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2005-01-24 -Short Attention Span Theater-
Rotten mackerel set off explosion
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Posted by Seafarious 2005-01-24 00:00:00 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [43 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I sent the story off to for examination. I'll check their site later to see what they have to say.
Posted by trailing wife 2005-01-24 12:26:43 AM||   2005-01-24 12:26:43 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 HOLY EXPLODING MACKEREL Batman! Thats one fine kettle of fish!
Posted by CrazyFool 2005-01-24 12:34:29 AM||   2005-01-24 12:34:29 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 "High-trouted."

You guys are on form today.
And I'm not being I mean, sardonic.

Posted by Bryan 2005-01-24 2:04:42 AM||   2005-01-24 2:04:42 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 IMO, it is just a ploy to insure a rise in mackerel purchases by ROPers.
Posted by gromgorru  2005-01-24 3:04:19 AM||   2005-01-24 3:04:19 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Yeah, I'd buy a couple of cans, just for the halibut.
Posted by Sgt. Mom  2005-01-24 6:36:08 AM|| []  2005-01-24 6:36:08 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Ladies and gentlemen, we have here the world's first successful tesing of the terrifying new biological weapon known as the TMBBB (Tinned Mackerel-Born Botulinum Bomb). Hithertofore existing only as wild speculation in the fevered minds of non-conventional weapons specialists, the TMBBB was believed to be too unstable and unpredictable for practical use.. It now appears that the Norwegian military, in collaboration with the white coats and sou-westers of Stabburet's Gubbins, Pilchards 'n' Biowarfare of Fredrikstad, have overcome the formerly-considered insurmountable obstacles to harnessing the awesome power of oily fish, ketchup and anaerobic bacteria. Temptingly tasty yet capable of spreading biotoxins with deadly efficiency over a wide area, the TMBBB is indisputably the acme of culinary and bioweapons technology synthesis.

It's not yet known whether the Norwegians intend to use the new fiendish addition to their military arsenal to blackmail the world, or merely as a so-called Doomsday Device with whch to fend off EU neighbours greedily eyeing Norway's fish stocks having disastrously mismanaged their own.
Posted by Beavis 2005-01-24 7:08:01 AM||   2005-01-24 7:08:01 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 I had a can of chipotle chiles explode once. It was very messy as well.
Posted by Deacon Blues  2005-01-24 7:35:56 AM||   2005-01-24 7:35:56 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 It sounds like an urban legend that became bait for a gullible and gillty press, who swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. Get reel, guys!
Posted by Mike  2005-01-24 10:04:33 AM||   2005-01-24 10:04:33 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 Pretty bad puns there, chum.
Posted by BH 2005-01-24 10:13:19 AM||   2005-01-24 10:13:19 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 BH: indeed. The net is full of this sort of crab.
Posted by Bulldog  2005-01-24 10:17:47 AM||   2005-01-24 10:17:47 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 Yukkk. What a mess. Well, there's work to be done, so just throw a tarpon it and get goin'.
Posted by Dave D. 2005-01-24 10:19:53 AM||   2005-01-24 10:19:53 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 I've haddock with this thread!
Posted by Pappy 2005-01-24 1:31:44 PM||   2005-01-24 1:31:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Oh. A tin of fish.

I thought the headline referred to Mikey Moore bombing someone. ;-p
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2005-01-24 2:00:52 PM||   2005-01-24 2:00:52 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Does an exploding mackrel rise to the level that will cause Dave Barry to come out of retirement?
Posted by eLarson 2005-01-24 2:48:25 PM|| []  2005-01-24 2:48:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 I miss Marvin Suggs and his Boomerang Fish Act from the Muppet Show. I think he used mackerels as well. They didn't explode, though.
Posted by Deacon Blues  2005-01-24 3:32:01 PM||   2005-01-24 3:32:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 It was Lew Zealand, with the boomerang fish on the Muppet Show, DB.
Posted by Sgt. Mom  2005-01-24 4:02:38 PM|| []  2005-01-24 4:02:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 "Then . . . you must cut down the mightiest thread in Rantburg wiiiith--a herring!"
Posted by Mike  2005-01-24 4:44:36 PM||   2005-01-24 4:44:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Speak up, I think he's hard of herring!
Posted by Sgt. Mom  2005-01-24 4:58:55 PM|| []  2005-01-24 4:58:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 That one really smelt, Sgt. Mom.
Posted by BH 2005-01-24 5:12:55 PM||   2005-01-24 5:12:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Maybe I'd just better clam up, now...
Posted by Sgt. Mom  2005-01-24 5:56:02 PM|| []  2005-01-24 5:56:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 All in all, a pretty crappie thread. Whale done, everybody!
Posted by BH 2005-01-24 6:04:13 PM||   2005-01-24 6:04:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 It was just a fluke...
Posted by OldeForce 2005-01-24 6:13:26 PM||   2005-01-24 6:13:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 May I do the honours?

Posted by Bulldog  2005-01-24 6:29:52 PM||   2005-01-24 6:29:52 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 This is one for the classics--a real trophy bass of a thread--a teriffic line of argument that will fly forever in our memories.
Posted by Mike  2005-01-24 6:35:45 PM||   2005-01-24 6:35:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 Fin.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2005-01-24 6:45:02 PM||   2005-01-24 6:45:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 Curses Bulldog....great minds think alike, eh?
Posted by Rex Mundi 2005-01-24 6:47:22 PM||   2005-01-24 6:47:22 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 damn - 26 comments with bad puns and I missed it...
Posted by Frank G  2005-01-24 7:00:38 PM||   2005-01-24 7:00:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#28 great minds think alike, eh?

Findeed it seems they do, Rex.

Frank - the thread's not Dover sole yet. I'm already regretting trying to krill it. You dive in. I dolphin it's too late.
Posted by Bulldog  2005-01-24 7:07:14 PM||   2005-01-24 7:07:14 PM|| Front Page Top

#29 I'll have to trout the canned mackerel. Can't say I've haddock before.
Posted by Tom 2005-01-24 7:33:38 PM||   2005-01-24 7:33:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#30 "damn - 26 comments with bad puns and I missed it..."

Well, don't let it stick in your craw, Dad; it's no big deal.
Posted by Dave D. 2005-01-24 7:37:50 PM||   2005-01-24 7:37:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#31 Obviously it's all over but for the carping
Posted by Frank G  2005-01-24 7:41:04 PM||   2005-01-24 7:41:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#32 ima think this ina great grouper people!
Posted by sorry, mucky... 2005-01-24 7:42:17 PM||   2005-01-24 7:42:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#33 This is fun, even if there's no porpoise to it...
Posted by Dave D. 2005-01-24 7:44:56 PM||   2005-01-24 7:44:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#34 If AR15 sees this, eel have to do a squid pun.
Posted by Tom 2005-01-24 8:00:50 PM||   2005-01-24 8:00:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#35 itn okay. ima tuna this thred to late
Posted by muck4doo 2005-01-24 8:13:24 PM|| []  2005-01-24 8:13:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#36 What the hake, let's keep it going, eh?
Posted by Dave D. 2005-01-24 8:15:24 PM||   2005-01-24 8:15:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#37 thisn not funny
Posted by Shamu 2005-01-24 8:15:57 PM||   2005-01-24 8:15:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#38 Okay, walleye gotta go now anyway.
Posted by Tom 2005-01-24 8:20:21 PM||   2005-01-24 8:20:21 PM|| Front Page Top

#39 Good Cod, are you leaving already? What a wrasse...
Posted by Dave D. 2005-01-24 8:21:46 PM||   2005-01-24 8:21:46 PM|| Front Page Top

#40 ima gotta get offn my perch here ina bit to
Posted by muck4doo 2005-01-24 8:21:53 PM|| []  2005-01-24 8:21:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#41 Goin' some plaice, mucky?
Posted by Dave D. 2005-01-24 8:23:23 PM||   2005-01-24 8:23:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#42 So your lox held out? Never had trouble like this so as to have to mullet?

This seems so cutthroat, to perch above these peoples’ misfortune, and act like bullheads.

Have you no sole?
Posted by cingold 2005-01-24 8:31:08 PM||   2005-01-24 8:31:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#43 A wrasse will be here later. [Didn't think I'd see it, did you! Am still hangin around for a few more minnows.]
Posted by Tom 2005-01-24 8:31:25 PM||   2005-01-24 8:31:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#44 Heh... I guess I shad of known better, huh?
Posted by Dave D. 2005-01-24 8:35:36 PM||   2005-01-24 8:35:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#45 ya home. soon as as ima can mussel my way outta here. gotta see my fren saman him wife.

a litle dab will do ya on em bullheads cingold
Posted by muck4doo 2005-01-24 8:35:39 PM|| []  2005-01-24 8:35:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#46 But . . . I don't even know what a bullhead is . . . : )
Posted by cingold 2005-01-24 8:37:43 PM||   2005-01-24 8:37:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#47 You don't even know what a bullhead is, and you're getting on our case for acting like bullheads???? What a boiled sprat...
Posted by Dave D. 2005-01-24 8:46:59 PM||   2005-01-24 8:46:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#48 buncha yahoos
Posted by Frank G  2005-01-24 8:51:36 PM||   2005-01-24 8:51:36 PM|| Front Page Top

#49 er...wahoos :-)
Posted by Frank G  2005-01-24 8:51:58 PM||   2005-01-24 8:51:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#50 Way to go, Frankie Baby; you're the bream of the crop...
Posted by Dave D. 2005-01-24 8:54:04 PM||   2005-01-24 8:54:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#51 Y’all are a bunch of verbal barracudas. I better scallop off, and get back to my bottom feeding. ; )
Posted by cingold 2005-01-24 8:56:35 PM||   2005-01-24 8:56:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#52 Guess I'll let you skate this time, cingold...
Posted by Dave D. 2005-01-24 9:06:24 PM||   2005-01-24 9:06:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#53 Ima back. Isa this tail fin yet?
Posted by Tom 2005-01-24 9:51:17 PM||   2005-01-24 9:51:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#54 Nah, there's blennie more where that came from.
Posted by Dave D. 2005-01-24 10:02:26 PM||   2005-01-24 10:02:26 PM|| Front Page Top

#55 What I want to know is, do Norwegian fish-canners work for scale?
Posted by Pappy 2005-01-24 10:31:41 PM||   2005-01-24 10:31:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#56 You've scrod to be kidding me. Is this thing still going?! I thought we'd shad enough. Seafarious has spawned a whopper of a thread... but you should have seen the one that got away!
Posted by BH 2005-01-24 11:27:38 PM||   2005-01-24 11:27:38 PM|| Front Page Top

00:50 Hupoluck Elmaitle6376
00:46 Croth Hupesing4131
00:46 Croth Hupesing4131
00:45 Tholuck Hupeanter3756
00:45 Tholuck Hupeanter3756
23:44 BH
23:36 Frank G
23:28 trailing wife
23:28 OldSpook
23:27 BH
23:12 OldSpook
23:09 OldSpook
23:05 Teddy Kennedy
23:03 OldSpook
23:01 Frank G
23:00 OldSpook
23:00 trailing wife
22:51 trailing wife
22:51 Senator Barbara Boxer
22:50 Frank G
22:48 Frank G
22:48 Senator Barbara Boxer
22:47 Frank G
22:40 badanov

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