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2004-07-05 Home Front: Culture Wars
Institutionalizing our demise: America vs. multiculturalism
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Posted by tipper 2004-07-05 10:59|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [17 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Wow...

It takes a long time to digest this piece, but that is mainly due to the fact that it is a serious summary of the ills we suffer for our tolerance. So much of it rings true that I've saved it as a source for quotes - hell, it's the motherlode of quotes about multi-culti myths vs truth.

It poses the most serious question, at least for an American, I've yet seen on RB:
How do we survive our open system -- and simultaneously ensure our open system survives?

Once, the assimilated sub-populations assisted by demanding assimilation by the newer immigrants. Assimilation = Success was the formula.

Observation: The challenge is that, though the formula is still true and accurate, it's not being promoted as before. That moment has passed as the manipulators and power-seekers within each group that have ascended to control many / most of the immigrant groups no longer require their group's success to enhance their power - sheer numbers now suffice.

Is this an accurate description of where the process has broken down? I'd like to hear opinions from others, particularly Americans as it's our problem - and I think the most serious threat we've ever faced. It ties into our will to face external threats and contributes heavily to the divisions we face today.

How can we deal with these tumors, these groups promoting ethnic exclusion and non-assimilation, on the body politic - without killing the host?

Great posting, Tipper, Thx!
Posted by .com 2004-07-05 2:28:58 PM||   2004-07-05 2:28:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Brilliant. Absolutely wonderful. We need more of this stuff, and not just in online and hard-copy conservative fortresses (no offense intended to anyone, of course; I'm as much a part of it as much as anyone else here, but it does seem appropriate), but in the general public reading. The word needs to get out: this is the truth, and that's a more powerful weapon than anything else.
Posted by The Doctor 2004-07-05 2:41:32 PM||   2004-07-05 2:41:32 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 The answer - "rough men in the night".
Posted by Edward Yee  2004-07-05 3:39:59 PM|| []  2004-07-05 3:39:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 That Gettysburg thing got me!
Posted by Lucky 2004-07-05 4:13:30 PM||   2004-07-05 4:13:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 The answer is: screw PC.

I make it a point to do or say at least one non-PC thing every day, and I invite all who wish our nation to survive to join me.
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2004-07-05 4:57:02 PM||   2004-07-05 4:57:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Dot-com:

I concur with the author of that piece that we are at a crossroads, and that the future of our country hangs in the balance. But I'm afraid I don't share his optimism about our prospects for survival.

Nothing in my lifetime-- not even the turbulent Sixties-- has shocked me as much as the fervent anti-Americanism now gripping not just the Leftist moonbats among us, but allegedly "mainstream" Democrats as well. These people really, truly detest everything that makes this country good and decent, and they are determined to destroy it and replace it with their politics of strategic victimhood.

Frankly, I think we're headed toward civil war.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-07-05 6:19:44 PM||   2004-07-05 6:19:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Dave D - You may be right, but remember who has the guns. And whose side the military would be on.

Might be a good time to lay in some extra ammo. I understand it will last for years if properly stored.
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2004-07-05 6:22:56 PM||   2004-07-05 6:22:56 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 I've got a cannon. 1862 3inch Ordnance Rifle.
Posted by Deacon Blues  2004-07-05 6:57:18 PM||   2004-07-05 6:57:18 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 I guess I would suggest that America is not at a crossroads; America is a crossroads. Always has been and maybe always will be. The friction between opposing points of view and among various groups of people seems to me to be a key generator of our success.

I am also constantly impressed by how little success the academic purveyors of PC are having. They are successful in the sense of having virtually complete domination of the classroom; but I don't see much reflection of that success in the 20-year olds I come in contact with, who are still very much "on the make" in the traditional American way.

So call me an optimist.
Posted by Matt 2004-07-05 7:04:30 PM||   2004-07-05 7:04:30 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Deacon - I've got a different kind of cannon - Winchester saddlegun (lever action) that shoots .44 Magnum jacketed hollow points. After about 50 yds I have to arc 'em in due to tumbling :-)
Posted by Frank G  2004-07-05 7:12:41 PM||   2004-07-05 7:12:41 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Dave D - We do live in interesting times. I think your statement rings true - and echoes Atomic Conspiracy's prediction of violence this summer / fall.

Tipper was on an interesting tour of the 'Net, just before this article he posted another (immediately below) from the VDH site. I don't agree with that piece, despite the depth of the arguments - I recommend it right up until the very end as reasoned and worthy, for it suffers from the same problem of non-realpolitik that we're seeing here on RB so frequently these days: blaming Bush because he fails to do the extremes. I've mentioned that we've been infiltrated by some new critters, namely the Stealth Troll and Troll'jan - they come here to accomplish 2 things, as far as I can see:

1) therapy; here they vent their anger - jihadists, Mullahs, House of Saud, Allawi being an Arab and thinking amnesty makes sense, etc.; pretty obvious

2) take shots at Bush; usually complaining that he's not willing to go far enough - sometimes letting the mask slip and screeching pure LLL tripe; far less obvious when the mask doesn't slip

Example: today, in this thread ( check out comment #6 and look for the text: (END ITAL). I suggest that this is direct cut 'n paste tripe from some Donk Talking Points site - a "Shrub" Hit Site of pre-digested Troll droppings, not original thought.

Perfection does not exist, apologies to the followers of Cathol, even the Pope doesn't possess it. Bush operates within reality - unlike the trolls. Yes, it would be nice if he stopped saying Islam is a religion and called it another totalitarian ideology little different from Communism or whatever, but in the real world that would be political suicide. You and I can agree, I hope, that everything must be done in steps, the bully pulpit is a point from which you can lead, not drag, the body politic. I was a Donkish Independent all my life - until 9/11. I was pretty independent - the only guy I ever voted for at the national level that won was Carter. On 9/11, I was in Saudi Arabia - and that event caused me to stop cold and rethink everything - from scratch. I eventually arrived at the point where it was obvious that, unless we survive the threats from within and without, nothing else matters. So the back-biting twits can go fuck themselves - they have no plan, no answer, no grasp of reality, and nothing to add to any discussion. What they contribute, in fact, has begun to be clear to me: Western-style seething.

We're in deep shit, bro. Surrounded on all sides by trolls, cry-babies turned screechers, and truly concentrated subversive fifth column assholes like Soros and the MSM. I can tell you that I have precisely one thing left to do in this world: hang out until November and vote for Bush. If the zipperheads win, I'm gone - I recommend Chiang Mai (check it out!) and the place in Mexico we talked about once before. If Bush wins, then I'll hang around and happily support the on-going WoT, within and without. I do agree it's going to get ugly - really ugly.

Another thing is becoming clear to me: this is how Zapatero got elected. We should go easy on the Spaniards, for we are right on their heels, if the polls can be believed.

If violence comes, and I, too, think it will, then some will learn from that. Others will have to be escorted to the border. I'll volunteer for that duty, since I'm no longer fit to kill Mullah boyz and jihadis, unless they'll take me as a sniper.

Take Barb's advice, stock up on ammo and water, bro.
Posted by .com 2004-07-05 7:22:12 PM||   2004-07-05 7:22:12 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 "Yes, it would be nice if he stopped saying Islam is a religion and called it another totalitarian ideology little different from Communism or whatever, but in the real world that would be political suicide."

...not to mention that it would also be the height of strategic stupidity. Talk about telegraphing our punches!

Regarding the trolls, I call that type the "belligerent hand-wringers"-- for despite their superficial hawkishness, in the end they're just anxiety-ridden twits who express their worries through violent fantasy.
Posted by Dave D. 2004-07-05 7:44:01 PM||   2004-07-05 7:44:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Attacks from within. Has anyone seen the protests against the Twins giving GI Joes at a baseball game? The weinerhead I saw interviewed said "I think it sends the wrong message". What message is a GI Joe sending? The objections of some Mothers Against War group doesn't want "war toys" in the hands of children. What exactly are they afraid of? I don't understand this whole "inappropriate at a baseball game" thing. If you don't want your kid playing with GI Joe don't let him or her have one. These people don't want my kids to have them either and think for some reason that what toys my kids play with is their business. Hey, people, Mind your own business.
Posted by Deacon Blues  2004-07-05 9:13:05 PM||   2004-07-05 9:13:05 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Deacon - bring it out to our annual Civil War cannon Live Fire in Jan.
Posted by Tobacconist  2004-07-06 4:03:10 AM|| []  2004-07-06 4:03:10 AM|| Front Page Top

17:51 jules 187
17:34 Seafarious
17:33 Sock Puppet of Doom
17:27 Anonymous6584
04:34 Anonymous6390
04:43 Howard UK
04:03 Tobacconist
00:50 Anonymous4617
00:27 Super Hose
00:25 Super Hose
00:21 Super Hose
00:21 Lucky
00:20 Mark Espinola
00:19 Super Hose
00:18 Anonymous5430
00:18 Super Hose
00:15 Super Hose
00:14 Edward Yee
00:13 Lucky
00:12 Super Hose
00:09 Super Hose
00:07 Frank G
00:00 Super Hose
23:54 Super Hose

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