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2004-10-12 Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Russia's Putin prefers soul-searching Bush to Kerry
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Posted by Mark Espinola 2004-10-12 5:27:33 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [27 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

Democrats meanwhile agree that Bush would probably have been as strong in his criticism of recent Putin policies as some of his European counterparts had he not relied on Putin in strategic spheres like oil and his anti-terror campaign.

In other words, "If US security and economic health didn't depend on Russia, Bush would have been less diplomatic."

Which candidate is supposed to be the bumbling fool, and which is supposed to be the sophisticated internationalist? It's getting hard to tell.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-10-12 6:05:50 PM|| []  2004-10-12 6:05:50 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Meanwhile the latest polls show that Russia’s warm embrace of all things Western that came in the first chaotic post-Soviet years has turned far more tepid. A recent Romir poll said that 60 percent of Russians feel that Americans have a negative effect on their country and less than one third of respondents have a positive view of the United States.

Simply laughable. Russian antipathy has nothing to do with Bush. For Russians, Clinton was almost certainly the most hated president of recent history. Why don't the clownish authors of this article compare today's survey results with Russian sentiments in April 1999, when the Clinton admin bombed the bejeezus out of their brataslavyanskiye in the balkans? At that time, english-speaking foreigners were attacked on the streets of Moscow, shots were fired at the US Embassy, and Russia's elite university students at MGU marched under banners with slogans such as "Monica! Sharpen your teeth!"

Russians' basic distaste for not just America but also western Europe stems from two facts evident long before 9/11:

--the degrading experience of being viewed by western consular officials and all and sundry as a mafioso or a 'ho every time they even so much as wish to travel to the west, and

-- the now-obvious western complicity in their nation's slide into Third World status (as Havel put it, "better a sick Russia than a healthy Soviet Union)."

Posted by lex 2004-10-12 6:32:06 PM||   2004-10-12 6:32:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Monica! Sharpen your teeth!"

hahaaaa.. I really believe that Americans and Russians can get along. screw Lennin and Marx. They forced themselves on the poor Russian people anyways. they are a bit more cruel than we are...but what do you expect with all of those murading raiders constantly passing through. Pukin is supporting Bush, which highlights the obvious. We have common goals - despite our differences. Just like, together, we sent Hitler to his grave, we can send bin Laden and his ilk to theirs...not that some of them are not already there.

In a wierd sort of way, I think it will be Russia and Germany (as well as the Britian, Australia, Poland...and others excluding the genetically inferior French) who, with the US, will send the Islamic fanatics packing...

The islamics are cave men in the 21st Century and as such don't stand a chance. While they can hurt us in much the same way that a car can run us over, they are just dying beasts flailing with dangerous claws before they become extinct.
Posted by 2b 2004-10-13 5:11:04 AM||   2004-10-13 5:11:04 AM|| Front Page Top

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