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2005-01-27 Iraq-Jordan
US military 'overenthusiastic' in helping Iraq vote: UN official
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Posted by ed 2005-01-27 09:03|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [21 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I do not know about other fellow rantburgers, but I am finding it increasingly hard to read any article whose title includes the initials UN.
Posted by TMH 2005-01-27 9:29:55 AM||   2005-01-27 9:29:55 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 US military 'overenthusiastic' in helping Iraq vote: UN official

I prefer: "UN Officials "overenthusiastic" About Raping Young African Girls: US Military"
Posted by Tibor 2005-01-27 9:33:44 AM||   2005-01-27 9:33:44 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Maybe we should hold a 'Is Overenthusiastic for Democracy a Good Thing" conference in Brussels. I got a good deal for fois gas this week and I am looking to unload it.
Posted by AnnansDiscountCatering  2005-01-27 9:39:58 AM||   2005-01-27 9:39:58 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 Right. Americans usually are overenthusiastic about 'regular people' voting, not just the special people of the General Assembly representing their dictator, autocrat, thug, or average overpaid UN bureaucratic weenie. Sort like the enthusiasm of individual giving for disaster relief.
Posted by Glereth Glavitch4975 2005-01-27 10:02:20 AM||   2005-01-27 10:02:20 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 UN officials have told US forces they need to keep their involvement to a minimum.

just like the UN does when tough work is to be done. STFU!
Posted by Frank G  2005-01-27 10:18:51 AM||   2005-01-27 10:18:51 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 I love the part where he says: "...this is an Iraqi process, this is not a UN process"

Thank GOD it's not a "UN process". That means there is at least a CHANCE it can succeed.

Rhetorical question: what purpose does the UN serve anymore??
Posted by Justrand 2005-01-27 10:41:05 AM||   2005-01-27 10:41:05 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 If the UN had its way, Iraqis wouldn't be voting because US involvement would have been so minimal Saddam would still be funding Kofi's retirement.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2005-01-27 11:42:12 AM|| []  2005-01-27 11:42:12 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 The Americans are enthusiastic because they see it as eventually being a ticket home and because they are hopeful for Iraqis.

Once again, the UN is shown to be on the wrong side of history.

Posted by Kofi Annan  2005-01-27 2:48:22 PM||   2005-01-27 2:48:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 OK, just like your mom would fine you a quarter for bad words out of your mouth, I say we start fining UN officials for negative comments about the US...let's just take it out of our "donation" to that useless organization each year.......uhmmm....$1 Mil per offense sound OK to you, guys?
Posted by Maggie 2005-01-27 7:21:56 PM||   2005-01-27 7:21:56 PM|| Front Page Top

Eckhard added that Perelli "did not intend to criticize the US military's profile."
Sure she did.

But they're backtracking. Maybe they're getting scared the U.S. will (1) not protect the UN wankers in Iraq and (2) get fed up and tell the UN to FOAD.

Which we should.
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2005-01-27 7:32:39 PM||   2005-01-27 7:32:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Barbara, I'm learning acronyms. Is FOAD Freak Of And Die (Acronym finder)
Posted by SwissTex 2005-01-27 8:19:47 PM||   2005-01-27 8:19:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 SwissTex - You could say that.

Or, if you don't mind swearing, you could say F*ck Off And Die. ;-p
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2005-01-27 11:58:30 PM||   2005-01-27 11:58:30 PM|| Front Page Top

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