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2004-10-12 Home Front: Culture Wars
San Jose police chief to observe Ramadan fast in Muslim outreach
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Posted by TS(vice girl) 2004-10-12 1:49:23 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [28 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Barf.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-10-12 3:06:29 PM||   2004-10-12 3:06:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Barf.
Posted by Tom 2004-10-12 3:08:53 PM||   2004-10-12 3:08:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Oh, goody.

And in response, I'm sure the San Jose Moslems will participate in the upcoming Lent, and partake of a lovely ham for Easter dinner.

I'm sure they'll gladly participate in the Jewish High Holy Days as well.

Just so they can truly understand the nuances of the Christian and Jewish religions.

I'm with you guys: Barf.
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2004-10-12 3:26:08 PM||   2004-10-12 3:26:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 I wonder if he will also observe the islamic tradition of rape, robbery, and murder (as practiced by Big Prophet Mo himself)....
Posted by CrazyFool  2004-10-12 3:30:42 PM||   2004-10-12 3:30:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 "It just dawned on me," he recalled. "If I am truly going to understand the nuances of this religion, I should join them in this fast.

Why not join them in a beheading instead? You'll learn more nuances that way.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-10-12 3:37:42 PM||   2004-10-12 3:37:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 San Jose Police Chief Rob Davis :

"It just dawned on me,if I am truly going to understand the nuances of this religion, I should join them in this fast."

EVERYONE : Remind me not to try to call 9-1-1 if I am ever in San Jose and there is an emergency...
Posted by BigEd 2004-10-12 3:38:08 PM||   2004-10-12 3:38:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 This is the kind of thing that "enlightened" people end up doing when they consider religion to be some cute little pageant that these funny little people engage in. It's not even dhimmitude; he just thinks he's being nice to some poor dumb slobs who don't realize they're sheeple.

Ditto Barf.
Posted by BH 2004-10-12 3:47:35 PM||   2004-10-12 3:47:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Chief,

If you're lucky, really lucky, and be a good little dhimmi, maybe, just maybe...

they'll kill you last.
Posted by Dreadnought 2004-10-12 3:57:18 PM||   2004-10-12 3:57:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 PC (plenty of crap) wins out again. Arrrgh!
Posted by A. Bungfodder 2004-10-12 4:12:19 PM||   2004-10-12 4:12:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 You know. It's commentary like this that makes me slide a little more towards the "Americans are a decadent, racist, immoral, monstrosity" side of the argument every single day.

And I'm a f**king Canadian. I used to like you folk. Now you're all acting like savage hayseeds, drunk on human blood.

You're disgusting.
Posted by Hupereger Ebbigum6422  2004-10-12 4:16:13 PM||   2004-10-12 4:16:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Feeling's mutual. I f*cking hate Canadians. You're not worth the carbon in your bodies.
Posted by BH 2004-10-12 4:24:07 PM||   2004-10-12 4:24:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Hey Hupereger, I was sure I flushed you this morning. Now be a good little shit and slide right back to the water reclamation facility.

I heard our good Chief Wiggums interviewed on the radio at lunch. This guy is nothing more than an LLL posterboy. It was nauseating.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2004-10-12 4:29:28 PM||   2004-10-12 4:29:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Hey, great idea! Let's start our own Ramadamadingdong festival!
Posted by mojo  2004-10-12 4:50:19 PM||   2004-10-12 4:50:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 "Americans are a decadent, racist, immoral, monstrosity"

Oh, shut up. Go fix your submarine or something.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-10-12 4:55:39 PM||   2004-10-12 4:55:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Hupereger Ebbigum6422--How's that sharia law coming along in Canada?
Posted by TS(vice girl) 2004-10-12 5:04:01 PM||   2004-10-12 5:04:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 If he really wants the whole muslim experience he can strap on a bomb belt or hide behind his kid in a firefight.

Of course, he'd have to take to blaming Jews.
Posted by PlanetDan  2004-10-12 5:30:31 PM||   2004-10-12 5:30:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Were there US officials "observing" German National celebrations in outreach to Nazis during WW II?

Still, that gives me an idea: seek to undermine the meaning of Ramadan by turning it over to Disney, street parades, and food festivals. It is time for us to use any weapon available to attack and undermine the Moslem habits and beliefs.
Posted by Kalle (kafir forever) 2004-10-12 5:33:52 PM|| []  2004-10-12 5:33:52 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 It's troll night has the crescent moon drops in the east.
Posted by Shipman 2004-10-12 5:40:37 PM||   2004-10-12 5:40:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 "Still, that gives me an idea: seek to undermine the meaning of Ramadan by turning it over to Disney, street parades, and food festivals."

Hmmm... "Ramadan-o-Rama"?
Posted by Dave D. 2004-10-12 5:58:25 PM||   2004-10-12 5:58:25 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 I think food festivals are the absolutely correct way to celebrate Ramadan! Let them be open from sun-up to sun-down!
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-10-12 6:03:39 PM|| []  2004-10-12 6:03:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Pig roast and beer for all!
Posted by BH 2004-10-12 6:20:11 PM||   2004-10-12 6:20:11 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 By gawd BH you've inspired me. Not tonight of course, but this weekend a fresh pork shoulder! Into the the black burka BBQ. I figure about 18 hours of fun.
Posted by Shipman 2004-10-12 6:27:58 PM||   2004-10-12 6:27:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Damn, I hate this place.....
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2004-10-12 6:31:55 PM||   2004-10-12 6:31:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 hey Hupereger Ebbigum6422 - i actually never liked canadians! totally dependant on the US and too ignorant to admit your on failings!

Posted by Dan 2004-10-12 6:33:41 PM||   2004-10-12 6:33:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 Guys, I kinda thought the chief's view on the isssue showed his superiority. And all here showed that to be so, no Moose-limbs will attempt his offering in kind.

H.E. it's easy to be superior when you're nation exists because of U.S. (you reap the benefits without the expense). Put your ass on the line some...
Posted by incarnateofleeatwater 2004-10-12 7:46:19 PM||   2004-10-12 7:46:19 PM|| Front Page Top

#26  Hupereger Ebbigum6422:
And I'm a f**king Canadian.
Nobody's interested in your sex life, asshole. Keep it to yourself.
You're disgusting.
Right back atcha, jerk.

Are you sure you posted to the right thread? Your reaction to this one is WAY over the top.

However, I won't hold your idiocy against all Canadians. Most of them are pretty good people. We have our leftist, liberal, touchy-feely assholes too.

Go play in traffic, loser.
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2004-10-12 7:48:07 PM||   2004-10-12 7:48:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 Has anybody heard if the San Andres fault has shown sign of becoming active again? I am sorry and I apologize if there are rantburgers from California here but I do not think it is possible to save the state. The best thing it could hapenned to it is to become detached from the mainland and to forever float on the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean.
Posted by Anonymous4724 2004-10-12 10:12:27 PM||   2004-10-12 10:12:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#28 He's just practicing for the inevitable dhimmitude should sKerry be elected.
Posted by Scott R  2004-10-12 10:20:08 PM|| []  2004-10-12 10:20:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#29 Hey honey, let's visit Canada. I hear you can smell Hamas in the air.
Posted by Poison Reverse 2004-10-12 10:28:01 PM||   2004-10-12 10:28:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#30 the dumb fuck--he's going to grow payas,get himself circumsized and drink manichewitz wine for passover--does he try to hump the female deputies to empathize with rapists
Posted by SON OF TOLUI 2004-10-13 12:05:08 AM||   2004-10-13 12:05:08 AM|| Front Page Top

#31 Did someone tell him that you shouldn't have sex during Ramadan?

Posted by True German Ally 2004-10-13 12:07:13 AM||   2004-10-13 12:07:13 AM|| Front Page Top

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