Online, Mr. Churchill's university page.

As some folks have noted: 1) The school he attended, Sangaman State University, wasn't exactly top tier in the 70s and 2)None of the publications at the bottom of the page were put out by academic presses (meaning no peer review).

Put simply, an academic hack.
Posted by Pappy 2005-01-27 9:49:45 PM||   2005-01-27 9:49:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#30 Dan Caplis & Craig Silverman of Denver's KHOW radio afternoon show are leading up an effort to get this moron removed from the University - he is the latest in a series of really stupid and tasteless events at Univ. of Colo.
Posted by Denver Reader 303 2005-01-28 12:02:14 AM||   2005-01-28 12:02:14 AM|| Front Page Top

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