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2004-03-22 Europe
Zapatero wants to alter war on terror
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Posted by Steve White 2004-03-22 12:07:34 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [24 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Yeah....Zapatero just signed off on the death sentences of hundreds or thousands of folk inhabiting Spain as ETA blasts it way to Basque independence, and al-Qa'ida hurries up that Spaniardi withdrawal from Iraq with another mass casualty event or two. IF the Spaniards have an impeachment process, look for them to toss Zapatero before year's end.
Posted by Anonymous 2004-3-22 12:33:12 AM||   2004-3-22 12:33:12 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Question is, who's going to be the coalition partners for Zappie and the PSOE in the gov't? They need at least two parties to join them, as I recall the final vote. If Zappie blunders his way into more ETA and al-Q violence there won't be need for impeachment, they'll just have a no-confidence vote.
Posted by Steve White  2004-3-22 12:36:53 AM||   2004-3-22 12:36:53 AM|| Front Page Top

#3 This is rich. Zappo claims that he has an even better way than Bush to combat terrorism. Say that's so.

But then shouldn't the Spaniards be getting ready for even worse attacks from the Izzies? Why isn't Zappo advising his citizens to be more prepared than ever for Izzy terrorism?

Because he knows as well as you and me that his talk of combatting terrorism "more effectively" is just cover for running and hiding.... pathetic.
Posted by WUZZALIB  2004-3-22 12:39:27 AM||   2004-3-22 12:39:27 AM|| Front Page Top

#4 Ignore the fool, but be polite, and go our separate ways. When the next boom goes off, give them our sympathy.
Posted by ed 2004-3-22 12:40:03 AM||   2004-3-22 12:40:03 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Senor Presedente, any time both ETA and al-Queda are praising you, that ought to tell you to re-evaluate your position. If you can't see that, then you are a hopeless fool. Good luck. Write when you find work.
Posted by mojo  2004-3-22 12:43:05 AM||   2004-3-22 12:43:05 AM|| Front Page Top

#6 Iraq was a "great error" .... Good intelligence, not military action, is the key to success, Zapatero told El Pais. He's been reading Kerry's campaign speechs.
Posted by GK 2004-3-22 2:01:05 AM||   2004-3-22 2:01:05 AM|| Front Page Top

#7 This fool is crazy.
I (almost) feel sorry for the Spanish people, but they had to have him.
Aznar and his PP did a great job, both in fighting terrorism and enlivening the Spanish economy.
They deserved to get reelected.
Après Zappo, la deluge.
Posted by Jen  2004-3-22 2:28:31 AM|| []  2004-3-22 2:28:31 AM|| Front Page Top

#8 Question is, who's going to be the coalition partners for Zappie and the PSOE in the gov't?

Either regionalist Parties, or the Communist Party are the likely choices I believe.
Posted by Paul Moloney 2004-3-22 3:19:29 AM||   2004-3-22 3:19:29 AM|| Front Page Top

It seems to me that new Socialist government will soon do what Zaperto is now publicly declaring it will do. Spain will much more aggressively collect actionable information about radicals who have been operating too freely in Spain. Zaperto's political support for this effort will be broad and deep. There will be practically no Spanish political oppostion to this effort.
Posted by Mike Sylwester  2004-3-22 3:22:25 AM||   2004-3-22 3:22:25 AM|| Front Page Top

#10 Msybe not the 'official' communist Party. The United Left (Izquierdo Unido) has been mentinoed as a partner in the Government for the Socialists.They amount to being the Greens, with a less Marxist programthan the official Commnist party
Posted by Texican  2004-3-22 5:20:31 AM||   2004-3-22 5:20:31 AM|| Front Page Top

#11 Continental Europe is going to be indulging its instincts for timidity, caution and appeasement for the foreseeable future.

Maybe something will happen to knock them out of their delusional torpor, but for now they're out of the fight.

Posted by Dave D.  2004-3-22 6:46:47 AM||   2004-3-22 6:46:47 AM|| Front Page Top

#12 Remember that the Socialists used death squads against suspected ETA members in the 80's, so they haven't always been soft on terrorism
Posted by Paul Moloney 2004-3-22 7:37:13 AM||   2004-3-22 7:37:13 AM|| Front Page Top

#13 Spain will much more aggressively collect actionable information about radicals who have been operating too freely in Spain

Mike -
thank you for clearly illustrating the point that I have been trying to get across for about a week. In fact, I just wrote on it under, The Hunt for Zougam's Cell.

That's all Spain is going to do - collect information. Big file drawers, with more and more links, more and more information. Small groups of guys with clearances, greedily hoarding the information so that they can make impressive powerpoint briefs that result in no action whatsoever - except further study. Never wanting to actually arrest anyone, because it will tip off the bad guys and hinder their ability to collect even more.

And after each bomb goes off, they will be happy, because with each bomb that goes off, it allows them to continue to collect more. So what good is that?

I'm convinced this is the biggest flaw in our intelligence services that we have. This lack of sharing and acting on valuable information, in the effort to acquire more. Certainly, it caused many deaths in both the USA on 911 and now in Spain.
Posted by B 2004-3-22 7:39:33 AM||   2004-3-22 7:39:33 AM|| Front Page Top

#14 The Spanish people are still our allies. Nobody flipped us the bird when we elected Jimmy Carter.

Have patience and let this play out. Remember that there was pre-election negotiating between the Socialists and ETA -Secret meeting with Eta hits Socialist poll hopes. If ETA assisted in the bombing - the tide will change rapidly and many national resistance groups will be in trouble.
Posted by Super Hose  2004-3-22 8:43:22 AM||   2004-3-22 8:43:22 AM|| Front Page Top

#15 GK -- He's probably been writing Kerry's campaign speeches.
Posted by Tibor 2004-3-22 10:26:09 AM||   2004-3-22 10:26:09 AM|| Front Page Top

#16 The Spanish people are still our allies. Nobody flipped us the bird when we elected Jimmy Carter.

Not exactly.... I did for one.
But the point is taken... Spain will come around, and perhaps even France, it's just a matter of time for them. There's a bio bomb already slowly exploding and eventually it will be recognized.
Posted by Shipman 2004-3-22 10:47:01 AM||   2004-3-22 10:47:01 AM|| Front Page Top

#17 SH, well, not quite--I'd say the Iranians flipped us the bird big time and then there were the Russians invading Afghanistan...
The Left knows how to say "Hello" to one of their own.
Posted by Jen  2004-3-22 12:03:38 PM|| []  2004-3-22 12:03:38 PM|| Front Page Top

#18 Paz, huh? Wasn't it George Washington who said, "If you want peace, you must prepare for war?" It logically follows that at some point you may have to actually fight that war. That's the part Europe seems to have trouble with . . .

He's got a point about us needing better intelligence. Otherwise, how would we know where to drop the MOABs?
Posted by The Doctor 2004-3-22 8:32:33 PM||   2004-3-22 8:32:33 PM|| Front Page Top

Zapatero wants to alter war on terror
Yeah, he wants to lose.
Posted by Barbara Skolaut  2004-3-22 11:39:11 PM||   2004-3-22 11:39:11 PM|| Front Page Top

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