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2004-08-26 Great White North
Canadian Legislator Calls U.S. 'Idiots'
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Posted by Destro 2004-08-26 9:29:16 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [30 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 That's OK Mister Priome Minister. Probably Ms. Parrish is suffering from some disease, and is undergoing a treatment of medical marijuana, which we understand is legal in Canada.
Posted by BigEd 2004-08-26 11:38:00 AM||   2004-08-26 11:38:00 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 as if we care. Yawn..
Posted by B 2004-08-26 1:15:58 PM||   2004-08-26 1:15:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 U Amewicans r a bunch of stopid-heads!
Posted by Chris W.  2004-08-26 1:17:37 PM||   2004-08-26 1:17:37 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 In related news,displaying the backbone Canadians are known the world over for,a Canadian Olympics judge admitted he changed his score...because the crowd was booing!
Posted by Stephen 2004-08-26 2:37:45 PM||   2004-08-26 2:37:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 OK - I am Canadian and proud of it. Parrish is an idiot - simple as that. You elect 300 or so MPs and you are bound to get a few like her. She likes to shoot her mouth off on topics she knows nothing about. (In fact we have a few worse than her but they speak French so it never makes it into the US papers)

My appologies to our friends in the US.
Posted by Canuck 2004-08-26 2:49:34 PM||   2004-08-26 2:49:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 No apologies needed Canuck, we know there's a few Canadians with their heads stuck on straight up there. Rantburg has several intelligent, anti-idiotarian Canadian commentators and we welcome you to the fray.

Speaking of Canada, I'll be visiting T.O. over the Labour Day holiday. Any of my Canuckistan friends up for a drink?
Posted by Seafarious  2004-08-26 3:04:45 PM||   2004-08-26 3:04:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 She's no better or worse than Barbara Boxer or Nancy Pelosi or Patty Murray or...
Posted by Frank G  2004-08-26 3:06:55 PM||   2004-08-26 3:06:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 Canuck, it doesn't sound as if Parrish is actively subverting Canadian security. Will you take an exchange for Carol Mosely Braun? We'll throw in a 55-gallon drum of fresh New Orleans gumbo.
Posted by Super Hose  2004-08-26 3:09:17 PM||   2004-08-26 3:09:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 "There is no room in this debate for that kind of language," he told reporters, waving his hand dismissively.

"Dammit, Carolyn! You can't just call them idiots! We're trying to get under their defense system for free here, show some fake respect!"
Posted by BH 2004-08-26 3:10:41 PM||   2004-08-26 3:10:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Canuck -

It's prob'ly our fault. We shouldn't have made that "Strange Brew" movie...
Posted by Fred  2004-08-26 3:13:39 PM||   2004-08-26 3:13:39 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Good point, Frank. We have our own share of loose cannons. besides which, who cares what Parrish says -it's what regular Canadians are DOING in Afghanistan and in Iraq now - that counts.
"Canadians part of NATO training mission in Iraq"
August 26, 2004 Toronto Star
BAGHDAD - A tiny NATO training team that is instructing senior Iraqi military officers will stay in Iraq "for the foreseeable future" with the possibility of expanding its ranks as soon as next month, the head of the mission, Dutch Maj.-Gen. Karel Hilderink, said today...The 12 member countries involved are Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Britain and the United States.

Posted by rex 2004-08-26 5:15:35 PM||   2004-08-26 5:15:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Moderators - please fix Rex's oversize link - and Rex, please use an anchor href HTML tag for a link that long - it "widens" the page making it neccesary to scroll to read back and forth.

Legibility does count.
Posted by OldSpook 2004-08-26 5:25:44 PM||   2004-08-26 5:25:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 or use
Posted by Frank G  2004-08-26 5:29:55 PM||   2004-08-26 5:29:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 that movie made me love Canada lol...or was just the Canadian Beer
Posted by SCpatriot 2004-08-26 5:36:51 PM||   2004-08-26 5:36:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 Sorry. I should have just given the To. Star's url[anchor href HTML tag?] and let people link to the article from there. I will do that next time.
Posted by rex 2004-08-26 5:44:44 PM||   2004-08-26 5:44:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 no prob - lesson learned
Posted by Frank G  2004-08-26 5:53:48 PM||   2004-08-26 5:53:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 Not sure how to edit that URL down. Prolly Fred can. Links in comments are easy as pie:

1. Type your comment.
2. Highlight the word/phrase you wish to link.
3. Copy the url for the link right out of the browser window.
4. Hit the link button in the RB comment window. A "link window" will open up.
5. Paste the url into the link window, click "OK".
6. Fred fills in the html, link is added, everyone's happy.

IMO it's the easiest link interface in the blogosphere. Thanks, Fred!
Posted by Seafarious  2004-08-26 5:55:04 PM||   2004-08-26 5:55:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Canuck you are stuck with Parrish; I am stuck with Kerry (who speaks French; and did you know he served in Vietnam?). See, it could be worse.
Posted by Tom 2004-08-26 7:47:34 PM||   2004-08-26 7:47:34 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Well John Gibson notes we do a billion dollars a day in trade with Canada. Something tells me if we pulled the plug on half of that the Canada would colapse in 2 days. Just shut the border for a week and close our ports to vessles with Canadian cargoes or owners. Then see what happens. People in the north east US would have to do with out electricty for a few days. Maybe Canada would wake up.

The problem is most of the Canadians who love us live here in the US already.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom 2004-08-26 8:00:31 PM||   2004-08-26 8:00:31 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 Something tells me if we pulled the plug on half of that the Canada would colapse in 2 days.

And what, exactly, would that do to the US?

A more effective tactic is to simply ignore them. It REALLY gets under their skin.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-08-26 9:00:20 PM|| []  2004-08-26 9:00:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 close our ports to vessles with Canadian cargoes or owners. Then see what happens

Err...Alberta's oil and gas are not something we would want to bar from crossing our borders.

Canada is the world's 3rd largest natural gas producer and the world's 9th largest crude oil producer. Canada is the largest supplier of energy to the USA. In terms of crude oil reserves in the world, Canada is second only to Saudi Arabia.

Source: information presented to the Woodrow Wilson Forum on Cross Border Trade by the Cdn. Association of Petroleum Producers. I hope I get the link thingie done right-here goes...
Posted by rex 2004-08-26 9:20:13 PM||   2004-08-26 9:20:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#22 Oh so we are going to be hostage to oil and power? I say send the message. The US needs to wake up. We are too dependent on others for everything. The damm Dems and enviros are just like this flakey bitch and the Canadians that think like her. It's time we demand the US become enegry self sufficent. Oh I forgot the Dems and evniros are standing in the way of that.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom 2004-08-26 9:37:52 PM||   2004-08-26 9:37:52 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 Canada is the largest supplier of water to the USA :-P

Parrish is the idiot. If there is anyone she should apologize to besides the US, it's to all those people working in the hospitality industry.

I wish I could say she was an insignificant bag of air, but, a good portion of people actually voted for her. Losers and idiots all of them.
Posted by Rafael 2004-08-26 9:41:41 PM||   2004-08-26 9:41:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 BTW, if I recall correctly, water was exempted as a special resource under NAFTA.
Posted by Rafael 2004-08-26 9:43:29 PM||   2004-08-26 9:43:29 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 Actually, scratch my last comment. Water is not exempted in NAFTA. It is treated like any other commodity. But there are restrictions to its trade (not in NAFTA), and that's where the legal debate starts.
Sorry for the misinformation.
Posted by Rafael 2004-08-26 9:53:13 PM||   2004-08-26 9:53:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#26 Some comments

- as stated earlier, Parish is an idiot. There was a comment that a number of people voted for her. Well, yes. In one riding that was contested by three parties. She did not get a majority of the votes in her riding. She is not in Cabinet and may not be in the Liberal Party soon.

- yes, of course, you can destroy our economy in a few days if you shut the border to trade. And it wouldn't be a bad lesson for us, actually. But you (the US) are the ones buying the stuff and it would also cripple the economies of all your border states. Sure, you could probably replace it with your own industries in a generation but there is still an economic reason why you are buying the stuff.

- the US goal should be to put constant pressure on us from the US Gov't and other allies to increase our defense spending - not damaging both our economies.

- yes, ignoring us really pisses us off. "Blame it on Canada" made us feel important (not kidding)

- Canada has a "style" of saying one thing for the domestic audience and actually doing something else. With respect to the WOT, Canada has the largest military presence in the middle east than any nation other than Britian and the US - including the Aussies. That includes Army, Navy and Air Force.

- We don't spend enough on our military but what our men and women do in theatre is pretty significant.

- Finally, ain't Rantburg great!

Posted by Canuck 2004-08-26 10:50:13 PM||   2004-08-26 10:50:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#27 She did not get a majority of the votes in her riding.

According to this, she did. 54%.
Posted by Rafael 2004-08-26 11:07:59 PM||   2004-08-26 11:07:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#28 Raf, you got me. I was sure she didn't get a majority.
Posted by Canuck 2004-08-26 11:14:10 PM||   2004-08-26 11:14:10 PM|| Front Page Top

#29 You might be thinking of Landslide Annie :-)
Posted by Rafael 2004-08-26 11:23:41 PM||   2004-08-26 11:23:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#30 - yes, ignoring us really pisses us off. "Blame it on Canada" made us feel important (not kidding)

In the interest of good mutual relations, we present the credentials of our new ambassador, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. Now what inbred, French poodle riding does Parrish represent? 'Cause Triumph needs a new b!tch.
Posted by ed 2004-08-26 11:27:47 PM||   2004-08-26 11:27:47 PM|| Front Page Top

#31 This is rich in the "Landslide Annie" link "Peggy Morton,Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada,78"
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom 2004-08-27 12:12:14 AM||   2004-08-27 12:12:14 AM|| Front Page Top

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