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2005-01-24 Home Front: Politix
Senator Boxer Attacked By Condi Rice
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Posted by Captain America 2005-01-24 10:32:08 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [26 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Can we just have her declared insane and let Arnold appoint her replcement?
Posted by Cyber Sarge  2005-01-24 11:06:47 AM||   2005-01-24 11:06:47 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 I'd like to see an investigation into Barbie's stock-trading since arriving in the Senate. Preferably by the SEC.
Posted by lex 2005-01-24 11:17:09 AM||   2005-01-24 11:17:09 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Overheard in the Senate cloakroom . . .

"I just hate it when a domestic gets all insubordinate, don't you Robert?"

"Ah do agree, Mizz Barbara, ah do. Down in Wes'-by-God Virginny, we-all got verruh, verruh effective ways o' dealin' with them types. Y'all hand me that white hood on that hook over deah, if'n you please? It's part uh mah outfit."
Posted by Mike  2005-01-24 11:24:06 AM||   2005-01-24 11:24:06 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 Babs is just a little to the left of Mao Tse Tung...
Posted by mojo  2005-01-24 11:26:49 AM||   2005-01-24 11:26:49 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 She turned and attacked me," the California Democrat told CNN’s "Late Edition" in describing the confrontation during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing.

I call it counterfire, Ms. Boxer. You had it coming.
Posted by badanov  2005-01-24 11:58:48 AM|| []  2005-01-24 11:58:48 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 yes, Babs is a weird one, unfortunately a bunch of people in CA voted her into office. Doesn't say much for CA. IIRC she is the third highest vote getter behind W and f'n kerry for a public office. Now that is disturbing.
Posted by Jarhead 2005-01-24 12:47:16 PM||   2005-01-24 12:47:16 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Will noone rid me of this meddlesome senator? Hey...I'm jus' sayin'. Part of the problem with Boxer's continued reelection is that the CA GOP continually fails to field a worthy candidate. Hell, this last time around I did not see a single TV add....absolutely pathetic. Try this one on for size....six years from now...Condi goes up against Boxer. Now that's a fight I'd buy tickets to.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2005-01-24 12:55:35 PM||   2005-01-24 12:55:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 I got $20 that sez Boxer goes down in the first round.
Posted by badanov  2005-01-24 12:56:55 PM|| []  2005-01-24 12:56:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 A persistent problem in the GOP out west is their adamant *refusal* to give money to their candidates. So the #1 discriminator for candidates is that they have to have enough money to pay their own way. This is why canker sores like John McCain get re-elected (his wife's money).
Posted by Anonymoose 2005-01-24 1:02:48 PM||   2005-01-24 1:02:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 My wife commented,"She (Boxer)knows she's going to be on national telivision, and she shows up with that awful haircut!?!"
My wife turned on her before Dr Rice even had a chance...
Posted by Capsu78 2005-01-24 1:28:08 PM||   2005-01-24 1:28:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 One of the frustrations of being a Republican in California is the smug, self-satisfied "I'd rather be idealogically pure than elected" mentality of the party hierarchy. People like Howard Kaloogian and Tom McClintock are one of the reasons the Democrats have been able to run this state into the ground. Hopefully Arnold Schwarzenegger can turn things around and replace these bozos with someone that people might actually vote for.
Posted by RWV 2005-01-24 1:34:00 PM||   2005-01-24 1:34:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Actually, it's the huge number of Dems in the LA and Bay Area counties that causes the election of Dem candidates. Same reason LA gets to steal all the North's water, rather than having to build actual, y'know, resivoirs in LA...
Posted by mojo  2005-01-24 2:34:06 PM||   2005-01-24 2:34:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 AMEN RWV! However, I think the last Senatorial candidate would have lost no matter how much he tried. The vote to give Kerry California was just too large for him to overcome. He didn't help himself by trying to on all sides of the issues. Boxer actually looked sane in comparison to her challenger. He never once put her on the defensive about any of her kooky ideas or conspiracies.
Posted by Cyber Sarge  2005-01-24 2:38:17 PM||   2005-01-24 2:38:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 mojo there are resivoirs in LA, that hold the water brought from the colorado river and from up north..mono lake, the largest resivoir for LA, is filled from the colorado and not from the northern part of the state.
As much as southern california 'steals' (as you say) the water from the north the south sends (including LA, Riverside and San Diego) tax dollars to the north. So in that respect you would say the north is 'Stealing' the souths money. If it were not for the business of the south california would not be one of the largest economies in the world. The south could do without the northern water but the north could not do without the souths money.

The problem with republicans in california is that we have been under the liberal yoke for so long it seems like a lost cause. But it is improving, just look at the voter stats for the last election. GW increased his voter share of california a few points.
Posted by Dan 2005-01-24 3:38:45 PM||   2005-01-24 3:38:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 The reason that the Republicans in Ca always lose is because the party money flows to the more conservative republicans whom are unnacceptable to the average CA voter.

CA are interested in environmental issues, mass transit, and are more liberal on social issues such as choice and gay issues - but still much more conservative than Boxer, as a whole.

Republicans seem to grasp that the Dem's keep losing because they prefer "party purity" over actually winning. But they don't seem to grasp the idea that another McCain or Snow is preferable to a joke like Boxer in CA.

The reason Arnold won was because Grey Davis was impeached and Arnold did not need to win party support, had plenty of his own money and star appeal to pull it off in a run-off election.

CA Repubs will continue to lose until the party backs candidates that can actually win in CA v/s those that are deemed "pure" enough for the Republican party.
Posted by 2b 2005-01-24 4:08:23 PM||   2005-01-24 4:08:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 When she was first elected (as a replacement for Wilson), she was up against Ed Zschau. Zschau had defeated Herschennsohn in the primaries. A number of people said "Well, it's only a two year term, we can take her out then. Better than letting a moderate like Zschau have the seat."

Posted by Dishman  2005-01-24 4:28:56 PM||   2005-01-24 4:28:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 #14 Dan,
As a former NoCal who was a confirmed LA Hata', I did find myself in many water resource debates in my days in the Golden State. It took a crotchety old lifelong Angeleno to stop me dead in my tracks by saying "Listen here, you little peckerwood, check out who paid for the entire Hetch Hechy - central valley canal system to be built, and you will find it was the 7-10 million Southern Californians who paid the taxes and did the heavy financial lifting on what was one of the great water resource projects of its time. I looked it up and he was right, taxes weighed much heavier on the southland than to "noisy neighbors" to the north. The water resources are exceptional for the 15 Million people expected to one day live in California when the designers laid out the plans.
Posted by Capsu78 2005-01-24 4:58:03 PM||   2005-01-24 4:58:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 "I gave Dr. Rice many opportunities to address specific issues. Instead, she said I was impugning her integrity," Mrs. Boxer said.

Maybe because you WERE, Skank.

The previous sentence said it all:

Sen. Barbara Boxer says she is the real victim of last week’s confirmation hearing for Secretary of State-designate Condoleezza Rice, yet continued yesterday to question the national security adviser’s honesty.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2005-01-24 5:16:28 PM||   2005-01-24 5:16:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Bill Jones was the last candidate to run against Boxer. He was the moderate. Kaloogian and McClintock did not receive the support of either the state or national republican party. Jones got the nomination and then proceeded to dissapear. I don't know that adherence to idealogical purists holds any longer.
Posted by Remoteman 2005-01-24 5:58:04 PM||   2005-01-24 5:58:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Dan - Mono is snow-filled runoff. The brand new reservoir in Temecula is Colorado water as are most of San Diego's reservoirs....LA's water tastes great - snow runoff. SD's sucks...too many minerals and alkaline
Posted by Frank G  2005-01-24 6:40:09 PM||   2005-01-24 6:40:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 But OT - Boxer is harmed most by letting her run her mouth, brain disengaged, before the widest possible audience. Truly an idiot. The national GOP didn't put $ into Jones' campaign as tehy considered it lost before it began. Too many SF/LA Dems with money
Posted by Frank G  2005-01-24 6:42:01 PM||   2005-01-24 6:42:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 The national GOP didn't put $ into Jones' campaign as tehy considered it lost before it began.

Before CA can be reclaimed from the grip of the Lefies that are in control of it now, it needs to be allowed to run itself into the ground.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2005-01-24 9:57:41 PM||   2005-01-24 9:57:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Dear RBs:

I can see that you will not extend your sympathies upon me during the grevious time.

Especially for my beloved California constituents, I am pleased to remind you that I can be seen live on C-SPAN tomorrow on the Senate floor moaning and wailing the Gitmo-like treatment that Condi gave to me.

It's all her fault, damn it!

Yours truly,

Senator Barbara Box (a.k.a. Condi's victim)
Posted by Senator Barbara Boxer  2005-01-24 10:48:05 PM||   2005-01-24 10:48:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 heh heh Kevin McCullough's take
Posted by Frank G  2005-01-24 10:50:31 PM||   2005-01-24 10:50:31 PM|| Front Page Top

00:50 Hupoluck Elmaitle6376
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23:44 BH
23:36 Frank G
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23:28 OldSpook
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23:05 Teddy Kennedy
23:03 OldSpook
23:01 Frank G
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22:51 trailing wife
22:51 Senator Barbara Boxer
22:50 Frank G
22:48 Frank G
22:48 Senator Barbara Boxer
22:47 Frank G
22:40 badanov

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