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2004-05-21 Home Front: WoT
Why no Mention of the obvious?
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Posted by Long Hair Republican 2004-05-21 6:41:48 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [26 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 "FBI sources say there’s no hard intelligence warning of specific plans by terrorists to launch suicide attacks here like those wreaking havoc in Israel and Iraq. .....In fact, U.S. analysts are at a loss to explain why the homeland has thus far escaped such attacks,"

Because it's a lie - no-one is interested in coming to America to destroy the way of life that all American enjoy! The opposition is to the forcible export of the American or western culture to countries that aren't obsessed with capital gains. They don't try to force their way of life on us, so why are we so keen to force it on them?
Posted by yorgos 2004-05-21 7:19:28 PM||   2004-05-21 7:19:28 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 nice, "yorgos". Especially the "us" reference
Posted by Frank G  2004-05-21 7:28:55 PM||   2004-05-21 7:28:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 "Because it's a lie - no-one is interested in coming to America to destroy the way of life that all American enjoy! "
Gee, Count Yorgos Vampire, did you chat with the 19 IslamoNazi 9/11 hijackers before they did their attack?
Guess you didn't get that memo.
Posted by Jen  2004-05-21 7:34:45 PM|| []  2004-05-21 7:34:45 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 The FBI, et al, might be doing their PC fetish and not want to say "Middle Eastern Men 16-40".

Doesn't stop us from being reserved and eyeballing suspicious activity amongst these folks, and reporting same, and getting the name of the bureaucrat we report the problem to, with time and date.
Posted by BigEd 2004-05-21 7:40:04 PM||   2004-05-21 7:40:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Okay, Yorgos, I'll bite.

The Islamacists are indeed intent on imposing their way of life on the rest of the world, by force if necessary, until a Moslem Caliphate rules us all according to Moslem law.

I rather object to that, myself.

Re: why we haven't seen another attack in the US, it is due to several causes. First, some planned attacks have been disrupted. Second, many young jihadists are busy hustling over to Iraq and similar places. And third, it is an explicit strategy of the Islamacist ideologues that Moslems should move to Europe, have lots of babies and Islamacize Europe first, before the final push to defeat the US and Israel.

Finally, large attacks like 9/11 take years to put in place.
Posted by rkb  2004-05-21 7:42:43 PM||   2004-05-21 7:42:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 LhR: The Islamacists are busy recruiting Europeans to commit violent terror acts, which is why the FBI didn't say "middle eastern men".
Posted by rkb  2004-05-21 7:45:20 PM||   2004-05-21 7:45:20 PM|| Front Page Top

#7 Yorgos, Fidel called to say he wants you back at the house before 11pm.
Posted by Rafael 2004-05-21 7:48:13 PM||   2004-05-21 7:48:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#8 ....he needs his toenails clipped
Posted by Frank G  2004-05-21 7:49:23 PM||   2004-05-21 7:49:23 PM|| Front Page Top

#9 They don't try to force their way of life on us, so why are we so keen to force it on them?

Two words: Hamtramck, Michigan.
Posted by Robert Crawford  2004-05-21 7:51:27 PM|| []  2004-05-21 7:51:27 PM|| Front Page Top

#10 Hamtramck, Michigan - When the Imam gets laryngitis, they have a recording.
Posted by BigEd 2004-05-21 7:53:01 PM||   2004-05-21 7:53:01 PM|| Front Page Top

#11 Because it's a lie - no-one is interested in coming to America to destroy the way of life that all American enjoy!
And you know this because? More authoritarian clairvoyance. It's an old story, Emperor Napoleon addresses the troops....
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2004-05-21 7:57:33 PM||   2004-05-21 7:57:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#12 Rkb is right, we've speculated before about the extreme left fifth column whipping itself into a violent frenzy and what form this will take when it finally reaches critical mass and makes the all important transition from pop-culture delusion to lethal reality.

Few MumiaCong radicals would want to forego their trust funds and the hope of future media careers to take up suicide bombing. It only takes a few, however, from among millions.

The terrorist planners are monsters, but they are not fools. There should be no shortage of willing recruits if the planners know some psychology and have done their homework on the antiwar movement and far left subculture.

An ideal recruit would be a socially isolated individual who has already tried to gain social acceptance in a left-wing organization but who has failed because of poor social skills or low status rather than through any lack of revolutionary zeal.
A working class student who has been rejected by middle-class lefties for social reasons would be in denial about the real causes, of course, and the most unbalanced would seek some spectacular gesture to guarantee acceptance.
The glorification of Palestinian suicide bombers and other "martyrs" would naturally suggest this course to such persons.

American suicide bomber, most likely profile:
WM, 18-25, overweight, conciously stereotyped left-conformist dress and mannerisms, failing or failed student in upscale college, failed artist (more likely graphic than music), history of depression, lower middle class background.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2004-05-21 8:20:10 PM||   2004-05-21 8:20:10 PM|| Front Page Top

#13 Atomic Conspiracy wrote "American suicide bomber, most likely profile:
WM, 18-25, overweight, conciously stereotyped left-conformist dress and mannerisms, failing or failed student in upscale college, failed artist (more likely graphic than music), history of depression, lower middle class background"

Damn! I'm surrounded!!!!

Posted by spiffo 2004-05-21 8:51:57 PM||   2004-05-21 8:51:57 PM|| Front Page Top

#14 Neuman!!!
Posted by Deacon Blues  2004-05-21 8:56:04 PM||   2004-05-21 8:56:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#15 "Damn! I'm surrounded!!!!"

We know.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2004-05-21 9:05:42 PM||   2004-05-21 9:05:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#16 The FBI, et al, might be doing their PC fetish and not want to say "Middle Eastern Men 16-40".

Doesn't stop us from being reserved and eyeballing suspicious activity amongst these folks, and reporting same, and getting the name of the bureaucrat we report the problem to, with time and date.

This is probably one of the most damaging lies of those who demand "open-mindedness" about even the most hideous of moral corruption.

Only officers of the court are obliged to consider anyone "innocent until proven guilty." This doesn't mean that people, accused or not, should be given the benefit of the doubt but there is absolutely nothing that obliges thinking people not to draw their own conclusions from educated guesses.

It is exactly this sort of moronic banana oil that prevents domestic airlines from conducting thorough searches of more than two passengers meeting the same racial profile.

American citizens are under no obligation whatsoever to avoid reaching their own conclusions about the complicity of well matched candidates in potential terrorist activity.

In fact, for the sake of our own survival, so long as Islamist terrorists continue to perpetrate ever greater horrors upon our world, we gradually become (if anything) more obliged to scrutinize those who match the profile of those offenders who precede them.

Anyone who is incapable of reaching such a conclusion probably qualifies as a flatliner. Islamists depend upon our ingrained unwillingness to prejudge. People who are unable to draw ready conclusions subsequent to horror after repeated horror are, in effect, enablers of those who seek to perpetrate these atrocities.
Posted by Zenster 2004-05-21 9:43:33 PM||   2004-05-21 9:43:33 PM|| Front Page Top

#17 OK Atomic Conspiracy--thanks for pulling that "profile" outta your ass--lower middle class--going to an upscale college?! As if
Posted by Not Mike Moore 2004-05-22 12:24:56 AM||   2004-05-22 12:24:56 AM|| Front Page Top

#18 Au Contraire, Not-Mike, thanks for revealing your prejudice, as well as your complete ignorance of the student-body demographics of up-scale colleges.
Posted by Atomic Conspiracy 2004-05-22 12:30:46 AM||   2004-05-22 12:30:46 AM|| Front Page Top

#19 Guys, if they have no specific intelligence, then why issue a specific warning? There's a reason they're called Famous But Incompetent.
Posted by longtime lurker 2004-05-22 8:40:44 AM||   2004-05-22 8:40:44 AM|| Front Page Top

#20 "In fact, for the sake of our own survival, so long as Islamist terrorists continue to perpetrate ever greater horrors upon our world, we gradually become (if anything) more obliged to scrutinize those who match the profile of those offenders who precede them."

Ever greater horrors upon OUR world? Yes, such an inconvienience that non-americans live on this planet, isn't it?

A nuclear bomb going off in your backyard is a pretty extreme terror! Depleted uranium littering your suburb is a pretty extreme form of terror, don't you think?

Only Great Britain and the USA have used nuclear weapons against other humans. In WWII the Polish Cavalry (on horseback, real horses) charged German Tanks. Polish terror tactics! I believe there was a tank whose paint was chipped by a sabre.

Take pride Americans that, each year, you allow your government to spend more money on WMD than 3rd world countries have to run their entire economies. But you've gotto do that of course, 'cause everyones' just lining up and waiting to invade! In fact, I'm sure that there's a picture of Usama bin Laden with a pamphlet detailing real estate prices in down town L.A.

Ignorance is bliss - just ask Donald Rumps...
Posted by yorgos 2004-05-22 10:20:49 AM||   2004-05-22 10:20:49 AM|| Front Page Top

#21 Only Great Britain and the USA have used nuclear weapons against other humans

you allow your government to spend more money on WMD than 3rd world countries have to run their entire economies
keep that in mind Moron

Bye Moron watch out for Ivan.
Posted by Shipman 2004-05-22 10:28:55 AM||   2004-05-22 10:28:55 AM|| Front Page Top

#22 #21 Only Great Britain and the USA have used nuclear weapons against other humans

Shipman's response:Moron.

you allow your government to spend more money on WMD than 3rd world countries have to run their entire economies

Shipman's response: keep that in mind Moron Bye Moron watch out for Ivan.

Well they're great responses, no?
Not the example of your average US Citizen's intelligence. But a true example of the favourite typle of suicide bomber recruite! One whose ability express a different point of view depands soley on ad hominem attacks and personal threats!

From the standard little red, white and blue, pocket-survival and know your terrorist manual:

Term: Shipman (AKA Moron)- A person whose intellectual development proceeds normally up to about 8 - 12 years of age after which there is little or no further development.
Posted by yorgos 2004-05-22 4:54:51 PM||   2004-05-22 4:54:51 PM|| Front Page Top

#23 yorgos - when / where did the Brits use a nuke?
Posted by Raj 2004-05-22 5:03:58 PM|| []  2004-05-22 5:03:58 PM|| Front Page Top

#24 Raj> I believe that by "nuclear weapons" he's referring to depleted uranium weapons.

If that's so, myself I'd have used "radioactive weapons" perhaps to be more accurate. There's no splitting of the nucleus after all, radiation's the problem instead.
Posted by Aris Katsaris  2004-05-22 5:19:00 PM||   2004-05-22 5:19:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#25 #23 yorgos - when / where did the Brits use a nuke?
The Brits as part of the NATO force acknowledged using depleted uranium ammunition in Bosnia in late 1994 and 1995 and they also used DU anti tank shells in Iraq.
Posted by yorgos 2004-05-22 5:23:04 PM||   2004-05-22 5:23:04 PM|| Front Page Top

15:21 Anonymous5082
18:49 NCO
00:55 Jen
23:51 Tex
13:12 Anonymous4985
20:16 Curious
19:04 muck4doo
18:59 .com
18:53 muck4doo
18:37 Big Mama
18:30 Romana
17:23 yorgos
17:19 Aris Katsaris
17:15 yorgos
17:03 Raj
16:54 yorgos
10:28 Shipman
10:20 yorgos
09:17 Mike Sylwester
08:40 longtime lurker
08:38 Mike Sylwester
08:37 longtime lurker
08:34 longtime lurker
06:14 Shipman

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