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2004-09-21 Home Front: Politix
Mary Mapes : Don't let the door hit you in the a** on your way out
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Posted by BigEd 2004-09-21 7:30:40 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [22 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Oh goodie she turned a low level MP diciplinary problem into a INTERNATIONAL incident. Am I the only that see that as a bad thing? She didn't break the story, the soldiers were already incustody, and the prisoners were no longer beiong abused. The publishing of the photos only inflamed the Arab street and probably cost us some lives (Civilian and Military). Good going Mary! Hope you win a pulitzer and then you can shove it up your HUGE arse!
Posted by Cyber Sarge  2004-09-21 7:46:40 PM||   2004-09-21 7:46:40 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Now, now Sarge...
Be kind.
She's delusional, and soon to be unemployed...

Remember, Her own father says she's left-wing kook, and they don't talk much, though he still loves her...

{Uncondition love for a child thing. I am aware of that myself}
Posted by BigEd 2004-09-21 7:52:27 PM||   2004-09-21 7:52:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Tell that to the families of the people who were killed as a result of her inflaming the 'arab street'. Wasn't someone beheaded in Iraq because of her 'breaking story'?
Posted by CrazyFool  2004-09-21 7:57:54 PM||   2004-09-21 7:57:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 CF I agree with you. I only make excuses for the FATHER's attitude. That is not mine. I was being sarcastic.

She needs to face consequences, perhaps legal, maybe civil from Killian's family, in the transport of the forged documents....
Posted by BigEd 2004-09-21 8:03:41 PM||   2004-09-21 8:03:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Turns out Mapes has done this sort of thing before.

John Carlson, KVI radio, Seattle is reporting tonight. Seems she produced a fraudulant eyewitness in a racially charged drug bust gone bad to pump a story about how cops were tareting black drug dealers. The cops broke down the door of a suspected crack dealer when he didn't open up. They shot the guy when he appeared to point, or was holding an object that turned ou to be a remote control. She was a KVI reporter at the time and KVI was hyping the incident for a television expose.

Turns out the cops had along another reporter who had met the eyewitness after the incident and knew the guy was a johnny come lately who had been your typical lookydat.

This bitch Mapes would have let the cops fry, seen her city racially on edge of a riot so she could get a check mark on her ticket.
Posted by Lucky 2004-09-21 8:36:08 PM||   2004-09-21 8:36:08 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Oh and yes, tht's the same KVI that fired Brian Maloney, their host who critisized Rather a few days ago. Ponytails, is there nothing they wont do?
Posted by Lucky 2004-09-21 8:40:45 PM||   2004-09-21 8:40:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 ...take the cannolli.
Posted by Dan Rather 2004-09-21 8:55:06 PM||   2004-09-21 8:55:06 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Abu Gharib was an abomination and deserved attention. At a certain point the media tried to parlay the failure of a single command into dissmissal for the Sec Def, resignation of the President and scrapping of the WOT. Stopping the WOT before it runs to completion is a far bigger abomination. Anyone who thinks different snoozed through the Beslan tragedy.
Posted by Super Hose 2004-09-21 9:17:38 PM||   2004-09-21 9:17:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 The MSM are like phirannas. Mapes gets on the ropes and it is a feeding frenzy, heh heh. Fun to watch. Vengeance is mine!!! Arrrrgggghhhhhh!
Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-09-21 9:55:57 PM||   2004-09-21 9:55:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 "Good evening. Those are the headlines, now the rumors behind the news..."
Posted by mojo  2004-09-21 11:11:07 PM||   2004-09-21 11:11:07 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Is there not some statute that makes it illegal to knowingly pass fraudulent information with intent to influence an election?
Posted by lex 2004-09-22 1:13:05 AM||   2004-09-22 1:13:05 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 Another candidate for exile/swap with the EU. Again, the deal is, we swap DU/Mikey Maroon idiotarians to Europe and they give us their best and brightest scientists and tech entrepreneurs.
Posted by lex 2004-09-22 5:05:07 PM||   2004-09-22 5:05:07 PM|| Front Page Top

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