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2004-09-21 Britain
British hostage's son in appeal to Blair
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Posted by Bulldog 2004-09-21 5:44:31 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [32 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Why is it a demand for something that supposedly the coalition doesn't have, women prisoners? The Iraqis may have some but the US and U.K. claim they have none. Are they holding some high value recent captures? The Iraqi goverment is holding 2 female scientists as war criminals Dr. Germ and Mrs Anthrax I bet the homosexual, child molester and, defiler of the Koran and sacred rasins Zarqawi would love to get his hands on those 2.

Sad fact is if as a civilian you are going to go to a place like Iraq you take your life in your own hands. Has the US Department of State of U.K. Home Office told people it's safe to travel to Iraq? I don't think so. You get your ass in a sling over there and you are on your own, just as it always has been. Only John Kerry, LLLs, girly men and, moonbats think otherwise this group includes the terrorist supporting media.

I hate to see these familes put through hell but their loved ones were not coerced to go to Iraq.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom  2004-09-21 6:10:52 AM|| []  2004-09-21 6:10:52 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Even if the demands are met, these killers would never let a non-muslim go free. They would claim there are more than 2 women being held in captivity, then kill the hostages. I feel so bad for the families that are going through this torture right now. God bless them. The next time we go to Fallujah, we better not be fucking around, and let these killers escape justice ...again.
Posted by Destro 2004-09-21 6:16:32 AM||   2004-09-21 6:16:32 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 Why is it a demand for something that supposedly the coalition doesn't have, women prisoners?

How do you know, the coalition (in this case Americans only) claimed it didn't torture too. In fact the coalition (Americans) claimed a lot which did not come out true in Irak.
Posted by Murat 2004-09-21 6:25:38 AM||   2004-09-21 6:25:38 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 Well, Murat, get some gas in the tank and go check.
I hope tht your "millitant" buddies would kidnap you on the way and provide some life-long excitement like they've done to the 3 unfortunate Turkish victims--in your case it would be much more deserved.
Posted by Memesis 2004-09-21 6:44:04 AM||   2004-09-21 6:44:04 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Define "torture" Murat.

Why do I always get the feeling that with you, as you loath the US, you also expect more from her than you ever would whatever little hellhole, errrrrrr country you reside in?
Posted by RJB in JC MO 2004-09-21 6:49:24 AM||   2004-09-21 6:49:24 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Murat supports Islamofacism to the hilt. End of story.
Posted by ex-lib 2004-09-21 10:06:37 AM||   2004-09-21 10:06:37 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 [Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by Antiwar TROLL 2004-09-21 10:10:54 AM||   2004-09-21 10:10:54 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 Help! Someone's roused the Amazing Irrefutable Debate Monster Antiwar! She'll crush us all with her mighty reasoning and nuanced debating powers!
Posted by Bulldog  2004-09-21 10:17:22 AM||   2004-09-21 10:17:22 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 Bush is a War Criminal

Antiwar is an IDIOT.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2004-09-21 10:21:58 AM||   2004-09-21 10:21:58 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 Well, if Gentle and Boris show up, it'll be the "Trifecta of Trollage".
So, who's making the popcorn?
Posted by Sgt. Mom 2004-09-21 10:24:38 AM|| []  2004-09-21 10:24:38 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 Oh my G_D, I better get a lawyer. NOT.
G.W. Bush
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom  2004-09-21 10:30:44 AM|| []  2004-09-21 10:30:44 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 Murat: How do you know, the coalition (in this case Americans only) claimed it didn't torture too.

I can only wish.

Murat: In fact the coalition (Americans) claimed a lot which did not come out true in Irak.

But most of it was correct. Can't say that for the claims of Murat and his jihadi pals, most of which was wrong.
Posted by Zhang Fei  2004-09-21 10:38:36 AM|| []  2004-09-21 10:38:36 AM|| Front Page Top

#13 "Bush is a War Criminal"

We have your word for that, it must be true. Btw, are you still denying that you're an authoritarian?
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2004-09-21 10:41:00 AM||   2004-09-21 10:41:00 AM|| Front Page Top

#14 She never denied being an Ozi-ist either, living on looted ground and fattening herself up on witchety grubs harvested in the pastures her predecessors stole from dispossessed aborigines.
Posted by Bulldog  2004-09-21 10:49:51 AM||   2004-09-21 10:49:51 AM|| Front Page Top

#15 Note that Murat is also presenting an argument from authority. When dealing with terror-apologists and Hate America cultists, always, ALWAYS look for the appeal to authority and its many variations.
We saw this in the media conformist defense of CBS and it fraudulent documents. To them it was a matter of professional, glamourous journalists against pajama-clad internet posters, as though facts themselves did not matter at all. This is the true basis of the political left and the mutual affinity of authoritarians is the real reason for the left bias of mass media.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2004-09-21 10:53:25 AM||   2004-09-21 10:53:25 AM|| Front Page Top

#16 Ahhhh Antiwar and Murat drag themselves from their sewers to demonstrate their depravity, idiocy, and general anti-American disposition. The festering pustule of hate.....
Posted by Frank G  2004-09-21 10:55:46 AM||   2004-09-21 10:55:46 AM|| Front Page Top

#17 Bulldog, the witchety grubs remind me of a story I read once in Reader's Digest: A National Geographic photographer is on location in some small African village at Christmas time. He's sharing the standard evening meal of grubs and greens. He looks into the bowl and sighs, thinking of roast turkey with all the trimmings. His translator notices his expression, leans over and says, "I know what you mean. The grubs in my village are better too."
Posted by Seafarious  2004-09-21 11:04:11 AM||   2004-09-21 11:04:11 AM|| Front Page Top

#18 Seafarious - LOL! I've never tried grubs before, but I would do given the chance (I think I'd want them cooked first, though). After all, who doesn't like prawns, langoustines, lobsters etc? Crabs, too - they're all arthropods, and biologically not much different. Let's face it - which ought to look less 'edible' - an uncooked prawn, or a witchety grub?
Posted by Bulldog  2004-09-21 11:17:19 AM||   2004-09-21 11:17:19 AM|| Front Page Top

#19 *Urk*
Posted by Seafarious  2004-09-21 11:30:27 AM||   2004-09-21 11:30:27 AM|| Front Page Top

#20 BD, I don't like lobsters, crabs, prawns, and other sea bugs myself, and for the reason you cite----they are really just big cockroaches.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2004-09-21 11:30:48 AM||   2004-09-21 11:30:48 AM|| Front Page Top

#21 AC - you're missing out big time! Crab would be on the menu for my condemned man's last meal. To die for! High protein, too. Insects and crustaceans must be 100% Atkins compatible.
Posted by Bulldog  2004-09-21 11:38:09 AM||   2004-09-21 11:38:09 AM|| Front Page Top

#22 Frank, please don't denegrate sewers by dragging Murat and Aunty War through them. Veddy veddy bad. **wags finger** BTW, I am reading all the threads with great amusement while being fueled by my friends famous homemade coleslaw.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-09-21 4:38:04 PM||   2004-09-21 4:38:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Seafood wouldn't be my first choice on the menu, when there are hooved critters to be had.

I draw the line at bugs and internal organs. I think I'd rather eat a cat than eat liver or a cockroach. I was fooled once and ate tongue tacos, though. Pretty tender.
Posted by jules 187 2004-09-21 4:49:41 PM||   2004-09-21 4:49:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 Murat only claims he's Murat, I think he may be one of the genter men.
Posted by Shipman 2004-09-21 5:56:53 PM||   2004-09-21 5:56:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 his tone has changed. At first, you could debate him....not now. Sounds like NMM in the ME
Posted by Frank G  2004-09-21 5:59:41 PM||   2004-09-21 5:59:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by Silk 2004-09-21 6:35:12 AM||   2004-09-21 6:35:12 AM|| Front Page Top

#27 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by Silk 2004-09-21 6:38:06 AM||   2004-09-21 6:38:06 AM|| Front Page Top

#28 Off-topic or abusive comments deleted]
Posted by Antiwar 2004-09-21 10:10:54 AM||   2004-09-21 10:10:54 AM|| Front Page Top

21:44 Fawadi
16:45 Randall R.
11:17 Anonymouse
01:25 Iraq 2004
08:01 Anonymous6579
06:38 Silk
06:35 Silk
04:04 Ben
01:19 Anonymous6578
00:55 Anonymous6577
00:31 Anonymous6576
00:17 Anonymous6575
18:25 Memesis
18:16 Bulldog
17:05 lex
01:20 ricky
01:13 lex
00:56 Asedwich
23:55 Super Hose
23:51 Long Hair Republican
23:43 WhiteHouseDetox
23:34 WhiteHouseDetox
23:27 Biff Wellington
23:25 Memesis

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