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2004-05-21 Home Front: WoT
Military Takes Action Against Sgt Samuel Provance
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Posted by BigEd 2004-05-21 6:14:11 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [24 views since 2007-05-07]  Top


Kerry Supporter Provance

Posted by BigEd 2004-05-21 6:20:35 PM||   2004-05-21 6:20:35 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 He said that while he did not see the actual abuse take place,.... Then why is he described as a witness? A more apt term would be 'rumor monger'. I've read nothing where Provance reported his 'information' thru command channels. Instead the weasel goes to the media.
His attorney claims Provance is being intimidated for coming forward. Problem is he did not come forward. Instead he went out of his way to smear the Army and the nation.
Posted by GK 2004-05-21 7:20:42 PM||   2004-05-21 7:20:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 GK- My exact point - true ever since this cockroach appeared on the scene.
Posted by BigEd 2004-05-21 7:34:43 PM||   2004-05-21 7:34:43 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Hope the left has a job opening for you. Most companies DO NOT like thier IT people spreading rumors or talking to the press. Kind of a TRUST thing they have with the Network Admins. Good luck on your next career.
Posted by Cyber Sarge  2004-05-21 10:45:13 PM||   2004-05-21 10:45:13 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 the problem is that Provance doesn't seem to have any real evidence other then hearsay, and unless he can name names of MI's who are also accused of abuse - then most mil defense attorney's will fillet him in court.
Posted by Jarhead 2004-05-21 11:11:42 PM||   2004-05-21 11:11:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Come on--especially you military guys--you mean to tell me soldiers don't talk about things going on? That must be the quietest worplace I've ever heard of--someone farts down the hall I hear about it in my office
Posted by Not Mike Moore 2004-05-22 12:27:50 AM||   2004-05-22 12:27:50 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 Come on--especially you military guys--you mean to tell me soldiers don't talk about things going on? That must be the quietest workplace I've ever heard of--someone farts down the hall I hear about it in my office
Posted by Not Mike Moore 2004-05-22 12:28:15 AM||   2004-05-22 12:28:15 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 Double clicking again MNN?
Posted by Lucky 2004-05-22 12:31:05 AM||   2004-05-22 12:31:05 AM|| Front Page Top

#9 NMM, most military shop talk focuses on what's for dinner (and whether it will suck,) sports and what things I plan to do in the first two weeks of my return CONUS.
Soldiers routinely talk about their chain of command and whether they are morons - amongst themselves. (The scene in Blackhawk down where the soldier gets caught imitating his Captain is accurate.)
Evidently, my voice is a cross between Kermit the Frog and Fozzi Bear, so my imitators usually broke up the room when I got upset or did something else entertaining.
You won't find soldiers speaking to the Press, though without authorization, because that is a UCMJ offence. All soldiers know this. Usually soldiers with a beef will pass the info to their spouse or mother who can take up the issue with their Congressman.
This guy is a moron on many different levels. Not only has he committed a basic offence that will surely be punished. He has embarrassed his unit (read buddies) by spouting hearsay.
Posted by Super Hose 2004-05-22 3:26:10 AM||   2004-05-22 3:26:10 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 Thank GOD I finally found some folks that are making sense. I know Provance and he is a horrible NCO...and incredibly dumb, too. You guys are exactly right, he never saw jack. And for saying, "there definately is a cover-up," he will be disciplined because his chain of command told him not to say anything unless he new it to be absolutely true...and then he should go through the proper military channels. He didn't.
Posted by NCO 2004-05-27 6:49:59 PM||   2004-05-27 6:49:59 PM|| Front Page Top

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