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2004-08-26 Home Front: Politix
New Swift Boat Ad featuring Gardner and Cambodia
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Posted by danking70 2004-08-26 16:01|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [23 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 If anyone finds a hot link to download the Swift Boat ad #3, please let us know.
Posted by Anonymoose 2004-08-26 4:54:09 PM||   2004-08-26 4:54:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 their server is overwhelmed - a Drudge-lanche
Posted by Frank G  2004-08-26 5:05:49 PM||   2004-08-26 5:05:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 The ever-present
Posted by BigEd 2004-08-26 5:10:21 PM||   2004-08-26 5:10:21 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 it's OK now - Gardner totally waxes Kerry over the Chrismas in Cambodia tale, saying "I was on his boat more than any other crewman" and calling him a liar
Posted by Frank G  2004-08-26 5:31:45 PM||   2004-08-26 5:31:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 This ad is pretty direct and to the point. Let's hope Kerry sees fit to fan the flames some more. So far, he's just bringing more and more attention to the Swiftees every day. Give Dubya at lot of credit for not snickering in public.
Posted by Tom 2004-08-26 5:41:15 PM||   2004-08-26 5:41:15 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Heard it on Hannity's radio show. Ouch!

Also, Beinert of the New Republic has just been on Hugh Hewitt. He was really strident, breathless and agitated.

Must be the new round of polls coming out.
Posted by BigEd 2004-08-26 6:23:48 PM||   2004-08-26 6:23:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 He was really strident, breathless and agitated.

You understate his state of mind. He was frantic.

And utterly unbelievable -- the Winter Soldier tripe is true? Were the "historians" he consulted on the Vietnamese payroll?
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-08-26 7:32:17 PM|| []  2004-08-26 7:32:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 this ad was a little weaker, but the KerrySpot noted that he just walked into the wood chipper:


My initial reaction was that the new ad from the Swift Boat Vets is the weakest one so far, and a tactical misstep.

Problem one is that it doesn't set up Kerry's claim of spending Christmas in Cambodia well enough. Is there no video of Kerry mentioning Cambodia at all? At the very least, the words, "seared - seared" need to get in there somewhere.

Problem two is that the Cambodia story has been out there a while; it will be old news to most of the political world. The Swifties have largely won that point; it's time to punch another hole in Kerry's Vietnam war hero image. With the last ad, it looked like the focus of the Swiftie campaign was shifting to Kerry's 1971 testimony; now we're back to the Vietnam years. Er, months.

Problem three is the timing. The Swift Boat Vets' ads have scored a direct hit on Kerry's image, and the polls show they've done some damage. But next week is the GOP convention, and the spotlight is going to shift to Bush. If I were advising the Swifties — and I'm not, obviously — I would suggest they stop running ads this weekend, and hold off the next wave until Sept. 15 or so. (If they run these ads around the anniversary of 9/11, the screams of outrage will be deafening, and besides, why bother running the ads when people aren't paying attention to politics?)

Of course, no sooner than I think that than I find Kerry said this, according to ABC News"

A revved up Kerry addressed Vietnam first retorting, "All the guys who were with me on my boat absolutely document what I've're now hearing about the lie. I am absolutely telling you the God's honest truth with regard to what happened over there."
So maybe this is the right time to run a new ad featuring a vet who was on Kerry's boat calling him a liar.

Posted by Frank G  2004-08-26 7:33:24 PM||   2004-08-26 7:33:24 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 "Problem two is that the Cambodia story has been out there a while; it will be old news to most of the political world." I disagree, Frank G. It's not the political world that will be doing most of the voting. The rank and file have heard confusing dribs and drabs, but now they hear, in effect, "I was there with Kerry and he's a liar."
Posted by Tom 2004-08-26 7:40:55 PM||   2004-08-26 7:40:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Well I sure as hell am not going to waste my time watching the RNC convention. I think they should keep up the Ads until the day that they have to stop. Never let your enemy up when you have him down never.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom 2004-08-26 7:44:49 PM||   2004-08-26 7:44:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 agreed Tom - Jim G was laying out his reasons why it wasn't effective, then noted (via the Note) Kerry putting out the flaming bag of dog shit that he'd dared they place on his porch...thereby making #2 et al inoperative. Proof once again, that the Kerry camp isn't ready for prime time
Posted by Frank G  2004-08-26 8:29:54 PM||   2004-08-26 8:29:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 New ad is at
Posted by AF Lady 2004-08-26 9:11:38 PM||   2004-08-26 9:11:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Sock Puppet, the convention's gonna be GREAT!
I can't wait!
President Bush's speech, Ahnold's, Rudy's, Zell Miller's...Wow!--Be there or be square!
Posted by GreatestJeneration  2004-08-26 9:44:38 PM|| []  2004-08-26 9:44:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Tactically, this one should have been the very first ad - but it shoudl have had some tape or footage of Kerry repeating the lie. Such a commercial would have initially established the SV's bona fides.

Follow that up with the purple heart/bronze-star questions, and then follow that with the Congressional Testimony, and then the 4th would be drawn from Winter Soldier.

Emphasize that they want an apology, and a retraction of the lies he told.

Then after that, you introduce the OPINIONs of Kerry's chain of command that he is unfit for command, and why they think so.
Posted by OldSpook 2004-08-26 10:03:53 PM||   2004-08-26 10:03:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Swiftvets may have planned to lead into Kerry's testimony,a real hot button.Also,film of his testimony was on C-span tonight and hearing it from the horses mouth.......Even my wife was pissed.
Posted by crazyhorse  2004-08-26 11:24:23 PM||   2004-08-26 11:24:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 Has it ever been shown in its entirty in the MSM? ABCCBSNBCCNNBBC?

Think it ever would be? (crickets....). Thought not :(.
Posted by Anonymous6185 2004-08-26 11:27:53 PM||   2004-08-26 11:27:53 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Oops, I am Anon6185 in the previous post :).
Posted by CrazyFool  2004-08-26 11:29:04 PM||   2004-08-26 11:29:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 You can rest assured that Kerry's camp is trying to track down every copy of that "seared, seared…" footage and keeping it off the air. This story has legs and the MSM will supress it at it's own peril.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom 2004-08-27 12:01:15 AM||   2004-08-27 12:01:15 AM|| Front Page Top

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