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2004-07-05 Caribbean-Latin America
Mexican Town Mourns Marine Killed in Iraq
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Posted by Steve White 2004-07-05 12:28:54 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [23 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 the 22-year-old who gave his life in a conflict most Mexicans don't believe in.

Like the reporter took a pole. And most believe as the reporter does, of course.

Trash his service pricks. Of course it wasn't worth it, peace is cool. Cool is cool.

What, pray tell, do the Mexicanos believe in?
Posted by Lucky 2004-07-05 1:17:00 AM||   2004-07-05 1:17:00 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Four Mexican soldiers had blocked the pallbearers path, asking the Marines and six others who had served as pallbearers to return to a Chevy Suburban that had brought them to the funeral. More than a dozen Mexican soldiers blocked it from leaving for about 45 minutes, before finally allowing the Marines to go.

Anybody up for more Immigration Service sweeps, swift deportations, and more frequently patrolled borders?
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2004-07-05 1:50:57 AM||   2004-07-05 1:50:57 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 How about the next time the Mexican Army is caught across the border, we return their blackened and charred teeth and let their government know that the next group crossing the border will be considered an act of war.
Posted by Silentbrick  2004-07-05 2:11:08 AM||   2004-07-05 2:11:08 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 Silent Brick,

Does the Mexican Army cross the border often? In its official capacity, I mean.
Posted by trailing wife 2004-07-05 2:21:09 AM||   2004-07-05 2:21:09 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Folks, Lance Cpl. Lopez and his native land deserve both our thanks and our respect today. Let's try to remember that Mexicans cross the border looking for a life that their homeland cannot provide them and I'm certain L.C. Lopez was no exception.

He was clearly among the best of us. May Mexico send us many more like him who not only share our ideals but value them enough to risk their lives in their defense.
Posted by AzCat 2004-07-05 3:04:55 AM||   2004-07-05 3:04:55 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Sorry, #5, I don't agree with you. I think Lance Cpl. Lopez was the exception not the rule. He was a very patriotic individual and I tip my hat to his sacrifice. But nonetheless, he was not a symbol. He was a unique individual.

I think Hispanics come across the border come for a variety of reasons. Some come to better their lives through hard work. Some come for the perks of welfare, education, and superior health care.. Some come for nefarious motiveslike transporting drugs. I see no empirical evidence to suggest that the majority of Hispanics come across the border to better their lives through hardwork, and I don't see any evidence to suggest that illegal aliens are transformed into American patriots during their stay here. If I am not mistaken Hispanics, especially illegal Mexican aliens, are under represented in the military. Sorry to be the one to be the cold slap of realityspeak. Read the following article at City Journal, a neocon research institute:
"The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave"by Heather Mac Donald

As for your question, #4, though I'm not SilentBrick, perhaps I can answer your question , nonetheless. According to a Townhall article:
Now, thanks to the investigative work of Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., we've learned that since 1996 to 2002, the INS bureaucracy has been covering up cross-border incursions by armed Mexican military and law-enforcement personnel. According to Tancredo, in the last six years, at least 118 incursions have occurred across the U.S. border -- 61 by Mexican military and 57 by Mexican law-enforcement personnel.
"Last year," he told me, "there were 23 recorded incidents -- most of them transpiring in areas frequented by drug traffickers and body smugglers," the people who slip illegal aliens into the country for a fee. "And worse yet," he said, "these corrupt Mexican Federales (END ITAL) and soldiers who provide armed cover for this invasion are shooting at U.S. Forest Service, Indian Police and Border Patrol officers." He cited an incident on May 17, when a Border Patrol agent came under fire near Ajo, Ariz. The agent told Tancredo that he saw three Mexican soldiers in a HUMMV, at least 5 miles inside the U.S. border, when one of them opened fire and shot out two windows of the U.S. officer's Chevy Tahoe."This is unacceptable, it's tantamount to an act of war," said the congressman, a member of the House International Relations Committee...

Posted by rex 2004-07-05 3:32:10 AM||   2004-07-05 3:32:10 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 Thanks Rex, for digging that up to answer the question. It'd of taken me a while to find it. The Mexican Army has crossed the border, in uniform and in official vehicles. If they are not acting in an official capacity, then Mexico better handle the problem before it's done by the Texas National Guard.
Posted by Silentbrick  2004-07-05 4:03:39 AM||   2004-07-05 4:03:39 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 Let the National Guard handle it NOW.
Posted by Jack Bross  2004-07-05 4:46:25 AM|| []  2004-07-05 4:46:25 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 "I think Lance Cpl. Lopez was the exception not the rule. He was a very patriotic individual and I tip my hat to his sacrifice. But nonetheless, he was not a symbol. He was a unique individual. I think Hispanics come across the border come for a variety of reasons. Some come to better their lives through hard work. Some come for the perks of welfare, education, and superior health care.. Some come for nefarious motiveslike transporting drugs. I see no empirical evidence to suggest that the majority of Hispanics come across the border to better their lives through hardwork, and I don't see any evidence to suggest that illegal aliens are transformed into American patriots during their stay here."

Although no a Mexican, I am Latin and what you wrote applies to a lot of us. We have been taught that the reason that we have not been able to develop successful economies and decent countries is because of US's greed and ruthlessness. It is so ingrained in our psyche, that even when enjoying a good life in the States, the first reaction is to condemn it and side with whomever is against it.
We have a number of latins here who carry American passports or are US residents, and with the exception of 2 or 3, they are all rabidy anti-American. They would not dream of moving back to their countries of origin or moving to Europe, and yet, they do not waste an oppotunity to shit on the country. In that respect, I hate to admit, we are just like muslims.
Posted by Anonymous4617 2004-07-05 5:06:08 AM||   2004-07-05 5:06:08 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 We have been taught that the reason that we have not been able to develop successful economies and decent countries is because of US's greed and ruthlessness.

Heh. Where have I heard this before...oh yes, all over the freakin' world! It's not only Latin America that has this symptom.
Posted by Rafael 2004-07-05 2:31:11 PM||   2004-07-05 2:31:11 PM|| Front Page Top

"Let's try to remember that Mexicans cross the border looking for a life that their homeland cannot provide them"

I live in the DFW area and you can't swing a dead cat without hitting an illegal. They burden our health care and education systems, break our laws, do not pay taxes AND take jobs from Americans and legal immigrants.

Don't take jobs you say? BS! You can't find an American tradesman hardly at all, black or white. That's because the illegals will work for much less and do not have any of the overhead associated with a legitimate business.

Oh, and let's not forget the mockery they make of those that immigrate here legally. I can't tell you the cost I've incurred and the hoops I have been forced to jump through to get my Indian wife a Green Card. And she is a highly educated University level teacher.

So, I take a VERY hard line vis-a-vis illegal immigrants, especially Mexicans!

If it is true that Mexican Army and Law Enforcement are making armed incursions across our border, then a bunch of folks need to be shot, not just the Mexicans. I feel in my heart that there is serious treachery coming down the pike.

"We have been taught that the reason that we have not been able to develop successful economies and decent countries is because of US's greed and ruthlessness."

You don't have decent economies or countries because of YOUR, greedy, corrupt, incompetent and ruthless governments.

America, Love it or leave it! This is not just a fancy saying.

Posted by Crazy in Texas 2004-07-05 3:53:48 PM||   2004-07-05 3:53:48 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 CiT - You misread A4617's comments. She's lamenting the idiocy, not condoning it. Slow down, bro! I lived in DFW area for about 30 yrs and can confirm your assertions. :-)
Posted by .com 2004-07-05 4:01:09 PM||   2004-07-05 4:01:09 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 #12
"She's lamenting the idiocy, not condoning it. "

Sorry! Obviously this is an emotionally charged issue for me. Struggling with INS over my wife, while illegals get the Red Carpet and Kid Gloves treatment makes me...well...Crazy in Texas!

Posted by Crazy in Texas 2004-07-05 4:27:54 PM||   2004-07-05 4:27:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 If it is true that Mexican Army and Law Enforcement are making armed incursions across our border
It's true. Rep. Tom Tancredo has been interviewed on several talk shows and on FOX News about the belligerence of the Federales and Mexican police and the dangers of our easily penetrable southern border combined with the rampant corruption in Mexico.

Fyi, in November, 2002, as reported in a Rollcall article, Tancredo was told by Karl Rove "never to darken the door of the White House again" because of his criticism of GWB's soft on Hispanic illegal immigration and his truthful revelations about Mexico's disregard for our borders and border control officers by its military and its police. Subsequently, NumbersUSA actually asked readers of its immigration reform website to send letters and faxes to the WH in 12/18/02 to tell Karl Rove to back off from his nastiness to Tancredo. Apparently Rove was planning to bankroll any Republican candidate who would challenge Tancredo in the '04 primary.
Posted by rex 2004-07-05 4:29:01 PM||   2004-07-05 4:29:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 CiT - No sweat, A4617's our bud! And I don't think you're Crazy at all!

Following the rules, painful in the extreme I'd guess, gives you the right to rip INS / Immigration for their lameness --- and the political asswipes who hope to find gain in promoting blanket amnesty for illegals. Those who do it by the rules must be given preference and respected for their patience and fortitude - obviously they'll make excellent citizens. Those that don't should be sent back - to wherever. My $0.02...
Posted by .com 2004-07-05 4:36:28 PM||   2004-07-05 4:36:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 According to this article in the Houston Chronicle, it's even worse than we thought: the Marines were carrying replicas, not real, rifles, when stopped by the Mexican soldiers.
Posted by Steve White  2004-07-05 6:17:00 PM||   2004-07-05 6:17:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 living in San Diego, which used to be the favorite gateway, we've seen a large drop in illegals - they're all shifted east. Keep shifting them east and eventually they'll reach the Gulf
Posted by Frank G  2004-07-05 6:52:49 PM||   2004-07-05 6:52:49 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Not too fast tho - let New Mexico suffer for a little while. Maybe they'll get on board wrt immigration reform.
Posted by Pappy 2004-07-05 8:24:57 PM||   2004-07-05 8:24:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#19 Let's try to remember that Mexicans cross the border looking for a life that their homeland cannot provide them..

They'd get a lot more respect and a lot less hostility if they got in line like everybody else.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2004-07-05 8:34:44 PM||   2004-07-05 8:34:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#20 I agree w/Rex - Tancredo is a good dude. I'd also penalize the dog sh*t (i.e. shutdown) any businesses found hiring illegals. Make it un-profitable and it will slow down. Next, we put the mil on the border to help the BP guys. Any Mexican mil interventions are meant w/hellfires and jdams.
Posted by Jarhead 2004-07-05 10:30:16 PM||   2004-07-05 10:30:16 PM|| Front Page Top

#21 Check your statistics. Approx.40% of the current American Marines in Iraq are Mexican Americans. But do not take my word for it, check the Marine KIA rolls in Iraq since last year and you'll see Mexican American over representation in this arena. I do not hear any of you whining about Chicanos taking your places in those coffins with metal handles. Read Raul Morin's book "Among the Valiant" to get an idea of Mexican American involvement in World War II. Do a search on Sgt. Jose Lopez who during World War II, single handedly killed over 100 Germans in one firefight, winning the CMH. Approx. 500,000 Mexican Americans served in the Armed Forces in World War II. 10,000 Mexicn Americans fought in the Civil War. Mexicans won many Medal of Honors during World War II. Even an illegal alien won a Medal of Honor for America during World War II. Many Mexican American families had many stars on their home windows during World War II. Do a search on CMH winner Special Forces SGT. Roy Benavides, to get a good idea of what Mexicans contributed during the Vietnam War. He was shot many times with an AK-47, and had 37 shrapnel wounds during one firefight, but he saved the lives of several Green Beret buddies. Almost every Mexican family in California had a son in the military during the Vietnam War. Many Mexican American families had several sons in the military during the Vietnam War. I know that for a fact. I was a kid during the Vietnam War, and I watched many Mexican American friends and relatives head off to that war. I also have many Mexican American relatives and friends in the Armed Forces stationed in Iraq. Most of them are assigned to combat units, not the easy support jobs. But do not take my word for it, do a search on Hero St, Illinois to see that many Mexican communities contributed greatly to the U.S. war machine. But yet all Mexican Americans hear is the constant Caucasian whining and paranoia. How many Mexican American terrorist suicide bombers have you heard of? Mexicans come over the border not to kill you, but to do all of your menial jobs, soldiering included. You should also remember that Mexicans were here before Euro-Americans. We did not come to you, you came to us and set up your borders. Caucasians should be thankful that a radical Moslem country is not their neighbor. Where is the gratitude? Instead of the movie called "Saving Private Ryan", they should have made one called "Saving Private Jose".
Posted by Anonymous6390 2004-09-11 4:34:10 AM||   2004-09-11 4:34:10 AM|| Front Page Top

17:51 jules 187
17:34 Seafarious
17:33 Sock Puppet of Doom
17:27 Anonymous6584
04:34 Anonymous6390
04:43 Howard UK
04:03 Tobacconist
00:50 Anonymous4617
00:27 Super Hose
00:25 Super Hose
00:21 Super Hose
00:21 Lucky
00:20 Mark Espinola
00:19 Super Hose
00:18 Anonymous5430
00:18 Super Hose
00:15 Super Hose
00:14 Edward Yee
00:13 Lucky
00:12 Super Hose
00:09 Super Hose
00:07 Frank G
00:00 Super Hose
23:54 Super Hose

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